Ejemplo n.º 1
func terminate(c cmd, conn *ec2.EC2, args []string) {
	if len(args) == 0 {
	_, err := conn.TerminateInstances(args)
	if err != nil {
		fatalf("cannot terminate instances: %v", err)
Ejemplo n.º 2
func terminateInstances(c *C, e *ec2.EC2, insts []*ec2.Instance) {
	var ids []string
	for _, inst := range insts {
		if inst != nil {
			ids = append(ids, inst.InstanceId)
	_, err := e.TerminateInstances(ids)
	c.Check(err, IsNil, Commentf("%d INSTANCES LEFT RUNNING!!!", len(ids)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
func terminateInstances(c *C, e *ec2.EC2, ids []string) {
	_, err := e.TerminateInstances(ids)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil, Commentf("%v INSTANCES LEFT RUNNING!!!", ids))
	// We need to wait until the instances are really off, because
	// entities that depend on them won't be deleted (i.e. groups,
	// NICs, subnets, etc.)
	testAttempt := aws.AttemptStrategy{
		Total: 10 * time.Minute,
		Delay: 5 * time.Second,
	f := ec2.NewFilter()
	f.Add("instance-state-name", "terminated")
	idsLeft := make(map[string]bool)
	for _, id := range ids {
		idsLeft[id] = true
	for a := testAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
		c.Logf("waiting for %v to get terminated", ids)
		resp, err := e.Instances(ids, f)
		if err != nil {
			c.Fatalf("not waiting for %v to terminate: %v", ids, err)
		for _, r := range resp.Reservations {
			for _, inst := range r.Instances {
				delete(idsLeft, inst.InstanceId)
		ids = []string{}
		for id, _ := range idsLeft {
			ids = append(ids, id)
		if len(ids) == 0 {
			c.Logf("all instances terminated.")
	c.Fatalf("%v INSTANCES LEFT RUNNING!!!", ids)