Ejemplo n.º 1
func TestUpdateBoostFactors(t *testing.T) {
	sp := SpatialPooler{}
	sp.MaxBoost = 10.0
	sp.numColumns = 6
	sp.minActiveDutyCycles = make([]float64, sp.numColumns)
	for i, _ := range sp.minActiveDutyCycles {
		sp.minActiveDutyCycles[i] = -0.0000001
	sp.activeDutyCycles = []float64{0.1, 0.3, 0.02, 0.04, 0.7, 0.12}
	sp.boostFactors = make([]float64, sp.numColumns)
	trueBoostFactors := []float64{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}

	for i, _ := range sp.boostFactors {
		assert.Equal(t, trueBoostFactors[i], sp.boostFactors[i])

	sp.MaxBoost = 10.0
	sp.numColumns = 6
	sp.minActiveDutyCycles = []float64{0.1, 0.3, 0.02, 0.04, 0.7, 0.12}
	sp.activeDutyCycles = []float64{0.1, 0.3, 0.02, 0.04, 0.7, 0.12}
	trueBoostFactors = []float64{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}

	for i, _ := range sp.boostFactors {
		diff := math.Abs(trueBoostFactors[i] - sp.boostFactors[i])
		assert.True(t, diff <= 0.0000001)

	sp.MaxBoost = 10.0
	sp.numColumns = 6
	sp.minActiveDutyCycles = []float64{0.1, 0.2, 0.02, 0.03, 0.7, 0.12}
	sp.activeDutyCycles = []float64{0.01, 0.02, 0.002, 0.003, 0.07, 0.012}
	trueBoostFactors = []float64{9.1, 9.1, 9.1, 9.1, 9.1, 9.1}
	for i, _ := range sp.boostFactors {
		diff := math.Abs(trueBoostFactors[i] - sp.boostFactors[i])
		assert.True(t, diff <= 0.0000001)

	sp.MaxBoost = 10.0
	sp.numColumns = 6
	sp.minActiveDutyCycles = []float64{0.1, 0.2, 0.02, 0.03, 0.7, 0.12}
	sp.activeDutyCycles = make([]float64, sp.numColumns)
	trueBoostFactors = utils.MakeSliceFloat64(6, sp.MaxBoost)
	for i, _ := range sp.boostFactors {
		diff := math.Abs(trueBoostFactors[i] - sp.boostFactors[i])
		assert.True(t, diff <= 0.0000001)

Ejemplo n.º 2
func phase2(t *testing.T, bt *boostTest) {

	y := make([]bool, bt.sp.numColumns)

	// Do 9 training batch through the input patterns
	for i := 0; i < 9; i++ {
		for idx, input := range bt.x {
			utils.FillSliceBool(y, false)
			bt.sp.Compute(input, true, y, bt.sp.InhibitColumns)
			for j, winner := range y {
				if winner {
					bt.winningIteration[j] = bt.sp.IterationLearnNum
			bt.lastSDR[idx] = y

	// The boost factor for all columns should be at 1.
	assert.Equal(t, bt.sp.numColumns, utils.CountFloat64(bt.sp.boostFactors, 1), "Boost factors are not all 1")

	// Roughly half of the columns should have never been active.
	winners := utils.CountInt(bt.winningIteration, 0)
	assert.True(t, winners >= int(0.4*float64(bt.sp.numColumns)), "More than 60% of the columns have been active")

	// All the never-active columns should have duty cycle of 0
	activeSum := 0.0
	for idx, val := range bt.sp.activeDutyCycles {
		if bt.winningIteration[idx] == 0 {
			activeSum += val
	assert.Equal(t, 0, activeSum, "Inactive columns have positive duty cycle.")

	dutyAvg := 0.0
	dutyCount := 0
	for _, val := range bt.sp.activeDutyCycles {
		if val > 0 {
			dutyAvg += val

	// The average at-least-once-active columns should have duty cycle >= 0.15
	// and <= 0.25
	dutyAvg = dutyAvg / float64(dutyCount)
	assert.True(t, dutyAvg >= 0.15, "Average on-columns duty cycle is too low.")
	assert.True(t, dutyAvg <= 0.30, "Average on-columns duty cycle is too high.")

	verifySDRProps(t, bt)
Ejemplo n.º 3
func phase1(t *testing.T, bt *boostTest) {
	y := make([]bool, bt.sp.numColumns)
	// Do one training batch through the input patterns
	for idx, input := range bt.x {
		utils.FillSliceBool(y, false)
		bt.sp.Compute(input, true, y, bt.sp.InhibitColumns)
		for j, winner := range y {
			if winner {
				bt.winningIteration[j] = bt.sp.IterationLearnNum
		bt.lastSDR[idx] = y

	//The boost factor for all columns should be at 1.
	assert.Equal(t, bt.sp.numColumns, utils.CountFloat64(bt.sp.boostFactors, 1), "Boost factors are not all 1")

	//At least half of the columns should have never been active.
	winners := utils.CountInt(bt.winningIteration, 0)
	assert.True(t, winners >= bt.sp.numColumns/2, "More than half of the columns have been active")

	//All the never-active columns should have duty cycle of 0
	//All the at-least-once-active columns should have duty cycle >= 0.2
	activeSum := 0.0
	for idx, val := range bt.sp.activeDutyCycles {
		if bt.winningIteration[idx] == 0 {
			//assert.Equal(t, expected, actual, ...)
			activeSum += val
	assert.Equal(t, 0, activeSum, "Inactive columns have positive duty cycle.")

	winningMin := 100000.0
	for idx, val := range bt.sp.activeDutyCycles {
		if bt.winningIteration[idx] > 0 {
			if val < winningMin {
				winningMin = val
	assert.True(t, winningMin >= 0.2, "Active columns have duty cycle that is too low.")

	verifySDRProps(t, bt)
Ejemplo n.º 4
func TestLearnPredict(t *testing.T) {
	tps := NewTemporalPoolerParams()
	tps.Verbosity = 0
	tps.NumberOfCols = 50
	tps.CellsPerColumn = 2
	tps.ActivationThreshold = 8
	tps.MinThreshold = 10
	tps.InitialPerm = 0.5
	tps.ConnectedPerm = 0.5
	tps.NewSynapseCount = 10
	tps.PermanenceDec = 0.0
	tps.PermanenceInc = 0.1
	tps.GlobalDecay = 0
	tps.BurnIn = 1
	tps.PamLength = 10
	//tps.DoPooling = true

	tps.CollectStats = true
	tp := NewTemporalPooler(*tps)

	inputs := make([][]bool, 5)

	// inputs[0] = GenerateRandSequence(80, 50)
	// inputs[1] = GenerateRandSequence(80, 50)
	// inputs[2] = GenerateRandSequence(80, 50)
	inputs[0] = boolRange(0, 9, 50)
	inputs[1] = boolRange(10, 19, 50)
	inputs[2] = boolRange(20, 29, 50)
	inputs[3] = boolRange(30, 39, 50)
	inputs[4] = boolRange(40, 49, 50)

	//Learn 5 sequences above
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		for p := 0; p < 5; p++ {
			tp.Compute(inputs[p], true, false)


	//Predict sequences
	for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
		tp.Compute(inputs[i], false, true)
		p := tp.DynamicState.InfPredictedState.Entries()
		assert.Equal(t, 10, len(p))
		for _, val := range p {
			next := i + 1
			if next > 4 {
				next = 4
			assert.True(t, inputs[next][val.Row])

Ejemplo n.º 5
func verifySDRProps(t *testing.T, bt *boostTest) {
		 Verify that all SDRs have the properties desired for this test.
		The bounds for checking overlap are set fairly loosely here since there is
		some variance due to randomness and the artificial parameters used in this

	// Verify that all SDR's are unique
	for i := 0; i <= 4; i++ {
		for j := 1; j <= 4; j++ {
			eq := 0
			for k := 0; k < len(bt.lastSDR[i]); k++ {
				if bt.lastSDR[i][k] == bt.lastSDR[j][k] {
			if eq == len(bt.lastSDR[i]) {
				assert.Fail(t, "All SDR's are not unique")

	//Verify that the first two SDR's have some overlap.
	expected := computeOverlap(bt.lastSDR[0], bt.lastSDR[1]) > 9
	assert.True(t, expected, "First two SDR's don't overlap much")

	// Verify the last three SDR's have low overlap with everyone else.
	for i := 2; i <= 4; i++ {
		for j := 0; j <= 4; j++ {
			if i != j {
				overlap := computeOverlap(bt.lastSDR[i], bt.lastSDR[j])
				expected := overlap < 18
				assert.True(t, expected, "One of the last three SDRs has high overlap")

Ejemplo n.º 6
func phase3(t *testing.T, bt *boostTest) {
	//Do two more training batches through the input patterns
	y := make([]bool, bt.sp.numColumns)

	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
		for idx, input := range bt.x {
			utils.FillSliceBool(y, false)
			bt.sp.Compute(input, true, y, bt.sp.InhibitColumns)
			for j, winner := range y {
				if winner {
					bt.winningIteration[j] = bt.sp.IterationLearnNum
			bt.lastSDR[idx] = y

	// The boost factor for all columns that just won should be at 1.
	for idx, val := range y {
		if val {
			if bt.sp.boostFactors[idx] != 1 {
				assert.Fail(t, "Boost factors of winning columns not 1")

	// By now, every column should have been sufficiently boosted to win at least
	// once. The number of columns that have never won should now be 0
	for _, val := range bt.winningIteration {
		if val == 0 {
			assert.Fail(t, "Expected all columns to have won atleast once.")

	// Because of the artificially induced thrashing, even the first two patterns
	// should have low overlap. Verify that the first two SDR's now have little
	// overlap
	overlap := computeOverlap(bt.lastSDR[0], bt.lastSDR[1])
	assert.True(t, overlap < 7, "First two SDR's overlap significantly when they should not")