Ejemplo n.º 1
func (d *DockerDriver) Start(ctx *ExecContext, task *structs.Task) (DriverHandle, error) {
	var driverConfig DockerDriverConfig
	if err := mapstructure.WeakDecode(task.Config, &driverConfig); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if err := driverConfig.Init(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if err := driverConfig.Validate(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	cleanupImage := d.config.ReadBoolDefault("docker.cleanup.image", true)

	taskDir, ok := ctx.AllocDir.TaskDirs[d.DriverContext.taskName]
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not find task directory for task: %v", d.DriverContext.taskName)

	// Initialize docker API clients
	client, waitClient, err := d.dockerClients()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to connect to docker daemon: %s", err)

	if err := d.createImage(&driverConfig, client, taskDir); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create image: %v", err)

	image := driverConfig.ImageName
	// Now that we have the image we can get the image id
	dockerImage, err := client.InspectImage(image)
	if err != nil {
		d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed getting image id for %s: %s", image, err)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to determine image id for `%s`: %s", image, err)
	d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.docker: identified image %s as %s", image, dockerImage.ID)

	bin, err := discover.NomadExecutable()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find the nomad binary: %v", err)
	pluginLogFile := filepath.Join(taskDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s-executor.out", task.Name))
	pluginConfig := &plugin.ClientConfig{
		Cmd: exec.Command(bin, "executor", pluginLogFile),

	exec, pluginClient, err := createExecutor(pluginConfig, d.config.LogOutput, d.config)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	executorCtx := &executor.ExecutorContext{
		TaskEnv:        d.taskEnv,
		Task:           task,
		Driver:         "docker",
		AllocDir:       ctx.AllocDir,
		AllocID:        ctx.AllocID,
		PortLowerBound: d.config.ClientMinPort,
		PortUpperBound: d.config.ClientMaxPort,
	ss, err := exec.LaunchSyslogServer(executorCtx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to start syslog collector: %v", err)

	config, err := d.createContainer(ctx, task, &driverConfig, ss.Addr)
	if err != nil {
		d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to create container configuration for image %s: %s", image, err)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to create container configuration for image %s: %s", image, err)
	// Create a container
	container, err := client.CreateContainer(config)
	if err != nil {
		// If the container already exists because of a previous failure we'll
		// try to purge it and re-create it.
		if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "container already exists") {
			// Get the ID of the existing container so we can delete it
			containers, err := client.ListContainers(docker.ListContainersOptions{
				// The image might be in use by a stopped container, so check everything
				All: true,
				Filters: map[string][]string{
					"name": []string{config.Name},
			if err != nil {
				d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to query list of containers matching name:%s", config.Name)
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to query list of containers: %s", err)

			// Couldn't find any matching containers
			if len(containers) == 0 {
				d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to get id for container %s: %#v", config.Name, containers)
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to get id for container %s", config.Name)

			// Delete matching containers
			d.logger.Printf("[INFO] driver.docker: a container with the name %s already exists; will attempt to purge and re-create", config.Name)
			for _, container := range containers {
				err = client.RemoveContainer(docker.RemoveContainerOptions{
					ID: container.ID,
				if err != nil {
					d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to purge container %s", container.ID)
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to purge container %s: %s", container.ID, err)
				d.logger.Printf("[INFO] driver.docker: purged container %s", container.ID)

			container, err = client.CreateContainer(config)
			if err != nil {
				d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to re-create container %s; aborting", config.Name)
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to re-create container %s; aborting", config.Name)
		} else {
			// We failed to create the container for some other reason.
			d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to create container from image %s: %s", image, err)
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to create container from image %s: %s", image, err)
	d.logger.Printf("[INFO] driver.docker: created container %s", container.ID)

	// Start the container
	err = client.StartContainer(container.ID, container.HostConfig)
	if err != nil {
		d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to start container %s: %s", container.ID, err)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to start container %s: %s", container.ID, err)
	d.logger.Printf("[INFO] driver.docker: started container %s", container.ID)

	// Return a driver handle
	maxKill := d.DriverContext.config.MaxKillTimeout
	h := &DockerHandle{
		client:         client,
		waitClient:     waitClient,
		executor:       exec,
		pluginClient:   pluginClient,
		cleanupImage:   cleanupImage,
		logger:         d.logger,
		imageID:        dockerImage.ID,
		containerID:    container.ID,
		version:        d.config.Version,
		killTimeout:    GetKillTimeout(task.KillTimeout, maxKill),
		maxKillTimeout: maxKill,
		doneCh:         make(chan bool),
		waitCh:         make(chan *dstructs.WaitResult, 1),
	if err := exec.SyncServices(consulContext(d.config, container.ID)); err != nil {
		d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: error registering services with consul for task: %q: %v", task.Name, err)
	go h.collectStats()
	go h.run()
	return h, nil
Ejemplo n.º 2
func (d *DockerDriver) Start(ctx *ExecContext, task *structs.Task) (DriverHandle, error) {
	// Set environment variables.

	driverConfig, err := NewDockerDriverConfig(task, d.taskEnv)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	cleanupImage := d.config.ReadBoolDefault("docker.cleanup.image", true)

	taskDir, ok := ctx.AllocDir.TaskDirs[d.DriverContext.taskName]
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not find task directory for task: %v", d.DriverContext.taskName)

	// Initialize docker API clients
	client, waitClient, err := d.dockerClients()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to connect to docker daemon: %s", err)

	if err := d.createImage(driverConfig, client, taskDir); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	image := driverConfig.ImageName
	// Now that we have the image we can get the image id
	dockerImage, err := client.InspectImage(image)
	if err != nil {
		d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed getting image id for %s: %s", image, err)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to determine image id for `%s`: %s", image, err)
	d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.docker: identified image %s as %s", image, dockerImage.ID)

	bin, err := discover.NomadExecutable()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find the nomad binary: %v", err)
	pluginLogFile := filepath.Join(taskDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s-executor.out", task.Name))
	pluginConfig := &plugin.ClientConfig{
		Cmd: exec.Command(bin, "executor", pluginLogFile),

	exec, pluginClient, err := createExecutor(pluginConfig, d.config.LogOutput, d.config)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	executorCtx := &executor.ExecutorContext{
		TaskEnv:        d.taskEnv,
		Task:           task,
		Driver:         "docker",
		AllocDir:       ctx.AllocDir,
		AllocID:        ctx.AllocID,
		PortLowerBound: d.config.ClientMinPort,
		PortUpperBound: d.config.ClientMaxPort,
	if err := exec.SetContext(executorCtx); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to set executor context: %v", err)

	// Only launch syslog server if we're going to use it!
	syslogAddr := ""
	if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" && len(driverConfig.Logging) == 0 {
		d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.docker: disabling syslog driver as Docker for Mac workaround")
	} else if len(driverConfig.Logging) == 0 || driverConfig.Logging[0].Type == "syslog" {
		ss, err := exec.LaunchSyslogServer()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to start syslog collector: %v", err)
		syslogAddr = ss.Addr

	config, err := d.createContainerConfig(ctx, task, driverConfig, syslogAddr)
	if err != nil {
		d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to create container configuration for image %s: %s", image, err)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to create container configuration for image %s: %s", image, err)

	container, rerr := d.createContainer(config)
	if rerr != nil {
		d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to create container: %s", rerr)
		rerr.Err = fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create container: %s", rerr.Err)
		return nil, rerr

	d.logger.Printf("[INFO] driver.docker: created container %s", container.ID)

	// We don't need to start the container if the container is already running
	// since we don't create containers which are already present on the host
	// and are running
	if !container.State.Running {
		// Start the container
		err := d.startContainer(container)
		if err != nil {
			d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: failed to start container %s: %s", container.ID, err)
			err.Err = fmt.Sprintf("Failed to start container %s: %s", container.ID, err)
			return nil, err
		d.logger.Printf("[INFO] driver.docker: started container %s", container.ID)
	} else {
		d.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] driver.docker: re-attaching to container %s with status %q",
			container.ID, container.State.String())

	// Return a driver handle
	maxKill := d.DriverContext.config.MaxKillTimeout
	h := &DockerHandle{
		client:         client,
		waitClient:     waitClient,
		executor:       exec,
		pluginClient:   pluginClient,
		cleanupImage:   cleanupImage,
		logger:         d.logger,
		imageID:        dockerImage.ID,
		containerID:    container.ID,
		version:        d.config.Version,
		killTimeout:    GetKillTimeout(task.KillTimeout, maxKill),
		maxKillTimeout: maxKill,
		doneCh:         make(chan bool),
		waitCh:         make(chan *dstructs.WaitResult, 1),
	if err := exec.SyncServices(consulContext(d.config, container.ID)); err != nil {
		d.logger.Printf("[ERR] driver.docker: error registering services with consul for task: %q: %v", task.Name, err)
	go h.collectStats()
	go h.run()
	return h, nil