Ejemplo n.º 1
// Blocks outgoing network traffic on 'node'. Then verifies that 'podNameToDisappear',
// that belongs to replication controller 'rcName', really disappeared.
// Finally, it checks that the replication controller recreates the
// pods on another node and that now the number of replicas is equal 'replicas'.
// At the end (even in case of errors), the network traffic is brought back to normal.
// This function executes commands on a node so it will work only for some
// environments.
func performTemporaryNetworkFailure(c *client.Client, ns, rcName string, replicas int32, podNameToDisappear string, node *api.Node) {
	host := getNodeExternalIP(node)
	master := getMaster(c)
	By(fmt.Sprintf("block network traffic from node %s to the master", node.Name))
	defer func() {
		// This code will execute even if setting the iptables rule failed.
		// It is on purpose because we may have an error even if the new rule
		// had been inserted. (yes, we could look at the error code and ssh error
		// separately, but I prefer to stay on the safe side).
		By(fmt.Sprintf("Unblock network traffic from node %s to the master", node.Name))
		framework.UnblockNetwork(host, master)

	framework.Logf("Waiting %v to ensure node %s is ready before beginning test...", resizeNodeReadyTimeout, node.Name)
	if !framework.WaitForNodeToBe(c, node.Name, api.NodeReady, true, resizeNodeReadyTimeout) {
		framework.Failf("Node %s did not become ready within %v", node.Name, resizeNodeReadyTimeout)
	framework.BlockNetwork(host, master)

	framework.Logf("Waiting %v for node %s to be not ready after simulated network failure", resizeNodeNotReadyTimeout, node.Name)
	if !framework.WaitForNodeToBe(c, node.Name, api.NodeReady, false, resizeNodeNotReadyTimeout) {
		framework.Failf("Node %s did not become not-ready within %v", node.Name, resizeNodeNotReadyTimeout)

	framework.Logf("Waiting for pod %s to be removed", podNameToDisappear)
	err := framework.WaitForRCPodToDisappear(c, ns, rcName, podNameToDisappear)

	By("verifying whether the pod from the unreachable node is recreated")
	err = framework.VerifyPods(c, ns, rcName, true, replicas)

	// network traffic is unblocked in a deferred function
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Blocks outgoing network traffic on 'node'. Then runs testFunc and returns its status.
// At the end (even in case of errors), the network traffic is brought back to normal.
// This function executes commands on a node so it will work only for some
// environments.
func testUnderTemporaryNetworkFailure(c clientset.Interface, ns string, node *api.Node, testFunc func()) {
	host := framework.GetNodeExternalIP(node)
	master := framework.GetMasterAddress(c)
	By(fmt.Sprintf("block network traffic from node %s to the master", node.Name))
	defer func() {
		// This code will execute even if setting the iptables rule failed.
		// It is on purpose because we may have an error even if the new rule
		// had been inserted. (yes, we could look at the error code and ssh error
		// separately, but I prefer to stay on the safe side).
		By(fmt.Sprintf("Unblock network traffic from node %s to the master", node.Name))
		framework.UnblockNetwork(host, master)

	framework.Logf("Waiting %v to ensure node %s is ready before beginning test...", resizeNodeReadyTimeout, node.Name)
	if !framework.WaitForNodeToBe(c, node.Name, api.NodeReady, true, resizeNodeReadyTimeout) {
		framework.Failf("Node %s did not become ready within %v", node.Name, resizeNodeReadyTimeout)
	framework.BlockNetwork(host, master)

	framework.Logf("Waiting %v for node %s to be not ready after simulated network failure", resizeNodeNotReadyTimeout, node.Name)
	if !framework.WaitForNodeToBe(c, node.Name, api.NodeReady, false, resizeNodeNotReadyTimeout) {
		framework.Failf("Node %s did not become not-ready within %v", node.Name, resizeNodeNotReadyTimeout)

	// network traffic is unblocked in a deferred function
Ejemplo n.º 3

				defer func() {
					// Will not explicitly close newNode channel here due to
					// race condition where stopCh and newNode are closed but informer onUpdate still executes.
				go controller.Run(stopCh)

				By(fmt.Sprintf("Block traffic from node %s to the master", node.Name))
				host := getNodeExternalIP(&node)
				master := getMaster(c)
				defer func() {
					By(fmt.Sprintf("Unblock traffic from node %s to the master", node.Name))
					framework.UnblockNetwork(host, master)

					if CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().Failed {

					By("Expect to observe node and pod status change from NotReady to Ready after network connectivity recovers")
					expectNodeReadiness(true, newNode)
					if err = framework.WaitForMatchPodsCondition(c, podOpts, "Running and Ready", podReadyTimeout, framework.PodRunningReady); err != nil {
						framework.Failf("Pods on node %s did not become ready and running within %v: %v", node.Name, podReadyTimeout, err)

				framework.BlockNetwork(host, master)

				By("Expect to observe node and pod status change from Ready to NotReady after network partition")