Ejemplo n.º 1
// Overwrite or re-insert a document, return the new document ID if re-inserted.
func (col *Collection) Update(id int, data []byte) (newID int, err error) {
	dataLen := len(data)
	if dataLen > DOC_MAX_ROOM {
		return 0, dberr.New(dberr.ErrorDocTooLarge, DOC_MAX_ROOM, dataLen)
	if id < 0 || id >= col.Used-DOC_HEADER || col.Buf[id] != 1 {
		return 0, dberr.New(dberr.ErrorNoDoc, id)
	currentDocRoom, _ := binary.Varint(col.Buf[id+1 : id+11])
	if currentDocRoom > DOC_MAX_ROOM {
		return 0, dberr.New(dberr.ErrorNoDoc, id)
	if docEnd := id + DOC_HEADER + int(currentDocRoom); docEnd >= col.Size {
		return 0, dberr.New(dberr.ErrorNoDoc, id)
	if dataLen <= int(currentDocRoom) {
		padding := id + DOC_HEADER + len(data)
		paddingEnd := id + DOC_HEADER + int(currentDocRoom)
		// Overwrite data and then overwrite padding
		copy(col.Buf[id+DOC_HEADER:padding], data)
		for ; padding < paddingEnd; padding += LEN_PADDING {
			copySize := LEN_PADDING
			if padding+LEN_PADDING >= paddingEnd {
				copySize = paddingEnd - padding
			copy(col.Buf[padding:padding+copySize], PADDING)
		return id, nil
	} else {
		// No enough room - re-insert the document
		return col.Insert(data)
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Close all file handles.
func (part *Partition) Close() error {

	var err error

	if e := part.col.Close(); e != nil {
		tdlog.CritNoRepeat("Failed to close %s: %v", part.col.Path, e)
		err = dberr.New(dberr.ErrorIO)
	if e := part.lookup.Close(); e != nil {
		tdlog.CritNoRepeat("Failed to close %s: %v", part.lookup.Path, e)
		err = dberr.New(dberr.ErrorIO)
	return err
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Find and retrieve a document by ID.
func (part *Partition) Read(id int) ([]byte, error) {
	physID := part.lookup.Get(id, 1)

	if len(physID) == 0 {
		return nil, dberr.New(dberr.ErrorNoDoc, id)

	data := part.col.Read(physID[0])

	if data == nil {
		return nil, dberr.New(dberr.ErrorNoDoc, id)

	return data, nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Value existence check (value != nil) using hash lookup.
func PathExistence(hasPath interface{}, expr map[string]interface{}, src *Col, result *map[int]struct{}) (err error) {
	// Figure out the path
	vecPath := make([]string, 0)
	if vecPathInterface, ok := hasPath.([]interface{}); ok {
		for _, v := range vecPathInterface {
			vecPath = append(vecPath, fmt.Sprint(v))
	} else {
		return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Expecting vector path, but %v given", hasPath))
	// Figure out result number limit
	intLimit := 0
	if limit, hasLimit := expr["limit"]; hasLimit {
		if floatLimit, ok := limit.(float64); ok {
			intLimit = int(floatLimit)
		} else if _, ok := limit.(int); ok {
			intLimit = limit.(int)
		} else {
			return dberr.New(dberr.ErrorExpectingInt, "limit", limit)
	jointPath := strings.Join(vecPath, INDEX_PATH_SEP)
	if _, indexed := src.indexPaths[jointPath]; !indexed {
		return dberr.New(dberr.ErrorNeedIndex, vecPath, expr)
	counter := 0
	partDiv := src.approxDocCount(false) / src.db.numParts / 4000 // collect approx. 4k document IDs in each iteration
	if partDiv == 0 {
	for iteratePart := 0; iteratePart < src.db.numParts; iteratePart++ {
		ht := src.hts[iteratePart][jointPath]
		for i := 0; i < partDiv; i++ {
			_, ids := ht.GetPartition(i, partDiv)
			for _, id := range ids {
				(*result)[id] = struct{}{}
				if counter == intLimit {
					return nil
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Value equity check ("attribute == value") using hash lookup.
func Lookup(lookupValue interface{}, expr map[string]interface{}, src *Col, result *map[int]struct{}) (err error) {
	// Figure out lookup path - JSON array "in"
	path, hasPath := expr["in"]
	if !hasPath {
		return errors.New("Missing lookup path `in`")
	vecPath := make([]string, 0)
	if vecPathInterface, ok := path.([]interface{}); ok {
		for _, v := range vecPathInterface {
			vecPath = append(vecPath, fmt.Sprint(v))
	} else {
		return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Expecting vector lookup path `in`, but %v given", path))
	// Figure out result number limit
	intLimit := int(0)
	if limit, hasLimit := expr["limit"]; hasLimit {
		if floatLimit, ok := limit.(float64); ok {
			intLimit = int(floatLimit)
		} else if _, ok := limit.(int); ok {
			intLimit = limit.(int)
		} else {
			return dberr.New(dberr.ErrorExpectingInt, "limit", limit)
	lookupStrValue := fmt.Sprint(lookupValue) // the value to look for
	lookupValueHash := StrHash(lookupStrValue)
	scanPath := strings.Join(vecPath, INDEX_PATH_SEP)
	if _, indexed := src.indexPaths[scanPath]; !indexed {
		return dberr.New(dberr.ErrorNeedIndex, scanPath, expr)
	num := lookupValueHash % src.db.numParts
	ht := src.hts[num][scanPath]
	vals := ht.Get(lookupValueHash, intLimit)
	for _, match := range vals {
		// Filter result to avoid hash collision
		if doc, err := src.read(match, false); err == nil {
			for _, v := range GetIn(doc, vecPath) {
				if fmt.Sprint(v) == lookupStrValue {
					(*result)[match] = struct{}{}
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Lock a document for exclusive update.
func (part *Partition) LockUpdate(id int) (err error) {
	if _, alreadyLocked := part.updating[id]; alreadyLocked {
		return dberr.New(dberr.ErrorDocLocked, id)
	part.updating[id] = struct{}{}
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Calculate complement of sub-query results.
func Complement(subExprs interface{}, src *Col, result *map[int]struct{}) (err error) {
	myResult := make(map[int]struct{})
	if subExprVecs, ok := subExprs.([]interface{}); ok {
		for _, subExpr := range subExprVecs {
			subResult := make(map[int]struct{})
			complement := make(map[int]struct{})
			if err = evalQuery(subExpr, src, &subResult, false); err != nil {
			for k := range subResult {
				if _, inBoth := myResult[k]; !inBoth {
					complement[k] = struct{}{}
			for k := range myResult {
				if _, inBoth := subResult[k]; !inBoth {
					complement[k] = struct{}{}
			myResult = complement
		for docID := range myResult {
			(*result)[docID] = struct{}{}
	} else {
		return dberr.New(dberr.ErrorExpectingSubQuery, subExprs)
Ejemplo n.º 8
// Calculate intersection of sub-query results.
func Intersect(subExprs interface{}, src *Col, result *map[int]struct{}) (err error) {
	myResult := make(map[int]struct{})
	if subExprVecs, ok := subExprs.([]interface{}); ok {
		first := true
		for _, subExpr := range subExprVecs {
			subResult := make(map[int]struct{})
			intersection := make(map[int]struct{})
			if err = evalQuery(subExpr, src, &subResult, false); err != nil {
			if first {
				myResult = subResult
				first = false
			} else {
				for k := range subResult {
					if _, inBoth := myResult[k]; inBoth {
						intersection[k] = struct{}{}
				myResult = intersection
		for docID := range myResult {
			(*result)[docID] = struct{}{}
	} else {
		return dberr.New(dberr.ErrorExpectingSubQuery, subExprs)
Ejemplo n.º 9
// Delete a document.
func (part *Partition) Delete(id int) (err error) {
	physID := part.lookup.Get(id, 1)
	if len(physID) == 0 {
		return dberr.New(dberr.ErrorNoDoc, id)
	part.lookup.Remove(id, physID[0])
Ejemplo n.º 10
// Delete a document by ID.
func (col *Collection) Delete(id int) error {

	if id < 0 || id > col.Used-DOC_HEADER || col.Buf[id] != 1 {
		return dberr.New(dberr.ErrorNoDoc, id)

	if col.Buf[id] == 1 {
		col.Buf[id] = 0

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 11
// Update a document.
func (part *Partition) Update(id int, data []byte) (err error) {
	physID := part.lookup.Get(id, 1)
	if len(physID) == 0 {
		return dberr.New(dberr.ErrorNoDoc, id)
	newID, err := part.col.Update(physID[0], data)
	if err != nil {
	if newID != physID[0] {
		part.lookup.Remove(id, physID[0])
		part.lookup.Put(id, newID)
Ejemplo n.º 12
func evalQuery(q interface{}, src *Col, result *map[int]struct{}, placeSchemaLock bool) (err error) {
	if placeSchemaLock {
		defer src.db.schemaLock.RUnlock()
	switch expr := q.(type) {
	case []interface{}: // [sub query 1, sub query 2, etc]
		return EvalUnion(expr, src, result)
	case string:
		if expr == "all" {
			return EvalAllIDs(src, result)
		} else {
			// Might be single document number
			docID, err := strconv.ParseInt(expr, 10, 64)
			if err != nil {
				return dberr.New(dberr.ErrorExpectingInt, "Single Document ID", docID)
			(*result)[int(docID)] = struct{}{}
	case map[string]interface{}:
		if lookupValue, lookup := expr["eq"]; lookup { // eq - lookup
			return Lookup(lookupValue, expr, src, result)
		} else if hasPath, exist := expr["has"]; exist { // has - path existence test
			return PathExistence(hasPath, expr, src, result)
		} else if subExprs, intersect := expr["n"]; intersect { // n - intersection
			return Intersect(subExprs, src, result)
		} else if subExprs, complement := expr["c"]; complement { // c - complement
			return Complement(subExprs, src, result)
		} else if intFrom, htRange := expr["int-from"]; htRange { // int-from, int-to - integer range query
			return IntRange(intFrom, expr, src, result)
		} else if intFrom, htRange := expr["int from"]; htRange { // "int from, "int to" - integer range query - same as above, just without dash
			return IntRange(intFrom, expr, src, result)
		} else {
			return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Query %v does not contain any operation (lookup/union/etc)", expr))
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 13
// Insert a new document, return the new document ID.
func (col *Collection) Insert(data []byte) (id int, err error) {
	room := len(data) << 1
	if room > DOC_MAX_ROOM {
		return 0, dberr.New(dberr.ErrorDocTooLarge, DOC_MAX_ROOM, room)
	id = col.Used
	docSize := DOC_HEADER + room
	if err = col.EnsureSize(docSize); err != nil {
	col.Used += docSize
	// Write validity, room, document data and padding
	col.Buf[id] = 1
	binary.PutVarint(col.Buf[id+1:id+11], int64(room))
	copy(col.Buf[id+DOC_HEADER:col.Used], data)
	for padding := id + DOC_HEADER + len(data); padding < col.Used; padding += LEN_PADDING {
		copySize := LEN_PADDING
		if padding+LEN_PADDING >= col.Used {
			copySize = col.Used - padding
		copy(col.Buf[padding:padding+copySize], PADDING)
Ejemplo n.º 14
// Look for indexed integer values within the specified integer range.
func IntRange(intFrom interface{}, expr map[string]interface{}, src *Col, result *map[int]struct{}) (err error) {
	path, hasPath := expr["in"]
	if !hasPath {
		return errors.New("Missing path `in`")
	// Figure out the path
	vecPath := make([]string, 0)
	if vecPathInterface, ok := path.([]interface{}); ok {
		for _, v := range vecPathInterface {
			vecPath = append(vecPath, fmt.Sprint(v))
	} else {
		return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Expecting vector path `in`, but %v given", path))
	// Figure out result number limit
	intLimit := int(0)
	if limit, hasLimit := expr["limit"]; hasLimit {
		if floatLimit, ok := limit.(float64); ok {
			intLimit = int(floatLimit)
		} else if _, ok := limit.(int); ok {
			intLimit = limit.(int)
		} else {
			return dberr.New(dberr.ErrorExpectingInt, limit)
	// Figure out the range ("from" value & "to" value)
	from, to := int(0), int(0)
	if floatFrom, ok := intFrom.(float64); ok {
		from = int(floatFrom)
	} else if _, ok := intFrom.(int); ok {
		from = intFrom.(int)
	} else {
		return dberr.New(dberr.ErrorExpectingInt, "int-from", from)
	if intTo, ok := expr["int-to"]; ok {
		if floatTo, ok := intTo.(float64); ok {
			to = int(floatTo)
		} else if _, ok := intTo.(int); ok {
			to = intTo.(int)
		} else {
			return dberr.New(dberr.ErrorExpectingInt, "int-to", to)
	} else if intTo, ok := expr["int to"]; ok {
		if floatTo, ok := intTo.(float64); ok {
			to = int(floatTo)
		} else if _, ok := intTo.(int); ok {
			to = intTo.(int)
		} else {
			return dberr.New(dberr.ErrorExpectingInt, "int to", to)
	} else {
		return dberr.New(dberr.ErrorMissing, "int-to")
	if to > from && to-from > 1000 || from > to && from-to > 1000 {
		tdlog.CritNoRepeat("Query %v involves index lookup on more than 1000 values, which can be very inefficient", expr)
	counter := int(0) // Number of results already collected
	htPath := strings.Join(vecPath, ",")
	if _, indexScan := src.indexPaths[htPath]; !indexScan {
		return dberr.New(dberr.ErrorNeedIndex, vecPath, expr)
	if from < to {
		// Forward scan - from low value to high value
		for lookupValue := from; lookupValue <= to; lookupValue++ {
			lookupStrValue := fmt.Sprint(lookupValue)
			hashValue := StrHash(lookupStrValue)
			vals := src.hashScan(htPath, hashValue, int(intLimit))
			for _, docID := range vals {
				if intLimit > 0 && counter == intLimit {
				counter += 1
				(*result)[docID] = struct{}{}
	} else {
		// Backward scan - from high value to low value
		for lookupValue := from; lookupValue >= to; lookupValue-- {
			lookupStrValue := fmt.Sprint(lookupValue)
			hashValue := StrHash(lookupStrValue)
			vals := src.hashScan(htPath, hashValue, int(intLimit))
			for _, docID := range vals {
				if intLimit > 0 && counter == intLimit {
				counter += 1
				(*result)[docID] = struct{}{}