Ejemplo n.º 1
func (*environSuite) TestAttemptCreateServiceCreatesService(c *C) {
	prefix := "myservice"
	affinityGroup := "affinity-group"
	location := "location"
	responses := []gwacl.DispatcherResponse{
		gwacl.NewDispatcherResponse(makeAvailabilityResponse(c), http.StatusOK, nil),
		gwacl.NewDispatcherResponse(nil, http.StatusOK, nil),
	requests := gwacl.PatchManagementAPIResponses(responses)
	azure, err := gwacl.NewManagementAPI("subscription", "", "West US")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	service, err := attemptCreateService(azure, prefix, affinityGroup, location)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	c.Assert(*requests, HasLen, 2)
	body := parseCreateServiceRequest(c, (*requests)[1])
	c.Check(body.ServiceName, Equals, service.ServiceName)
	c.Check(body.AffinityGroup, Equals, affinityGroup)
	c.Check(service.ServiceName, Matches, prefix+".*")
	c.Check(service.Location, Equals, location)

	label, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(service.Label)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(string(label), Equals, service.ServiceName)
Ejemplo n.º 2
func (*EnvironSuite) TestAttemptCreateServicePropagatesOtherFailure(c *C) {
	responses := []gwacl.DispatcherResponse{
		gwacl.NewDispatcherResponse(nil, http.StatusNotFound, nil),
	azure, err := gwacl.NewManagementAPI("subscription", "certfile.pem")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	_, err = attemptCreateService(azure, "service", "affinity-group")
	c.Assert(err, NotNil)
	c.Check(err, ErrorMatches, ".*Not Found.*")
Ejemplo n.º 3
func (*environSuite) TestAttemptCreateServiceReturnsNilIfNameNotUnique(c *C) {
	responses := []gwacl.DispatcherResponse{
		gwacl.NewDispatcherResponse(makeNonAvailabilityResponse(c), http.StatusOK, nil),
	azure, err := gwacl.NewManagementAPI("subscription", "", "West US")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	service, err := attemptCreateService(azure, "service", "affinity-group", "location")
	c.Check(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(service, IsNil)
Ejemplo n.º 4
func (*EnvironSuite) TestAttemptCreateServiceReturnsNilIfNameNotUnique(c *C) {
	errorBody := makeServiceNameAlreadyTakenError(c)
	responses := []gwacl.DispatcherResponse{
		gwacl.NewDispatcherResponse(errorBody, http.StatusConflict, nil),
	azure, err := gwacl.NewManagementAPI("subscription", "certfile.pem")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	service, err := attemptCreateService(azure, "service", "affinity-group")
	c.Check(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(service, IsNil)
Ejemplo n.º 5
func (*EnvironSuite) TestNewHostedServiceFailsIfUnableToFindUniqueName(c *C) {
	errorBody := makeServiceNameAlreadyTakenError(c)
	responses := []gwacl.DispatcherResponse{}
	for counter := 0; counter < 100; counter++ {
		responses = append(responses, gwacl.NewDispatcherResponse(errorBody, http.StatusConflict, nil))
	azure, err := gwacl.NewManagementAPI("subscription", "certfile.pem")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	_, err = newHostedService(azure, "service", "affinity-group")
	c.Assert(err, NotNil)
	c.Check(err, ErrorMatches, "could not come up with a unique hosted service name.*")
Ejemplo n.º 6
func (*environSuite) TestNewHostedServiceRetriesIfNotUnique(c *C) {
	errorBody := makeNonAvailabilityResponse(c)
	okBody := makeAvailabilityResponse(c)
	// In this scenario, the first two names that we try are already
	// taken.  The third one is unique though, so we succeed.
	responses := []gwacl.DispatcherResponse{
		gwacl.NewDispatcherResponse(errorBody, http.StatusOK, nil),
		gwacl.NewDispatcherResponse(errorBody, http.StatusOK, nil),
		gwacl.NewDispatcherResponse(okBody, http.StatusOK, nil),
		gwacl.NewDispatcherResponse(nil, http.StatusOK, nil),
	requests := gwacl.PatchManagementAPIResponses(responses)
	azure, err := gwacl.NewManagementAPI("subscription", "", "West US")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	service, err := newHostedService(azure, "service", "affinity-group", "location")
	c.Check(err, IsNil)

	c.Assert(*requests, HasLen, 4)
	// How many names have been attempted, and how often?
	// There is a minute chance that this tries the same name twice, and
	// then this test will fail.  If that happens, try seeding the
	// randomizer with some fixed seed that doens't produce the problem.
	attemptedNames := make(map[string]int)
	for _, request := range *requests {
		// Exit the loop if we hit the request to create the service, it comes
		// after the check calls.
		if request.Method == "POST" {
		// Name is the last part of the URL from the GET requests that check
		// availability.
		_, name := path.Split(strings.TrimRight(request.URL, "/"))
		attemptedNames[name] += 1
	// The three attempts we just made all had different service names.
	c.Check(attemptedNames, HasLen, 3)

	// Once newHostedService succeeds, we get a hosted service with the
	// last requested name.
		parseCreateServiceRequest(c, (*requests)[3]).ServiceName)
Ejemplo n.º 7
func (*EnvironSuite) TestNewHostedServiceCreatesService(c *C) {
	prefix := "myservice"
	affinityGroup := "affinity-group"
	responses := []gwacl.DispatcherResponse{
		gwacl.NewDispatcherResponse(nil, http.StatusOK, nil),
	requests := gwacl.PatchManagementAPIResponses(responses)
	azure, err := gwacl.NewManagementAPI("subscription", "certfile.pem")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	service, err := newHostedService(azure, prefix, affinityGroup)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	c.Assert(*requests, HasLen, 1)
	body := parseCreateServiceRequest(c, (*requests)[0])
	c.Check(body.ServiceName, Equals, service.ServiceName)
	c.Check(body.AffinityGroup, Equals, affinityGroup)
	c.Check(service.ServiceName, Matches, prefix+".*")
Ejemplo n.º 8
// getManagementAPI obtains a context object for interfacing with Azure's
// management API.
// For now, each invocation just returns a separate object.  This is probably
// wasteful (each context gets its own SSL connection) and may need optimizing
// later.
func (env *azureEnviron) getManagementAPI() (*azureManagementContext, error) {
	snap := env.getSnapshot()
	subscription := snap.ecfg.ManagementSubscriptionId()
	certData := snap.ecfg.ManagementCertificate()
	certFile, err := newTempCertFile([]byte(certData))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// After this point, if we need to leave prematurely, we should clean
	// up that certificate file.
	mgtAPI, err := gwacl.NewManagementAPI(subscription, certFile.Path())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	context := azureManagementContext{
		ManagementAPI: mgtAPI,
		certFile:      certFile,
	return &context, nil
Ejemplo n.º 9
func (*EnvironSuite) TestAttemptCreateServiceRecognizesChangedConflictError(c *C) {
	// Even if Azure or gwacl makes slight changes to the error they
	// return (e.g. to translate output), attemptCreateService can still
	// recognize the error that means "this service name is not unique."
	errorBody, err := xml.Marshal(gwacl.AzureError{
		error:      fmt.Errorf("broken HTTP request"),
		HTTPStatus: http.StatusConflict,
		Code:       "ServiceNameTaken",
		Message:    "De aangevraagde naam is al in gebruik.",
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	responses := []gwacl.DispatcherResponse{
		gwacl.NewDispatcherResponse(errorBody, http.StatusConflict, nil),
	azure, err := gwacl.NewManagementAPI("subscription", "certfile.pem")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	service, err := attemptCreateService(azure, "service", "affinity-group")
	c.Check(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(service, IsNil)
Ejemplo n.º 10
func (*EnvironSuite) TestNewHostedServiceRetriesIfNotUnique(c *C) {
	errorBody := makeServiceNameAlreadyTakenError(c)
	// In this scenario, the first two names that we try are already
	// taken.  The third one is unique though, so we succeed.
	responses := []gwacl.DispatcherResponse{
		gwacl.NewDispatcherResponse(errorBody, http.StatusConflict, nil),
		gwacl.NewDispatcherResponse(errorBody, http.StatusConflict, nil),
		gwacl.NewDispatcherResponse(nil, http.StatusOK, nil),
	requests := gwacl.PatchManagementAPIResponses(responses)
	azure, err := gwacl.NewManagementAPI("subscription", "certfile.pem")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	service, err := newHostedService(azure, "service", "affinity-group")
	c.Check(err, IsNil)

	c.Assert(*requests, HasLen, 3)
	// How many names have been attempted, and how often?
	// There is a minute chance that this tries the same name twice, and
	// then this test will fail.  If that happens, try seeding the
	// randomizer with some fixed seed that doens't produce the problem.
	attemptedNames := make(map[string]int)
	for _, request := range *requests {
		name := parseCreateServiceRequest(c, request).ServiceName
		attemptedNames[name] += 1
	// The three attempts we just made all had different service names.
	c.Check(attemptedNames, HasLen, 3)

	// Once newHostedService succeeds, we get a hosted service with the
	// last requested name.
		parseCreateServiceRequest(c, (*requests)[2]).ServiceName)