Ejemplo n.º 1
// writeString writes the string s to p.output and updates p.pos, p.out,
// and p.last. If isLit is set, s is escaped w/ tabwriter.Escape characters
// to protect s from being interpreted by the tabwriter.
// Note: writeString is only used to write Go tokens, literals, and
// comments, all of which must be written literally. Thus, it is correct
// to always set isLit = true. However, setting it explicitly only when
// needed (i.e., when we don't know that s contains no tabs or line breaks)
// avoids processing extra escape characters and reduces run time of the
// printer benchmark by up to 10%.
func (p *printer) writeString(pos token.Position, s string, isLit bool) {
	if p.out.Column == 1 {

	if pos.IsValid() {
		// update p.pos (if pos is invalid, continue with existing p.pos)
		// Note: Must do this after handling line beginnings because
		// atLineBegin updates p.pos if there's indentation, but p.pos
		// is the position of s.
		p.pos = pos

	if isLit {
		// Protect s such that is passes through the tabwriter
		// unchanged. Note that valid Go programs cannot contain
		// tabwriter.Escape bytes since they do not appear in legal
		// UTF-8 sequences.
		p.output = append(p.output, tabwriter.Escape)

	if debug {
		p.output = append(p.output, fmt.Sprintf("/*%s*/", pos)...) // do not update p.pos!
	p.output = append(p.output, s...)

	// update positions
	nlines := 0
	var li int // index of last newline; valid if nlines > 0
	for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
		// Go tokens cannot contain '\f' - no need to look for it
		if s[i] == '\n' {
			li = i
	p.pos.Offset += len(s)
	if nlines > 0 {
		p.pos.Line += nlines
		p.out.Line += nlines
		c := len(s) - li
		p.pos.Column = c
		p.out.Column = c
	} else {
		p.pos.Column += len(s)
		p.out.Column += len(s)

	if isLit {
		p.output = append(p.output, tabwriter.Escape)

	p.last = p.pos
Ejemplo n.º 2
// atLineBegin emits a //line comment if necessary and prints indentation.
func (p *printer) atLineBegin(pos token.Position) {
	// write a //line comment if necessary
	if p.Config.Mode&SourcePos != 0 && pos.IsValid() && (p.out.Line != pos.Line || p.out.Filename != pos.Filename) {
		p.output = append(p.output, tabwriter.Escape) // protect '\n' in //line from tabwriter interpretation
		p.output = append(p.output, fmt.Sprintf("//line %s:%d\n", pos.Filename, pos.Line)...)
		p.output = append(p.output, tabwriter.Escape)
		// p.out must match the //line comment
		p.out.Filename = pos.Filename
		p.out.Line = pos.Line

	// write indentation
	// use "hard" htabs - indentation columns
	// must not be discarded by the tabwriter
	n := p.Config.Indent + p.indent // include base indentation
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		p.output = append(p.output, '\t')

	// update positions
	p.pos.Offset += n
	p.pos.Column += n
	p.out.Column += n
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Verify that calling Scan() provides the correct results.
func TestScan(t *testing.T) {
	whitespace_linecount := newlineCount(whitespace)

	// error handler
	eh := func(_ token.Position, msg string) {
		t.Errorf("error handler called (msg = %s)", msg)

	// verify scan
	var s Scanner
	s.Init(fset.AddFile("", fset.Base(), len(source)), source, eh, ScanComments|dontInsertSemis)

	// set up expected position
	epos := token.Position{
		Filename: "",
		Offset:   0,
		Line:     1,
		Column:   1,

	index := 0
	for {
		pos, tok, lit := s.Scan()

		// check position
		if tok == token.EOF {
			// correction for EOF
			epos.Line = newlineCount(string(source))
			epos.Column = 2
		checkPos(t, lit, pos, epos)

		// check token
		e := elt{token.EOF, "", special}
		if index < len(tokens) {
			e = tokens[index]
		if tok != e.tok {
			t.Errorf("bad token for %q: got %s, expected %s", lit, tok, e.tok)

		// check token class
		if tokenclass(tok) != e.class {
			t.Errorf("bad class for %q: got %d, expected %d", lit, tokenclass(tok), e.class)

		// check literal
		elit := ""
		switch e.tok {
		case token.COMMENT:
			// no CRs in comments
			elit = string(stripCR([]byte(e.lit)))
			//-style comment literal doesn't contain newline
			if elit[1] == '/' {
				elit = elit[0 : len(elit)-1]
		case token.IDENT:
			elit = e.lit
		case token.SEMICOLON:
			elit = ";"
			if e.tok.IsLiteral() {
				// no CRs in raw string literals
				elit = e.lit
				if elit[0] == '`' {
					elit = string(stripCR([]byte(elit)))
			} else if e.tok.IsKeyword() {
				elit = e.lit
		if lit != elit {
			t.Errorf("bad literal for %q: got %q, expected %q", lit, lit, elit)

		if tok == token.EOF {

		// update position
		epos.Offset += len(e.lit) + len(whitespace)
		epos.Line += newlineCount(e.lit) + whitespace_linecount


	if s.ErrorCount != 0 {
		t.Errorf("found %d errors", s.ErrorCount)
Ejemplo n.º 4
// writeCommentPrefix writes the whitespace before a comment.
// If there is any pending whitespace, it consumes as much of
// it as is likely to help position the comment nicely.
// pos is the comment position, next the position of the item
// after all pending comments, prev is the previous comment in
// a group of comments (or nil), and tok is the next token.
func (p *printer) writeCommentPrefix(pos, next token.Position, prev, comment *ast.Comment, tok token.Token) {
	if len(p.output) == 0 {
		// the comment is the first item to be printed - don't write any whitespace

	if pos.IsValid() && pos.Filename != p.last.Filename {
		// comment in a different file - separate with newlines
		p.writeByte('\f', maxNewlines)

	if pos.Line == p.last.Line && (prev == nil || prev.Text[1] != '/') {
		// comment on the same line as last item:
		// separate with at least one separator
		hasSep := false
		if prev == nil {
			// first comment of a comment group
			j := 0
			for i, ch := range p.wsbuf {
				switch ch {
				case blank:
					// ignore any blanks before a comment
					p.wsbuf[i] = ignore
				case vtab:
					// respect existing tabs - important
					// for proper formatting of commented structs
					hasSep = true
				case indent:
					// apply pending indentation
				j = i
		// make sure there is at least one separator
		if !hasSep {
			sep := byte('\t')
			if pos.Line == next.Line {
				// next item is on the same line as the comment
				// (which must be a /*-style comment): separate
				// with a blank instead of a tab
				sep = ' '
			p.writeByte(sep, 1)

	} else {
		// comment on a different line:
		// separate with at least one line break
		droppedLinebreak := false
		j := 0
		for i, ch := range p.wsbuf {
			switch ch {
			case blank, vtab:
				// ignore any horizontal whitespace before line breaks
				p.wsbuf[i] = ignore
			case indent:
				// apply pending indentation
			case unindent:
				// if this is not the last unindent, apply it
				// as it is (likely) belonging to the last
				// construct (e.g., a multi-line expression list)
				// and is not part of closing a block
				if i+1 < len(p.wsbuf) && p.wsbuf[i+1] == unindent {
				// if the next token is not a closing }, apply the unindent
				// if it appears that the comment is aligned with the
				// token; otherwise assume the unindent is part of a
				// closing block and stop (this scenario appears with
				// comments before a case label where the comments
				// apply to the next case instead of the current one)
				if tok != token.RBRACE && pos.Column == next.Column {
			case newline, formfeed:
				p.wsbuf[i] = ignore
				droppedLinebreak = prev == nil // record only if first comment of a group
			j = i

		// determine number of linebreaks before the comment
		n := 0
		if pos.IsValid() && p.last.IsValid() {
			n = pos.Line - p.last.Line
			if n < 0 { // should never happen
				n = 0

		// at the package scope level only (p.indent == 0),
		// add an extra newline if we dropped one before:
		// this preserves a blank line before documentation
		// comments at the package scope level (issue 2570)
		if p.indent == 0 && droppedLinebreak {

		// make sure there is at least one line break
		// if the previous comment was a line comment
		if n == 0 && prev != nil && prev.Text[1] == '/' {
			n = 1

		if n > 0 {
			// use formfeeds to break columns before a comment;
			// this is analogous to using formfeeds to separate
			// individual lines of /*-style comments
			p.writeByte('\f', nlimit(n))
Ejemplo n.º 5
// NewCommentMap creates a new comment map by associating comment groups
// of the comments list with the nodes of the AST specified by node.
// A comment group g is associated with a node n if:
//   - g starts on the same line as n ends
//   - g starts on the line immediately following n, and there is
//     at least one empty line after g and before the next node
//   - g starts before n and is not associated to the node before n
//     via the previous rules
// NewCommentMap tries to associate a comment group to the "largest"
// node possible: For instance, if the comment is a line comment
// trailing an assignment, the comment is associated with the entire
// assignment rather than just the last operand in the assignment.
func NewCommentMap(fset *token.FileSet, node Node, comments []*CommentGroup) CommentMap {
	if len(comments) == 0 {
		return nil // no comments to map

	cmap := make(CommentMap)

	// set up comment reader r
	tmp := make([]*CommentGroup, len(comments))
	copy(tmp, comments) // don't change incoming comments
	r := commentListReader{fset: fset, list: tmp} // !r.eol() because len(comments) > 0

	// create node list in lexical order
	nodes := nodeList(node)
	nodes = append(nodes, nil) // append sentinel

	// set up iteration variables
	var (
		p     Node           // previous node
		pend  token.Position // end of p
		pg    Node           // previous node group (enclosing nodes of "importance")
		pgend token.Position // end of pg
		stack nodeStack      // stack of node groups

	for _, q := range nodes {
		var qpos token.Position
		if q != nil {
			qpos = fset.Position(q.Pos()) // current node position
		} else {
			// set fake sentinel position to infinity so that
			// all comments get processed before the sentinel
			const infinity = 1 << 30
			qpos.Offset = infinity
			qpos.Line = infinity

		// process comments before current node
		for r.end.Offset <= qpos.Offset {
			// determine recent node group
			if top := stack.pop(r.comment.Pos()); top != nil {
				pg = top
				pgend = fset.Position(pg.End())
			// Try to associate a comment first with a node group
			// (i.e., a node of "importance" such as a declaration);
			// if that fails, try to associate it with the most recent
			// node.
			// TODO(gri) try to simplify the logic below
			var assoc Node
			switch {
			case pg != nil &&
				(pgend.Line == r.pos.Line ||
					pgend.Line+1 == r.pos.Line && r.end.Line+1 < qpos.Line):
				// 1) comment starts on same line as previous node group ends, or
				// 2) comment starts on the line immediately after the
				//    previous node group and there is an empty line before
				//    the current node
				// => associate comment with previous node group
				assoc = pg
			case p != nil &&
				(pend.Line == r.pos.Line ||
					pend.Line+1 == r.pos.Line && r.end.Line+1 < qpos.Line ||
					q == nil):
				// same rules apply as above for p rather than pg,
				// but also associate with p if we are at the end (q == nil)
				assoc = p
				// otherwise, associate comment with current node
				if q == nil {
					// we can only reach here if there was no p
					// which would imply that there were no nodes
					panic("internal error: no comments should be associated with sentinel")
				assoc = q
			cmap.addComment(assoc, r.comment)
			if r.eol() {
				return cmap

		// update previous node
		p = q
		pend = fset.Position(p.End())

		// update previous node group if we see an "important" node
		switch q.(type) {
		case *File, *Field, Decl, Spec, Stmt:

	return cmap