Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: regexp.go Proyecto: h12w/gombi
func parseStr(p string) *syntax.Regexp {
	r, err := syntax.Parse(p, syntax.Literal)
	if err != nil {
	return r
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: regexp.go Proyecto: ds2dev/gcc
func compile(expr string, mode syntax.Flags, longest bool) (*Regexp, error) {
	re, err := syntax.Parse(expr, mode)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	maxCap := re.MaxCap()
	capNames := re.CapNames()

	re = re.Simplify()
	prog, err := syntax.Compile(re)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	regexp := &Regexp{
		expr:        expr,
		prog:        prog,
		numSubexp:   maxCap,
		subexpNames: capNames,
		cond:        prog.StartCond(),
		longest:     longest,
	regexp.prefix, regexp.prefixComplete = prog.Prefix()
	if regexp.prefix != "" {
		// TODO(rsc): Remove this allocation by adding
		// IndexString to package bytes.
		regexp.prefixBytes = []byte(regexp.prefix)
		regexp.prefixRune, _ = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(regexp.prefix)
	return regexp, nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
func compile(expr string, mode syntax.Flags, longest bool) (*Regexp, error) {
	re, err := syntax.Parse(expr, mode)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return compileSyntax(re, expr, longest)
Ejemplo n.º 4
// NewGenerator creates a generator that returns random strings that match the regular expression in pattern.
// If args is nil, default values are used.
func NewGenerator(pattern string, args *GeneratorArgs) (generator Generator, err error) {
	if nil == args {
		args = &GeneratorArgs{}

	var seed int64
	if nil == args.RngSource {
		seed = rand.Int63()
	} else {
		seed = args.RngSource.Int63()
	rngSource := xorShift64Source(seed)
	args.rng = rand.New(&rngSource)

	// unicode groups only allowed with Perl
	if (args.Flags&syntax.UnicodeGroups) == syntax.UnicodeGroups && (args.Flags&syntax.Perl) != syntax.Perl {
		return nil, generatorError(nil, "UnicodeGroups not supported")

	var regexp *syntax.Regexp
	regexp, err = syntax.Parse(pattern, args.Flags)
	if err != nil {

	var gen *internalGenerator
	gen, err = newGenerator(regexp, args)
	if err != nil {

	return gen, nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
func (b *builder) terminal(f reflect.StructField, fullName string) (*Field, *syntax.Regexp, error) {
	pattern := string(f.Tag)
	if pattern == "" {
		return nil, nil, nil

	// TODO: check for sub-captures within expr and remove them
	expr, err := syntax.Parse(pattern, b.opts.SyntaxFlags)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf(`%s: %v (pattern was "%s")`, fullName, err, f.Tag)

	captureIndex := -1
	if isExported(f) {
		captureIndex = b.nextCaptureIndex()
		expr = &syntax.Regexp{
			Op:   syntax.OpCapture,
			Sub:  []*syntax.Regexp{expr},
			Name: f.Name,
			Cap:  captureIndex,
	field := &Field{
		index:   f.Index,
		capture: captureIndex,

	return field, expr, nil
Ejemplo n.º 6
// NewGenerator creates a generator that returns random strings that match the regular expression in pattern.
// If args is nil, default values are used.
func NewGenerator(pattern string, inputArgs *GeneratorArgs) (generator Generator, err error) {
	args := GeneratorArgs{}

	// Copy inputArgs so the caller can't change them.
	if inputArgs != nil {
		args = *inputArgs
	if err = args.initialize(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var regexp *syntax.Regexp
	regexp, err = syntax.Parse(pattern, args.Flags)
	if err != nil {

	var gen *internalGenerator
	gen, err = newGenerator(regexp, &args)
	if err != nil {

	return gen, nil
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: regexp.go Proyecto: h12w/gombi
func parsePat(p string) *syntax.Regexp {
	r, err := syntax.Parse(p, syntax.ClassNL|syntax.DotNL|syntax.MatchNL|syntax.PerlX|syntax.UnicodeGroups)
	if err != nil {
	return r
Ejemplo n.º 8
// regexStrings returns a set of strings such that any string that matches re must
// contain at least one of the strings in the set. If no such set can be found,
// regexStrings returns an empty set.
func regexStrings(re string) (stringSet, error) {
	parsed, err := syntax.Parse(re, syntax.Perl)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	info := analyze(parsed)
	return info.bestSet(), nil
Ejemplo n.º 9
func New(pattern string) (*Node, error) {
	r, err := syntax.Parse(pattern, syntax.Perl)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return NewFromRegexp(r.Simplify()), nil
Ejemplo n.º 10
I'm sorry, dear reader. I really am.

The problem here is to take an arbitrary regular expression and:
1. return a regular expression that is just like it, but left-anchored,
   preferring to return the original if possible.
2. determine a string literal prefix that all matches of this regular expression
   have, much like regexp.Regexp.Prefix(). Unfortunately, Prefix() does not work
   in the presence of anchors, so we need to write it ourselves.

What this actually means is that we need to sketch on the internals of the
standard regexp library to forcefully extract the information we want.

Unfortunately, regexp.Regexp hides a lot of its state, so our abstraction is
going to be pretty leaky. The biggest leak is that we blindly assume that all
regular expressions are perl-style, not POSIX. This is probably Mostly True, and
I think most users of the library probably won't be able to notice.
func sketchOnRegex(re *regexp.Regexp) (*regexp.Regexp, string) {
	rawRe := re.String()
	sRe, err := syntax.Parse(rawRe, syntax.Perl)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("WARN(web): unable to parse regexp %v as perl. "+
			"This route might behave unexpectedly.", re)
		return re, ""
	sRe = sRe.Simplify()
	p, err := syntax.Compile(sRe)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("WARN(web): unable to compile regexp %v. This "+
			"route might behave unexpectedly.", re)
		return re, ""
	if p.StartCond()&syntax.EmptyBeginText == 0 {
		// I hope doing this is always legal...
		newRe, err := regexp.Compile(`\A` + rawRe)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("WARN(web): unable to create a left-"+
				"anchored regexp from %v. This route might "+
				"behave unexpectedly", re)
			return re, ""
		re = newRe

	// Run the regular expression more or less by hand :(
	pc := uint32(p.Start)
	atStart := true
	i := &p.Inst[pc]
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	for {
		switch i.Op {
		case syntax.InstEmptyWidth:
			if !atStart {
				break Sadness
		case syntax.InstCapture, syntax.InstNop:
			// nop!
		case syntax.InstRune, syntax.InstRune1, syntax.InstRuneAny,

			atStart = false
			if len(i.Rune) != 1 ||
				syntax.Flags(i.Arg)&syntax.FoldCase != 0 {
				break Sadness
			break Sadness
		pc = i.Out
		i = &p.Inst[pc]
	return re, buf.String()
Ejemplo n.º 11
func (b *builder) terminal(f reflect.StructField, fullName string) (*Field, *syntax.Regexp, error) {
	pattern, err := b.extractTag(f.Tag)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", fullName, err)
	if pattern == "" {
		return nil, nil, nil

	// Parse the pattern
	expr, err := syntax.Parse(pattern, b.opts.SyntaxFlags)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf(`%s: %v (pattern was "%s")`, fullName, err, f.Tag)

	// Remove capture nodes within the AST
	expr, err = transform(expr, removeCaptures)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf(`failed to remove captures from "%s": %v`, pattern, err)

	// Determine the kind
	t := f.Type
	if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
		t = t.Elem()
	var role Role
	switch t {
	case emptyType:
		role = EmptyRole
	case stringType:
		role = StringScalarRole
	case byteSliceType:
		role = ByteSliceScalarRole
	case submatchType:
		role = SubmatchScalarRole

	captureIndex := -1
	if isExported(f) {
		captureIndex = b.nextCaptureIndex()
		expr = &syntax.Regexp{
			Op:   syntax.OpCapture,
			Sub:  []*syntax.Regexp{expr},
			Name: f.Name,
			Cap:  captureIndex,
	field := &Field{
		index:   f.Index,
		capture: captureIndex,
		role:    role,

	return field, expr, nil
Ejemplo n.º 12
// isLiteralRegexp checks regexp is a simple literal or not.
func isLiteralRegexp(expr string, flags syntax.Flags) bool {
	re, err := syntax.Parse(expr, flags)
	if err != nil {
		return false
	if re.Op == syntax.OpLiteral && re.Flags&syntax.FoldCase == 0 {
		return true
	return false
Ejemplo n.º 13
// RegexMatch generates matches for a given regular expression
// regexStr is supposed to conform to the perl regular expression syntax
func RegexMatch(regexStr string) gopter.Gen {
	regexSyntax, err1 := syntax.Parse(regexStr, syntax.Perl)
	regex, err2 := regexp.Compile(regexStr)
	if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {
		return Fail(reflect.TypeOf(""))
	return regexMatchGen(regexSyntax.Simplify()).SuchThat(func(v interface{}) bool {
		return regex.MatchString(v.(string))
Ejemplo n.º 14
// ParseOrPanic parses a regular expression into an AST.
// Panics on error.
func parseOrPanic(simplify bool, pattern string) *syntax.Regexp {
	regexp, err := syntax.Parse(pattern, 0)
	if err != nil {
	if simplify {
		regexp = regexp.Simplify()
	return regexp
Ejemplo n.º 15
func newRegexpCache(r *regexp.Regexp) *regexpCache {
	s := r.String()
	re, _ := syntax.Parse(s, syntax.Perl)
	return &regexpCache{
		re:    re,
		min:   minCap(re),
		max:   re.MaxCap(),
		cache: make(map[string]*regexp.Regexp),
Ejemplo n.º 16
func literalRegexp(r *regexp.Regexp) string {
	re, _ := syntax.Parse(r.String(), syntax.Perl)
	if re.MaxCap() == 0 && re.Op == syntax.OpConcat && len(re.Sub) == 3 &&
		re.Sub[0].Op == syntax.OpBeginText &&
		re.Sub[1].Op == syntax.OpLiteral &&
		re.Sub[2].Op == syntax.OpEndText {

		return string(re.Sub[1].Rune)
	return ""
Ejemplo n.º 17
func TestQuery(t *testing.T) {
	for _, tt := range queryTests {
		re, err := syntax.Parse(tt.re, syntax.Perl)
		if err != nil {
		q := RegexpQuery(re).String()
		if q != tt.q {
			t.Errorf("RegexpQuery(%#q) = %#q, want %#q", tt.re, q, tt.q)
Ejemplo n.º 18
// Check that one-pass cutoff does trigger.
func TestOnePassCutoff(t *testing.T) {
	re, err := syntax.Parse(`^x{1,1000}y{1,1000}$`, syntax.Perl)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("parse: %v", err)
	p, err := syntax.Compile(re.Simplify())
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("compile: %v", err)
	if compileOnePass(p) != notOnePass {
		t.Fatalf("makeOnePass succeeded; wanted notOnePass")
Ejemplo n.º 19
func NewInverseRegex(s string) (*Xeger, error) {
	_, err := regexp.Compile(s)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	re, err := syntax.Parse(s, syntax.POSIX)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	simp := re.Simplify()

	return &Xeger{re: simp, logger: nopLogger{}}, nil
Ejemplo n.º 20
func testRegex() {
	for k, v := range lexer_rules {
		fmt.Println("\nparsing ", k, " = ", v)
		re, err := syntax.Parse(lexer_rules["word"], syntax.Simple|syntax.UnicodeGroups|syntax.PerlX)
		if !tlog.Ok(err) {
		// fmt.Println(re)
		prog, err := syntax.Compile(re)
		if !tlog.Ok(err) {
Ejemplo n.º 21
func NewEventFilter(rawPatterns []string) EventFilter {
	filters := defaultRegexes
	globs := defaultGlobs
	for _, pat := range rawPatterns {
		if len(pat) <= 0 {
		regex, err := syn.Parse(pat, syn.POSIX)
		if err != nil {
			globs = append(globs, pat)
		} else {
			filters = append(filters, re.MustCompile(regex.String()))
	filters = append(filters, re.MustCompile(ConfigurationFilename))
	return EventFilter{filters: filters, globs: globs}
Ejemplo n.º 22
// CompileRegexp compiles a regular expression pattern and creates a template
// to revert it.
func CompileRegexp(pattern string) (*Regexp, error) {
	compiled, err := regexp.Compile(pattern)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	re, err := syntax.Parse(pattern, syntax.Perl)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	tpl := &template{buffer: new(bytes.Buffer)}
	return &Regexp{
		compiled: compiled,
		template: tpl.buffer.String(),
		groups:   tpl.groups,
		indices:  tpl.indices,
	}, nil
Ejemplo n.º 23
func init() {
	for _, v := range CdnInfos {
		re, _ := syntax.Parse(v.Pattern.String(), syntax.Perl)
		var buf bytes.Buffer
		walk(re, func(r *syntax.Regexp) bool {
			if r.Op == syntax.OpLiteral {
				return false
			if r.Op == syntax.OpConcat {
				return false
			return true
		orig := buf.String()
		key := strings.Trim(orig, " -")
		Register(key, SingleParser(cdnScriptParser(key, orig)))
Ejemplo n.º 24
// Compile parses a regular expression and returns, if successful,
// a Regexp object that can be used to match against lines of text.
func Compile(expr string) (*Regexp, error) {
	re, err := syntax.Parse(expr, syntax.Perl)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	sre := re.Simplify()
	prog, err := syntax.Compile(sre)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := toByteProg(prog); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	r := &Regexp{
		Syntax: re,
		expr:   expr,
	if err := r.m.init(prog); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return r, nil
Ejemplo n.º 25
func compileLiteral(node lexer.ASTNode, scope Scope) (output string, parentScope Scope, err error) {
	if !node.IsCommandType(lexer.CmdLiteral) {
		panic("Expecting literal command")

	// Directly copy the regexp literal
	output = node.Command().Value

	// Scan for any capture groups in the literal and increment our reference
	literalRegexp, err := syntax.Parse(output, syntax.Perl)
	if err != nil {
		return output, scope, err

	numCaptureGroups := len(literalRegexp.CapNames())
	// Don't count the full literal regexp as a capture
	if numCaptureGroups > 1 {
		scope.CurrentRegexp.IncrementCaptureGroup(numCaptureGroups - 1)

	return output, scope, err
Ejemplo n.º 26
// regexpQuery parses an atom into either a regular expression, or a
// simple substring atom.
func regexpQuery(text string, file bool) (Q, error) {
	var expr Q

	r, err := syntax.Parse(text, syntax.Perl)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if r.Op == syntax.OpLiteral {
		expr = &Substring{
			Pattern:  string(r.Rune),
			FileName: file,
	} else {
		expr = &Regexp{
			Regexp:   r,
			FileName: file,

	return expr, nil
Ejemplo n.º 27
func TestCompileOnePass(t *testing.T) {
	var (
		p   *syntax.Prog
		re  *syntax.Regexp
		err error
	for _, test := range onePassTests {
		if re, err = syntax.Parse(test.re, syntax.Perl); err != nil {
			t.Errorf("Parse(%q) got err:%s, want success", test.re, err)
		// needs to be done before compile...
		re = re.Simplify()
		if p, err = syntax.Compile(re); err != nil {
			t.Errorf("Compile(%q) got err:%s, want success", test.re, err)
		onePass = compileOnePass(p)
		if (onePass == notOnePass) != (test.onePass == notOnePass) {
			t.Errorf("CompileOnePass(%q) got %v, expected %v", test.re, onePass, test.onePass)
Ejemplo n.º 28
Archivo: main.go Proyecto: 0x7cc/rsc
func compile(exprs ...string) (*matcher, error) {
	var progs []*syntax.Prog
	for _, expr := range exprs {
		re, err := syntax.Parse(expr, syntax.Perl)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		sre := re.Simplify()
		prog, err := syntax.Compile(sre)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if err := toByteProg(prog); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		progs = append(progs, prog)
	m := &matcher{}
	if err := m.init(joinProgs(progs), len(progs)); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return m, nil
Ejemplo n.º 29
Archivo: re.go Proyecto: prasmussen/re
func NewRe(pattern, groupDelimiter, groupRepeatDelimiter string, ignoreCase, dotAll bool) (*Re, error) {
	flags := syntax.Perl
	if ignoreCase {
		flags |= syntax.FoldCase
	if dotAll {
		flags |= syntax.DotNL

	meta, err := syntax.Parse(pattern, flags)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &Re{
		re:                   regexp.MustCompile(meta.String()),
		dotAll:               dotAll,
		groupDelimiter:       groupDelimiter,
		groupRepeatDelimiter: groupRepeatDelimiter,
		groupCount:           meta.MaxCap(),
		groupNames:           meta.CapNames()[1:],
	}, nil
Ejemplo n.º 30
func TestRegexpParse(t *testing.T) {
	type testcase struct {
		in   string
		want Q

	cases := []testcase{
		{"(foo|)bar", &Substring{Pattern: "bar"}},
		{"(foo|)", &Const{true}},
		{"(foo|bar)baz.*bla", &And{[]Q{
				&Substring{Pattern: "foo"},
				&Substring{Pattern: "bar"},
			&Substring{Pattern: "baz"},
			&Substring{Pattern: "bla"},
				&Substring{Pattern: "People"},
				&Substring{Pattern: "barrabas"},

	for _, c := range cases {
		r, err := syntax.Parse(c.in, syntax.Perl)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("Parse(%q): %v", c.in, err)

		got := RegexpToQuery(r, 3)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(c.want, got) {
			t.Errorf("regexpToQuery(%q): got %v, want %v", c.in, got, c.want)