Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Updates the board start when receiving a move over the network from an opponent on the same board. */
func UpdateFromOpponent(board int, team int, color int, turnO int, origL int, newL int, capturedI string, capturedT string, capturedU int) {
	if board != game.Board && capturedI != "" && team == game.TeamPlayer { // Ignore this update then. Or could actually get the captured piece thingy.
		captured := new(mylib.CapturedPiece)
		captured.Image = capturedI
		captured.Type = capturedT
		captured.TeamPiece = capturedU
		qml.Changed(capturedPieces, &capturedPieces.Len)
	} else if board == game.Board && team != game.TeamPlayer {
		if turn != turnO {
			// Incompatible state. Different amounts of turns
			fmt.Println("Error with the number of turns.")
		} else {
			chessBoard.Update(origL, newL)
	} else { //if board != game.Board && team == game.TeamPlayer {
		// Can ignore, is a move not from your board
		// Can ignore if it
		//fmt.Println("DEBUG: An update from opponent or team mate that is not on this board has happend. Handled correctly!.")
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* A function that modifies the local nodes game board and sends notification to other players about the move. */
func (c *ChessBoard) MovePiece(origLoc int, newLoc int) {
	if game.PlayerColor == (turn%2)+1 {
		// Get the square values at the index locations
		origS := c.Square(origLoc)
		newS := c.Square(newLoc)

		// Check that the origS color is the same as the local player's color.
		if origS.TeamPiece == (turn%2)+1 {
			// Check to see the the newLoc square is empty, same color piece, other team piece
			// For same team piece, move is not valid, exit
			if origS.TeamPiece == newS.TeamPiece {
				fmt.Println("Cannot move a piece on top of a piece of the same color")
				fmt.Println("An exception would be castling, but that is not implemented yet.")
			} else if newS.Empty {
				// For empty piece, move the piece there, and end the turn.
				// Involves sending info over the network and changing the turn value to the other team
				c.Board[newLoc].Empty = false
				c.Board[newLoc].TeamPiece = origS.TeamPiece
				c.Board[newLoc].Type = origS.Type
				c.Board[newLoc].OrigPosition = false
				c.Board[newLoc].FromOtherBoard = origS.FromOtherBoard
				c.Board[newLoc].Image = origS.Image

				newS.Empty = false
				newS.TeamPiece = origS.TeamPiece
				newS.Type = origS.Type
				newS.OrigPosition = false
				newS.FromOtherBoard = origS.FromOtherBoard
				newS.Image = origS.Image

				c.Board[origLoc].Image = ""
				c.Board[origLoc].Empty = true
				c.Board[origLoc].TeamPiece = mylib.EMPTY
				c.Board[origLoc].Type = "EMPTY"
				c.Board[origLoc].FromOtherBoard = false
				c.Board[origLoc].OrigPosition = false

				origS.Empty = true
				origS.TeamPiece = mylib.EMPTY
				origS.Type = "EMPTY"
				origS.OrigPosition = false
				origS.FromOtherBoard = false
				origS.Image = ""

				qml.Changed(c.Board[origLoc], &c.Board[origLoc].Image)
				qml.Changed(c.Board[newLoc], &c.Board[newLoc].Image)
				// Send message to the opponent before incrementing turn
				// Send them the current player, the turn value, and the 2 index's.
				// In this case, send a caputed value to nil or 0.
				// Also need to send board value.
				// Message content as follows:
				// board_num:team:current_player:turn:origLoc:newLoc: :
				temp := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v", game.Board, game.TeamPlayer, game.PlayerColor, turn, origLoc, newLoc, "", "", 0)
				//fmt.Println("DEBUG: state message to be sent accross network = ", temp)
				// client.Send_move(temp)
				// Find some way of having main send a message of temp to the other nodes.

				// Add a send message to opponent about the move...
				messenger.Msnger.Send_message(temp, mylib.MOVE)
			} else {
				// For enemy piece, record the captured piece, move the piece there and end the turn.
				// Involves sending info over the network and changing the turn value to the other team.
				// Record the captured Piece and add it to the array of captured pieces...
				// Create a gridview to view all of the caputred pieces....
				captured := new(mylib.CapturedPiece)
				captured.Image = newS.Image
				captured.Type = newS.Type
				captured.TeamPiece = newS.TeamPiece

				c.Board[newLoc].Empty = false
				c.Board[newLoc].TeamPiece = origS.TeamPiece
				c.Board[newLoc].Type = origS.Type
				c.Board[newLoc].OrigPosition = false
				c.Board[newLoc].FromOtherBoard = origS.FromOtherBoard
				c.Board[newLoc].Image = origS.Image

				newS.Empty = false
				newS.TeamPiece = origS.TeamPiece
				newS.Type = origS.Type
				newS.OrigPosition = false
				newS.FromOtherBoard = origS.FromOtherBoard
				newS.Image = origS.Image

				c.Board[origLoc].Image = ""
				c.Board[origLoc].Empty = true
				c.Board[origLoc].TeamPiece = mylib.EMPTY
				c.Board[origLoc].Type = "EMPTY"
				c.Board[origLoc].FromOtherBoard = false
				c.Board[origLoc].OrigPosition = false

				origS.Empty = true
				origS.TeamPiece = mylib.EMPTY
				origS.Type = "EMPTY"
				origS.OrigPosition = false
				origS.FromOtherBoard = false
				origS.Image = ""

				qml.Changed(c.Board[origLoc], &c.Board[origLoc].Image)
				qml.Changed(c.Board[newLoc], &c.Board[newLoc].Image)

				qml.Changed(capturedPieces, &capturedPieces.Len)
				// Send message to the opponent before incrementing turn
				// Send them the current player, the turn value, and the 2 index's.
				// In this case, send a caputed value equal to [Color][Piece] as a string or something.

				// Add a send captured pieces to partner
				temp := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v", game.Board, game.TeamPlayer, game.PlayerColor, turn, origLoc, newLoc, captured.Image, captured.Type, captured.TeamPiece)


				messenger.Msnger.Send_message(temp, mylib.MOVE)

				if captured.Type == "King" {
					temp := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v:%v", game.Board, game.TeamPlayer, "King")
					messenger.Msnger.Send_message(temp, mylib.GAMEOVER)
					EndGame(game.Board, game.TeamPlayer, "King")
		} else {
			fmt.Println("Cannot move pieces that are not your own!")
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Can't move a piece when it is not your turn!")