Ejemplo n.º 1
// Close kicks off the shutdown process of the transport. This should be called
// only once on a transport. Once it is called, the transport should not be
// accessed any more.
func (t *http2Client) Close() (err error) {
	if t.state == closing {
	if t.state == reachable || t.state == draining {
	t.state = closing
	err = t.conn.Close()
	streams := t.activeStreams
	t.activeStreams = nil
	// Notify all active streams.
	for _, s := range streams {
		if !s.headerDone {
			s.headerDone = true
		s.write(recvMsg{err: ErrConnClosing})
	if stats.On() {
		connEnd := &stats.ConnEnd{
			Client: true,
		stats.HandleConn(t.ctx, connEnd)
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Close starts shutting down the http2Server transport.
// TODO(zhaoq): Now the destruction is not blocked on any pending streams. This
// could cause some resource issue. Revisit this later.
func (t *http2Server) Close() (err error) {
	if t.state == closing {
		return errors.New("transport: Close() was already called")
	t.state = closing
	streams := t.activeStreams
	t.activeStreams = nil
	err = t.conn.Close()
	// Cancel all active streams.
	for _, s := range streams {
	if stats.On() {
		connEnd := &stats.ConnEnd{}
		stats.HandleConn(t.ctx, connEnd)
Ejemplo n.º 3
// newHTTP2Server constructs a ServerTransport based on HTTP2. ConnectionError is
// returned if something goes wrong.
func newHTTP2Server(conn net.Conn, config *ServerConfig) (_ ServerTransport, err error) {
	framer := newFramer(conn)
	// Send initial settings as connection preface to client.
	var settings []http2.Setting
	// TODO(zhaoq): Have a better way to signal "no limit" because 0 is
	// permitted in the HTTP2 spec.
	maxStreams := config.MaxStreams
	if maxStreams == 0 {
		maxStreams = math.MaxUint32
	} else {
		settings = append(settings, http2.Setting{
			ID:  http2.SettingMaxConcurrentStreams,
			Val: maxStreams,
	if initialWindowSize != defaultWindowSize {
		settings = append(settings, http2.Setting{
			ID:  http2.SettingInitialWindowSize,
			Val: uint32(initialWindowSize)})
	if err := framer.writeSettings(true, settings...); err != nil {
		return nil, connectionErrorf(true, err, "transport: %v", err)
	// Adjust the connection flow control window if needed.
	if delta := uint32(initialConnWindowSize - defaultWindowSize); delta > 0 {
		if err := framer.writeWindowUpdate(true, 0, delta); err != nil {
			return nil, connectionErrorf(true, err, "transport: %v", err)
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	t := &http2Server{
		ctx:             context.Background(),
		conn:            conn,
		remoteAddr:      conn.RemoteAddr(),
		localAddr:       conn.LocalAddr(),
		authInfo:        config.AuthInfo,
		framer:          framer,
		hBuf:            &buf,
		hEnc:            hpack.NewEncoder(&buf),
		maxStreams:      maxStreams,
		inTapHandle:     config.InTapHandle,
		controlBuf:      newRecvBuffer(),
		fc:              &inFlow{limit: initialConnWindowSize},
		sendQuotaPool:   newQuotaPool(defaultWindowSize),
		state:           reachable,
		writableChan:    make(chan int, 1),
		shutdownChan:    make(chan struct{}),
		activeStreams:   make(map[uint32]*Stream),
		streamSendQuota: defaultWindowSize,
	if stats.On() {
		t.ctx = stats.TagConn(t.ctx, &stats.ConnTagInfo{
			RemoteAddr: t.remoteAddr,
			LocalAddr:  t.localAddr,
		connBegin := &stats.ConnBegin{}
		stats.HandleConn(t.ctx, connBegin)
	go t.controller()
	t.writableChan <- 0
	return t, nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
// newHTTP2Client constructs a connected ClientTransport to addr based on HTTP2
// and starts to receive messages on it. Non-nil error returns if construction
// fails.
func newHTTP2Client(ctx context.Context, addr TargetInfo, opts ConnectOptions) (_ ClientTransport, err error) {
	scheme := "http"
	conn, err := dial(ctx, opts.Dialer, addr.Addr)
	if err != nil {
		if opts.FailOnNonTempDialError {
			return nil, connectionErrorf(isTemporary(err), err, "transport: %v", err)
		return nil, connectionErrorf(true, err, "transport: %v", err)
	// Any further errors will close the underlying connection
	defer func(conn net.Conn) {
		if err != nil {
	var authInfo credentials.AuthInfo
	if creds := opts.TransportCredentials; creds != nil {
		scheme = "https"
		conn, authInfo, err = creds.ClientHandshake(ctx, addr.Addr, conn)
		if err != nil {
			// Credentials handshake errors are typically considered permanent
			// to avoid retrying on e.g. bad certificates.
			temp := isTemporary(err)
			return nil, connectionErrorf(temp, err, "transport: %v", err)
	ua := primaryUA
	if opts.UserAgent != "" {
		ua = opts.UserAgent + " " + ua
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	t := &http2Client{
		ctx:        ctx,
		target:     addr.Addr,
		userAgent:  ua,
		md:         addr.Metadata,
		conn:       conn,
		remoteAddr: conn.RemoteAddr(),
		localAddr:  conn.LocalAddr(),
		authInfo:   authInfo,
		// The client initiated stream id is odd starting from 1.
		nextID:          1,
		writableChan:    make(chan int, 1),
		shutdownChan:    make(chan struct{}),
		errorChan:       make(chan struct{}),
		goAway:          make(chan struct{}),
		framer:          newFramer(conn),
		hBuf:            &buf,
		hEnc:            hpack.NewEncoder(&buf),
		controlBuf:      newRecvBuffer(),
		fc:              &inFlow{limit: initialConnWindowSize},
		sendQuotaPool:   newQuotaPool(defaultWindowSize),
		scheme:          scheme,
		state:           reachable,
		activeStreams:   make(map[uint32]*Stream),
		creds:           opts.PerRPCCredentials,
		maxStreams:      math.MaxInt32,
		streamSendQuota: defaultWindowSize,
	// Start the reader goroutine for incoming message. Each transport has
	// a dedicated goroutine which reads HTTP2 frame from network. Then it
	// dispatches the frame to the corresponding stream entity.
	go t.reader()
	// Send connection preface to server.
	n, err := t.conn.Write(clientPreface)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, connectionErrorf(true, err, "transport: %v", err)
	if n != len(clientPreface) {
		return nil, connectionErrorf(true, err, "transport: preface mismatch, wrote %d bytes; want %d", n, len(clientPreface))
	if initialWindowSize != defaultWindowSize {
		err = t.framer.writeSettings(true, http2.Setting{
			ID:  http2.SettingInitialWindowSize,
			Val: uint32(initialWindowSize),
	} else {
		err = t.framer.writeSettings(true)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, connectionErrorf(true, err, "transport: %v", err)
	// Adjust the connection flow control window if needed.
	if delta := uint32(initialConnWindowSize - defaultWindowSize); delta > 0 {
		if err := t.framer.writeWindowUpdate(true, 0, delta); err != nil {
			return nil, connectionErrorf(true, err, "transport: %v", err)
	go t.controller()
	t.writableChan <- 0
	if stats.On() {
		t.ctx = stats.TagConn(t.ctx, &stats.ConnTagInfo{
			RemoteAddr: t.remoteAddr,
			LocalAddr:  t.localAddr,
		connBegin := &stats.ConnBegin{
			Client: true,
		stats.HandleConn(t.ctx, connBegin)
	return t, nil