Ejemplo n.º 1
// HTTPTransport creates an ingress bridge from the outside world to the passed
// server, by installing handlers for all the necessary RPCs to the passed mux.
func HTTPTransport(mux *http.ServeMux, s *Server) {
	mux.HandleFunc(IDPath, idHandler(s))
	mux.HandleFunc(AppendEntriesPath, appendEntriesHandler(s))
	mux.HandleFunc(RequestVotePath, requestVoteHandler(s))
	mux.HandleFunc(CommandPath, commandHandler(s))
	mux.HandleFunc(SetConfigurationPath, setConfigurationHandler(s))
Ejemplo n.º 2
func handleItems(mux *http.ServeMux) {
	mux.HandleFunc("/api/v2/items", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		switch r.Method {
		case "POST":
			defer r.Body.Close()

			b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
			if err != nil {
				testutil.ResponseError(w, 500, err)
			if len(b) == 0 {
				testutil.ResponseAPIError(w, 500, api.ResponseError{
					Type:    "fatal",
					Message: "empty body",

			type Options struct {
				Tweet *bool `json:"tweet"`
				Gist  *bool `json:"gist"`
			var options Options
			err = json.Unmarshal(b, &options)
			if err != nil {
				testutil.ResponseError(w, 500, err)
			if options.Tweet == nil || options.Gist == nil {
				testutil.ResponseError(w, 500, errors.New("tweet or gist is required"))

			var post model.Post
			err = json.Unmarshal(b, &post)
			if err != nil {
				testutil.ResponseError(w, 500, err)
			post.ID = "4bd431809afb1bb99e4f"
			post.URL = "https://qiita.com/yaotti/items/4bd431809afb1bb99e4f"
			post.CreatedAt = model.Time{Time: time.Date(2016, 2, 1, 12, 51, 42, 0, time.UTC)}
			post.UpdatedAt = post.CreatedAt
			b, err = json.Marshal(post)
			if err != nil {
				testutil.ResponseError(w, 500, err)
			_, err = w.Write(b)
			if err != nil {
				testutil.ResponseError(w, 500, err)

Ejemplo n.º 3
func (s *Service) RegesterHandlers(mux *http.ServeMux) error {
	mux.HandleFunc("/file/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		s.file(w, req)
	mux.HandleFunc("/get/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		// o, _ := httputil.DumpRequest(req, false)
		// log.Println(string(o))
		if !s.auth.Auth(w, req) {
			log.Println("401 Unauthorized")
		s.get(w, req)

	mux.HandleFunc("/upload/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		s.upload(w, req)
	mux.HandleFunc("/put-auth", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		if !s.auth.Auth(w, req) {
			log.Println("401 Unauthorized")
		s.putAuth(w, req)

	mux.HandleFunc("/delete/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		if !s.auth.Auth(w, req) {
			log.Println("401 Unauthorized")
		s.delete(w, req)
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
func InitHTTPFlv(mux *http.ServeMux, app string, sources *source.SourceManage, cb callback.FlvCallback) {
	prefix := path.Join("/", app) + "/"
	mux.HandleFunc(prefix, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		glog.Infof("http: get an request: %v", r.RequestURI)
		if r.Method != "GET" {
		// access check.
		if !cb.FlvAccessCheck(r.RemoteAddr, r.RequestURI, r.URL.Path, r.Form, r.Cookies()) {
		// get path.
		_, file := path.Split(r.URL.Path)
		var key string
		key = file[:strings.Index(file, ".flv")]

		// get live source.
		consumer, err := source.NewConsumer(sources, key)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Info("can not get source", err)
		glog.Info("get source")
		defer consumer.Close()
		// set flv live stream http head.
		// TODO: let browser not cache sources.
		w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "video/x-flv")
		if err := consumer.Live(w); err != nil {
			glog.Info("Live get an client error:", err)
Ejemplo n.º 5
// newMethodRouter takes the server mux that will dispatch to this router based on the matched path.
func newMethodRouter(mux *http.ServeMux, path string) *methodRouter {
	mr := &methodRouter{
		handlers: map[string]http.Handler{},
	mux.Handle(path, mr)
	return mr
func handleAuth(mux *http.ServeMux, sh *authHandler) {
	mux.HandleFunc(authPrefix+"/roles", capabilityHandler(authCapability, sh.baseRoles))
	mux.HandleFunc(authPrefix+"/roles/", capabilityHandler(authCapability, sh.handleRoles))
	mux.HandleFunc(authPrefix+"/users", capabilityHandler(authCapability, sh.baseUsers))
	mux.HandleFunc(authPrefix+"/users/", capabilityHandler(authCapability, sh.handleUsers))
	mux.HandleFunc(authPrefix+"/enable", capabilityHandler(authCapability, sh.enableDisable))
Ejemplo n.º 7
func handleSecurity(mux *http.ServeMux, sh *securityHandler) {
	mux.HandleFunc(securityPrefix+"/roles", sh.baseRoles)
	mux.HandleFunc(securityPrefix+"/roles/", sh.handleRoles)
	mux.HandleFunc(securityPrefix+"/users", sh.baseUsers)
	mux.HandleFunc(securityPrefix+"/users/", sh.handleUsers)
	mux.HandleFunc(securityPrefix+"/enable", sh.enableDisable)
Ejemplo n.º 8
func setMux(t *testing.T, mux *http.ServeMux, path string, thing interface{}) {
	mux.HandleFunc(path, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		var data []byte
		var err error

		switch thing := thing.(type) {
			t.Errorf("Unexpected object type in SetMux: %v", thing)
		case *github.Issue:
			data, err = json.Marshal(thing)
		case *github.PullRequest:
			data, err = json.Marshal(thing)
		case []github.IssueEvent:
			data, err = json.Marshal(thing)
		case []github.RepositoryCommit:
			data, err = json.Marshal(thing)
		case github.RepositoryCommit:
			data, err = json.Marshal(thing)
		case *github.CombinedStatus:
			data, err = json.Marshal(thing)
		case []github.User:
			data, err = json.Marshal(thing)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%v", err)
		if r.Method != "GET" {
			t.Errorf("Unexpected method: expected: GET got: %s", r.Method)
Ejemplo n.º 9
func staticDirHandler(mux *http.ServeMux, prefix string, staticDir string) {
	mux.HandleFunc(prefix, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		file := staticDir + r.URL.Path[len(prefix)-1:]
		http.ServeFile(w, r, file)
Ejemplo n.º 10
func setupPlugin(t *testing.T, name string, mux *http.ServeMux) func() {
	if err := os.MkdirAll("/etc/docker/plugins", 0755); err != nil {

	server := httptest.NewServer(mux)
	if server == nil {
		t.Fatal("Failed to start an HTTP Server")

	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(fmt.Sprintf("/etc/docker/plugins/%s.spec", name), []byte(server.URL), 0644); err != nil {

	mux.HandleFunc("/Plugin.Activate", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/vnd.docker.plugins.v1+json")
		fmt.Fprintf(w, `{"Implements": ["%s"]}`, driverapi.NetworkPluginEndpointType)

	return func() {
		if err := os.RemoveAll("/etc/docker/plugins"); err != nil {
Ejemplo n.º 11
func startSecureServing(opt *options.HeapsterRunOptions, handler http.Handler, promHandler http.Handler,
	mux *http.ServeMux, address string) {

	if len(opt.TLSClientCAFile) > 0 {
		authPprofHandler, err := newAuthHandler(opt, handler)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("Failed to create authorized pprof handler: %v", err)
		handler = authPprofHandler

		authPromHandler, err := newAuthHandler(opt, promHandler)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("Failed to create authorized prometheus handler: %v", err)
		promHandler = authPromHandler
	mux.Handle("/", handler)
	mux.Handle("/metrics", promHandler)

	// If allowed users is set, then we need to enable Client Authentication
	if len(opt.AllowedUsers) > 0 {
		server := &http.Server{
			Addr:      address,
			Handler:   mux,
			TLSConfig: &tls.Config{ClientAuth: tls.RequestClientCert},
		glog.Fatal(server.ListenAndServeTLS(opt.TLSCertFile, opt.TLSKeyFile))
	} else {
		glog.Fatal(http.ListenAndServeTLS(address, opt.TLSCertFile, opt.TLSKeyFile, mux))
Ejemplo n.º 12
//TODO(jdef) we use a Locker to guard against concurrent task state changes, but it would be
//really, really nice to avoid doing this. Maybe someday the registry won't return data ptrs
//but plain structs instead.
func InstallDebugHandlers(reg Registry, mux *http.ServeMux) {
	mux.HandleFunc("/debug/registry/tasks", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		//TODO(jdef) support filtering tasks based on status
		alltasks := reg.List(nil)
		io.WriteString(w, fmt.Sprintf("task_count=%d\n", len(alltasks)))
		for _, task := range alltasks {
			if err := func() (err error) {
				podName := task.Pod.Name
				podNamespace := task.Pod.Namespace
				offerId := ""
				if task.Offer != nil {
					offerId = task.Offer.Id()
				_, err = io.WriteString(w, fmt.Sprintf("%v\t%v/%v\t%v\t%v\n", task.ID, podNamespace, podName, task.State, offerId))
			}(); err != nil {
				log.Warningf("aborting debug handler: %v", err)
				break // stop listing on I/O errors
		if flusher, ok := w.(http.Flusher); ok {
Ejemplo n.º 13
func HandleFuncLoginOptional(
	mux *http.ServeMux, path string, s *Sessions, f HandlerFuncWithUser) {
	wrapped := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		f(w, r, s.GetUser(r))
	mux.HandleFunc(path, wrapped)
Ejemplo n.º 14
// HandleFunc registers a handler at the given path. It's
// http.HandleFunc(), but with a wrapper around the handler that
// provides some generic per-request functionality:
// * Set a Replay-Nonce header.
// * Respond to OPTIONS requests, including CORS preflight requests.
// * Set a no cache header
// * Respond http.StatusMethodNotAllowed for HTTP methods other than
// those listed.
// * Set CORS headers when responding to CORS "actual" requests.
// * Never send a body in response to a HEAD request. Anything
// written by the handler will be discarded if the method is HEAD.
// Also, all handlers that accept GET automatically accept HEAD.
func (wfe *WebFrontEndImpl) HandleFunc(mux *http.ServeMux, pattern string, h wfeHandlerFunc, methods ...string) {
	methodsMap := make(map[string]bool)
	for _, m := range methods {
		methodsMap[m] = true
	if methodsMap["GET"] && !methodsMap["HEAD"] {
		// Allow HEAD for any resource that allows GET
		methods = append(methods, "HEAD")
		methodsMap["HEAD"] = true
	methodsStr := strings.Join(methods, ", ")
	handler := http.StripPrefix(pattern, &topHandler{
		log: wfe.log,
		clk: clock.Default(),
		wfe: wfeHandlerFunc(func(ctx context.Context, logEvent *requestEvent, response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
			// We do not propagate errors here, because (1) they should be
			// transient, and (2) they fail closed.
			nonce, err := wfe.nonceService.Nonce()
			if err == nil {
				response.Header().Set("Replay-Nonce", nonce)
				logEvent.ResponseNonce = nonce
			} else {
				logEvent.AddError("unable to make nonce: %s", err)

			switch request.Method {
			case "HEAD":
				// Go's net/http (and httptest) servers will strip out the body
				// of responses for us. This keeps the Content-Length for HEAD
				// requests as the same as GET requests per the spec.
			case "OPTIONS":
				wfe.Options(response, request, methodsStr, methodsMap)

			// No cache header is set for all requests, succeed or fail.

			if !methodsMap[request.Method] {
				response.Header().Set("Allow", methodsStr)
				wfe.sendError(response, logEvent, probs.MethodNotAllowed(), nil)

			wfe.setCORSHeaders(response, request, "")

			timeout := wfe.RequestTimeout
			if timeout == 0 {
				timeout = 5 * time.Minute
			ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
			// TODO(riking): add request context using WithValue

			// Call the wrapped handler.
			h(ctx, logEvent, response, request)
	mux.Handle(pattern, handler)
Ejemplo n.º 15
func Handler(mux *http.ServeMux) {
	mux.HandleFunc("/debug", debug)
	mux.HandleFunc("/archive", archiveHandler)
	mux.HandleFunc("/delete", deleteHandler)
	mux.HandleFunc("/star", starHandler)
	mux.HandleFunc("/", serve)
Ejemplo n.º 16
func RedirectHandler(mux *http.ServeMux) {
	mux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		req.URL.Host = req.Host
		req.URL.Scheme = "https"
		http.Redirect(w, req, req.URL.String(), 301)
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: main.go Proyecto: rmg/tyk
// Create the individual API (app) specs based on live configurations and assign middleware
func loadApps(APISpecs []APISpec, Muxer *http.ServeMux) {
	// load the APi defs
	log.Info("Loading API configurations.")

	for _, spec := range APISpecs {
		// Create a new handler for each API spec
		remote, err := url.Parse(spec.APIDefinition.Proxy.TargetURL)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Culdn't parse target URL")

		if spec.UseOauth2 {
			addOAuthHandlers(spec, Muxer, false)

		proxy := TykNewSingleHostReverseProxy(remote)
		spec.target = remote

		proxyHandler := http.HandlerFunc(ProxyHandler(proxy, spec))
		tykMiddleware := TykMiddleware{spec, proxy}

		if spec.APIDefinition.UseKeylessAccess {
			// for KeyLessAccess we can't support rate limiting, versioning or access rules
			chain := alice.New().Then(proxyHandler)
			Muxer.Handle(spec.Proxy.ListenPath, chain)

		} else {

			// Select the keying method to use for setting session states
			var keyCheck func(http.Handler) http.Handler

			if spec.APIDefinition.UseOauth2 {
				// Oauth2
				keyCheck = CreateMiddleware(&Oauth2KeyExists{tykMiddleware}, tykMiddleware)
			} else if spec.APIDefinition.UseBasicAuth {
				// Basic Auth
				keyCheck = CreateMiddleware(&BasicAuthKeyIsValid{tykMiddleware}, tykMiddleware)
			} else if spec.EnableSignatureChecking {
				// HMAC Auth
				keyCheck = CreateMiddleware(&HMACMiddleware{tykMiddleware}, tykMiddleware)
			} else {
				// Auth key
				keyCheck = CreateMiddleware(&AuthKey{tykMiddleware}, tykMiddleware)

			// Use CreateMiddleware(&ModifiedMiddleware{tykMiddleware}, tykMiddleware)  to run custom middleware
			chain := alice.New(
				CreateMiddleware(&KeyExpired{tykMiddleware}, tykMiddleware),
				CreateMiddleware(&VersionCheck{tykMiddleware}, tykMiddleware),
				CreateMiddleware(&AccessRightsCheck{tykMiddleware}, tykMiddleware),
				CreateMiddleware(&RateLimitAndQuotaCheck{tykMiddleware}, tykMiddleware)).Then(proxyHandler)

			Muxer.Handle(spec.Proxy.ListenPath, chain)

Ejemplo n.º 18
func TestHandleFunc(t *testing.T) {
	wfe := setupWFE(t)
	var mux *http.ServeMux
	var rw *httptest.ResponseRecorder
	var stubCalled bool
	runWrappedHandler := func(req *http.Request, allowed ...string) {
		mux = http.NewServeMux()
		rw = httptest.NewRecorder()
		stubCalled = false
		wfe.HandleFunc(mux, "/test", func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) {
			stubCalled = true
		}, allowed...)
		req.URL = mustParseURL("/test")
		mux.ServeHTTP(rw, req)

	// Plain requests (no CORS)
	type testCase struct {
		allowed       []string
		reqMethod     string
		shouldSucceed bool
	var lastNonce string
	for _, c := range []testCase{
		{[]string{"GET", "POST"}, "GET", true},
		{[]string{"GET", "POST"}, "POST", true},
		{[]string{"GET"}, "", false},
		{[]string{"GET"}, "POST", false},
		{[]string{"GET"}, "OPTIONS", false},     // TODO, #469
		{[]string{"GET"}, "MAKE-COFFEE", false}, // 405, or 418?
	} {
		runWrappedHandler(&http.Request{Method: c.reqMethod}, c.allowed...)
		test.AssertEquals(t, stubCalled, c.shouldSucceed)
		if c.shouldSucceed {
			test.AssertEquals(t, rw.Code, http.StatusOK)
		} else {
			test.AssertEquals(t, rw.Code, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
			test.AssertEquals(t, sortHeader(rw.Header().Get("Allow")), strings.Join(c.allowed, ", "))
				`{"type":"urn:acme:error:malformed","detail":"Method not allowed"}`)
		nonce := rw.Header().Get("Replay-Nonce")
		test.AssertNotEquals(t, nonce, lastNonce)
		lastNonce = nonce

	// Disallowed method returns error JSON in body
	runWrappedHandler(&http.Request{Method: "PUT"}, "GET", "POST")
	test.AssertEquals(t, rw.Header().Get("Content-Type"), "application/problem+json")
	test.AssertEquals(t, rw.Body.String(), `{"type":"urn:acme:error:malformed","detail":"Method not allowed"}`)
	test.AssertEquals(t, sortHeader(rw.Header().Get("Allow")), "GET, POST")

	// Disallowed method special case: response to HEAD has got no body
	runWrappedHandler(&http.Request{Method: "HEAD"}, "GET", "POST")
	test.AssertEquals(t, stubCalled, false)
	test.AssertEquals(t, rw.Body.String(), "")
	test.AssertEquals(t, sortHeader(rw.Header().Get("Allow")), "GET, POST")
Ejemplo n.º 19
func Register(mux *http.ServeMux) {
	if mux == nil {
		mux = http.DefaultServeMux
	mux.HandleFunc("/irc", home)
	mux.Handle("/irc/ws", websocket.Handler(connect))
	log.Printf("registered irc at /irc and /irc/ws")
Ejemplo n.º 20
func Register(mux *http.ServeMux) {
	if mux == nil {
		mux = http.DefaultServeMux
	mux.HandleFunc("/webclock", index)
	mux.Handle("/webclock/ws", websocket.Handler(handle))
	log.Printf("registered webclock at /webclock and /webclock/ws")
Ejemplo n.º 21
func SetupWebsocket(mux *http.ServeMux) chan commons.Notification {
	wsSlice = make([]*webSocketWrapper, 0)
	conChan = make(chan *webSocketWrapper)
	notifChan = make(chan commons.Notification)
	go handleIncomingConnection()
	mux.Handle("/websocket", websocket.Handler(webSocketHandler))
	return notifChan
Ejemplo n.º 22
Archivo: main.go Proyecto: rmg/tyk
// Set up default Tyk control API endpoints - these are global, so need to be added first
func loadAPIEndpoints(Muxer *http.ServeMux) {
	// set up main API handlers
	Muxer.HandleFunc("/tyk/keys/create", CheckIsAPIOwner(createKeyHandler))
	Muxer.HandleFunc("/tyk/keys/", CheckIsAPIOwner(keyHandler))
	Muxer.HandleFunc("/tyk/reload/", CheckIsAPIOwner(resetHandler))
	Muxer.HandleFunc("/tyk/oauth/clients/create", CheckIsAPIOwner(createOauthClient))
	Muxer.HandleFunc("/tyk/oauth/clients/", CheckIsAPIOwner(oAuthClientHandler))
Ejemplo n.º 23
// SetHTTPTransport accept a http multiplexer to handle other peers'
// RPCs like RequestVote and AppendEntry, etc.
// Run this before running server.Start().
func (s *Server) SetHTTPTransport(mux *http.ServeMux, port int) {
	mux.HandleFunc(idPath, idHandleFunc(s))
	mux.HandleFunc(appendEntriesPath, appendEntriesHandler(s))
	mux.HandleFunc(requestVotePath, requestVoteHandler(s))
	mux.HandleFunc(commandPath, commandHandler(s))
	mux.HandleFunc(setConfigPath, setConfigHandler(s))
	go http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port), mux)
Ejemplo n.º 24
func handlePathRedirects(mux *http.ServeMux, redirects map[string]string, prefix string) {
	for source, target := range redirects {
		h := Handler(prefix + target + "/")
		p := prefix + source
		mux.Handle(p, h)
		mux.Handle(p+"/", h)
Ejemplo n.º 25
// Serve all files in the current directory, or only a few select filetypes (html, css, js, png and txt)
func registerHandlers(mux *http.ServeMux, handlePath, servedir string, perm pinterface.IPermissions, luapool *lStatePool, cache *FileCache, addDomain bool) {

	// Handle all requests with this function
	allRequests := func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		if perm.Rejected(w, req) {
			// Get and call the Permission Denied function
			perm.DenyFunction()(w, req)
			// Reject the request by returning

		// Local to this function
		servedir := servedir

		// Look for the directory that is named the same as the host
		if addDomain {
			servedir = filepath.Join(servedir, getDomain(req))

		urlpath := req.URL.Path
		filename := url2filename(servedir, urlpath)
		// Remove the trailing slash from the filename, if any
		noslash := filename
		if strings.HasSuffix(filename, pathsep) {
			noslash = filename[:len(filename)-1]
		hasdir := fs.exists(filename) && fs.isDir(filename)
		dirname := filename
		hasfile := fs.exists(noslash)

		// Set the server header.

		// Share the directory or file
		if hasdir {
			dirPage(w, req, servedir, dirname, perm, luapool, cache)
		} else if !hasdir && hasfile {
			// Share a single file instead of a directory
			filePage(w, req, noslash, perm, luapool, cache)
		// Not found
		fmt.Fprint(w, noPage(filename))

	// Handle requests differently depending on if rate limiting is enabled or not
	if disableRateLimiting {
		mux.HandleFunc(handlePath, allRequests)
	} else {
		limiter := tollbooth.NewLimiter(limitRequests, time.Second)
		limiter.MessageContentType = "text/html; charset=utf-8"
		limiter.Message = easyPage("Rate-limit exceeded", "<div style='color:red'>You have reached the maximum request limit.</div>")
		mux.Handle(handlePath, tollbooth.LimitFuncHandler(limiter, allRequests))
Ejemplo n.º 26
func Register(mux *http.ServeMux, volMap volume.VolumeDriver) {
	// http server.
	mux.HandleFunc("/Plugin.Activate", pluginActivate)
	mux.Handle("/VolumeDriver.Create", pluginHandler{Fn: volMap.Create, VMap: volMap})
	mux.Handle("/VolumeDriver.Remove", pluginHandler{Fn: volMap.Remove, VMap: volMap})
	mux.Handle("/VolumeDriver.Mount", pluginHandler{Fn: volMap.Mount, VMap: volMap})
	mux.Handle("/VolumeDriver.Unmount", pluginHandler{Fn: volMap.Unmount, VMap: volMap})
	mux.Handle("/VolumeDriver.Path", pluginHandler{Fn: volMap.Path, VMap: volMap})
Ejemplo n.º 27
func RegisterRPCFuncs(mux *http.ServeMux, funcMap map[string]*RPCFunc) {
	// HTTP endpoints
	for funcName, rpcFunc := range funcMap {
		mux.HandleFunc("/"+funcName, makeHTTPHandler(rpcFunc))

	// JSONRPC endpoints
	mux.HandleFunc("/", makeJSONRPCHandler(funcMap))
Ejemplo n.º 28
Archivo: api.go Proyecto: zoutaiqi/Sia
// handleHTTPRequest is a wrapper function that handles all incoming calls to
// the API.
func handleHTTPRequest(mux *http.ServeMux, url string, handler http.HandlerFunc) {
	mux.HandleFunc(url, func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		if !strings.Contains(req.UserAgent(), "Sia-Agent") {
			writeError(w, "Browser access disabled due to security vulnerability. Use Sia-UI or siac.", http.StatusBadRequest)
		handler(w, req)
Ejemplo n.º 29
func staticDirHandler(mux *http.ServeMux, prefix string, staticDir string, flags int) {
		func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
			file := root + r.URL.Path
			http.ServeFile(w, r, file)
Ejemplo n.º 30
func NewTHTTPServerFromMux(
	mux *http.ServeMux,
	pattern string,
) (*THTTPServer, error) {
	server := &THTTPServer{deliveries: make(chan *THTTPRequest)}
	mux.Handle(pattern, &HTTPHandler{server})

	return server, nil