Ejemplo n.º 1
// Example_boxPlots draws vertical boxplots.
func Example_boxPlots() *plot.Plot {
	n := 100
	uniform := make(plotter.Values, n)
	normal := make(plotter.Values, n)
	expon := make(plotter.Values, n)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		uniform[i] = rand.Float64()
		normal[i] = rand.NormFloat64()
		expon[i] = rand.ExpFloat64()

	p, err := plot.New()
	if err != nil {
	p.Title.Text = "Box Plot"
	p.Y.Label.Text = "plotter.Values"

	// Make boxes for our data and add them to the plot.
	p.Add(must(plotter.NewBoxPlot(vg.Points(20), 0, uniform)).(*plotter.BoxPlot),
		must(plotter.NewBoxPlot(vg.Points(20), 1, normal)).(*plotter.BoxPlot),
		must(plotter.NewBoxPlot(vg.Points(20), 2, expon)).(*plotter.BoxPlot))

	// Set the X axis of the plot to nominal with
	// the given names for x=0, x=1 and x=2.
	p.NominalX("Uniform\nDistribution", "Normal\nDistribution",
	return p
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Example_groupedBoxPlots draws vertical boxplots.
func Example_groupedBoxPlots() *plot.Plot {
	n := 100
	uniform := make(plotter.Values, n)
	normal := make(plotter.Values, n)
	expon := make(plotter.Values, n)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		uniform[i] = rand.Float64()
		normal[i] = rand.NormFloat64()
		expon[i] = rand.ExpFloat64()

	p, err := plot.New()
	if err != nil {
	p.Title.Text = "Box Plot"
	p.Y.Label.Text = "plotter.Values"

	w := vg.Points(20)
	for x := 0.0; x < 3.0; x++ {
		b0 := must(plotter.NewBoxPlot(w, x, uniform)).(*plotter.BoxPlot)
		b0.Offset = -w - vg.Points(3)
		b1 := must(plotter.NewBoxPlot(w, x, normal)).(*plotter.BoxPlot)
		b2 := must(plotter.NewBoxPlot(w, x, expon)).(*plotter.BoxPlot)
		b2.Offset = w + vg.Points(3)
		p.Add(b0, b1, b2)

	// Set the X axis of the plot to nominal with
	// the given names for x=0, x=1 and x=2.
	p.NominalX("Group 0", "Group 1", "Group 2")
	return p
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Example_verticalBoxPlots draws vertical boxplots
// with some labels on their points.
func Example_verticalBoxPlots() *plot.Plot {
	n := 100
	uniform := make(valueLabels, n)
	normal := make(valueLabels, n)
	expon := make(valueLabels, n)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		uniform[i].Value = rand.Float64()
		uniform[i].Label = fmt.Sprintf("%4.4f", uniform[i].Value)
		normal[i].Value = rand.NormFloat64()
		normal[i].Label = fmt.Sprintf("%4.4f", normal[i].Value)
		expon[i].Value = rand.ExpFloat64()
		expon[i].Label = fmt.Sprintf("%4.4f", expon[i].Value)

	p, err := plot.New()
	if err != nil {
	p.Title.Text = "Box Plot"
	p.Y.Label.Text = "plotter.Values"

	// Make boxes for our data and add them to the plot.
	uniBox := must(plotter.NewBoxPlot(vg.Points(20), 0, uniform)).(*plotter.BoxPlot)
	uniLabels, err := uniBox.OutsideLabels(uniform)
	if err != nil {

	normBox := must(plotter.NewBoxPlot(vg.Points(20), 1, normal)).(*plotter.BoxPlot)
	normLabels, err := normBox.OutsideLabels(normal)
	if err != nil {

	expBox := must(plotter.NewBoxPlot(vg.Points(20), 2, expon)).(*plotter.BoxPlot)
	expLabels, err := expBox.OutsideLabels(expon)
	if err != nil {

	p.Add(uniBox, uniLabels, normBox, normLabels, expBox, expLabels)

	// Set the X axis of the plot to nominal with
	// the given names for x=0, x=1 and x=2.
	p.NominalX("Uniform\nDistribution", "Normal\nDistribution",
	return p
Ejemplo n.º 4
// AddBoxPlots adds box plot plotters to a plot and
// sets the X axis of the plot to be nominal.
// The variadic arguments must be either strings
// or plotter.Valuers.  Each valuer adds a box plot
// to the plot at the X location corresponding to
// the number of box plots added before it.  If a
// plotter.Valuer is immediately preceeded by a
// string then the string value is used to label the
// tick mark for the box plot's X location.
// If an error occurs then none of the plotters are added
// to the plot, and the error is returned.
func AddBoxPlots(plt *plot.Plot, width vg.Length, vs ...interface{}) error {
	var ps []plot.Plotter
	var names []string
	name := ""
	for _, v := range vs {
		switch t := v.(type) {
		case string:
			name = t

		case plotter.Valuer:
			b, err := plotter.NewBoxPlot(width, float64(len(names)), t)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			ps = append(ps, b)
			names = append(names, name)
			name = ""

			panic(fmt.Sprintf("AddBoxPlots handles strings and plotter.Valuers, got %T", t))
	return nil