Ejemplo n.º 1
// Verify that initializing the same scanner more then once works correctly.
func TestInit(t *testing.T) {
	var s scanner.Scanner

	// 1st init
	src1 := "if true { }"
	f1 := fset.AddFile("src1", fset.Base(), len(src1))
	s.Init(f1, []byte(src1), nil, 0)
	if f1.Size() != len(src1) {
		t.Errorf("bad file size: got %d, expected %d", f1.Size(), len(src1))
	s.Scan()              // if
	s.Scan()              // true
	_, tok, _ := s.Scan() // {
	if tok != token.LBRACE {
		t.Errorf("bad token: got %s, expected %s", tok.String(), token.LBRACE)

	// 2nd init
	src2 := "go true { ]"
	f2 := fset.AddFile("src2", fset.Base(), len(src2))
	s.Init(f2, []byte(src2), nil, 0)
	if f2.Size() != len(src2) {
		t.Errorf("bad file size: got %d, expected %d", f2.Size(), len(src2))
	_, tok, _ = s.Scan() // go
	if tok != token.GO {
		t.Errorf("bad token: got %s, expected %s", tok.String(), token.GO)

	if s.ErrorCount != 0 {
		t.Errorf("found %d errors", s.ErrorCount)
Ejemplo n.º 2
func checkError(t *testing.T, src string, tok token.Token, pos int, err string) {
	var s scanner.Scanner
	var h errorCollector
	s.Init(fset.AddFile("", fset.Base(), len(src)), []byte(src), &h, scanner.ScanComments)
	_, tok0, _ := s.Scan()
	_, tok1, _ := s.Scan()
	if tok0 != tok {
		t.Errorf("%q: got %s, expected %s", src, tok0, tok)
	if tok1 != token.EOF {
		t.Errorf("%q: got %s, expected EOF", src, tok1)
	cnt := 0
	if err != "" {
		cnt = 1
	if h.cnt != cnt {
		t.Errorf("%q: got cnt %d, expected %d", src, h.cnt, cnt)
	if h.msg != err {
		t.Errorf("%q: got msg %q, expected %q", src, h.msg, err)
	if h.pos.Offset != pos {
		t.Errorf("%q: got offset %d, expected %d", src, h.pos.Offset, pos)
Ejemplo n.º 3
func checkSemi(t *testing.T, line string, mode uint) {
	var S scanner.Scanner
	file := fset.AddFile("TestSemis", fset.Base(), len(line))
	S.Init(file, []byte(line), nil, mode)
	pos, tok, lit := S.Scan()
	for tok != token.EOF {
		if tok == token.ILLEGAL {
			// the illegal token literal indicates what
			// kind of semicolon literal to expect
			semiLit := "\n"
			if lit[0] == '#' {
				semiLit = ";"
			// next token must be a semicolon
			semiPos := file.Position(pos)
			pos, tok, lit = S.Scan()
			if tok == token.SEMICOLON {
				if string(lit) != semiLit {
					t.Errorf(`bad literal for %q: got %q, expected %q`, line, lit, semiLit)
				checkPos(t, line, pos, semiPos)
			} else {
				t.Errorf("bad token for %q: got %s, expected ;", line, tok.String())
		} else if tok == token.SEMICOLON {
			t.Errorf("bad token for %q: got ;, expected no ;", line)
		pos, tok, lit = S.Scan()
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Verify that calling Scan() provides the correct results.
func TestScan(t *testing.T) {
	// make source
	var src string
	for _, e := range tokens {
		src += e.lit + whitespace
	src_linecount := newlineCount(src)
	whitespace_linecount := newlineCount(whitespace)

	// verify scan
	var s scanner.Scanner
	s.Init(fset.AddFile("", fset.Base(), len(src)), []byte(src), &testErrorHandler{t}, scanner.ScanComments)
	index := 0
	epos := token.Position{"", 0, 1, 1} // expected position
	for {
		pos, tok, litb := s.Scan()
		e := elt{token.EOF, "", special}
		if index < len(tokens) {
			e = tokens[index]
		lit := string(litb)
		if tok == token.EOF {
			lit = "<EOF>"
			epos.Line = src_linecount
			epos.Column = 2
		checkPos(t, lit, pos, epos)
		if tok != e.tok {
			t.Errorf("bad token for %q: got %s, expected %s", lit, tok.String(), e.tok.String())
		if e.tok.IsLiteral() && lit != e.lit {
			t.Errorf("bad literal for %q: got %q, expected %q", lit, lit, e.lit)
		if tokenclass(tok) != e.class {
			t.Errorf("bad class for %q: got %d, expected %d", lit, tokenclass(tok), e.class)
		epos.Offset += len(lit) + len(whitespace)
		epos.Line += newlineCount(lit) + whitespace_linecount
		if tok == token.COMMENT && litb[1] == '/' {
			// correct for unaccounted '/n' in //-style comment
		if tok == token.EOF {
	if s.ErrorCount != 0 {
		t.Errorf("found %d errors", s.ErrorCount)
Ejemplo n.º 5
func TestIllegalChars(t *testing.T) {
	var s scanner.Scanner

	const src = "*?*$*@*"
	file := fset.AddFile("", fset.Base(), len(src))
	s.Init(file, []byte(src), &testErrorHandler{t}, scanner.AllowIllegalChars)
	for offs, ch := range src {
		pos, tok, lit := s.Scan()
		if poffs := file.Offset(pos); poffs != offs {
			t.Errorf("bad position for %s: got %d, expected %d", string(lit), poffs, offs)
		if tok == token.ILLEGAL && string(lit) != string(ch) {
			t.Errorf("bad token: got %s, expected %s", string(lit), string(ch))

	if s.ErrorCount != 0 {
		t.Errorf("found %d errors", s.ErrorCount)
Ejemplo n.º 6
func TestStdErrorHander(t *testing.T) {
	const src = "@\n" + // illegal character, cause an error
		"@ @\n" + // two errors on the same line
		"//line File2:20\n" +
		"@\n" + // different file, but same line
		"//line File2:1\n" +
		"@ @\n" + // same file, decreasing line number
		"//line File1:1\n" +
		"@ @ @" // original file, line 1 again

	v := new(scanner.ErrorVector)
	var s scanner.Scanner
	s.Init(fset.AddFile("File1", fset.Base(), len(src)), []byte(src), v, 0)
	for {
		if _, tok, _ := s.Scan(); tok == token.EOF {

	list := v.GetErrorList(scanner.Raw)
	if len(list) != 9 {
		t.Errorf("found %d raw errors, expected 9", len(list))
		scanner.PrintError(os.Stderr, list)

	list = v.GetErrorList(scanner.Sorted)
	if len(list) != 9 {
		t.Errorf("found %d sorted errors, expected 9", len(list))
		scanner.PrintError(os.Stderr, list)

	list = v.GetErrorList(scanner.NoMultiples)
	if len(list) != 4 {
		t.Errorf("found %d one-per-line errors, expected 4", len(list))
		scanner.PrintError(os.Stderr, list)

	if v.ErrorCount() != s.ErrorCount {
		t.Errorf("found %d errors, expected %d", v.ErrorCount(), s.ErrorCount)
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Verify that comments of the form "//line filename:line" are interpreted correctly.
func TestLineComments(t *testing.T) {
	// make source
	var src string
	for _, e := range segments {
		src += e.srcline

	// verify scan
	var S scanner.Scanner
	file := fset.AddFile("dir/TestLineComments", fset.Base(), len(src))
	S.Init(file, []byte(src), nil, 0)
	for _, s := range segments {
		p, _, lit := S.Scan()
		pos := file.Position(p)
		checkPos(t, string(lit), p, token.Position{s.filename, pos.Offset, s.line, pos.Column})

	if S.ErrorCount != 0 {
		t.Errorf("found %d errors", S.ErrorCount)