Ejemplo n.º 1
// from network
func (pm *ProposerManager) OneBTxnVotesReceived(sender common.RMId, txnId *common.TxnId, oneBTxnVotes *msgs.OneBTxnVotes) {
	server.Log(txnId, "1B received from", sender, "; instance:", common.RMId(oneBTxnVotes.RmId()))
	instId := instanceIdPrefix([instanceIdPrefixLen]byte{})
	instIdSlice := instId[:]
	copy(instIdSlice, txnId[:])
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(instIdSlice[common.KeyLen:], oneBTxnVotes.RmId())
	if prop, found := pm.proposals[instId]; found {
		prop.OneBTxnVotesReceived(sender, oneBTxnVotes)
	// If not found, it should be safe to ignore - it's just a delayed
	// 1B that we clearly don't need to complete the paxos instances
	// anyway.