Ejemplo n.º 1
// NewDatastore returns a Datastore.
// ctx is a context,
// s is an authenticated session
// ds is the vsphere datastore
// rootdir is the top level directory to root all data.  If root does not exist,
// it will be created.  If it already exists, NOOP. This cannot be empty.
func NewDatastore(ctx context.Context, s *session.Session, ds *object.Datastore, rootdir string) (*Datastore, error) {

	d := &Datastore{
		ds: ds,
		s:  s,
		fm: object.NewFileManager(s.Vim25()),

	if strings.HasPrefix(rootdir, "/") {
		rootdir = strings.TrimPrefix(rootdir, "/")

	// Get the root directory element split from the rest of the path (if there is one)
	root := strings.SplitN(rootdir, "/", 2)

	// Create the first element.  This handles vsan vmfs top level dirs.
	if err := d.mkRootDir(ctx, root[0]); err != nil {
		log.Infof("error creating root directory %s: %s", rootdir, err)
		return nil, err

	// Create the rest conventionally
	if len(root) > 1 {
		r, err := d.Mkdir(ctx, true, root[1])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		d.RootURL = r

	log.Infof("Datastore path is %s", d.RootURL)
	return d, nil
Ejemplo n.º 2
func Init(ctx context.Context, sess *session.Session, source extraconfig.DataSource, sink extraconfig.DataSink) error {

	initializer.once.Do(func() {
		var err error
		defer func() {
			initializer.err = err

		f := find.NewFinder(sess.Vim25(), false)

		var config Configuration
		config.sink = sink
		config.source = source
		config.PortGroups = make(map[string]object.NetworkReference)

		log.Debugf("Decoded VCH config for network: %#v", config)
		for nn, n := range config.ContainerNetworks {
			pgref := new(types.ManagedObjectReference)
			if !pgref.FromString(n.ID) {
				log.Warnf("Could not reacquire object reference from id for network %s: %s", nn, n.ID)

			var r object.Reference
			if r, err = f.ObjectReference(ctx, *pgref); err != nil {
				log.Warnf("could not get network reference for %s network: %s", nn, err)
				err = nil

			config.PortGroups[nn] = r.(object.NetworkReference)

		// make sure a NIC attached to the bridge network exists
		config.BridgeLink, err = getBridgeLink(&config)
		if err != nil {

		var kv kvstore.KeyValueStore
		kv, err = store.NewDatastoreKeyValue(ctx, sess, "network.contexts.default")
		if err != nil {

		var netctx *Context
		if netctx, err = NewContext(&config, kv); err != nil {

		if err = engageContext(ctx, netctx, exec.Config.EventManager); err == nil {
			DefaultContext = netctx
			log.Infof("Default network context allocated")

	return initializer.err
Ejemplo n.º 3
func rm(t *testing.T, client *session.Session, name string) {
	t.Logf("deleting %s", name)
	fm := object.NewFileManager(client.Vim25())
	task, err := fm.DeleteDatastoreFile(context.TODO(), name, client.Datacenter)
	if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
	_, _ = task.WaitForResult(context.TODO(), nil)
Ejemplo n.º 4
// NewDiagnosticManager returns a new DiagnosticManager object
func NewDiagnosticManager(session *session.Session) *Manager {
	return &Manager{
		DiagnosticManager: object.NewDiagnosticManager(
		Session: session,
Ejemplo n.º 5
// GetSelf gets VirtualMachine reference for the VM this process is running on
func GetSelf(ctx context.Context, s *session.Session) (*vm.VirtualMachine, error) {
	u, err := UUID()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	search := object.NewSearchIndex(s.Vim25())
	ref, err := search.FindByUuid(ctx, s.Datacenter, u, true, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if ref == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't find the hosting vm")

	return vm.NewVirtualMachine(ctx, s, ref.Reference()), nil
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: vapp.go Proyecto: jak-atx/vic
// NewResourcePool returns a New ResourcePool object
func NewVirtualApp(ctx context.Context, session *session.Session, moref types.ManagedObjectReference) *VirtualApp {
	return &VirtualApp{
		VirtualApp: object.NewVirtualApp(
		Session: session,
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: rp.go Proyecto: kjplatz/vic
// NewResourcePool returns a New ResourcePool object
func NewResourcePool(ctx context.Context, session *session.Session, moref types.ManagedObjectReference) *ResourcePool {
	return &ResourcePool{
		ResourcePool: object.NewResourcePool(
		Session: session,
Ejemplo n.º 8
// GetDatastores returns a map of datastores given a map of names and urls
func GetDatastores(ctx context.Context, s *session.Session, dsURLs map[string]*url.URL) (map[string]*Helper, error) {
	stores := make(map[string]*Helper)

	fm := object.NewFileManager(s.Vim25())
	for name, dsURL := range dsURLs {

		vsDs, err := s.Finder.DatastoreOrDefault(ctx, s.DatastorePath)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		d := &Helper{
			ds:      vsDs,
			s:       s,
			fm:      fm,
			RootURL: dsURL.Path,

		stores[name] = d

	return stores, nil
Ejemplo n.º 9
// NewDatastore returns a Datastore.
// ctx is a context,
// s is an authenticated session
// ds is the vsphere datastore
// rootdir is the top level directory to root all data.  If root does not exist,
// it will be created.  If it already exists, NOOP. This cannot be empty.
func NewHelper(ctx context.Context, s *session.Session, ds *object.Datastore, rootdir string) (*Helper, error) {

	d := &Helper{
		ds: ds,
		s:  s,
		fm: object.NewFileManager(s.Vim25()),

	if path.IsAbs(rootdir) {
		rootdir = rootdir[1:]

	if err := d.mkRootDir(ctx, rootdir); err != nil {
		log.Infof("error creating root directory %s: %s", rootdir, err)
		return nil, err

	if d.RootURL == "" {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create root directory")

	log.Infof("Datastore path is %s", d.RootURL)
	return d, nil
Ejemplo n.º 10
func Init(ctx context.Context, sess *session.Session) error {
	source, err := extraconfig.GuestInfoSource()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	f := find.NewFinder(sess.Vim25(), false)

	extraconfig.Decode(source, &exec.VCHConfig)
	log.Debugf("Decoded VCH config for execution: %#v", exec.VCHConfig)
	ccount := len(exec.VCHConfig.ComputeResources)
	if ccount != 1 {
		detail := fmt.Sprintf("expected singular compute resource element, found %d", ccount)
		return err

	cr := exec.VCHConfig.ComputeResources[0]
	r, err := f.ObjectReference(ctx, cr)
	if err != nil {
		detail := fmt.Sprintf("could not get resource pool or virtual app reference from %q: %s", cr.String(), err)
		return err
	switch o := r.(type) {
	case *object.VirtualApp:
		exec.VCHConfig.VirtualApp = o
		exec.VCHConfig.ResourcePool = o.ResourcePool
	case *object.ResourcePool:
		exec.VCHConfig.ResourcePool = o
		detail := fmt.Sprintf("could not get resource pool or virtual app from reference %q: object type is wrong", cr.String())
		return errors.New(detail)

	// we have a resource pool, so lets create the event manager for monitoring
	exec.VCHConfig.EventManager = vsphere.NewEventManager(sess)
	// configure event manager to monitor the resource pool

	// instantiate the container cache now

	// need to blacklist the VCH from eventlistening - too many reconfigures
	vch, err := guest.GetSelf(ctx, sess)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to get a reference to the VCH: %s", err.Error())

	// other managed objects could be added for the event stream, but for now the resource pool will do

	//FIXME: temporary injection of debug network for debug nic
	ne := exec.VCHConfig.Networks["client"]
	if ne == nil {
		detail := fmt.Sprintf("could not get client network reference for debug nic - this code can be removed once network mapping/dhcp client is present")
		return err
	nr := new(types.ManagedObjectReference)
	r, err = f.ObjectReference(ctx, *nr)
	if err != nil {
		detail := fmt.Sprintf("could not get client network reference from %s: %s", nr.String(), err)
		return err
	exec.VCHConfig.DebugNetwork = r.(object.NetworkReference)

	extraconfig.Decode(source, &network.Config)
	log.Debugf("Decoded VCH config for network: %#v", network.Config)
	for nn, n := range network.Config.ContainerNetworks {
		pgref := new(types.ManagedObjectReference)
		if !pgref.FromString(n.ID) {
			log.Errorf("Could not reacquire object reference from id for network %s: %s", nn, n.ID)

		r, err = f.ObjectReference(ctx, *pgref)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warnf("could not get network reference for %s network", nn)

		n.PortGroup = r.(object.NetworkReference)

	// Grab the storage layer config blobs from extra config
	extraconfig.Decode(source, &storage.Config)
	log.Debugf("Decoded VCH config for storage: %#v", storage.Config)

	// Grab the AboutInfo about our host environment
	about := sess.Vim25().ServiceContent.About
	exec.VCHConfig.VCHMhz = exec.NCPU(ctx)
	exec.VCHConfig.VCHMemoryLimit = exec.MemTotal(ctx)
	exec.VCHConfig.HostOS = about.OsType
	exec.VCHConfig.HostOSVersion = about.Version
	exec.VCHConfig.HostProductName = about.Name
	log.Debugf("Host - OS (%s), version (%s), name (%s)", about.OsType, about.Version, about.Name)
	log.Debugf("VCH limits - %d Mhz, %d MB", exec.VCHConfig.VCHMhz, exec.VCHConfig.VCHMemoryLimit)
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: exec.go Proyecto: vmware/vic
func Init(ctx context.Context, sess *session.Session, source extraconfig.DataSource, _ extraconfig.DataSink) error {
	initializer.once.Do(func() {
		var err error
		defer func() {
			if err != nil {
				initializer.err = err
		f := find.NewFinder(sess.Vim25(), false)

		extraconfig.Decode(source, &Config)

		log.Debugf("Decoded VCH config for execution: %#v", Config)
		ccount := len(Config.ComputeResources)
		if ccount != 1 {
			err = fmt.Errorf("expected singular compute resource element, found %d", ccount)

		cr := Config.ComputeResources[0]
		var r object.Reference
		r, err = f.ObjectReference(ctx, cr)
		if err != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("could not get resource pool or virtual app reference from %q: %s", cr.String(), err)
		switch o := r.(type) {
		case *object.VirtualApp:
			Config.VirtualApp = o
			Config.ResourcePool = o.ResourcePool
		case *object.ResourcePool:
			Config.ResourcePool = o
			err = fmt.Errorf("could not get resource pool or virtual app from reference %q: object type is wrong", cr.String())

		// we want to monitor the cluster, so create a vSphere Event Collector
		// The cluster managed object will either be a proper vSphere Cluster or
		// a specific host when standalone mode
		ec := vsphere.NewCollector(sess.Vim25(), sess.Cluster.Reference().String())

		// start the collection of vsphere events
		err = ec.Start()
		if err != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("%s failed to start: %s", ec.Name(), err)

		// create the event manager &  register the existing collector
		Config.EventManager = event.NewEventManager(ec)

		// subscribe the exec layer to the event stream for Vm events
		Config.EventManager.Subscribe(events.NewEventType(vsphere.VMEvent{}).Topic(), "exec", eventCallback)
		// subscribe callback to handle vm registered event
		Config.EventManager.Subscribe(events.NewEventType(vsphere.VMEvent{}).Topic(), "registeredVMEvent", func(ie events.Event) {
			registeredVMCallback(sess, ie)

		// instantiate the container cache now

		// Grab the AboutInfo about our host environment
		about := sess.Vim25().ServiceContent.About
		Config.VCHMhz = NCPU(ctx)
		Config.VCHMemoryLimit = MemTotal(ctx)
		Config.HostOS = about.OsType
		Config.HostOSVersion = about.Version
		Config.HostProductName = about.Name
		log.Debugf("Host - OS (%s), version (%s), name (%s)", about.OsType, about.Version, about.Name)
		log.Debugf("VCH limits - %d Mhz, %d MB", Config.VCHMhz, Config.VCHMemoryLimit)

		// sync container cache
		if err = Containers.sync(ctx, sess); err != nil {
	return initializer.err
Ejemplo n.º 12
func Init(ctx context.Context, sess *session.Session) error {
	source, err := extraconfig.GuestInfoSource()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	f := find.NewFinder(sess.Vim25(), false)

	extraconfig.Decode(source, &exec.Config)
	log.Debugf("Decoded VCH config for execution: %#v", exec.Config)
	ccount := len(exec.Config.ComputeResources)
	if ccount != 1 {
		detail := fmt.Sprintf("expected singular compute resource element, found %d", ccount)
		return err

	cr := exec.Config.ComputeResources[0]
	r, err := f.ObjectReference(ctx, cr)
	if err != nil {
		detail := fmt.Sprintf("could not get resource pool reference from %s: %s", cr.String(), err)
		return err
	exec.Config.ResourcePool = r.(*object.ResourcePool)
	//FIXME: temporary injection of debug network for debug nic
	ne := exec.Config.Networks["client"]
	if ne == nil {
		detail := fmt.Sprintf("could not get client network reference for debug nic - this code can be removed once network mapping/dhcp client is present")
		return err
	nr := new(types.ManagedObjectReference)
	r, err = f.ObjectReference(ctx, *nr)
	if err != nil {
		detail := fmt.Sprintf("could not get client network reference from %s: %s", nr.String(), err)
		return err
	exec.Config.DebugNetwork = r.(object.NetworkReference)

	extraconfig.Decode(source, &network.Config)
	log.Debugf("Decoded VCH config for network: %#v", network.Config)
	for nn, n := range network.Config.ContainerNetworks {
		pgref := new(types.ManagedObjectReference)
		if !pgref.FromString(n.ID) {
			log.Errorf("Could not reacquire object reference from id for network %s: %s", nn, n.ID)

		r, err = f.ObjectReference(ctx, *pgref)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warnf("could not get network reference for %s network", nn)

		n.PortGroup = r.(object.NetworkReference)

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: vm.go Proyecto: vmware/vic
// NewVirtualMachine returns a NewVirtualMachine object
func NewVirtualMachine(ctx context.Context, session *session.Session, moref types.ManagedObjectReference) *VirtualMachine {
	return NewVirtualMachineFromVM(ctx, session, object.NewVirtualMachine(session.Vim25(), moref))