Ejemplo n.º 1
func homeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	username := auth.GetUserName(req)
	text, err := ioutil.ReadFile("static/sitetext/home")
	checkErr(err, "Could not load static text")
	context := Context{
		Title:      "Scrambled Spirits Collective",
		Username:   username,
		StaticText: template.HTML(text),
	db.Order("created_at desc").Find(&context.Posts) // Fills context.Posts with posts from the database.
	err = render(w, context, "templates/main.html")
	checkErr(err, "Problem generating homepage")
Ejemplo n.º 2
// TODO Restructure - subfunctions (error handling)
func editHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	context := Context{Username: auth.GetUserName(req)}
	context.Posts = append(context.Posts, models.Post{})
	if context.Username != "" { // If they have an authentication cookie
		post := &context.Posts[0]
		if len(req.URL.Path[len("/edit/"):]) > 0 { // If a post ID is referred to in the URL
			urlID, err := strconv.Atoi(req.URL.Path[len("/edit/"):]) //Get the target post ID from URL
			checkErr(err, "Could not get postID from URL")
			post.ID = uint(urlID)
			db.FirstOrCreate(post) // If db contains post.ID, copy the entry to post; else create an entry
		switch req.Method {
		case "GET":
			err := render(w, context, "templates/edit.html")
			checkErr(err, "Could not render Edit template")
		case "POST":
			if len(req.FormValue("refreshButton")) > 0 { // Check whether they pressed the "update" button
			} else if len(req.FormValue("deleteButton")) > 0 { // Check whether they pressed the "delete" button
				for artistName, _ := range ArtistContextMap {
					db.Table("Tag"+artistName).Where("post_id = ?", post.ID).Delete(models.Tag{})
			} else if len(req.FormValue("saveButton")) > 0 { // Check whether they pressed the "save" button
				post.Title = req.FormValue("title")
				post.Author = req.FormValue("author")
				post.Body = req.FormValue("body")
				db.Save(&post) // TODO look into "bind" library for getting form values & converting to/from time.Time
				for key := range ArtistContextMap {
					err := checkTagCheckbox(key, post.ID, req)
					checkErr(err, "Problem parsing 'tag' checkboxes.")
			http.Redirect(w, req, "/", 302)
	} else { // If no auth cookie
		http.NotFound(w, req)