Ejemplo n.º 1
// main implements all necessary functionality to setup the conversation
// between Alice and Bob
func runtimeTest() {
	fmt.Println("CPU 's # ", runtime.NumCPU())

	prime := shamir.GeneratePrime(PRIMEBITS)

	var message string

	//fmt.Print(prime, message)

	a, aInv := shamir.GenerateExponents(prime)

	var time0 time.Time
	var duration time.Duration

	//var words int
	for nCpu := 1; nCpu <= runtime.NumCPU(); nCpu++ {
		fmt.Println("Using CPU # ", nCpu)
		//fmt.Println("\t\t Dauer Normal \t\tDauer Parallel")
		for i := 1; i < 5; i++ {
			word := math.Pow10(i)
			//	words = 10 ^ i
			var buffer bytes.Buffer
			fmt.Print("Chars # ", word*50, "\t\t")
			var j float64 = 0
			for j = 0; j < word; j++ {
				buffer.WriteString("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxzy 1234567890?!, .-#+* ()[]")
			message = buffer.String()

			var messageInt []*big.Int = shamir.SliceMessage(message, prime)

			// Normal
			time0 = time.Now()
			shamir.Calculate(messageInt, a, prime)
			duration = time.Since(time0)

			fmt.Print(float64(duration.Nanoseconds()) / 1000 / 1000)

			// Parrallel
			time0 = time.Now()
			shamir.CalculateParallel(messageInt, a, prime)
			duration = time.Since(time0)
			fmt.Print("\t\t", float64(duration.Nanoseconds())/1000/1000)



	var messageInt []*big.Int = shamir.SliceMessage("foo", prime)

	x := shamir.CalculateParallel(messageInt, a, prime)

	shamir.Calculate(x, aInv, prime)

Ejemplo n.º 2
// alice implements all the necessary functionality for Alice's part of the
// communication
func alice(msg string, channel chan []*big.Int, conn net.Conn) {
	prime := shamir.GeneratePrime(PRIMEBITS)
	primeSlice := []*big.Int{prime}
	fmt.Printf("Alice generates a prime number:\n%x\n\n",prime)

	fmt.Printf("Alice sends the prime number to Bob\n")
	channel <- primeSlice
	send(channel, conn)
	fmt.Println("Alice wants to send the following message: " + msg)
	a, aInv := shamir.GenerateExponents(prime)
	fmt.Println("Alice computes a secret Exponent and the inverse of it")
	fmt.Printf("Alice's secret exponent:\n%x\n", a)
	fmt.Printf("Alice's secret inverse:\n%x\n\n", aInv)
	fmt.Println("Alice encrypts her message!")
	var messageInt []*big.Int = shamir.SliceMessage(msg, prime)
	x := shamir.CalculateParallel(messageInt, a, prime)
	fmt.Printf("Alice now sends the encrypted message to Bob:\n%x\n\n",shamir.GlueMessage(x))
	channel <- x
	send(channel, conn)
	fmt.Println("Alice is waiting for Bob's answer...")
	receive(channel, conn)
	x = <-channel
	fmt.Println("Alice received the double-encrypted message and is now" +" decrypting her part!")
	y := shamir.CalculateParallel(x, aInv, prime)
	fmt.Printf("Alice now sends the partly decrypted message to Bob:\n%x\n\n",shamir.GlueMessage(y))
	channel <- y
	send(channel, conn)
Ejemplo n.º 3
// alice implements all the necessary functionality for Alice's part of the
// communication
func alice(msg string, prime *big.Int, channel chan []*big.Int) {
	fmt.Println("Alice wants to send the following message: " + msg)
	a, aInv := shamir.GenerateExponents(prime)
	fmt.Println("Alice computes a secret Exponent and the inverse of it")
	fmt.Printf("Alice's secret exponent:\n%x\n", a)
	fmt.Printf("Alice's secret inverse:\n%x\n\n", aInv)
	fmt.Println("Alice encrypts her message!")
	var messageInt []*big.Int = shamir.SliceMessage(msg, prime)

	// Parrallel
	//x := shamir.Calculate(messageInt, a, prime)
	x := shamir.CalculateParallel(messageInt, a, prime)

	fmt.Printf("Alice now sends the encrypted message to Bob:\n%x\n\n",
	channel <- x
	fmt.Println("Alice is waiting for Bob's answer...")
	x = <-channel
	fmt.Println("Alice received the double-encrypted message and is now" +
		" decrypting her part!")
	y := shamir.Calculate(x, aInv, prime)
	fmt.Printf("Alice now sends the partly decrypted message to Bob:\n%x\n\n",
	channel <- y