Ejemplo n.º 1
// devices is the logic implementation of the Devices page.
func devices(p *page.Params) {
	c := p.AppCtx
	fv := p.Request.PostFormValue

	// Initial values:
	p.Custom["SearchPrecision"] = 1000
	p.Custom["LogsRetention"] = 60

	// Detect form submits:
	switch {
	case fv("submitAdd") != "":
		// Add New Device form submitted!
		// Checks:
		switch {
		case !checkName(p, fv("name")):
		case !checkSearchPrecision(p, fv("searchPrecision")):
		case !checkLogsRetention(p, fv("logsRetention")):
		if p.ErrorMsg == nil {
			// All data OK, save new Device
			searchPrecision, _ := strconv.ParseInt(fv("searchPrecision"), 10, 64)
			logsRetention, _ := strconv.Atoi(fv("logsRetention"))
			dev := ds.Device{fv("name"), 0, logsRetention, "", time.Now(), 0}
			genNewRandID(p, &dev)
			if p.Err != nil {
			if _, p.Err = datastore.Put(c, datastore.NewIncompleteKey(c, ds.ENameDevice, p.Account.GetKey(c)), &dev); p.Err != nil {
				return // Datastore error
			p.InfoMsg = "New Device saved successfully."
			// Clear from memcache:
			cache.ClearDevListForAccKey(c, p.Account.GetKey(c))
		} else {
			// Submitted values
			p.Custom["Name"] = fv("name")
			p.Custom["SearchPrecision"] = fv("searchPrecision")
			p.Custom["LogsRetention"] = fv("logsRetention")
	case fv("submitRename") != "":
		// Rename Device form submitted!
		if !checkName(p, fv("name")) {
		if devID, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(fv("devID")), 10, 64); err != nil {
			p.ErrorMsg = "Invalid Device!"
		} else {
			devKey := datastore.NewKey(c, ds.ENameDevice, "", devID, p.Account.GetKey(c))
			var dev ds.Device
			if err = datastore.Get(c, devKey, &dev); err != nil {
				if err == datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity {
					p.ErrorMsg = "You do not have access to the specified Device!"
				} else {
					// Real datastore error
					p.Err = err
			} else {
				// Proceed to rename
				dev.Name = fv("name")
				if _, p.Err = datastore.Put(c, devKey, &dev); p.Err != nil {
					return // Datastore error
				p.InfoMsg = "Device renamed successfully."
				// Clear from memcache:
				cache.ClearDevListForAccKey(c, p.Account.GetKey(c))
				cache.ClearDeviceForRandID(c, dev.RandID)
				dev.KeyID = devID // This is important (device is loaded freshly and not yet set)!
				cache.CacheDevice(c, &dev)
	case fv("submitGenNewKey") != "":
		// Generate New Key form submitted!
		if devID, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(fv("devID")), 10, 64); err != nil {
			p.ErrorMsg = "Invalid Device!"
		} else {
			devKey := datastore.NewKey(c, ds.ENameDevice, "", devID, p.Account.GetKey(c))
			var dev ds.Device
			if err = datastore.Get(c, devKey, &dev); err != nil {
				if err == datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity {
					p.ErrorMsg = "You do not have access to the specified Device!"
				} else {
					// Real datastore error
					p.Err = err
			} else {
				// Proceed to generate new key
				// Store old RandID to remove it from cache if saving succeeds
				oldRandID := dev.RandID
				genNewRandID(p, &dev)
				if p.Err != nil {
				if _, p.Err = datastore.Put(c, devKey, &dev); p.Err != nil {
					return // Datastore error
				p.InfoMsg = template.HTML("New Key generated successfully.")
				p.ImportantMsg = template.HTML("<b>Important!</b> You have to update the URL in the client application else further GPS tracking calls will be discarded!")
				cache.ClearDeviceForRandID(c, oldRandID)
				dev.KeyID = devID // This is important (device is loaded freshly and not yet set)!
				cache.CacheDevice(c, &dev)

	q := datastore.NewQuery(ds.ENameDevice).Ancestor(p.Account.GetKey(c)).Order(ds.PNameName)

	var devices []*ds.Device
	var devKeys []*datastore.Key
	if devKeys, p.Err = q.GetAll(c, &devices); p.Err != nil {
	for i := range devices {
		devices[i].KeyID = devKeys[i].IntID()

	p.Custom["Devices"] = devices
Ejemplo n.º 2
// settings is the logic implementation of the Settings page.
func settings(p *page.Params) {
	p.Custom["ImgFormats"] = imgFormats

	fv := p.Request.PostFormValue

	if fv("submitSettings") == "" {
		// No form submitted. Initial values:
		p.Custom["GoogleAccount"] = p.Account.Email
		p.Custom["ContactEmail"] = p.Account.ContactEmail
		p.Custom["LocationName"] = p.Account.LocationName
		if p.Account.LogsPageSize > 0 {
			p.Custom["LogsPageSize"] = p.Account.LogsPageSize
		p.Custom["MapPrevSize"] = p.Account.MapPrevSize
		p.Custom["MobMapPrevSize"] = p.Account.MobMapPrevSize
		p.Custom["MobMapImgFormat"] = p.Account.MobMapImgFormat
		if p.Account.MobPageWidth > 0 {
			p.Custom["MobPageWidth"] = p.Account.MobPageWidth

	p.Custom["GoogleAccount"] = fv("googleAccount")
	p.Custom["ContactEmail"] = fv("contactEmail")
	p.Custom["LocationName"] = fv("locationName")
	p.Custom["LogsPageSize"] = fv("logsPageSize")
	p.Custom["MapPrevSize"] = fv("mapPrevSize")
	p.Custom["MobMapPrevSize"] = fv("mobMapPrevSize")
	p.Custom["MobMapImgFormat"] = fv("mobMapImgFormat")
	p.Custom["MobPageWidth"] = fv("mobPageWidth")

	// Checks:
	switch {
	case !checkGoogleAccounts(p, fv("googleAccount")):
	case !checkContactEmail(p, fv("contactEmail")):
	case !checkLocationName(p, fv("locationName")):
	case !checkLogsPageSize(p, fv("logsPageSize")):
	case !checkMapPrevSize(p, "Map preview size", fv("mapPrevSize")):
	case !checkMapPrevSize(p, "Mobile Map preview size", fv("mobMapPrevSize")):
	case !checkMobMapImgFormat(p, fv("mobMapImgFormat")):
	case !checkMobPageWidth(p, fv("mobPageWidth")):

	if p.ErrorMsg != nil {

	// All data OK, save Account

	c := p.AppCtx

	// Create a "copy" of the account, only set it if saving succeeds.
	// Have to set ALL fields (else their values would be lost when (re)saved)!
	var logsPageSize, mobPageWidth int
	if fv("logsPageSize") != "" {
		logsPageSize, _ = strconv.Atoi(fv("logsPageSize"))
	if fv("mobPageWidth") != "" {
		mobPageWidth, _ = strconv.Atoi(fv("mobPageWidth"))
	acc := ds.Account{
		Email: p.User.Email, Lemail: strings.ToLower(p.User.Email), UserID: p.User.ID,
		ContactEmail: fv("contactEmail"), LocationName: fv("locationName"), LogsPageSize: logsPageSize,
		MapPrevSize: fv("mapPrevSize"), MobMapPrevSize: fv("mobMapPrevSize"),
		MobMapImgFormat: fv("mobMapImgFormat"), MobPageWidth: mobPageWidth,
		Created: p.Account.Created, KeyID: p.Account.KeyID,

	key := datastore.NewKey(c, ds.ENameAccount, "", p.Account.KeyID, nil)

	if _, p.Err = datastore.Put(c, key, &acc); p.Err == nil {
		p.InfoMsg = "Settings saved successfully."
		p.Account = &acc
		// Update cache with the new Account
		cache.CacheAccount(c, p.Account)
Ejemplo n.º 3
// alerts is the logic implementation of the Alerts page.
func alerts(p *page.Params) {
	c := p.AppCtx

	// First get devices
	var devices []*ds.Device
	if devices, p.Err = cache.GetDevListForAccKey(c, p.Account.GetKey(c)); p.Err != nil {
	p.Custom["Devices"] = devices

	fv := p.Request.PostFormValue

	// Detect form submits:
	switch {
	case fv("submitAdd") != "":
		// Add New Alert form submitted!
		// Checks:
		switch {
		case !checkDeviceID(p, fv("carDeviceID"), true, devices):
		case !checkDeviceID(p, fv("persMobDeviceID"), false, devices):
		if p.ErrorMsg == nil {
			// So far so good. Futher checks: car and personal mobile device must differ
			carDevID, _ := strconv.ParseInt(fv("carDeviceID"), 10, 64)
			var persMobDevID int64
			if fv("persMobDeviceID") != "" {
				persMobDevID, _ = strconv.ParseInt(fv("persMobDeviceID"), 10, 64)
				if carDevID == persMobDevID {
					p.ErrorMsg = template.HTML(`<span class="code">Car GPS Device</span> and <span class="code">Personal Mobile GPS Device</span> cannot be the same!`)
			if p.ErrorMsg == nil {
				// So far still good. Furter check: same alert cannot be saved twice
				q := datastore.NewQuery(ds.ENameAlert).Ancestor(p.Account.GetKey(c))
				var alerts []*ds.Alert
				if _, p.Err = q.GetAll(c, &alerts); p.Err != nil {
				for _, alert := range alerts {
					if alert.CarDevID == carDevID && alert.PersMobDevID == persMobDevID {
						p.ErrorMsg = template.HTML(`An Alert with the same <span class="code">Car GPS Device</span> and <span class="code">Personal Mobile GPS Device</span> already exists!`)
			if p.ErrorMsg == nil {
				// All data OK, save new Alert
				alert := ds.Alert{carDevID, persMobDevID, time.Now(), 0, "", ""}
				if _, p.Err = datastore.Put(c, datastore.NewIncompleteKey(c, ds.ENameAlert, p.Account.GetKey(c)), &alert); p.Err != nil {
					return // Datastore error
				p.InfoMsg = "New Alert saved successfully."
	case fv("submitDelete") != "":
		// Delete Alert form submitted!
		if alertID, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(fv("alertID")), 10, 64); err != nil {
			p.ErrorMsg = "Invalid Alert!"
		} else {
			alertKey := datastore.NewKey(c, ds.ENameAlert, "", alertID, p.Account.GetKey(c))
			// Check if
			var alert ds.Alert
			if err = datastore.Get(c, alertKey, &alert); err != nil {
				if err == datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity {
					p.ErrorMsg = "You do not have access to the specified Alert!"
				} else {
					// Real datastore error
					p.Err = err
			} else {
				// Proceed to delete
				if p.Err = datastore.Delete(c, alertKey); p.Err != nil {
					return // Datastore error
				p.InfoMsg = "Alert deleted successfully."

	q := datastore.NewQuery(ds.ENameAlert).Ancestor(p.Account.GetKey(c))

	var alerts []*ds.Alert
	var alertKeys []*datastore.Key
	if alertKeys, p.Err = q.GetAll(c, &alerts); p.Err != nil {
	for i, alert := range alerts {
		alert.KeyID = alertKeys[i].IntID()
		for _, d := range devices {
			switch d.KeyID {
			case alert.CarDevID:
				alert.CarDevName = d.Name
			case alert.PersMobDevID:
				alert.PersMobDevName = d.Name

	p.Custom["Alerts"] = alerts