Ejemplo n.º 1
func UseTestMetadata(files map[string]string) {
	if files != nil {
		testRoundTripper.Sub = jujutest.NewCannedRoundTripper(files, nil)
		metadataHost = "test:"
	} else {
		testRoundTripper.Sub = nil
		metadataHost = origMetadataHost
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Set Metadata requests to be served by the filecontent supplied.
func UseTestMetadata(metadata map[string]string) {
	if len(metadata) != 0 {
		testRoundTripper.Sub = jujutest.NewCannedRoundTripper(metadata, nil)
		metadataHost = "test:"
	} else {
		testRoundTripper.Sub = nil
		metadataHost = origMetadataHost
Ejemplo n.º 3
// UseTestImageData causes the given content to be served
// when the ec2 client asks for image data.
func UseTestImageData(files map[string]string) {
	if files != nil {
		testRoundTripper.Sub = jujutest.NewCannedRoundTripper(files, nil)
		imagemetadata.DefaultBaseURL = "test:"
		signedImageDataOnly = false
	} else {
		signedImageDataOnly = true
		testRoundTripper.Sub = nil
		imagemetadata.DefaultBaseURL = origImagesUrl
Ejemplo n.º 4
func (s *BootstrapSuite) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
	stateInfo := environs.BootstrapState{
		StateInstances: []instance.Id{instance.Id("dummy.instance.id")},
	stateData, err := goyaml.Marshal(stateInfo)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	content := map[string]string{"/" + environs.StateFile: string(stateData)}
	testRoundTripper.Sub = jujutest.NewCannedRoundTripper(content, nil)
	s.providerStateURLFile = filepath.Join(c.MkDir(), "provider-state-url")
	providerStateURLFile = s.providerStateURLFile
Ejemplo n.º 5
// prepareSimpleStreamsResponse sets up a fake response for our query to
// SimpleStreams.
// It returns a cleanup function, which you must call to reset things when
// done.
func prepareSimpleStreamsResponse(location, series, release, arch, json string) func() {
	fakeURL := fakeSimpleStreamsScheme + "://"
	originalURLs := baseURLs
	baseURLs = []string{fakeURL}

	originalSignedOnly := signedImageDataOnly
	signedImageDataOnly = false

	// Generate an index.  It will point to an Azure index with the
	// caller's json.
	index := fmt.Sprintf(`
		 "index": {
		  "com.ubuntu.cloud:released:%s": {
		   "updated": "Tue, 30 Jul 2013 10:24:31 +0000",
		   "clouds": [
			 "region": %q,
			 "endpoint": "https://management.core.windows.net/"
		   "cloudname": "azure",
		   "datatype": "image-ids",
		   "format": "products:1.0",
		   "products": [
		   "path": "/v1/azure.json"
		 "updated": "Tue, 30 Jul 2013 10:24:31 +0000",
		 "format": "index:1.0"
		`, series, location, release, arch)
	files := map[string]string{
		"/v1/index.json": index,
		"/v1/azure.json": json,
	testRoundTripper.Sub = jujutest.NewCannedRoundTripper(files, nil)
	return func() {
		baseURLs = originalURLs
		signedImageDataOnly = originalSignedOnly
		testRoundTripper.Sub = nil
Ejemplo n.º 6
func (s *simplestreamsSuite) SetUpSuite(c *gc.C) {
	testRoundTripper.Sub = jujutest.NewCannedRoundTripper(
		imageData, map[string]int{"test://unauth": http.StatusUnauthorized})