Ejemplo n.º 1
// Verify the state of the test.  Note that since this also verifies if
// the test is supposed to be in a failed state, no other checks should
// be done in addition to what is being tested.
func checkState(c *gocheck.C, result interface{}, expected *expectedState) {
	failed := c.Failed()
	log := c.GetTestLog()
	matched, matchError := regexp.MatchString("^"+expected.log+"$", log)
	if matchError != nil {
		c.Errorf("Error in matching expression used in testing %s",
	} else if !matched {
		c.Errorf("%s logged %#v which doesn't match %#v",
			expected.name, log, expected.log)
	if result != expected.result {
		c.Errorf("%s returned %#v rather than %#v",
			expected.name, result, expected.result)
	if failed != expected.failed {
		if failed {
			c.Errorf("%s has failed when it shouldn't", expected.name)
		} else {
			c.Errorf("%s has not failed when it should", expected.name)