Ejemplo n.º 1
// TODO(phase1+): kube-proxy should be a daemonset, three different daemonsets should not be here
func createKubeProxyPodSpec(s *kubeadmapi.MasterConfiguration, architecture string) api.PodSpec {
	envParams := kubeadmapi.GetEnvParams()
	privilegedTrue := true
	return api.PodSpec{
		SecurityContext: &api.PodSecurityContext{HostNetwork: true},
		NodeSelector: map[string]string{
			"beta.kubernetes.io/arch": architecture,
		Containers: []api.Container{{
			Name:            kubeProxy,
			Image:           images.GetCoreImage(images.KubeProxyImage, s, envParams["hyperkube_image"]),
			Command:         append(getComponentCommand("proxy", s), "--kubeconfig=/run/kubeconfig"),
			SecurityContext: &api.SecurityContext{Privileged: &privilegedTrue},
			VolumeMounts: []api.VolumeMount{
					Name:      "dbus",
					MountPath: "/var/run/dbus",
					ReadOnly:  false,
					// TODO there are handful of clever options to get around this, but it's
					// easier to just mount kubelet's config here; we should probably just
					// make sure that proxy reads the token and CA cert from /run/secrets
					// and accepts `--master` at the same time
					// clever options include:
					//  - do CSR dance and create kubeconfig and mount it as a secret
					//  - create a service account with a second secret encoding kubeconfig
					//  - use init container to convert known information to kubeconfig
					//  - ...whatever
					Name:      "kubeconfig",
					MountPath: "/run/kubeconfig",
					ReadOnly:  false,
		Volumes: []api.Volume{
				Name: "kubeconfig",
				VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{
					HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{Path: path.Join(envParams["kubernetes_dir"], "kubelet.conf")},
				Name: "dbus",
				VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{
					HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{Path: "/var/run/dbus"},
Ejemplo n.º 2
func createKubeProxyPodSpec(cfg *kubeadmapi.MasterConfiguration) v1.PodSpec {
	privilegedTrue := true
	return v1.PodSpec{
		HostNetwork:     true,
		SecurityContext: &v1.PodSecurityContext{},
		Containers: []v1.Container{{
			Name:            kubeProxy,
			Image:           images.GetCoreImage(images.KubeProxyImage, cfg, kubeadmapi.GlobalEnvParams.HyperkubeImage),
			Command:         append(getProxyCommand(cfg), "--kubeconfig=/run/kubeconfig"),
			SecurityContext: &v1.SecurityContext{Privileged: &privilegedTrue},
			VolumeMounts: []v1.VolumeMount{
					Name:      "dbus",
					MountPath: "/var/run/dbus",
					ReadOnly:  false,
					// TODO there are handful of clever options to get around this, but it's
					// easier to just mount kubelet's config here; we should probably just
					// make sure that proxy reads the token and CA cert from /run/secrets
					// and accepts `--master` at the same time
					// clever options include:
					//  - do CSR dance and create kubeconfig and mount it as a secret
					//  - create a service account with a second secret encoding kubeconfig
					//  - use init container to convert known information to kubeconfig
					//  - ...whatever
					Name:      "kubeconfig",
					MountPath: "/run/kubeconfig",
					ReadOnly:  false,
		Volumes: []v1.Volume{
				Name: "kubeconfig",
				VolumeSource: v1.VolumeSource{
					HostPath: &v1.HostPathVolumeSource{Path: path.Join(kubeadmapi.GlobalEnvParams.KubernetesDir, kubeconfig.KubeletKubeConfigFileName)},
				Name: "dbus",
				VolumeSource: v1.VolumeSource{
					HostPath: &v1.HostPathVolumeSource{Path: "/var/run/dbus"},
Ejemplo n.º 3
// WriteStaticPodManifests builds manifest objects based on user provided configuration and then dumps it to disk
// where kubelet will pick and schedule them.
func WriteStaticPodManifests(cfg *kubeadmapi.MasterConfiguration) error {
	volumes := []api.Volume{k8sVolume(cfg)}
	volumeMounts := []api.VolumeMount{k8sVolumeMount()}

	if isCertsVolumeMountNeeded() {
		volumes = append(volumes, certsVolume(cfg))
		volumeMounts = append(volumeMounts, certsVolumeMount())

	if isPkiVolumeMountNeeded() {
		volumes = append(volumes, pkiVolume(cfg))
		volumeMounts = append(volumeMounts, pkiVolumeMount())

	// Prepare static pod specs
	staticPodSpecs := map[string]api.Pod{
		kubeAPIServer: componentPod(api.Container{
			Name:          kubeAPIServer,
			Image:         images.GetCoreImage(images.KubeAPIServerImage, cfg, kubeadmapi.GlobalEnvParams.HyperkubeImage),
			Command:       getAPIServerCommand(cfg),
			VolumeMounts:  volumeMounts,
			LivenessProbe: componentProbe(8080, "/healthz"),
			Resources:     componentResources("250m"),
			Env:           getProxyEnvVars(),
		}, volumes...),
		kubeControllerManager: componentPod(api.Container{
			Name:          kubeControllerManager,
			Image:         images.GetCoreImage(images.KubeControllerManagerImage, cfg, kubeadmapi.GlobalEnvParams.HyperkubeImage),
			Command:       getControllerManagerCommand(cfg),
			VolumeMounts:  volumeMounts,
			LivenessProbe: componentProbe(10252, "/healthz"),
			Resources:     componentResources("200m"),
			Env:           getProxyEnvVars(),
		}, volumes...),
		kubeScheduler: componentPod(api.Container{
			Name:          kubeScheduler,
			Image:         images.GetCoreImage(images.KubeSchedulerImage, cfg, kubeadmapi.GlobalEnvParams.HyperkubeImage),
			Command:       getSchedulerCommand(cfg),
			LivenessProbe: componentProbe(10251, "/healthz"),
			Resources:     componentResources("100m"),
			Env:           getProxyEnvVars(),

	// Add etcd static pod spec only if external etcd is not configured
	if len(cfg.Etcd.Endpoints) == 0 {
		staticPodSpecs[etcd] = componentPod(api.Container{
			Name: etcd,
			Command: []string{
			VolumeMounts:  []api.VolumeMount{certsVolumeMount(), etcdVolumeMount(), k8sVolumeMount()},
			Image:         images.GetCoreImage(images.KubeEtcdImage, cfg, kubeadmapi.GlobalEnvParams.EtcdImage),
			LivenessProbe: componentProbe(2379, "/health"),
			Resources:     componentResources("200m"),
			SecurityContext: &api.SecurityContext{
				SELinuxOptions: &api.SELinuxOptions{
					// TODO: This implies our etcd container is not being restricted by
					// SELinux. This is not optimal and would be nice to adjust in future
					// so it can create and write /var/lib/etcd, but for now this avoids
					// recommending setenforce 0 system-wide.
					Type: "spc_t",
		}, certsVolume(cfg), etcdVolume(cfg), k8sVolume(cfg))

	manifestsPath := path.Join(kubeadmapi.GlobalEnvParams.KubernetesDir, "manifests")
	if err := os.MkdirAll(manifestsPath, 0700); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to create directory %q [%v]", manifestsPath, err)
	for name, spec := range staticPodSpecs {
		filename := path.Join(manifestsPath, name+".json")
		serialized, err := json.MarshalIndent(spec, "", "  ")
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal manifest for %q to JSON [%v]", name, err)
		if err := cmdutil.DumpReaderToFile(bytes.NewReader(serialized), filename); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to create static pod manifest file for %q (%q) [%v]", name, filename, err)
	return nil