Ejemplo n.º 1
func (h *JSONHandler) firstCall(ctx context.Context, req *TracingRequest) (*TracingResponse, error) {
	jctx := json.Wrap(ctx)
	response := new(TracingResponse)
	peer := h.Ch.Peers().GetOrAdd(h.Ch.PeerInfo().HostPort)
	if err := json.CallPeer(jctx, peer, h.Ch.PeerInfo().ServiceName, "call", req, response); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return response, nil
Ejemplo n.º 2
func (h *jsonHandler) callDownstream(ctx context.Context, target *Downstream) (*Response, error) {
	req := &Request{
		ServerRole: target.ServerRole,
		Downstream: target.Downstream,
	jctx := json.Wrap(ctx)
	response := new(Response)
	log.Printf("Calling JSON service %s (%s)", target.ServiceName, target.HostPort)
	peer := h.ch.Peers().GetOrAdd(target.HostPort)
	if err := json.CallPeer(jctx, peer, target.ServiceName, jsonEndpoint, req, response); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return response, nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Per https://github.com/uber/tchannel-go/issues/505, concurrent client calls
// made with the same shared map used as headers were causing panic due to
// concurrent writes to the map when injecting tracing headers.
func TestReusableHeaders(t *testing.T) {
	opts := &testutils.ChannelOpts{
		ChannelOptions: ChannelOptions{Tracer: mocktracer.New()},
	WithVerifiedServer(t, opts, func(ch *Channel, hostPort string) {
		jsonHandler := &JSONHandler{TraceHandler: testtracing.TraceHandler{Ch: ch}, t: t}
		json.Register(ch, json.Handlers{"call": jsonHandler.callJSON}, jsonHandler.onError)

		span := ch.Tracer().StartSpan("client")
		traceID := span.(*mocktracer.MockSpan).SpanContext.TraceID // for validation
		ctx := opentracing.ContextWithSpan(context.Background(), span)

		sharedHeaders := map[string]string{"life": "42"}
		ctx, cancel := NewContextBuilder(2 * time.Second).
		defer cancel()

		peer := ch.Peers().GetOrAdd(ch.PeerInfo().HostPort)

		var wg sync.WaitGroup
		for i := 0; i < 42; i++ {
			go func() {
				defer wg.Done()
				var response testtracing.TracingResponse
				err := json.CallPeer(json.Wrap(ctx), peer, ch.ServiceName(),
					"call", &testtracing.TracingRequest{}, &response)
				assert.NoError(t, err, "json.Call failed")
				assert.EqualValues(t, traceID, response.TraceID, "traceID must match")
		assert.Equal(t, map[string]string{"life": "42"}, sharedHeaders, "headers unchanged")
Ejemplo n.º 4
func TestTracingSpanAttributes(t *testing.T) {
	tracer := mocktracer.New()

	opts := &testutils.ChannelOpts{
		ChannelOptions: ChannelOptions{Tracer: tracer},
		DisableRelay:   true,
	WithVerifiedServer(t, opts, func(ch *Channel, hostPort string) {
		// Register JSON handler
		jsonHandler := &JSONHandler{TraceHandler: testtracing.TraceHandler{Ch: ch}, t: t}
		json.Register(ch, json.Handlers{"call": jsonHandler.callJSON}, jsonHandler.onError)

		span := ch.Tracer().StartSpan("client")
		span.SetBaggageItem(testtracing.BaggageKey, testtracing.BaggageValue)
		ctx := opentracing.ContextWithSpan(context.Background(), span)
		root := new(testtracing.TracingResponse).ObserveSpan(ctx)

		ctx, cancel := NewContextBuilder(2 * time.Second).SetParentContext(ctx).Build()
		defer cancel()

		peer := ch.Peers().GetOrAdd(ch.PeerInfo().HostPort)
		var response testtracing.TracingResponse
		require.NoError(t, json.CallPeer(json.Wrap(ctx), peer, ch.PeerInfo().ServiceName,
			"call", &testtracing.TracingRequest{}, &response))

		// Spans are finished in inbound.doneSending() or outbound.doneReading(),
		// which are called on different go-routines and may execute *after* the
		// response has been received by the client. Give them a chance to finish.
		for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
			if spanCount := len(testtracing.MockTracerSampledSpans(tracer)); spanCount == 2 {
		spans := testtracing.MockTracerSampledSpans(tracer)
		spanCount := len(spans)
		ch.Logger().Debugf("end span count: %d", spanCount)

		// finish span after taking count of recorded spans

		require.Equal(t, 2, spanCount, "Wrong span count")
		assert.Equal(t, root.TraceID, response.TraceID, "Trace ID must match root span")
		assert.Equal(t, testtracing.BaggageValue, response.Luggage, "Baggage must match")

		var parent, child *mocktracer.MockSpan
		for _, s := range spans {
			if s.Tag("span.kind") == ext.SpanKindRPCClientEnum {
				parent = s
				ch.Logger().Debugf("Found parent span: %+v", s)
			} else if s.Tag("span.kind") == ext.SpanKindRPCServerEnum {
				child = s
				ch.Logger().Debugf("Found child span: %+v", s)

		require.NotNil(t, parent)
		require.NotNil(t, child)

		traceID := func(s opentracing.Span) int {
			return s.Context().(mocktracer.MockSpanContext).TraceID
		spanID := func(s *mocktracer.MockSpan) int {
			return s.Context().(mocktracer.MockSpanContext).SpanID
		sampled := func(s *mocktracer.MockSpan) bool {
			return s.Context().(mocktracer.MockSpanContext).Sampled

		require.Equal(t, traceID(span), traceID(parent), "parent must be found")
		require.Equal(t, traceID(span), traceID(child), "child must be found")
		assert.Equal(t, traceID(parent), traceID(child))
		assert.Equal(t, spanID(parent), child.ParentID)
		assert.True(t, sampled(parent), "should be sampled")
		assert.True(t, sampled(child), "should be sampled")
		assert.Equal(t, "call", parent.OperationName)
		assert.Equal(t, "call", child.OperationName)
		assert.Equal(t, "testService", parent.Tag("peer.service"))
		assert.Equal(t, "testService", child.Tag("peer.service"))
		assert.Equal(t, "json", parent.Tag("as"))
		assert.Equal(t, "json", child.Tag("as"))
		assert.NotNil(t, parent.Tag("peer.ipv4"))
		assert.NotNil(t, child.Tag("peer.ipv4"))
		assert.NotNil(t, parent.Tag("peer.port"))
		assert.NotNil(t, child.Tag("peer.port"))