Ejemplo n.º 1
func (t *Tunnel) HandlePublicConnection(publicConn conn.Conn) {
	defer publicConn.Close()
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			publicConn.Warn("HandlePublicConnection failed with error %v", r)

	startTime := time.Now()
	metrics.OpenConnection(t, publicConn)

	var proxyConn conn.Conn
	var err error
	for i := 0; i < (2 * proxyMaxPoolSize); i++ {
		// get a proxy connection
		if proxyConn, err = t.ctl.GetProxy(); err != nil {
			t.Warn("Failed to get proxy connection: %v", err)
		defer proxyConn.Close()
		t.Info("Got proxy connection %s", proxyConn.Id())

		// tell the client we're going to start using this proxy connection
		startPxyMsg := &msg.StartProxy{
			Url:        t.url,
			ClientAddr: publicConn.RemoteAddr().String(),

		if err = msg.WriteMsg(proxyConn, startPxyMsg); err != nil {
			proxyConn.Warn("Failed to write StartProxyMessage: %v, attempt %d", err, i)
		} else {
			// success

	if err != nil {
		// give up
		publicConn.Error("Too many failures starting proxy connection")

	// To reduce latency handling tunnel connections, we employ the following curde heuristic:
	// Whenever we take a proxy connection from the pool, replace it with a new one
	util.PanicToError(func() { t.ctl.out <- &msg.ReqProxy{} })

	// no timeouts while connections are joined

	// join the public and proxy connections
	bytesIn, bytesOut := conn.Join(publicConn, proxyConn)
	metrics.CloseConnection(t, publicConn, startTime, bytesIn, bytesOut)

	//log.Info("Proxy authId=%s bytesIn=%d, bytesOut=%d\n", t.ctl.userInfo.Uc.UserId, bytesIn, bytesOut)
	atomic.AddInt32(&t.ctl.userInfo.TransPerDay, int32(bytesIn+bytesOut))
	atomic.AddInt32(&t.ctl.userInfo.TransAll, int32(bytesIn+bytesOut))
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Handles a new http connection from the public internet
func httpHandler(c conn.Conn, proto string) {
	defer c.Close()
	defer func() {
		// recover from failures
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			c.Warn("httpHandler failed with error %v", r)

	// Make sure we detect dead connections while we decide how to multiplex

	// multiplex by extracting the Host header, the vhost library
	vhostConn, err := vhost.HTTP(c)
	if err != nil {
		c.Warn("Failed to read valid %s request: %v", proto, err)

	// read out the Host header and auth from the request
	host := strings.ToLower(vhostConn.Host())
	auth := vhostConn.Request.Header.Get("Authorization")

	// done reading mux data, free up the request memory

	// We need to read from the vhost conn now since it mucked around reading the stream
	c = conn.Wrap(vhostConn, "pub")

	// multiplex to find the right backend host
	c.Debug("Found hostname %s in request", host)
	tunnel := tunnelRegistry.Get(fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", proto, host))
	if tunnel == nil {
		tunnel = tunnelRegistry.Get(fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s%s", proto, host, opts.httpAddr))
	if tunnel == nil {
		c.Info("No tunnel found for hostname %s", host)
		c.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(NotFound, len(host)+18, host)))

	// If the client specified http auth and it doesn't match this request's auth
	// then fail the request with 401 Not Authorized and request the client reissue the
	// request with basic authdeny the request
	if tunnel.req.HttpAuth != "" && auth != tunnel.req.HttpAuth {
		c.Info("Authentication failed: %s", auth)

	// dead connections will now be handled by tunnel heartbeating and the client

	// let the tunnel handle the connection now
Ejemplo n.º 3
func (t *Tunnel) HandlePublicConnection(publicConn conn.Conn) {
	defer publicConn.Close()
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			publicConn.Warn("HandlePublicConnection failed with error %v", r)

	startTime := time.Now()
	metrics.OpenConnection(t, publicConn)

	var proxyConn conn.Conn
	var attempts int
	var err error
	for {
		// get a proxy connection
		if proxyConn, err = t.ctl.GetProxy(); err != nil {
			t.Warn("Failed to get proxy connection: %v", err)
		defer proxyConn.Close()
		t.Info("Got proxy connection %s", proxyConn.Id())

		// tell the client we're going to start using this proxy connection
		startPxyMsg := &msg.StartProxy{
			Url:        t.url,
			ClientAddr: publicConn.RemoteAddr().String(),
		if err = msg.WriteMsg(proxyConn, startPxyMsg); err != nil {
			attempts += 1
			proxyConn.Warn("Failed to write StartProxyMessage: %v, attempt %d", err, attempts)
			if attempts > 3 {
				// give up
				publicConn.Error("Too many failures starting proxy connection")
		} else {
			// success

	// join the public and proxy connections
	bytesIn, bytesOut := conn.Join(publicConn, proxyConn)
	metrics.CloseConnection(t, publicConn, startTime, bytesIn, bytesOut)
Ejemplo n.º 4
func (t *Tunnel) HandlePublicConnection(publicConn conn.Conn) {
	defer publicConn.Close()
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			publicConn.Warn("HandlePublicConnection failed with error %v", r)

	metrics.requestTimer.Time(func() {

		t.Debug("Requesting new proxy connection")
		t.ctl.out <- &msg.ReqProxyMsg{}

		proxyConn := <-t.proxies
		t.Info("Returning proxy connection %s", proxyConn.Id())

		defer proxyConn.Close()
		conn.Join(publicConn, proxyConn)
Ejemplo n.º 5
func (t *Tunnel) HandlePublicConnection(publicConn conn.Conn) {
	defer publicConn.Close()
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			publicConn.Warn("HandlePublicConnection failed with error %v", r)

	startTime := time.Now()
	metrics.OpenConnection(t, publicConn)

	t.Debug("Requesting new proxy connection")
	t.ctl.out <- &msg.ReqProxyMsg{}

	proxyConn := <-t.proxies
	t.Info("Returning proxy connection %s", proxyConn.Id())

	defer proxyConn.Close()
	bytesIn, bytesOut := conn.Join(publicConn, proxyConn)

	metrics.CloseConnection(t, publicConn, startTime, bytesIn, bytesOut)
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: main.go Proyecto: 0x19/ngrok
func NewProxy(pxyConn conn.Conn, regPxy *msg.RegProxy) {
	// fail gracefully if the proxy connection fails to register
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			pxyConn.Warn("Failed with error: %v", r)

	// set logging prefix

	// look up the control connection for this proxy
	pxyConn.Info("Registering new proxy for %s", regPxy.ClientId)
	ctl := controlRegistry.Get(regPxy.ClientId)

	if ctl == nil {
		panic("No client found for identifier: " + regPxy.ClientId)

Ejemplo n.º 7
// Establishes and manages a tunnel proxy connection with the server
func (c *ClientModel) proxy() {
	var (
		remoteConn conn.Conn
		err        error

	if c.proxyUrl == "" {
		remoteConn, err = conn.Dial(c.serverAddr, "pxy", c.tlsConfig)
	} else {
		remoteConn, err = conn.DialHttpProxy(c.proxyUrl, c.serverAddr, "pxy", c.tlsConfig)

	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to establish proxy connection: %v", err)
	defer remoteConn.Close()

	err = msg.WriteMsg(remoteConn, &msg.RegProxy{ClientId: c.id})
	if err != nil {
		remoteConn.Error("Failed to write RegProxy: %v", err)

	// wait for the server to ack our register
	var startPxy msg.StartProxy
	if err = msg.ReadMsgInto(remoteConn, &startPxy); err != nil {
		remoteConn.Error("Server failed to write StartProxy: %v", err)

	tunnel, ok := c.tunnels[startPxy.Url]
	if !ok {
		remoteConn.Error("Couldn't find tunnel for proxy: %s", startPxy.Url)

	// start up the private connection
	start := time.Now()
	localConn, err := conn.Dial(tunnel.LocalAddr, "prv", nil)
	if err != nil {
		remoteConn.Warn("Failed to open private leg %s: %v", tunnel.LocalAddr, err)

		if tunnel.Protocol.GetName() == "http" {
			// try to be helpful when you're in HTTP mode and a human might see the output
			badGatewayBody := fmt.Sprintf(BadGateway, tunnel.PublicUrl, tunnel.LocalAddr, tunnel.LocalAddr)
			remoteConn.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`HTTP/1.0 502 Bad Gateway
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: %d

%s`, len(badGatewayBody), badGatewayBody)))
	defer localConn.Close()

	m := c.metrics
	m.connTimer.Time(func() {
		localConn := tunnel.Protocol.WrapConn(localConn, mvc.ConnectionContext{Tunnel: tunnel, ClientAddr: startPxy.ClientAddr})
		bytesIn, bytesOut := conn.Join(localConn, remoteConn)
Ejemplo n.º 8
// Establishes and manages a tunnel control connection with the server
func (c *ClientModel) control() {
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			log.Error("control recovering from failure %v", r)

	// establish control channel
	var (
		ctlConn conn.Conn
		err     error
	if c.proxyUrl == "" {
		// simple non-proxied case, just connect to the server
		ctlConn, err = conn.Dial(c.serverAddr, "ctl", c.tlsConfig)
	} else {
		ctlConn, err = conn.DialHttpProxy(c.proxyUrl, c.serverAddr, "ctl", c.tlsConfig)
	if err != nil {
	defer ctlConn.Close()

	// authenticate with the server
	auth := &msg.Auth{
		ClientId:  c.id,
		OS:        runtime.GOOS,
		Arch:      runtime.GOARCH,
		Version:   version.Proto,
		MmVersion: version.MajorMinor(),
		User:      c.authToken,

	if err = msg.WriteMsg(ctlConn, auth); err != nil {

	// wait for the server to authenticate us
	var authResp msg.AuthResp
	if err = msg.ReadMsgInto(ctlConn, &authResp); err != nil {

	if authResp.Error != "" {
		emsg := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to authenticate to server: %s", authResp.Error)

	c.id = authResp.ClientId
	c.serverVersion = authResp.MmVersion
	c.Info("Authenticated with server, client id: %v", c.id)
	if err = SaveAuthToken(c.configPath, c.authToken); err != nil {
		c.Error("Failed to save auth token: %v", err)

	// request tunnels
	reqIdToTunnelConfig := make(map[string]*TunnelConfiguration)
	for _, config := range c.tunnelConfig {
		// create the protocol list to ask for
		var protocols []string
		for proto, _ := range config.Protocols {
			protocols = append(protocols, proto)

		reqTunnel := &msg.ReqTunnel{
			ReqId:      util.RandId(8),
			Protocol:   strings.Join(protocols, "+"),
			Hostname:   config.Hostname,
			Subdomain:  config.Subdomain,
			HttpAuth:   config.HttpAuth,
			RemotePort: config.RemotePort,

		// send the tunnel request
		if err = msg.WriteMsg(ctlConn, reqTunnel); err != nil {

		// save request id association so we know which local address
		// to proxy to later
		reqIdToTunnelConfig[reqTunnel.ReqId] = config

	// start the heartbeat
	lastPong := time.Now().UnixNano()
	c.ctl.Go(func() { c.heartbeat(&lastPong, ctlConn) })

	// main control loop
	for {
		var rawMsg msg.Message
		if rawMsg, err = msg.ReadMsg(ctlConn); err != nil {

		switch m := rawMsg.(type) {
		case *msg.ReqProxy:

		case *msg.Pong:
			atomic.StoreInt64(&lastPong, time.Now().UnixNano())

		case *msg.NewTunnel:
			if m.Error != "" {
				emsg := fmt.Sprintf("Server failed to allocate tunnel: %s", m.Error)

			tunnel := mvc.Tunnel{
				PublicUrl: m.Url,
				LocalAddr: reqIdToTunnelConfig[m.ReqId].Protocols[m.Protocol],
				Protocol:  c.protoMap[m.Protocol],

			c.tunnels[tunnel.PublicUrl] = tunnel
			c.connStatus = mvc.ConnOnline
			c.Info("Tunnel established at %v", tunnel.PublicUrl)

			ctlConn.Warn("Ignoring unknown control message %v ", m)
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: http.go Proyecto: tzraeq/ngrok
// Handles a new http connection from the public internet
func httpHandler(c conn.Conn, proto string) {
	defer c.Close()
	defer func() {
		// recover from failures
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			c.Warn("httpHandler failed with error %v", r)

	// Make sure we detect dead connections while we decide how to multiplex

	// multiplex by extracting the Host header, the vhost library
	vhostConn, err := vhost.HTTP(c)
	if err != nil {
		c.Warn("Failed to read valid %s request: %v", proto, err)

	// read out the Host header and auth from the request
	host := strings.ToLower(vhostConn.Host())
	auth := vhostConn.Request.Header.Get("Authorization")
	hostname, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(host)
	if err != nil {
		hostname = host
	} else {
		_, port, _ := net.SplitHostPort(c.LocalAddr().String())
		hostname = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", hostname, port)
	paramSubdomain := vhostConn.Request.URL.Query().Get(SubDomainParamName) //url param

	if paramSubdomain == "" { //user-agent
		reg := regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/(\\w+)", SubDomainUserAgentName))
		matches := reg.FindStringSubmatch(vhostConn.Request.UserAgent())
		if len(matches) > 0 {
			paramSubdomain = matches[1]
	_, setCookieSubdomain := vhostConn.Request.URL.Query()[SetCookieSubDomainParamName]
	subdomainCookie, err := vhostConn.Request.Cookie(SubDomainCookieName)
	cookieSubdomain := ""
	if err == nil {
		cookieSubdomain = subdomainCookie.Value

	// done reading mux data, free up the request memory

	// We need to read from the vhost conn now since it mucked around reading the stream
	c = conn.Wrap(vhostConn, "pub")

	// multiplex to find the right backend host
	c.Debug("Found hostname %s in request", host)

	if paramSubdomain != "" {
		hostname = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", paramSubdomain, hostname)
	} else if cookieSubdomain != "" {
		hostname = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", cookieSubdomain, hostname)

	tunnelKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", proto, hostname)

	tunnel := tunnelRegistry.Get(tunnelKey)
	if tunnel == nil {
		if setCookieSubdomain && paramSubdomain != "" {
			c.Info("Set %s to Cookie for hostname %s", paramSubdomain, tunnelKey)
			c.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(SetCooikeResponse, len(proto)+len(hostname)+len(paramSubdomain)+48, SubDomainCookieName, paramSubdomain, proto, hostname, paramSubdomain)))
		} else {
			c.Info("No tunnel found for hostname %s", tunnelKey)
			c.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(NotFound, len(hostname)+18, hostname)))

	// If the client specified http auth and it doesn't match this request's auth
	// then fail the request with 401 Not Authorized and request the client reissue the
	// request with basic authdeny the request
	if tunnel.req.HttpAuth != "" && auth != tunnel.req.HttpAuth {
		c.Info("Authentication failed: %s", auth)

	// dead connections will now be handled by tunnel heartbeating and the client

	// let the tunnel handle the connection now