Ejemplo n.º 1
func TestBlockStat_01(t *testing.T) {
	bs := BlockStat{}

	_, seckey := cipher.GenerateKeyPair()
	hash := cipher.SumSHA256(secp256k1.RandByte(888))
	sig := cipher.SignHash(hash, seckey)

	var r int = -1

	r = bs.try_add_hash_and_sig(hash, cipher.Sig{})
	if r != 4 {
		t.Log("BlockStat::try_add_hash_and_sig() failed to detect invalid signature.")
	r = bs.try_add_hash_and_sig(cipher.SHA256{}, sig)
	if r != 4 {
		t.Log("BlockStat::try_add_hash_and_sig() failed to detect invalid hash and signature.")
	r = bs.try_add_hash_and_sig(cipher.SHA256{}, cipher.Sig{})
	if r != 4 {
		t.Log("BlockStat::try_add_hash_and_sig() failed to detect invalid hash and signature.")

	//signer_pubkey, err := cipher.PubKeyFromSig(cipher.Sig{}, cipher.SHA256{})
	//if err != nil {
	//fmt.Printf("Got pubkey='%s' from all-zero sig and all-zero hash.\n", signer_pubkey.Hex())

	bs.frozen = true
	r2 := bs.try_add_hash_and_sig(hash, sig)
	if r2 != 3 {
		t.Log("BlockStat::try_add_hash_and_sig() failed to detect frozen.")
	bs.frozen = false

	r3 := bs.try_add_hash_and_sig(hash, sig)
	if r3 != 0 {
		t.Log("BlockStat::try_add_hash_and_sig() failed to add.")

	sig2 := cipher.SignHash(hash, seckey) // Redo signing.
	r4 := bs.try_add_hash_and_sig(hash, sig2)
	if r4 != 1 {
		t.Log("BlockStat::try_add_hash_and_sig() failed to detect duplicate (hash,pubkey).")

	r5 := bs.try_add_hash_and_sig(hash, sig)
	if r5 != 1 {
		t.Log("BlockStat::try_add_hash_and_sig() failed to detect duplicate (hash,sig).")

Ejemplo n.º 2
//sign a block with seckey
func (bc *BlockChain) SignBlock(seckey cipher.SecKey, block *Block) {
	//set signature
	if PubKeyHash(cipher.PubKeyFromSecKey(seckey)) != bc.Genesis().Head.PrevHash {
		log.Panic("NewBlock, invalid sec key")
	block.Sig = cipher.SignHash(block.Head.Hash(), seckey)
Ejemplo n.º 3
func createGenesisSignature(master wallet.WalletEntry) cipher.Sig {
	c := NewVisorConfig()
	bc := coin.NewBlockchain()
	gb := bc.CreateGenesisBlock(master.Address, c.GenesisTimestamp,
	return cipher.SignHash(gb.HashHeader(), master.Secret)
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Signs a block for master.  Will panic if anything is invalid
func (self *Visor) SignBlock(b coin.Block) SignedBlock {
	if !self.Config.IsMaster {
		log.Panic("Only master chain can sign blocks")
	sig := cipher.SignHash(b.HashHeader(), self.Config.BlockchainSeckey)
	sb := SignedBlock{
		Block: b,
		Sig:   sig,
	return sb
Ejemplo n.º 5
// addBlockToBlockchain test helper function
// Adds 2 blocks to the blockchain and return an unspent that has >0 coin hours
func addBlockToBlockchain(t *testing.T, bc *Blockchain) (coin.Block, coin.UxOut) {
	// Split the genesis block into two transactions
	assert.Equal(t, len(bc.GetUnspent().Array()), 1)
	ux := bc.GetUnspent().Array()[0]
	assert.Equal(t, ux.Body.Address, genAddress)
	pub := cipher.PubKeyFromSecKey(genSecret)
	assert.Equal(t, genAddress, cipher.AddressFromPubKey(pub))
	sig := cipher.SignHash(ux.Hash(), genSecret)
	assert.Nil(t, cipher.ChkSig(ux.Body.Address, ux.Hash(), sig))

	tx, sec := makeTransactionForChainWithHoursFee(t, bc, ux, genSecret, 0, 0)
	b, err := bc.NewBlockFromTransactions(coin.Transactions{tx}, _incTime)
	assert.Nil(t, err)
	assertExecuteBlock(t, bc, b, tx)
	assert.Equal(t, len(bc.GetUnspent().Array()), 2)

	// Spend one of them
	// The other will have hours now
	ux = coin.UxOut{}
	for _, u := range bc.GetUnspent().Pool {
		if u.Body.Address != genAddress {
			ux = u
	assert.NotEqual(t, ux.Body.Address, cipher.Address{})
	assert.NotEqual(t, ux.Body.Address, genAddress)
	pub = cipher.PubKeyFromSecKey(sec)
	addr := cipher.AddressFromPubKey(pub)
	assert.Equal(t, ux.Body.Address, addr)
	tx, _ = makeTransactionForChainWithHoursFee(t, bc, ux, sec, 0, 0)
	b, err = bc.NewBlockFromTransactions(coin.Transactions{tx},
	assert.Nil(t, err)
	assertExecuteBlock(t, bc, b, tx)
	assert.Equal(t, len(bc.GetUnspent().Array()), 2)

	// Check that the output in the 2nd block is owned by genesis,
	// and has coin hours
	for _, u := range bc.GetUnspent().Pool {
		if u.Body.Address == genAddress {
			ux = u
	assert.Equal(t, ux.Body.Address, genAddress)
	assert.Equal(t, ux.Head.BkSeq, uint64(1))
	assert.True(t, ux.CoinHours(bc.Time()) > 0)

	return b, ux
Ejemplo n.º 6
func TestBlockStat_02(t *testing.T) {
	bs := BlockStat{}

	hash1 := cipher.SumSHA256(secp256k1.RandByte(888))
	n1 := 3

	for i := 0; i < n1; i++ {
		_, seckey := cipher.GenerateKeyPair()
		sig := cipher.SignHash(hash1, seckey)
		bs.try_add_hash_and_sig(hash1, sig)

	hash2 := cipher.SumSHA256(secp256k1.RandByte(888))
	n2 := 2

	for i := 0; i < n2; i++ {
		_, seckey := cipher.GenerateKeyPair()
		sig := cipher.SignHash(hash2, seckey)
		bs.try_add_hash_and_sig(hash2, sig)

	hash3 := cipher.SumSHA256(secp256k1.RandByte(888))
	n3 := 1

	for i := 0; i < n3; i++ {
		_, seckey := cipher.GenerateKeyPair()
		sig := cipher.SignHash(hash3, seckey)
		bs.try_add_hash_and_sig(hash3, sig)

	best_hash, _, _ := bs.GetBestHashPubkeySig()
	if best_hash != hash1 {
		t.Log("BlockStat::try_add_hash_and_sig() or BlockStat::GetBestHashPubkeySig() issue.")
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Signs all inputs in the transaction
func (self *Transaction) SignInputs(keys []cipher.SecKey) {
	if len(self.Head.Sigs) != 0 {
		log.Panic("Transaction has been signed")
	if len(keys) != len(self.In) {
		log.Panic("Invalid number of keys")
	if len(keys) > math.MaxUint16 {
		log.Panic("Too many key")
	if len(keys) == 0 {
		log.Panic("No keys")
	sigs := make([]cipher.Sig, len(self.In))
	h := self.hashInner()
	for i, k := range keys {
		sigs[i] = cipher.SignHash(h, k)
	self.Head.Sigs = sigs
Ejemplo n.º 8
// Signs all inputs in the transaction
func (self *Transaction) SignInputs(keys []cipher.SecKey) {
	self.InnerHash = self.HashInner() //update hash

	if len(self.Sigs) != 0 {
		log.Panic("Transaction has been signed")
	if len(keys) != len(self.In) {
		log.Panic("Invalid number of keys")
	if len(keys) > math.MaxUint16 {
		log.Panic("Too many key")
	if len(keys) == 0 {
		log.Panic("No keys")
	sigs := make([]cipher.Sig, len(self.In))
	inner_hash := self.HashInner()
	for i, k := range keys {
		h := cipher.AddSHA256(inner_hash, self.In[i]) //hash to sign
		sigs[i] = cipher.SignHash(h, k)
	self.Sigs = sigs
Ejemplo n.º 9
// Reasons for this function: 1st, we want to minimize exposure of
// SecKey, even in same process space.  2nd, functions Sign and
// SignHash already exist, so want keep search/browse/jump-to-tag
// unambiguous.
func (self *ConsensusParticipant) SignatureOf(hash cipher.SHA256) cipher.Sig {

	// PERFORMANCE: This is expensive when cipher.DebugLevel2 or
	// cipher.DebugLevel1 are true:
	return cipher.SignHash(hash, self.Seckey)