Ejemplo n.º 1
// Test the MapReduce function with a scenario, where orders are analyzed
// and a list of the analyzed articles will be returned
func TestMapReduce(t *testing.T) {
	assert := audit.NewTestingAssertion(t, true)
	// Create MapReducer and let the show begin.
	mr := &OrderMapReducer{200000, make(map[int][]*OrderItem), make(map[string]*OrderItemAnalysis), assert}
	err := mapreduce.MapReduce(mr)
	// Asserts.
	assert.Equal(len(mr.items), len(mr.analyses), "all items are analyzed")
	for _, analysis := range mr.analyses {
		quantity := 0
		amount := 0.0
		discount := 0.0
		items := mr.items[analysis.ArticleNo]
		for _, item := range items {
			unitDiscount := (item.UnitPrice / 100.0) * item.DiscountPerc
			totalDiscount := unitDiscount * float64(item.Count)
			totalAmount := (item.UnitPrice - unitDiscount) * float64(item.Count)

			quantity += item.Count
			amount += totalAmount
			discount += totalDiscount
		assert.Equal(quantity, analysis.Quantity, "quantity per article")
		assert.About(amount, analysis.Amount, 0.01, "amount per article")
		assert.About(discount, analysis.Discount, 0.01, "discount per article")
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Benchmark the MapReduce function.
func BenchmarkMapReduce(b *testing.B) {
	assert := audit.NewPanicAssertion()
	mr := &OrderMapReducer{b.N, make(map[int][]*OrderItem), make(map[string]*OrderItemAnalysis), assert}