Ejemplo n.º 1
// WriteValue writes the given Thrift value to the underlying stream using the
// Thrift Binary Protocol.
func (bw *Writer) WriteValue(v wire.Value) error {
	switch v.Type() {
	case wire.TBool:
		if v.GetBool() {
			return bw.writeByte(1)
		return bw.writeByte(0)

	case wire.TI8:
		return bw.writeByte(byte(v.GetI8()))

	case wire.TDouble:
		value := math.Float64bits(v.GetDouble())
		return bw.writeInt64(int64(value))

	case wire.TI16:
		return bw.writeInt16(v.GetI16())

	case wire.TI32:
		return bw.writeInt32(v.GetI32())

	case wire.TI64:
		return bw.writeInt64(v.GetI64())

	case wire.TBinary:
		b := v.GetBinary()
		if err := bw.writeInt32(int32(len(b))); err != nil {
			return err
		return bw.write(b)

	case wire.TStruct:
		return bw.writeStruct(v.GetStruct())

	case wire.TMap:
		return bw.writeMap(v.GetMap())

	case wire.TSet:
		return bw.writeSet(v.GetSet())

	case wire.TList:
		return bw.writeList(v.GetList())

		return fmt.Errorf("unknown ttype %v", v.Type())
Ejemplo n.º 2
// assertRoundTrip checks if x.ToWire() results in the given Value and whether
// x.FromWire() with the given value results in the original x.
func assertRoundTrip(t *testing.T, x thriftType, v wire.Value, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
	message := fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...)
	if w, err := x.ToWire(); assert.NoError(t, err, "failed to serialize: %v", x) {
		if !assert.True(
			t, wire.ValuesAreEqual(v, w), "%v: %v.ToWire() != %v", message, x, v) {
			return false

		var buff bytes.Buffer
		if !assert.NoError(t, protocol.Binary.Encode(w, &buff), "%v: failed to serialize", message) {
			return false

		// Flip v to deserialize(serialize(x.ToWire())) to ensure full round
		// tripping

		newV, err := protocol.Binary.Decode(bytes.NewReader(buff.Bytes()), v.Type())
		if !assert.NoError(t, err, "%v: failed to deserialize", message) {
			return false

		if !assert.True(
			t, wire.ValuesAreEqual(newV, v), "%v: deserialize(serialize(%v.ToWire())) != %v", message, x, v) {
			return false

		v = newV

	xType := reflect.TypeOf(x)
	if xType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
		xType = xType.Elem()

	gotX := reflect.New(xType)
	err := gotX.MethodByName("FromWire").

	if assert.Nil(t, err, "FromWire: %v", message) {
		return assert.Equal(t, x, gotX.Interface(), "FromWire: %v", message)
	return false