Ejemplo n.º 1
func (g *Grapher) assignMethodPaths(named *types.Named, prefix []string, pkgscope bool) {
	for i := 0; i < named.NumMethods(); i++ {
		m := named.Method(i)
		path := append(append([]string{}, prefix...), m.Name())
		g.paths[m] = path

		g.exported[m] = ast.IsExported(m.Name())
		g.pkgscope[m] = pkgscope

		if s := m.Scope(); s != nil {
			g.assignPaths(s, path, false)

	if iface, ok := named.Underlying().(*types.Interface); ok {
		for i := 0; i < iface.NumExplicitMethods(); i++ {
			m := iface.Method(i)
			path := append(append([]string{}, prefix...), m.Name())
			g.paths[m] = path

			g.exported[m] = ast.IsExported(m.Name())
			g.pkgscope[m] = pkgscope

			if s := m.Scope(); s != nil {
				g.assignPaths(s, path, false)
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: debug.go Proyecto: hinike/llgo
func (d *DIBuilder) descriptorNamed(t *types.Named) llvm.Value {
	// Create a placeholder for the named type, to terminate cycles.
	placeholder := llvm.MDNode(nil)
	d.types.Set(t, placeholder)
	var diFile llvm.Value
	var line int
	if file := d.fset.File(t.Obj().Pos()); file != nil {
		line = file.Line(t.Obj().Pos())
		diFile = d.getFile(file)
	typedef := d.builder.CreateTypedef(llvm.DITypedef{
		Type: d.DIType(t.Underlying()),
		Name: t.Obj().Name(),
		File: diFile,
		Line: line,
	return typedef
Ejemplo n.º 3
func (w *PkgWalker) lookupNamedField(named *types.Named, name string) *types.Named {
	if istruct, ok := named.Underlying().(*types.Struct); ok {
		for i := 0; i < istruct.NumFields(); i++ {
			field := istruct.Field(i)
			if field.Anonymous() {
				fieldType := orgType(field.Type())
				if typ, ok := fieldType.(*types.Named); ok {
					if na := w.lookupNamedField(typ, name); na != nil {
						return na
			} else {
				if field.Name() == name {
					return named
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
func (w *PkgWalker) lookupNamedMethod(named *types.Named, name string) (types.Object, *types.Named) {
	if iface, ok := named.Underlying().(*types.Interface); ok {
		for i := 0; i < iface.NumMethods(); i++ {
			fn := iface.Method(i)
			if fn.Name() == name {
				return fn, named
		for i := 0; i < iface.NumEmbeddeds(); i++ {
			if obj, na := w.lookupNamedMethod(iface.Embedded(i), name); obj != nil {
				return obj, na
		return nil, nil
	if istruct, ok := named.Underlying().(*types.Struct); ok {
		for i := 0; i < named.NumMethods(); i++ {
			fn := named.Method(i)
			if fn.Name() == name {
				return fn, named
		for i := 0; i < istruct.NumFields(); i++ {
			field := istruct.Field(i)
			if !field.Anonymous() {
			if typ, ok := field.Type().(*types.Named); ok {
				if obj, na := w.lookupNamedMethod(typ, name); obj != nil {
					return obj, na
	return nil, nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Type definitions are only carried through to Haxe to allow access to objects as if they were native Haxe classes.
// TODO consider renaming
func (l langType) TypeStart(nt *types.Named, err string) string {
	typName := "GoType" + l.LangName("", nt.String())
	hxTyp := l.LangType(nt.Obj().Type(), false, nt.String())
	ret := ""
	switch hxTyp {
	case "Object":
		ret += "class " + typName
		ret += " extends " + hxTyp + " {\n"
		ret += "abstract " + typName + "(" + hxTyp + ") from " + hxTyp + " to " + hxTyp + " {\n"
	switch nt.Underlying().(type) {
	case *types.Struct:
		str := nt.Underlying().(*types.Struct)
		ret += "inline public function new(){ super new(" + strconv.Itoa(int(haxeStdSizes.Sizeof(nt.Obj().Type()))) + "); }\n"
		flds := []string{}
		for f := 0; f < str.NumFields(); f++ {
			fName := str.Field(f).Name()
			if len(fName) > 0 {
				if unicode.IsUpper(rune(fName[0])) {
					flds = append(flds, fName)
		sort.Strings(flds) // make sure the fields are always in the same order in the file
		for _, fName := range flds {
			for f := 0; f < str.NumFields(); f++ {
				if fName == str.Field(f).Name() {
					haxeTyp := l.LangType(str.Field(f).Type(), false, nt.String())
					fOff := fieldOffset(str, f)
					sfx := loadStoreSuffix(str.Field(f).Type(), true)
					ret += fmt.Sprintf("public var _%s(get,set):%s;\n", fName, haxeTyp)
					ret += fmt.Sprintf("function get__%s():%s { return get%s%d); }\n",
						fName, haxeTyp, sfx, fOff)
					ret += fmt.Sprintf("function set__%s(v:%s):%s { return set%s%d,v); }\n",
						fName, haxeTyp, haxeTyp, sfx, fOff)
	case *types.Array:
		ret += "inline public function new(){ super new(" + strconv.Itoa(int(haxeStdSizes.Sizeof(nt.Obj().Type()))) + "); }\n"
	default: // TODO not yet sure how to handle named types that are not structs
		ret += "inline public function new(v:" + hxTyp + ") { this = v; }\n"

	meths := []string{}
	for m := 0; m < nt.NumMethods(); m++ {
		mName := nt.Method(m).Name()
		if len(mName) > 0 {
			if unicode.IsUpper(rune(mName[0])) {
				meths = append(meths, mName)
	sort.Strings(meths) // make sure the methods always appear in the same order in the file
	for _, mName := range meths {
		for m := 0; m < nt.NumMethods(); m++ {
			meth := nt.Method(m)
			if mName == meth.Name() {
				sig := meth.Type().(*types.Signature)
				ret += "// " + mName + " " + sig.String() + "\n"
				ret += "public function _" + mName + "("
				for p := 0; p < sig.Params().Len(); p++ {
					if p > 0 {
						ret += ","
					ret += "_" + sig.Params().At(p).Name() + ":" + l.LangType(sig.Params().At(p).Type(), false, nt.String())
				ret += ")"
				switch sig.Results().Len() {
				case 0:
					ret += ":Void "
				case 1:
					ret += ":" + l.LangType(sig.Results().At(0).Type(), false, nt.String())
					ret += ":{"
					for r := 0; r < sig.Results().Len(); r++ {
						if r > 0 {
							ret += ","
						ret += fmt.Sprintf("r%d:%s", r, l.LangType(sig.Results().At(r).Type(), false, nt.String()))
					ret += "}"
				ret += "{\n\t"
				if sig.Results().Len() > 0 {
					ret += "return "
				fnToCall := l.LangName(
				ret += `Go_` + fnToCall + `.hx(this`
				for p := 0; p < sig.Params().Len(); p++ {
					ret += ", _" + sig.Params().At(p).Name()
				ret += ");\n}\n"

	l.PogoComp().WriteAsClass(typName, ret+"}\n")

	return "" //ret