Ejemplo n.º 1
func multiRestoreCmd(mysqld *mysqlctl.Mysqld, subFlags *flag.FlagSet, args []string) {
	starts := subFlags.String("starts", "", "starts of the key range")
	ends := subFlags.String("ends", "", "ends of the key range")
	fetchRetryCount := subFlags.Int("fetch_retry_count", 3, "how many times to retry a failed transfer")
	concurrency := subFlags.Int("concurrency", 8, "how many concurrent db inserts to run simultaneously")
	fetchConcurrency := subFlags.Int("fetch_concurrency", 4, "how many files to fetch simultaneously")
	insertTableConcurrency := subFlags.Int("insert_table_concurrency", 4, "how many myisam tables to load into a single destination table simultaneously")
	strategy := subFlags.String("strategy", "", "which strategy to use for restore, can contain:\n"+
		"    skipAutoIncrement(TTT): we won't add the AUTO_INCREMENT back to that table\n"+
		"    delayPrimaryKey: we won't add the primary key until after the table is populated\n"+
		"    delaySecondaryIndexes: we won't add the secondary indexes until after the table is populated\n"+
		"    useMyIsam: create the table as MyISAM, then convert it to InnoDB after population\n"+
		"    writeBinLogs: write all operations to the binlogs")

	if subFlags.NArg() < 2 {
		log.Fatalf("multirestore requires <destination_dbname> <source_host>[/<source_dbname>]... %v", args)

	startArray := strings.Split(*starts, ",")
	endArray := strings.Split(*ends, ",")
	if len(startArray) != len(endArray) || len(startArray) != subFlags.NArg()-1 {
		log.Fatalf("Need as many starts and ends as source URLs")

	keyRanges := make([]key.KeyRange, len(startArray))
	for i, s := range startArray {
		var err error
		keyRanges[i], err = key.ParseKeyRangeParts(s, endArray[i])
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Invalid start or end: %v", err)

	dbName, dbis := subFlags.Arg(0), subFlags.Args()[1:]
	sources := make([]*url.URL, len(dbis))
	for i, dbi := range dbis {
		if !strings.HasPrefix(dbi, "vttp://") && !strings.HasPrefix(dbi, "http://") {
			dbi = "vttp://" + dbi
		dbUrl, err := url.Parse(dbi)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("incorrect source url: %v", err)
		sources[i] = dbUrl
	if err := mysqld.MultiRestore(dbName, keyRanges, sources, nil, *concurrency, *fetchConcurrency, *insertTableConcurrency, *fetchRetryCount, *strategy); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("multirestore failed: %v", err)
Ejemplo n.º 2
func multiRestoreCmd(mysqld *mysqlctl.Mysqld, subFlags *flag.FlagSet, args []string) {
	start := subFlags.String("start", "", "start of the key range")
	end := subFlags.String("end", "", "end of the key range")
	fetchRetryCount := subFlags.Int("fetch-retry-count", 3, "how many times to retry a failed transfer")
	concurrency := subFlags.Int("concurrency", 8, "how many concurrent db inserts to run simultaneously")
	fetchConcurrency := subFlags.Int("fetch-concurrency", 4, "how many files to fetch simultaneously")
	insertTableConcurrency := subFlags.Int("insert-table-concurrency", 4, "how many myisam tables to load into a single destination table simultaneously")
	strategy := subFlags.String("strategy", "", "which strategy to use for restore, can contain:\n"+
		"    skipAutoIncrement(TTT): we won't add the AUTO_INCREMENT back to that table\n"+
		"    delayPrimaryKey: we won't add the primary key until after the table is populated\n"+
		"    delaySecondaryIndexes: we won't add the secondary indexes until after the table is populated\n"+
		"    useMyIsam: create the table as MyISAM, then convert it to InnoDB after population\n"+
		"    writeBinLogs: write all operations to the binlogs")


	s, err := key.HexKeyspaceId(*start).Unhex()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Invalid start key %v: %v", *start, err)
	e, err := key.HexKeyspaceId(*end).Unhex()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Invalid end key %v: %v", *end, err)
	keyRange := key.KeyRange{Start: s, End: e}

	if subFlags.NArg() < 2 {
		log.Fatalf("multirestore requires <destination_dbname> <source_host>[/<source_dbname>]... %v", args)
	dbName, dbis := subFlags.Arg(0), subFlags.Args()[1:]
	sources := make([]*url.URL, len(dbis))
	for i, dbi := range dbis {
		if !strings.HasPrefix(dbi, "vttp://") && !strings.HasPrefix(dbi, "http://") {
			dbi = "vttp://" + dbi
		dbUrl, err := url.Parse(dbi)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("incorrect source url: %v", err)
		sources[i] = dbUrl
	if err := mysqld.MultiRestore(dbName, keyRange, sources, *concurrency, *fetchConcurrency, *insertTableConcurrency, *fetchRetryCount, *strategy); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("multirestore failed: %v", err)