Ejemplo n.º 1
func (this *StreamObject) SetVariance(data [][]float64) {
	this.decoder.SetVariance(utils.VarianceSample(data, 0.01))
Ejemplo n.º 2
func (this *SimpleArray) SetVariance(data [][]float64) {
	this.decoder.SetVariance(utils.VarianceSample(data, 0.01))
Ejemplo n.º 3
func TestSimpleArray(t *testing.T) {
	var k = 4
	var dimensionality = 100
	var numBlurs = 2
	var numProjections = 2
	var numDataPoints = 8
	var origVariance float64 = 1
	var testDecoderType types.Decoder
	var newNumProjections = 4
	var newHashModulus int64 = rand.Int63()

	newVarianceSample, newCentroidList := make([][]float64, numDataPoints), make([][]float64, numDataPoints)
	for i := 0; i < numDataPoints; i++ {
		newVarianceSample[i], newCentroidList[i] = make([]float64, dimensionality), make([]float64, dimensionality)
		for j := 0; j < dimensionality; j++ {
			newVarianceSample[i][j], newCentroidList[i][j] = float64(i), float64(i)

	newCentroid := make([]float64, dimensionality)
	for i := 0; i < dimensionality; i++ {
		newCentroid[i] = float64(i)

	newTopId := make([]int64, dimensionality)
	for i := 0; i < dimensionality; i++ {
		newTopId[i] = int64(i)

	RPHashObject := reader.NewSimpleArray(newCentroidList, k)

	// K.
	assert.Equal(t, k, RPHashObject.GetK(), "Expected K equal to Stream K.")

	// Dimensionality.
	assert.Equal(t, dimensionality, RPHashObject.GetDimensions(), "Expected dimensionality equal to Stream dimensionality.")

	// Iterator.
	assert.NotNil(t, RPHashObject.GetVectorIterator(), "Vector iterator should be initially not be nil.")

	// Blurs.
	assert.Equal(t, numBlurs, RPHashObject.GetNumberOfBlurs(), "Number of blurs should be initially 2.")

	// Variance.
	assert.Equal(t, origVariance, RPHashObject.GetVariance(), "Variance should be equal to the new variance value.")
	newVariance := utils.VarianceSample(newVarianceSample, 0.01)
	assert.Equal(t, newVariance, RPHashObject.GetVariance(), "Variance should be equal to the new variance value.")

	// Decoders.
	origDecoderType := RPHashObject.GetDecoderType()
	assert.NotNil(t, origDecoderType)
	assert.Equal(t, reflect.ValueOf(&testDecoderType).Elem().Type(), reflect.ValueOf(&origDecoderType).Elem().Type(), "Decoder should implement the Decoder interface.")
	assert.Equal(t, testDecoderType, RPHashObject.GetDecoderType(), "Decoder should be set to a new Decoder.")

	// Projections.
	assert.Equal(t, numProjections, RPHashObject.GetNumberOfProjections(), "Number of projections should be initially 2.")
	assert.Equal(t, newNumProjections, RPHashObject.GetNumberOfProjections(), "Number of projections should be equal to the new number of projections.")

	// Hash modulus.
	assert.Equal(t, int64(math.MaxInt64), RPHashObject.GetHashModulus(), "Hash modulus should be equal to the maximum 32 bit integer value.")
	assert.Equal(t, newHashModulus, RPHashObject.GetHashModulus(), "Hash modulus should be equal to the new hash modulus.")

	// Centroids.
	assert.Empty(t, RPHashObject.GetCentroids(), "Centroids should initially be empty.")
	assert.Equal(t, newCentroid, RPHashObject.GetCentroids()[0], "First centroid should be the new centroid.")
	assert.Equal(t, newCentroidList, RPHashObject.GetCentroids(), "Centroids should be equal to the new centroid list.")

	// Top IDs
	assert.Empty(t, RPHashObject.GetPreviousTopID(), "Previous top ID should initially be empty.")
	assert.Equal(t, newTopId, RPHashObject.GetPreviousTopID(), "Previous top ID should be equal to the new top centroid.")