Ejemplo n.º 1
// TestNew verifies that the New function returns a GenericAPIServer
// using the configuration properly.
func TestNew(t *testing.T) {
	s, etcdserver, config, assert := newMaster(t)
	defer etcdserver.Terminate(t)

	// Verify many of the variables match their config counterparts
	assert.Equal(s.enableSwaggerSupport, config.EnableSwaggerSupport)
	assert.Equal(s.legacyAPIPrefix, config.APIPrefix)
	assert.Equal(s.apiPrefix, config.APIGroupPrefix)
	assert.Equal(s.admissionControl, config.AdmissionControl)
	assert.Equal(s.RequestContextMapper(), config.RequestContextMapper)
	assert.Equal(s.ClusterIP, config.PublicAddress)

	// these values get defaulted
	_, serviceClusterIPRange, _ := net.ParseCIDR("")
	serviceReadWriteIP, _ := ipallocator.GetIndexedIP(serviceClusterIPRange, 1)
	assert.Equal(s.ServiceReadWriteIP, serviceReadWriteIP)
	assert.Equal(s.ExternalAddress, net.JoinHostPort(config.PublicAddress.String(), "6443"))
	assert.Equal(s.PublicReadWritePort, 6443)

	// These functions should point to the same memory location
	serverDialer, _ := utilnet.Dialer(s.ProxyTransport)
	serverDialerFunc := fmt.Sprintf("%p", serverDialer)
	configDialerFunc := fmt.Sprintf("%p", config.ProxyDialer)
	assert.Equal(serverDialerFunc, configDialerFunc)

	assert.Equal(s.ProxyTransport.(*http.Transport).TLSClientConfig, config.ProxyTLSClientConfig)
Ejemplo n.º 2
// TestNew verifies that the New function returns a Master
// using the configuration properly.
func TestNew(t *testing.T) {
	master, etcdserver, config, assert := newMaster(t)
	defer etcdserver.Terminate(t)

	// Verify many of the variables match their config counterparts
	assert.Equal(master.enableCoreControllers, config.EnableCoreControllers)
	assert.Equal(master.tunneler, config.Tunneler)
	assert.Equal(master.RequestContextMapper(), config.RequestContextMapper)
	assert.Equal(master.ClusterIP, config.PublicAddress)

	// these values get defaulted
	_, serviceClusterIPRange, _ := net.ParseCIDR("")
	serviceReadWriteIP, _ := ipallocator.GetIndexedIP(serviceClusterIPRange, 1)
	assert.Equal(master.MasterCount, 1)
	assert.Equal(master.PublicReadWritePort, 6443)
	assert.Equal(master.ServiceReadWriteIP, serviceReadWriteIP)

	// These functions should point to the same memory location
	masterDialer, _ := utilnet.Dialer(master.ProxyTransport)
	masterDialerFunc := fmt.Sprintf("%p", masterDialer)
	configDialerFunc := fmt.Sprintf("%p", config.ProxyDialer)
	assert.Equal(masterDialerFunc, configDialerFunc)

	assert.Equal(master.ProxyTransport.(*http.Transport).TLSClientConfig, config.ProxyTLSClientConfig)
Ejemplo n.º 3
// setDefaults fills in any fields not set that are required to have valid data.
func setDefaults(c *Config) {
	if c.ServiceClusterIPRange == nil {
		defaultNet := ""
		glog.Warningf("Network range for service cluster IPs is unspecified. Defaulting to %v.", defaultNet)
		_, serviceClusterIPRange, err := net.ParseCIDR(defaultNet)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("Unable to parse CIDR: %v", err)
		if size := ipallocator.RangeSize(serviceClusterIPRange); size < 8 {
			glog.Fatalf("The service cluster IP range must be at least %d IP addresses", 8)
		c.ServiceClusterIPRange = serviceClusterIPRange
	if c.ServiceReadWriteIP == nil {
		// Select the first valid IP from ServiceClusterIPRange to use as the master service IP.
		serviceReadWriteIP, err := ipallocator.GetIndexedIP(c.ServiceClusterIPRange, 1)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("Failed to generate service read-write IP for master service: %v", err)
		glog.V(4).Infof("Setting master service IP to %q (read-write).", serviceReadWriteIP)
		c.ServiceReadWriteIP = serviceReadWriteIP
	if c.ServiceNodePortRange.Size == 0 {
		// TODO: Currently no way to specify an empty range (do we need to allow this?)
		// We should probably allow this for clouds that don't require NodePort to do load-balancing (GCE)
		// but then that breaks the strict nestedness of ServiceType.
		// Review post-v1
		defaultServiceNodePortRange := util.PortRange{Base: 30000, Size: 2768}
		c.ServiceNodePortRange = defaultServiceNodePortRange
		glog.Infof("Node port range unspecified. Defaulting to %v.", c.ServiceNodePortRange)
	if c.MasterCount == 0 {
		// Clearly, there will be at least one master.
		c.MasterCount = 1
	if c.ReadWritePort == 0 {
		c.ReadWritePort = 6443
	if c.CacheTimeout == 0 {
		c.CacheTimeout = 5 * time.Second
	for c.PublicAddress == nil || c.PublicAddress.IsUnspecified() || c.PublicAddress.IsLoopback() {
		// TODO: This should be done in the caller and just require a
		// valid value to be passed in.
		hostIP, err := util.ChooseHostInterface()
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("Unable to find suitable network address.error='%v' . "+
				"Will try again in 5 seconds. Set the public address directly to avoid this wait.", err)
			time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
		c.PublicAddress = hostIP
		glog.Infof("Will report %v as public IP address.", c.PublicAddress)
	if c.RequestContextMapper == nil {
		c.RequestContextMapper = api.NewRequestContextMapper()
Ejemplo n.º 4
// GetServerCertHostnames returns the set of hostnames that any serving certificate for master needs to be valid for.
func (args MasterArgs) GetServerCertHostnames() (sets.String, error) {
	masterAddr, err := args.GetMasterAddress()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	masterPublicAddr, err := args.GetMasterPublicAddress()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	assetPublicAddr, err := args.GetAssetPublicAddress()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	allHostnames := sets.NewString(
		"localhost", "",
		masterAddr.Host, masterPublicAddr.Host, assetPublicAddr.Host)

	if _, ipnet, err := net.ParseCIDR(args.NetworkArgs.ServiceNetworkCIDR); err == nil {
		// CIDR is ignored if it is invalid, other code handles validation.
		if firstServiceIP, err := ipallocator.GetIndexedIP(ipnet, 1); err == nil {

	listenIP := net.ParseIP(args.ListenArg.ListenAddr.Host)
	// add the IPs that might be used based on the ListenAddr.
	if listenIP != nil && listenIP.IsUnspecified() {
		allAddresses, _ := cmdutil.AllLocalIP4()
		for _, ip := range allAddresses {
	} else {

	certHostnames := sets.String{}
	for hostname := range allHostnames {
		if host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(hostname); err == nil {
			// add the hostname without the port
		} else {
			// add the originally specified hostname

	return certHostnames, nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
// setDefaults fills in any fields not set that are required to have valid data.
func setDefaults(c *Config) {
	if c.ServiceClusterIPRange == nil {
		defaultNet := ""
		glog.Warningf("Network range for service cluster IPs is unspecified. Defaulting to %v.", defaultNet)
		_, serviceClusterIPRange, err := net.ParseCIDR(defaultNet)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("Unable to parse CIDR: %v", err)
		if size := ipallocator.RangeSize(serviceClusterIPRange); size < 8 {
			glog.Fatalf("The service cluster IP range must be at least %d IP addresses", 8)
		c.ServiceClusterIPRange = serviceClusterIPRange
	if c.ServiceReadWriteIP == nil {
		// Select the first valid IP from ServiceClusterIPRange to use as the GenericAPIServer service IP.
		serviceReadWriteIP, err := ipallocator.GetIndexedIP(c.ServiceClusterIPRange, 1)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("Failed to generate service read-write IP for GenericAPIServer service: %v", err)
		glog.V(4).Infof("Setting GenericAPIServer service IP to %q (read-write).", serviceReadWriteIP)
		c.ServiceReadWriteIP = serviceReadWriteIP
	if c.ServiceReadWritePort == 0 {
		c.ServiceReadWritePort = 443
	if c.ServiceNodePortRange.Size == 0 {
		// TODO: Currently no way to specify an empty range (do we need to allow this?)
		// We should probably allow this for clouds that don't require NodePort to do load-balancing (GCE)
		// but then that breaks the strict nestedness of ServiceType.
		// Review post-v1
		defaultServiceNodePortRange := utilnet.PortRange{Base: 30000, Size: 2768}
		c.ServiceNodePortRange = defaultServiceNodePortRange
		glog.Infof("Node port range unspecified. Defaulting to %v.", c.ServiceNodePortRange)
	if c.MasterCount == 0 {
		// Clearly, there will be at least one GenericAPIServer.
		c.MasterCount = 1
	if c.ReadWritePort == 0 {
		c.ReadWritePort = 6443
	if c.CacheTimeout == 0 {
		c.CacheTimeout = 5 * time.Second
	if c.RequestContextMapper == nil {
		c.RequestContextMapper = api.NewRequestContextMapper()
	if len(c.ExternalHost) == 0 && c.PublicAddress != nil {
		hostAndPort := c.PublicAddress.String()
		if c.ReadWritePort != 0 {
			hostAndPort = net.JoinHostPort(hostAndPort, strconv.Itoa(c.ServiceReadWritePort))
		c.ExternalHost = hostAndPort