Ejemplo n.º 1
// RefreshTablesByShard calls RefreshState on all the tables of a
// given type in a shard. It would work for the master, but the
// discovery wouldn't be very efficient.
func (wr *Wrangler) RefreshTablesByShard(si *topo.ShardInfo, tabletType topo.TabletType, cells []string) error {
	tabletMap, err := topo.GetTabletMapForShardByCell(wr.ts, si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(), cells)
	switch err {
	case nil:
		// keep going
	case topo.ErrPartialResult:
		wr.Logger().Warningf("RefreshTablesByShard: got partial result for shard %v/%v, may not refresh all tablets everywhere", si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName())
		return err

	// ignore errors in this phase
	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
	for _, ti := range tabletMap {
		if ti.Type != tabletType {

		go func(ti *topo.TabletInfo) {
			if err := wr.tmc.RefreshState(ti, wr.ActionTimeout()); err != nil {
				wr.Logger().Warningf("RefreshTablesByShard: failed to refresh %v: %v", ti.Alias, err)

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Update shard file with new master, replicas, etc.
// Re-read from TopologyServer to make sure we are using the side
// effects of all actions.
// This function should only be used with an action lock on the shard
// - otherwise the consistency of the serving graph data can't be
// guaranteed.
func RebuildShard(ts topo.Server, keyspace, shard string, options RebuildShardOptions, timeout time.Duration, interrupted chan struct{}) error {
	if *UseSrvShardLocks {
		return rebuildShardSrvShardLocks(ts, keyspace, shard, options, timeout, interrupted)

	log.Infof("RebuildShard %v/%v", keyspace, shard)

	// read the existing shard info. It has to exist.
	shardInfo, err := ts.GetShard(keyspace, shard)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	tabletMap, err := topo.GetTabletMapForShardByCell(ts, keyspace, shard, options.Cells)
	if err != nil {
		if options.IgnorePartialResult && err == topo.ErrPartialResult {
			log.Warningf("rebuildShard: got ErrPartialResult from GetTabletMapForShard, but skipping error as it was expected")
		} else {
			return err

	tablets := make([]*topo.TabletInfo, 0, len(tabletMap))
	for _, ti := range tabletMap {
		if ti.Keyspace != shardInfo.Keyspace() || ti.Shard != shardInfo.ShardName() {
			return fmt.Errorf("CRITICAL: tablet %v is in replication graph for shard %v/%v but belongs to shard %v:%v (maybe remove its replication path in shard %v/%v)", ti.Alias, keyspace, shard, ti.Keyspace, ti.Shard, keyspace, shard)
		if !ti.IsInReplicationGraph() {
			// only valid case is a scrapped master in the
			// catastrophic reparent case
			if ti.Parent.Uid != topo.NO_TABLET {
				log.Warningf("Tablet %v should not be in the replication graph, please investigate (it will be ignored in the rebuild)", ti.Alias)
		tablets = append(tablets, ti)

	return rebuildShardSrvGraph(ts, shardInfo, tablets, options.Cells)
Ejemplo n.º 3
// RefreshTablesByShard calls RefreshState on all the tables of a
// given type in a shard. It would work for the master, but the
// discovery wouldn't be very efficient.
func (wr *Wrangler) RefreshTablesByShard(ctx context.Context, si *topo.ShardInfo, tabletType pb.TabletType, cells []string) error {
	wr.Logger().Infof("RefreshTablesByShard called on shard %v/%v", si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName())
	tabletMap, err := topo.GetTabletMapForShardByCell(ctx, wr.ts, si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(), cells)
	switch err {
	case nil:
		// keep going
	case topo.ErrPartialResult:
		wr.Logger().Warningf("RefreshTablesByShard: got partial result for shard %v/%v, may not refresh all tablets everywhere", si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName())
		return err

	// ignore errors in this phase
	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
	for _, ti := range tabletMap {
		if ti.Type != topo.ProtoToTabletType(tabletType) {

		go func(ti *topo.TabletInfo) {
			wr.Logger().Infof("Calling RefreshState on tablet %v", ti.Alias)
			// Setting an upper bound timeout to fail faster in case of an error.
			// Using 60 seconds because RefreshState should not take more than 30 seconds.
			// (RefreshState will restart the tablet's QueryService and most time will be spent on the shutdown, i.e. waiting up to 30 seconds on transactions (see Config.TransactionTimeout)).
			ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 60*time.Second)
			if err := wr.tmc.RefreshState(ctx, ti); err != nil {
				wr.Logger().Warningf("RefreshTablesByShard: failed to refresh %v: %v", ti.Alias, err)

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
// rebuildCellSrvShard computes and writes the serving graph data to a
// single cell
func rebuildCellSrvShard(ctx context.Context, log logutil.Logger, ts topo.Server, si *topo.ShardInfo, cell string) (err error) {
	log.Infof("rebuildCellSrvShard %v/%v in cell %v", si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(), cell)

	for {
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			return ctx.Err()

		// Read existing EndPoints node versions, so we know if any
		// changes sneak in after we read the tablets.
		versions, err := getEndPointsVersions(ctx, ts, cell, si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName())

		// Get all tablets in this cell/shard.
		tablets, err := topo.GetTabletMapForShardByCell(ctx, ts, si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(), []string{cell})
		if err != nil {
			if err != topo.ErrPartialResult {
				return err
			log.Warningf("Got ErrPartialResult from topo.GetTabletMapForShardByCell(%v), some tablets may not be added properly to serving graph", cell)

		// Build up the serving graph from scratch.
		serving := make(map[topo.TabletType]*topo.EndPoints)
		for _, tablet := range tablets {
			if !tablet.IsInReplicationGraph() {
				// only valid case is a scrapped master in the
				// catastrophic reparent case
				log.Warningf("Tablet %v should not be in the replication graph, please investigate (it is being ignored in the rebuild)", tablet.Alias)

			// Only add serving types.
			if !tablet.IsInServingGraph() {

			// Check the Keyspace and Shard for the tablet are right.
			if tablet.Keyspace != si.Keyspace() || tablet.Shard != si.ShardName() {
				return fmt.Errorf("CRITICAL: tablet %v is in replication graph for shard %v/%v but belongs to shard %v:%v", tablet.Alias, si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(), tablet.Keyspace, tablet.Shard)

			// Add the tablet to the list.
			endpoints, ok := serving[tablet.Type]
			if !ok {
				endpoints = topo.NewEndPoints()
				serving[tablet.Type] = endpoints
			entry, err := tablet.EndPoint()
			if err != nil {
				log.Warningf("EndPointForTablet failed for tablet %v: %v", tablet.Alias, err)
			endpoints.Entries = append(endpoints.Entries, *entry)

		wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
		fatalErrs := concurrency.AllErrorRecorder{}
		retryErrs := concurrency.AllErrorRecorder{}

		// Write nodes that should exist.
		for tabletType, endpoints := range serving {
			go func(tabletType topo.TabletType, endpoints *topo.EndPoints) {
				defer wg.Done()

				log.Infof("saving serving graph for cell %v shard %v/%v tabletType %v", cell, si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(), tabletType)

				version, ok := versions[tabletType]
				if !ok {
					// This type didn't exist when we first checked.
					// Try to create, but only if it still doesn't exist.
					if err := ts.CreateEndPoints(ctx, cell, si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(), tabletType, endpoints); err != nil {
						log.Warningf("CreateEndPoints(%v, %v, %v) failed during rebuild: %v", cell, si, tabletType, err)
						switch err {
						case topo.ErrNodeExists:

				// Update only if the version matches.
				if err := ts.UpdateEndPoints(ctx, cell, si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(), tabletType, endpoints, version); err != nil {
					log.Warningf("UpdateEndPoints(%v, %v, %v) failed during rebuild: %v", cell, si, tabletType, err)
					switch err {
					case topo.ErrBadVersion, topo.ErrNoNode:
			}(tabletType, endpoints)

		// Delete nodes that shouldn't exist.
		for tabletType, version := range versions {
			if _, ok := serving[tabletType]; !ok {
				go func(tabletType topo.TabletType, version int64) {
					defer wg.Done()
					log.Infof("removing stale db type from serving graph: %v", tabletType)
					if err := ts.DeleteEndPoints(ctx, cell, si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(), tabletType, version); err != nil && err != topo.ErrNoNode {
						log.Warningf("DeleteEndPoints(%v, %v, %v) failed during rebuild: %v", cell, si, tabletType, err)
						switch err {
						case topo.ErrNoNode:
							// Someone else deleted it, which is fine.
						case topo.ErrBadVersion:
				}(tabletType, version)

		// Update srvShard object
		go func() {
			defer wg.Done()
			log.Infof("updating shard serving graph in cell %v for %v/%v", cell, si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName())
			if err := UpdateSrvShard(ctx, ts, cell, si); err != nil {
				log.Warningf("writing serving data in cell %v for %v/%v failed: %v", cell, si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(), err)


		// If there are any fatal errors, give up.
		if fatalErrs.HasErrors() {
			return fatalErrs.Error()
		// If there are any retry errors, try again.
		if retryErrs.HasErrors() {
		// Otherwise, success!
		return nil
func TestShardExternallyReparented(t *testing.T) {
	ts := zktopo.NewTestServer(t, []string{"cell1", "cell2"})
	wr := wrangler.New(logutil.NewConsoleLogger(), ts, time.Minute, time.Second)
	wr.UseRPCs = false

	// Create an old master, a new master, two good slaves, one bad slave
	oldMaster := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 0, topo.TYPE_MASTER)
	newMaster := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 1, topo.TYPE_REPLICA,
	goodSlave1 := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 2, topo.TYPE_REPLICA,
	goodSlave2 := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell2", 3, topo.TYPE_REPLICA,
	badSlave := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 4, topo.TYPE_REPLICA,

	// Add a new Cell to the Shard, that doesn't map to any read topo cell,
	// to simulate a data center being unreachable.
	si, err := ts.GetShard("test_keyspace", "0")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetShard failed: %v", err)
	si.Cells = append(si.Cells, "cell666")
	if err := topo.UpdateShard(ts, si); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("UpdateShard failed: %v", err)

	// Slightly unrelated test: make sure we can find the tablets
	// even with a datacenter being down.
	tabletMap, err := topo.GetTabletMapForShardByCell(ts, "test_keyspace", "0", []string{"cell1"})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetTabletMapForShardByCell should have worked but got: %v", err)
	master, err := topotools.FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(tabletMap, oldMaster.Tablet.IPAddr, "vt", oldMaster.Tablet.Portmap["vt"])
	if err != nil || master != oldMaster.Tablet.Alias {
		t.Fatalf("FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(master) failed: %v %v", err, master)
	slave1, err := topotools.FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(tabletMap, goodSlave1.Tablet.IPAddr, "vt", goodSlave1.Tablet.Portmap["vt"])
	if err != nil || slave1 != goodSlave1.Tablet.Alias {
		t.Fatalf("FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(slave1) failed: %v %v", err, master)
	slave2, err := topotools.FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(tabletMap, goodSlave2.Tablet.IPAddr, "vt", goodSlave2.Tablet.Portmap["vt"])
	if err != topo.ErrNoNode {
		t.Fatalf("FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(slave2) worked: %v %v", err, slave2)

	// Make sure the master is not exported in other cells
	tabletMap, err = topo.GetTabletMapForShardByCell(ts, "test_keyspace", "0", []string{"cell2"})
	master, err = topotools.FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(tabletMap, oldMaster.Tablet.IPAddr, "vt", oldMaster.Tablet.Portmap["vt"])
	if err != topo.ErrNoNode {
		t.Fatalf("FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(master) worked in cell2: %v %v", err, master)

	tabletMap, err = topo.GetTabletMapForShard(ts, "test_keyspace", "0")
	if err != topo.ErrPartialResult {
		t.Fatalf("GetTabletMapForShard should have returned ErrPartialResult but got: %v", err)
	master, err = topotools.FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(tabletMap, oldMaster.Tablet.IPAddr, "vt", oldMaster.Tablet.Portmap["vt"])
	if err != nil || master != oldMaster.Tablet.Alias {
		t.Fatalf("FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(master) failed: %v %v", err, master)

	// First test: reparent to the same master, make sure it works
	// as expected.
	if err := wr.ShardExternallyReparented("test_keyspace", "0", oldMaster.Tablet.Alias); err == nil {
		t.Fatalf("ShardExternallyReparented(same master) should have failed")
	} else {
		if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "already master") {
			t.Fatalf("ShardExternallyReparented(same master) should have failed with an error that contains 'already master' but got: %v", err)

	// Second test: reparent to the replica, and pretend the old
	// master is still good to go.

	// On the elected master, we will respond to
	newMaster.FakeMysqlDaemon.MasterAddr = ""
	newMaster.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer newMaster.StopActionLoop(t)

	// On the old master, we will only respond to
	oldMaster.FakeMysqlDaemon.MasterAddr = newMaster.Tablet.MysqlIpAddr()
	oldMaster.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer oldMaster.StopActionLoop(t)

	// On the good slaves, we will respond to
	goodSlave1.FakeMysqlDaemon.MasterAddr = newMaster.Tablet.MysqlIpAddr()
	goodSlave1.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer goodSlave1.StopActionLoop(t)

	goodSlave2.FakeMysqlDaemon.MasterAddr = newMaster.Tablet.MysqlIpAddr()
	goodSlave2.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer goodSlave2.StopActionLoop(t)

	// On the bad slave, we will respond to
	badSlave.FakeMysqlDaemon.MasterAddr = ""
	badSlave.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer badSlave.StopActionLoop(t)

	// This tests a bad case; the new designated master is a slave,
	// but we should do what we're told anyway
	if err := wr.ShardExternallyReparented("test_keyspace", "0", goodSlave1.Tablet.Alias); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("ShardExternallyReparented(slave) error: %v", err)

	// This tests the good case, where everything works as planned
	t.Logf("ShardExternallyReparented(new master) expecting success")
	if err := wr.ShardExternallyReparented("test_keyspace", "0", newMaster.Tablet.Alias); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("ShardExternallyReparented(replica) failed: %v", err)

	// Now double-check the serving graph is good.
	// Should only have one good replica left.
	addrs, err := ts.GetEndPoints("cell1", "test_keyspace", "0", topo.TYPE_REPLICA)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetEndPoints failed at the end: %v", err)
	if len(addrs.Entries) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("GetEndPoints has too many entries: %v", addrs)
Ejemplo n.º 6
func TestTabletExternallyReparented(t *testing.T) {
	tabletmanager.SetReparentFlags(time.Minute /* finalizeTimeout */)

	ctx := context.Background()
	ts := zktopo.NewTestServer(t, []string{"cell1", "cell2"})
	wr := wrangler.New(logutil.NewConsoleLogger(), ts, tmclient.NewTabletManagerClient(), time.Second)
	vp := NewVtctlPipe(t, ts)
	defer vp.Close()

	// Create an old master, a new master, two good slaves, one bad slave
	oldMaster := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 0, topo.TYPE_MASTER)
	newMaster := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 1, topo.TYPE_REPLICA)
	goodSlave1 := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 2, topo.TYPE_REPLICA)
	goodSlave2 := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell2", 3, topo.TYPE_REPLICA)
	badSlave := NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 4, topo.TYPE_REPLICA)

	// Add a new Cell to the Shard, that doesn't map to any read topo cell,
	// to simulate a data center being unreachable.
	si, err := ts.GetShard(ctx, "test_keyspace", "0")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetShard failed: %v", err)
	si.Cells = append(si.Cells, "cell666")
	if err := topo.UpdateShard(ctx, ts, si); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("UpdateShard failed: %v", err)

	// Slightly unrelated test: make sure we can find the tablets
	// even with a datacenter being down.
	tabletMap, err := topo.GetTabletMapForShardByCell(ctx, ts, "test_keyspace", "0", []string{"cell1"})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetTabletMapForShardByCell should have worked but got: %v", err)
	master, err := topotools.FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(tabletMap, oldMaster.Tablet.IPAddr, "vt", oldMaster.Tablet.Portmap["vt"])
	if err != nil || master != oldMaster.Tablet.Alias {
		t.Fatalf("FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(master) failed: %v %v", err, master)
	slave1, err := topotools.FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(tabletMap, goodSlave1.Tablet.IPAddr, "vt", goodSlave1.Tablet.Portmap["vt"])
	if err != nil || slave1 != goodSlave1.Tablet.Alias {
		t.Fatalf("FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(slave1) failed: %v %v", err, master)
	slave2, err := topotools.FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(tabletMap, goodSlave2.Tablet.IPAddr, "vt", goodSlave2.Tablet.Portmap["vt"])
	if err != topo.ErrNoNode {
		t.Fatalf("FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(slave2) worked: %v %v", err, slave2)

	// Make sure the master is not exported in other cells
	tabletMap, err = topo.GetTabletMapForShardByCell(ctx, ts, "test_keyspace", "0", []string{"cell2"})
	master, err = topotools.FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(tabletMap, oldMaster.Tablet.IPAddr, "vt", oldMaster.Tablet.Portmap["vt"])
	if err != topo.ErrNoNode {
		t.Fatalf("FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(master) worked in cell2: %v %v", err, master)

	tabletMap, err = topo.GetTabletMapForShard(ctx, ts, "test_keyspace", "0")
	if err != topo.ErrPartialResult {
		t.Fatalf("GetTabletMapForShard should have returned ErrPartialResult but got: %v", err)
	master, err = topotools.FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(tabletMap, oldMaster.Tablet.IPAddr, "vt", oldMaster.Tablet.Portmap["vt"])
	if err != nil || master != oldMaster.Tablet.Alias {
		t.Fatalf("FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(master) failed: %v %v", err, master)

	// On the elected master, we will respond to
	// TabletActionSlaveWasPromoted
	newMaster.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer newMaster.StopActionLoop(t)

	// On the old master, we will only respond to
	// TabletActionSlaveWasRestarted.
	oldMaster.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer oldMaster.StopActionLoop(t)

	// On the good slaves, we will respond to
	// TabletActionSlaveWasRestarted.
	goodSlave1.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer goodSlave1.StopActionLoop(t)

	goodSlave2.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer goodSlave2.StopActionLoop(t)

	// On the bad slave, we will respond to
	// TabletActionSlaveWasRestarted with bad data.
	badSlave.StartActionLoop(t, wr)
	defer badSlave.StopActionLoop(t)

	// First test: reparent to the same master, make sure it works
	// as expected.
	tmc := tmclient.NewTabletManagerClient()
	ti, err := ts.GetTablet(ctx, oldMaster.Tablet.Alias)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetTablet failed: %v", err)
	if err := vp.Run([]string{"TabletExternallyReparented", oldMaster.Tablet.Alias.String()}); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("TabletExternallyReparented(same master) should have worked")

	// Second test: reparent to a replica, and pretend the old
	// master is still good to go.

	// This tests a bad case; the new designated master is a slave,
	// but we should do what we're told anyway
	ti, err = ts.GetTablet(ctx, goodSlave1.Tablet.Alias)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetTablet failed: %v", err)
	if err := tmc.TabletExternallyReparented(context.Background(), ti, ""); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("TabletExternallyReparented(slave) error: %v", err)

	// This tests the good case, where everything works as planned
	t.Logf("TabletExternallyReparented(new master) expecting success")
	ti, err = ts.GetTablet(ctx, newMaster.Tablet.Alias)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetTablet failed: %v", err)
	waitID := makeWaitID()
	if err := tmc.TabletExternallyReparented(context.Background(), ti, waitID); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("TabletExternallyReparented(replica) failed: %v", err)
	waitForExternalReparent(t, waitID)

	// Now double-check the serving graph is good.
	// Should only have one good replica left.
	addrs, _, err := ts.GetEndPoints(ctx, "cell1", "test_keyspace", "0", topo.TYPE_REPLICA)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetEndPoints failed at the end: %v", err)
	if len(addrs.Entries) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("GetEndPoints has too many entries: %v", addrs)
Ejemplo n.º 7
func TestShardExternallyReparented(t *testing.T) {
	ts := zktopo.NewTestServer(t, []string{"cell1", "cell2"})
	wr := New(ts, time.Minute, time.Second)
	wr.UseRPCs = false

	// Create an old master, a new master, two good slaves, one bad slave
	oldMasterAlias := createTestTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 0, topo.TYPE_MASTER, topo.TabletAlias{})
	newMasterAlias := createTestTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 1, topo.TYPE_REPLICA, oldMasterAlias)
	goodSlaveAlias1 := createTestTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 2, topo.TYPE_REPLICA, oldMasterAlias)
	goodSlaveAlias2 := createTestTablet(t, wr, "cell2", 3, topo.TYPE_REPLICA, oldMasterAlias)
	badSlaveAlias := createTestTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 4, topo.TYPE_REPLICA, oldMasterAlias)

	// Add a new Cell to the Shard, that doesn't map to any read topo cell,
	// to simulate a data center being unreachable.
	si, err := ts.GetShard("test_keyspace", "0")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetShard failed: %v", err)
	si.Cells = append(si.Cells, "cell666")
	if err := ts.UpdateShard(si); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("UpdateShard failed: %v", err)

	// Slightly unrelated test: make sure we can find the tablets
	// even with a datacenter being down.
	tabletMap, err := topo.GetTabletMapForShardByCell(ts, "test_keyspace", "0", []string{"cell1"})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetTabletMapForShardByCell should have worked but got: %v", err)
	master, err := FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(tabletMap, "", "vt", 8100)
	if err != nil || master != oldMasterAlias {
		t.Fatalf("FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(master) failed: %v %v", err, master)
	slave1, err := FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(tabletMap, "", "vt", 8102)
	if err != nil || slave1 != goodSlaveAlias1 {
		t.Fatalf("FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(slave1) failed: %v %v", err, master)
	slave2, err := FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(tabletMap, "", "vt", 8103)
	if err != topo.ErrNoNode {
		t.Fatalf("FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(slave2) worked: %v %v", err, slave2)

	// Make sure the master is not exported in other cells
	tabletMap, err = topo.GetTabletMapForShardByCell(ts, "test_keyspace", "0", []string{"cell2"})
	master, err = FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(tabletMap, "", "vt", 8100)
	if err != topo.ErrNoNode {
		t.Fatalf("FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(master) worked in cell2: %v %v", err, master)

	tabletMap, err = topo.GetTabletMapForShard(ts, "test_keyspace", "0")
	if err != topo.ErrPartialResult {
		t.Fatalf("GetTabletMapForShard should have returned ErrPartialResult but got: %v", err)
	master, err = FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(tabletMap, "", "vt", 8100)
	if err != nil || master != oldMasterAlias {
		t.Fatalf("FindTabletByIPAddrAndPort(master) failed: %v %v", err, master)

	// First test: reparent to the same master, make sure it works
	// as expected.
	if err := wr.ShardExternallyReparented("test_keyspace", "0", oldMasterAlias); err == nil {
		t.Fatalf("ShardExternallyReparented(same master) should have failed")
	} else {
		if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "already master") {
			t.Fatalf("ShardExternallyReparented(same master) should have failed with an error that contains 'already master' but got: %v", err)

	// Second test: reparent to the replica, and pretend the old
	// master is still good to go.
	done := make(chan struct{}, 1)

	// On the elected master, we will respond to
	newMasterMysqlDaemon := &mysqlctl.FakeMysqlDaemon{
		MasterAddr: "",
		MysqlPort:  3301,
	startFakeTabletActionLoop(t, wr, newMasterAlias, newMasterMysqlDaemon, done)

	// On the old master, we will only respond to
	oldMasterMysqlDaemon := &mysqlctl.FakeMysqlDaemon{
		MasterAddr: "",
		MysqlPort:  3300,
	startFakeTabletActionLoop(t, wr, oldMasterAlias, oldMasterMysqlDaemon, done)

	// On the good slaves, we will respond to
	goodSlaveMysqlDaemon1 := &mysqlctl.FakeMysqlDaemon{
		MasterAddr: "",
		MysqlPort:  3302,
	startFakeTabletActionLoop(t, wr, goodSlaveAlias1, goodSlaveMysqlDaemon1, done)
	goodSlaveMysqlDaemon2 := &mysqlctl.FakeMysqlDaemon{
		MasterAddr: "",
		MysqlPort:  3303,
	startFakeTabletActionLoop(t, wr, goodSlaveAlias2, goodSlaveMysqlDaemon2, done)

	// On the bad slave, we will respond to
	badSlaveMysqlDaemon := &mysqlctl.FakeMysqlDaemon{
		MasterAddr: "",
		MysqlPort:  3304,
	startFakeTabletActionLoop(t, wr, badSlaveAlias, badSlaveMysqlDaemon, done)

	// This tests a bad case; the new designated master is a slave,
	// but we should do what we're told anyway
	if err := wr.ShardExternallyReparented("test_keyspace", "0", goodSlaveAlias1); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("ShardExternallyReparented(slave) error: %v", err)

	// This tests the good case, where everything works as planned
	t.Logf("ShardExternallyReparented(new master) expecting success")
	if err := wr.ShardExternallyReparented("test_keyspace", "0", newMasterAlias); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("ShardExternallyReparented(replica) failed: %v", err)

	// Now double-check the serving graph is good.
	// Should only have one good replica left.
	addrs, err := ts.GetEndPoints("cell1", "test_keyspace", "0", topo.TYPE_REPLICA)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("GetEndPoints failed at the end: %v", err)
	if len(addrs.Entries) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("GetEndPoints has too many entries: %v", addrs)