Ejemplo n.º 1
func (proj *Project) upgradeCheck(r *repo.Repo, vers *repo.Version,
	force bool) (bool, error) {
	rdesc, err := r.GetRepoDesc()
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	branch, newVers, _ := rdesc.Match(r)
	if newVers == nil {
			"No matching version to upgrade to "+
				"found for %s.  Please check your project requirements.",
		return false, util.NewNewtError(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot find a "+
			"version of repository %s that matches project requirements.",

	// If the change between the old repository and the new repository would cause
	// and upgrade.  Then prompt for an upgrade response, unless the force option
	// is present.
	if vers.CompareVersions(newVers, vers) != 0 ||
		vers.Stability() != newVers.Stability() {
		if !force {
			str := ""
			if newVers.Stability() != repo.VERSION_STABILITY_NONE {
				str += "(" + branch + ")"

			fmt.Printf("Would you like to upgrade repository %s from %s to %s %s? [Yn] ",
				r.Name(), vers.String(), newVers.String(), str)
			line, more, err := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin).ReadLine()
			if more || err != nil {
				return false, util.NewNewtError(fmt.Sprintf(
					"Couldn't read upgrade response: %s\n", err.Error()))

			// Anything but no means yes.
			answer := strings.ToUpper(strings.Trim(string(line), " "))
			if answer == "N" || answer == "NO" {
				fmt.Printf("User says don't upgrade, skipping upgrade of %s\n",
				return true, nil
	} else {
			"Repository %s doesn't need to be upgraded, latest "+
				"version installed.\n", r.Name())
		return true, nil

	return false, nil
Ejemplo n.º 2
func (proj *Project) checkVersionRequirements(r *repo.Repo, upgrade bool, force bool) (bool, error) {
	rdesc, err := r.GetRepoDesc()
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	rname := r.Name()

	vers := proj.projState.GetInstalledVersion(rname)
	if vers != nil {
		ok := rdesc.SatisfiesVersion(vers, r.VersionRequirements())
		if !ok && !upgrade {
			util.StatusMessage(util.VERBOSITY_QUIET, "WARNING: Installed "+
				"version %s of repository %s does not match desired "+
				"version %s in project file.  You can fix this by either upgrading"+
				" your repository, or modifying the project.yml file.\n",
				vers, rname, r.VersionRequirementsString())
			return true, err
		} else {
			if !upgrade {
				util.StatusMessage(util.VERBOSITY_VERBOSE, "%s correct version already installed\n", r.Name())
				return true, nil
			} else {
				skip, err := proj.upgradeCheck(r, vers, force)
				return skip, err
	} else {
		// Fallthrough and perform the installation.
		// Check to make sure that this repository contains a version
		// that can satisfy.
		_, _, ok := rdesc.Match(r)
		if !ok {
			fmt.Printf("WARNING: No matching repository version found for repository "+
				"%s specified in project.\n", r.Name())
			return true, err

	return false, nil