Ejemplo n.º 1
func newTestController(kubeClient clientset.Interface, volumeSource, claimSource, classSource cache.ListerWatcher, enableDynamicProvisioning bool) *PersistentVolumeController {
	if volumeSource == nil {
		volumeSource = fcache.NewFakePVControllerSource()
	if claimSource == nil {
		claimSource = fcache.NewFakePVCControllerSource()
	if classSource == nil {
		classSource = fcache.NewFakeControllerSource()

	params := ControllerParameters{
		KubeClient:                kubeClient,
		SyncPeriod:                5 * time.Second,
		VolumePlugins:             []vol.VolumePlugin{},
		VolumeSource:              volumeSource,
		ClaimSource:               claimSource,
		ClassSource:               classSource,
		EventRecorder:             record.NewFakeRecorder(1000),
		EnableDynamicProvisioning: enableDynamicProvisioning,
	ctrl := NewController(params)

	// Speed up the test
	ctrl.createProvisionedPVInterval = 5 * time.Millisecond
	return ctrl
func newTestController(kubeClient clientset.Interface, volumeSource, claimSource, classSource cache.ListerWatcher, enableDynamicProvisioning bool) *PersistentVolumeController {
	if volumeSource == nil {
		volumeSource = fcache.NewFakePVControllerSource()
	if claimSource == nil {
		claimSource = fcache.NewFakePVCControllerSource()
	if classSource == nil {
		classSource = fcache.NewFakeControllerSource()
	ctrl := NewPersistentVolumeController(
		5*time.Second,        // sync period
		nil,                  // alpha provisioner
		[]vol.VolumePlugin{}, // recyclers
		nil,                  // cloud
		record.NewFakeRecorder(1000), // event recorder

	// Speed up the test
	ctrl.createProvisionedPVInterval = 5 * time.Millisecond
	return ctrl
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Test the real controller methods (add/update/delete claim/volume) with
// a fake API server.
// There is no controller API to 'initiate syncAll now', therefore these tests
// can't reliably simulate periodic sync of volumes/claims - it would be
// either very timing-sensitive or slow to wait for real periodic sync.
func TestControllerSync(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []controllerTest{
		// [Unit test set 5] - controller tests.
		// We test the controller as if
		// it was connected to real API server, i.e. we call add/update/delete
		// Claim/Volume methods. Also, all changes to volumes and claims are
		// sent to add/update/delete Claim/Volume as real controller would do.
			// addClaim gets a new claim. Check it's bound to a volume.
			"5-2 - complete bind",
			newVolumeArray("volume5-2", "1Gi", "", "", v1.VolumeAvailable, v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimRetain),
			newVolumeArray("volume5-2", "1Gi", "uid5-2", "claim5-2", v1.VolumeBound, v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimRetain, annBoundByController),
			noclaims, /* added in testAddClaim5_2 */
			newClaimArray("claim5-2", "uid5-2", "1Gi", "volume5-2", v1.ClaimBound, annBoundByController, annBindCompleted),
			noevents, noerrors,
			// Custom test function that generates an add event
			func(ctrl *PersistentVolumeController, reactor *volumeReactor, test controllerTest) error {
				claim := newClaim("claim5-2", "uid5-2", "1Gi", "", v1.ClaimPending)
				return nil
			// deleteClaim with a bound claim makes bound volume released.
			"5-3 - delete claim",
			newVolumeArray("volume5-3", "10Gi", "uid5-3", "claim5-3", v1.VolumeBound, v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimRetain, annBoundByController),
			newVolumeArray("volume5-3", "10Gi", "uid5-3", "claim5-3", v1.VolumeReleased, v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimRetain, annBoundByController),
			newClaimArray("claim5-3", "uid5-3", "1Gi", "volume5-3", v1.ClaimBound, annBoundByController, annBindCompleted),
			noevents, noerrors,
			// Custom test function that generates a delete event
			func(ctrl *PersistentVolumeController, reactor *volumeReactor, test controllerTest) error {
				obj := ctrl.claims.List()[0]
				claim := obj.(*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim)
				return nil
			// deleteVolume with a bound volume. Check the claim is Lost.
			"5-4 - delete volume",
			newVolumeArray("volume5-4", "1Gi", "uid5-4", "claim5-4", v1.VolumeBound, v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimRetain),
			newClaimArray("claim5-4", "uid5-4", "1Gi", "volume5-4", v1.ClaimBound, annBoundByController, annBindCompleted),
			newClaimArray("claim5-4", "uid5-4", "1Gi", "volume5-4", v1.ClaimLost, annBoundByController, annBindCompleted),
			[]string{"Warning ClaimLost"}, noerrors,
			// Custom test function that generates a delete event
			func(ctrl *PersistentVolumeController, reactor *volumeReactor, test controllerTest) error {
				obj := ctrl.volumes.store.List()[0]
				volume := obj.(*v1.PersistentVolume)
				return nil
			// addVolume with provisioned volume from Kubernetes 1.2. No "action"
			// is expected - it should stay bound.
			"5-5 - add bound volume from 1.2",
			[]*v1.PersistentVolume{addVolumeAnnotation(newVolume("volume5-5", "1Gi", "uid5-5", "claim5-5", v1.VolumeBound, v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimDelete), pvProvisioningRequiredAnnotationKey, pvProvisioningCompletedAnnotationValue)},
			newClaimArray("claim5-5", "uid5-5", "1Gi", "", v1.ClaimPending),
			newClaimArray("claim5-5", "uid5-5", "1Gi", "volume5-5", v1.ClaimBound, annBindCompleted, annBoundByController),
			noevents, noerrors,
			// Custom test function that generates a add event
			func(ctrl *PersistentVolumeController, reactor *volumeReactor, test controllerTest) error {
				volume := newVolume("volume5-5", "1Gi", "uid5-5", "claim5-5", v1.VolumeBound, v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimDelete)
				volume = addVolumeAnnotation(volume, pvProvisioningRequiredAnnotationKey, pvProvisioningCompletedAnnotationValue)
				return nil
			// updateVolume with provisioned volume from Kubernetes 1.2. No
			// "action" is expected - it should stay bound.
			"5-6 - update bound volume from 1.2",
			[]*v1.PersistentVolume{addVolumeAnnotation(newVolume("volume5-6", "1Gi", "uid5-6", "claim5-6", v1.VolumeBound, v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimDelete), pvProvisioningRequiredAnnotationKey, pvProvisioningCompletedAnnotationValue)},
			[]*v1.PersistentVolume{addVolumeAnnotation(newVolume("volume5-6", "1Gi", "uid5-6", "claim5-6", v1.VolumeBound, v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimDelete), pvProvisioningRequiredAnnotationKey, pvProvisioningCompletedAnnotationValue)},
			newClaimArray("claim5-6", "uid5-6", "1Gi", "volume5-6", v1.ClaimBound),
			newClaimArray("claim5-6", "uid5-6", "1Gi", "volume5-6", v1.ClaimBound, annBindCompleted),
			noevents, noerrors,
			// Custom test function that generates a add event
			func(ctrl *PersistentVolumeController, reactor *volumeReactor, test controllerTest) error {
				volume := newVolume("volume5-6", "1Gi", "uid5-6", "claim5-6", v1.VolumeBound, v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimDelete)
				volume = addVolumeAnnotation(volume, pvProvisioningRequiredAnnotationKey, pvProvisioningCompletedAnnotationValue)
				return nil
			// addVolume with unprovisioned volume from Kubernetes 1.2. The
			// volume should be deleted.
			"5-7 - add unprovisioned volume from 1.2",
			newClaimArray("claim5-7", "uid5-7", "1Gi", "", v1.ClaimPending),
			newClaimArray("claim5-7", "uid5-7", "1Gi", "", v1.ClaimPending),
			noevents, noerrors,
			// Custom test function that generates a add event
			func(ctrl *PersistentVolumeController, reactor *volumeReactor, test controllerTest) error {
				volume := newVolume("volume5-7", "1Gi", "uid5-7", "claim5-7", v1.VolumeBound, v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimDelete)
				volume = addVolumeAnnotation(volume, pvProvisioningRequiredAnnotationKey, "yes")
				return nil
			// updateVolume with unprovisioned volume from Kubernetes 1.2. The
			// volume should be deleted.
			"5-8 - update bound volume from 1.2",
			newClaimArray("claim5-8", "uid5-8", "1Gi", "", v1.ClaimPending),
			newClaimArray("claim5-8", "uid5-8", "1Gi", "", v1.ClaimPending),
			noevents, noerrors,
			// Custom test function that generates a add event
			func(ctrl *PersistentVolumeController, reactor *volumeReactor, test controllerTest) error {
				volume := newVolume("volume5-8", "1Gi", "uid5-8", "claim5-8", v1.VolumeBound, v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimDelete)
				volume = addVolumeAnnotation(volume, pvProvisioningRequiredAnnotationKey, "yes")
				return nil

	for _, test := range tests {
		glog.V(4).Infof("starting test %q", test.name)

		// Initialize the controller
		client := &fake.Clientset{}
		volumeSource := fcache.NewFakePVControllerSource()
		claimSource := fcache.NewFakePVCControllerSource()
		ctrl := newTestController(client, volumeSource, claimSource, nil, true)
		reactor := newVolumeReactor(client, ctrl, volumeSource, claimSource, test.errors)
		for _, claim := range test.initialClaims {
			reactor.claims[claim.Name] = claim
		for _, volume := range test.initialVolumes {
			reactor.volumes[volume.Name] = volume

		// Start the controller
		stopCh := make(chan struct{})

		// Wait for the controller to pass initial sync and fill its caches.
		for !ctrl.volumeController.HasSynced() ||
			!ctrl.claimController.HasSynced() ||
			len(ctrl.claims.ListKeys()) < len(test.initialClaims) ||
			len(ctrl.volumes.store.ListKeys()) < len(test.initialVolumes) {

			time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
		glog.V(4).Infof("controller synced, starting test")

		// Call the tested function
		err := test.test(ctrl, reactor, test)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("Test %q initial test call failed: %v", test.name, err)
		// Simulate a periodic resync, just in case some events arrived in a
		// wrong order.

		err = reactor.waitTest(test)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("Failed to run test %s: %v", test.name, err)

		evaluateTestResults(ctrl, reactor, test, t)