Ejemplo n.º 1
func PopulateClusterDetails(bootstrapNode string, ctxt string) (*uuid.UUID, string, error) {
	out, err := cephapi_backend.GetCluster(bootstrapNode, ctxt)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("%s-Error getting cluster details. error: %v", ctxt, err)

	var cluster models.Cluster = models.Cluster{
		ClusterId: out.Id,
		Name:      out.Name,
		Type:      bigfin_conf.ProviderName,
	cluster.MonitoringInterval = monitoring.DefaultClusterMonitoringInterval
	cluster.Monitoring = models.MonitoringState{
		Plugins:    utils.GetProviderSpecificDefaultThresholdValues(),
		StaleNodes: []string{},
	cluster.CompatVersion = fmt.Sprintf("%f", bigfin_conf.ProviderConfig.Provider.CompatVersion)
	cluster.AutoExpand = true

	// Persist the cluster details
	sessionCopy := db.GetDatastore().Copy()
	defer sessionCopy.Close()
	coll := sessionCopy.DB(conf.SystemConfig.DBConfig.Database).C(models.COLL_NAME_STORAGE_CLUSTERS)
	if err := coll.Insert(cluster); err != nil {
		return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("%s-Error persisting the cluster. error: %v", ctxt, err)

	return &out.Id, out.Name, nil