Ejemplo n.º 1
func TestAssets(t *testing.T) {
	assets := auto.Assets()
	idx, ok := assets["index.html"]
	if !ok {
		t.Fatal("No index.html in compiled in assets")
	if !bytes.Contains(idx, []byte("<html")) {
		t.Fatal("No html in index.html")
Ejemplo n.º 2
func TestAssets(t *testing.T) {
	assets := auto.Assets()
	idx, ok := assets["index.html"]
	if !ok {
		t.Fatal("No index.html in compiled in assets")

	var gr *gzip.Reader
	gr, _ = gzip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(idx))
	idx, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(gr)

	if !bytes.Contains(idx, []byte("<html")) {
		t.Fatal("No html in index.html")
Ejemplo n.º 3
func embeddedStatic(assetDir string) http.Handler {
	assets := auto.Assets()

	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		file := r.URL.Path

		if file[0] == '/' {
			file = file[1:]

		if len(file) == 0 {
			file = "index.html"

		if assetDir != "" {
			p := filepath.Join(assetDir, filepath.FromSlash(file))
			_, err := os.Stat(p)
			if err == nil {
				http.ServeFile(w, r, p)

		bs, ok := assets[file]
		if !ok {
			http.NotFound(w, r)

		mtype := mimeTypeForFile(file)
		if len(mtype) != 0 {
			w.Header().Set("Content-Type", mtype)
		w.Header().Set("Content-Length", fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(bs)))
		w.Header().Set("Last-Modified", modt)

Ejemplo n.º 4
func (s *apiSvc) Serve() {
	s.stop = make(chan struct{})

	l.AddHandler(logger.LevelWarn, s.showGuiError)

	// The GET handlers
	getRestMux := http.NewServeMux()
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/db/completion", s.getDBCompletion)              // device folder
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/db/file", s.getDBFile)                          // folder file
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/db/ignores", s.getDBIgnores)                    // folder
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/db/need", s.getDBNeed)                          // folder [perpage] [page]
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/db/status", s.getDBStatus)                      // folder
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/db/browse", s.getDBBrowse)                      // folder [prefix] [dirsonly] [levels]
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/events", s.getEvents)                           // since [limit]
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/stats/device", s.getDeviceStats)                // -
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/stats/folder", s.getFolderStats)                // -
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/svc/deviceid", s.getDeviceID)                   // id
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/svc/lang", s.getLang)                           // -
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/svc/report", s.getReport)                       // -
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/system/browse", s.getSystemBrowse)              // current
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/system/config", s.getSystemConfig)              // -
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/system/config/insync", s.getSystemConfigInsync) // -
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/system/connections", s.getSystemConnections)    // -
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/system/discovery", s.getSystemDiscovery)        // -
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/system/error", s.getSystemError)                // -
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/system/ping", s.restPing)                       // -
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/system/status", s.getSystemStatus)              // -
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/system/upgrade", s.getSystemUpgrade)            // -
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/system/version", s.getSystemVersion)            // -

	// The POST handlers
	postRestMux := http.NewServeMux()
	postRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/db/prio", s.postDBPrio)                      // folder file [perpage] [page]
	postRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/db/ignores", s.postDBIgnores)                // folder
	postRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/db/override", s.postDBOverride)              // folder
	postRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/db/scan", s.postDBScan)                      // folder [sub...] [delay]
	postRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/system/config", s.postSystemConfig)          // <body>
	postRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/system/discovery", s.postSystemDiscovery)    // device addr
	postRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/system/error", s.postSystemError)            // <body>
	postRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/system/error/clear", s.postSystemErrorClear) // -
	postRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/system/ping", s.restPing)                    // -
	postRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/system/reset", s.postSystemReset)            // [folder]
	postRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/system/restart", s.postSystemRestart)        // -
	postRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/system/shutdown", s.postSystemShutdown)      // -
	postRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/system/upgrade", s.postSystemUpgrade)        // -

	// Debug endpoints, not for general use
	getRestMux.HandleFunc("/rest/debug/peerCompletion", s.getPeerCompletion)

	// A handler that splits requests between the two above and disables
	// caching
	restMux := noCacheMiddleware(getPostHandler(getRestMux, postRestMux))

	// The main routing handler
	mux := http.NewServeMux()
	mux.Handle("/rest/", restMux)
	mux.HandleFunc("/qr/", s.getQR)

	// Serve compiled in assets unless an asset directory was set (for development)
	mux.Handle("/", embeddedStatic{
		assetDir: s.assetDir,
		assets:   auto.Assets(),

	// Wrap everything in CSRF protection. The /rest prefix should be
	// protected, other requests will grant cookies.
	handler := csrfMiddleware(s.id.String()[:5], "/rest", s.cfg.APIKey, mux)

	// Add our version and ID as a header to responses
	handler = withDetailsMiddleware(s.id, handler)

	// Wrap everything in basic auth, if user/password is set.
	if len(s.cfg.User) > 0 && len(s.cfg.Password) > 0 {
		handler = basicAuthAndSessionMiddleware("sessionid-"+s.id.String()[:5], s.cfg, handler)

	// Redirect to HTTPS if we are supposed to
	if s.cfg.UseTLS {
		handler = redirectToHTTPSMiddleware(handler)

	if debugHTTP {
		handler = debugMiddleware(handler)

	srv := http.Server{
		Handler:     handler,
		ReadTimeout: 10 * time.Second,

	s.fss = newFolderSummarySvc(s.model)
	defer s.fss.Stop()

	l.Infoln("API listening on", s.listener.Addr())
	err := srv.Serve(s.listener)

	// The return could be due to an intentional close. Wait for the stop
	// signal before returning. IF there is no stop signal within a second, we
	// assume it was unintentional and log the error before retrying.
	select {
	case <-s.stop:
	case <-time.After(time.Second):
		l.Warnln("API:", err)