Ejemplo n.º 1
func (as *assertsSuite) TestAssembleRoundtrip(c *C) {
	encoded := []byte("type: test-only\n" +
		"format: 1\n" +
		"authority-id: auth-id2\n" +
		"primary-key: abc\n" +
		"revision: 5\n" +
		"header1: value1\n" +
		"header2: value2\n" +
		"body-length: 8\n" +
		"sign-key-sha3-384: Jv8_JiHiIzJVcO9M55pPdqSDWUvuhfDIBJUS-3VW7F_idjix7Ffn5qMxB21ZQuij\n\n" +
		"THE-BODY" +
		"\n\n" +
	a, err := asserts.Decode(encoded)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	cont, sig := a.Signature()
	reassembled, err := asserts.Assemble(a.Headers(), a.Body(), cont, sig)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	c.Check(reassembled.Headers(), DeepEquals, a.Headers())
	c.Check(reassembled.Body(), DeepEquals, a.Body())

	reassembledEncoded := asserts.Encode(reassembled)
	c.Check(reassembledEncoded, DeepEquals, encoded)
Ejemplo n.º 2
// serialRequestToSerial converts a serial-request to a serial assertion
func serialRequestToSerial(assertion asserts.Assertion, signingLog *SigningLog) (asserts.Assertion, error) {

	// Create the serial assertion header from the serial-request headers
	serialHeaders := assertion.Headers()
	headers := map[string]interface{}{
		"type":                asserts.SerialType.Name,
		"authority-id":        serialHeaders["brand-id"],
		"brand-id":            serialHeaders["brand-id"],
		"serial":              serialHeaders["serial"],
		"device-key":          serialHeaders["device-key"],
		"sign-key-sha3-384":   serialHeaders["sign-key-sha3-384"],
		"device-key-sha3-384": serialHeaders["sign-key-sha3-384"],
		"model":               serialHeaders["model"],
		"timestamp":           time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339),

	// Get the serial-number from the header, but fallback to the body if it is not there
	if headers["serial"] == nil || headers["serial"].(string) == "" {
		// Decode the body which must be YAML, ignore errors
		body := make(map[string]interface{})
		yaml.Unmarshal(assertion.Body(), &body)

		// Get the extra headers from the body
		headers["serial"] = body["serial"]

	// Check that we have a serial
	if headers["serial"] == nil {
		logMessage("SIGN", "create-assertion", ErrorEmptySerial.Message)
		return nil, errors.New(ErrorEmptySerial.Message)

	// Check that we have not already signed this device, and get the max. revision number for the serial number
	signingLog.SerialNumber = headers["serial"].(string)
	duplicateExists, maxRevision, err := Environ.DB.CheckForDuplicate(signingLog)
	if err != nil {
		logMessage("SIGN", "duplicate-assertion", err.Error())
		return nil, errors.New(ErrorDuplicateAssertion.Message)
	if duplicateExists {
		logMessage("SIGN", "duplicate-assertion", "The serial number and/or device-key have already been used to sign a device")

	// Set the revision number, incrementing the previously used one
	signingLog.Revision = maxRevision + 1
	headers["revision"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", signingLog.Revision)

	// If we have a body, set the body length
	if len(assertion.Body()) > 0 {
		headers["body-length"] = serialHeaders["body-length"]

	// Create a new serial assertion
	content, signature := assertion.Signature()
	return asserts.Assemble(headers, assertion.Body(), content, signature)

Ejemplo n.º 3
func (as *assertsSuite) TestAssembleHeadersCheck(c *C) {
	cont := []byte("type: test-only\n" +
		"authority-id: auth-id2\n" +
		"primary-key: abc\n" +
		"revision: 5")
	headers := map[string]interface{}{
		"type":         "test-only",
		"authority-id": "auth-id2",
		"primary-key":  "abc",
		"revision":     5, // must be a string actually!

	_, err := asserts.Assemble(headers, nil, cont, nil)
	c.Check(err, ErrorMatches, `header "revision": header values must be strings or nested lists or maps with strings as the only scalars: 5`)
Ejemplo n.º 4
// serialRequestToSerial converts a serial-request to a serial assertion
func serialRequestToSerial(assertion asserts.Assertion) (asserts.Assertion, error) {
	headers := assertion.Headers()
	headers["type"] = asserts.SerialType.Name
	headers["authority-id"] = headers["brand-id"]
	headers["timestamp"] = time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339)
	delete(headers, "request-id")

	// Decode the body which must be YAML, ignore errors
	body := make(map[string]interface{})
	yaml.Unmarshal(assertion.Body(), &body)

	// Get the extra headers from the body
	headers["serial"] = body["serial"]

	// Create a new serial assertion
	content, signature := assertion.Signature()
	return asserts.Assemble(headers, assertion.Body(), content, signature)
