Ejemplo n.º 1
// check if a given version is valid in all the possible containers
func isValidVersion(file string, tags, sources, binaries []string) bool {
	// tip is always a valid version
	if file == "tip" || file == "go" {
		return true
	// look on the sources first that is the smaller collection
	for _, ver := range sources {
		if file == ver {
			return true
	// now look on the binaries collection using binary search
	index := sort.SearchStrings(binaries, file)
	if len(binaries) > index && binaries[index] == file {
		return true
	// now look in the git tags using binary search
	// now look in the mercurial tags using binary search
	index = sort.SearchStrings(tags, file)
	if len(tags) > index && tags[index] == file {
		return true

	return false
Ejemplo n.º 2
func TestTelegrafParseLine(t *testing.T) {

	s := Telegraf{}
	r, err := s.ParseLine("> mem,host=ubuntu available_percent=78.43483331332489,buffered=199602176i,used=1802661888i,used_percent=21.56516668667511 1469886743")
	require.NoError(t, err)

	assert.Len(t, r.Elements, 4)
	for _, line := range r.Elements {
		assert.Equal(t, line.Plugin, "telegraf.mem")

		validGauges := []string{"mem_available.percent", "mem_buffered", "mem_used", "mem_used.percent"}
		i := sort.SearchStrings(validGauges, line.Gauge)
		var gaugeFound = i < len(validGauges) && validGauges[i] == line.Gauge
		assert.True(t, gaugeFound, "Valid Gauge Name")


	r, err = s.ParseLine("> system,host=ubuntu load1=0.11,load15=0.06,load5=0.05,n_cpus=4i,n_users=2i,uptime=7252i 1469891972000000000")
	require.NoError(t, err)
	assert.Len(t, r.Elements, 6)

	for _, line := range r.Elements {
		assert.Equal(t, line.Plugin, "telegraf.system")

		validGauges := []string{"system_load1", "system_load15", "system_load5", "system_n.cpus", "system_n.users", "system_uptime"}
		i := sort.SearchStrings(validGauges, line.Gauge)
		var gaugeFound = i < len(validGauges) && validGauges[i] == line.Gauge
		assert.True(t, gaugeFound, "Valid Gauge Name")


Ejemplo n.º 3
func createMaintainerManagersDirectoriesMap(pth, cpth, maintainerEmail, userName string) error {
	names, err := ioutil.ReadDir(pth)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// Look for the MaintainerManager File
	var (
		foundMaintainerManagersFile      = false
		iAmOneOfTheMaintainerManagers    = false
		belongsToOtherMaintainerManagers = false

	for _, name := range names {
		if strings.EqualFold(name.Name(), MaintainerManagersFileName) {
			foundMaintainerManagersFile = true
			var ids = &[]string{}
			ids, fileMaintainers, err = getMaintainerManagersIds(path.Join(pth, name.Name()))
			maintainersIds = append(maintainersIds, (*ids)...)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			i := sort.SearchStrings(*ids, maintainerEmail)
			if i < len(*ids) && (*ids)[i] == maintainerEmail {
				iAmOneOfTheMaintainerManagers = true
			} else {
				i := sort.SearchStrings(*ids, userName)
				if i < len(*ids) && (*ids)[i] == userName {
					iAmOneOfTheMaintainerManagers = true

	// Save the maintainers list related to the current directory
	tmpcpth := cpth
	if cpth == "" {
		tmpcpth = "."
	if foundMaintainerManagersFile {
		maintainersDirMap[tmpcpth] = fileMaintainers
	// Check if we need to add the directory to the maintainer's  directories mapping tree
	if (!foundMaintainerManagersFile && !belongsToOthers) || iAmOneOfTheMaintainerManagers {
		currentPath := []string{tmpcpth}
		maintainerDirMap.paths = append(maintainerDirMap.paths, currentPath...)
	} else if foundMaintainerManagersFile || belongsToOthers {
		belongsToOtherMaintainerManagers = true
	for _, name := range names {
		if name.IsDir() && name.Name()[0] != '.' {
			tmpcpth := path.Join(cpth, name.Name())
			newPath := path.Join(pth, name.Name())
			belongsToOthers = belongsToOtherMaintainerManagers
			createMaintainerManagersDirectoriesMap(newPath, tmpcpth, maintainerEmail, userName)

	return err
Ejemplo n.º 4
func TestHostnamesInheritFromDefault(t *testing.T) {
	assert := assert.Assert(t)

	yml := loadFile("config_hostnames_inherit_from_default.yml")
	setting, err := kasi.ParseConfig(yml)
	assert.Equal(err, nil)

	assert.Equal(len(setting.Services), 1)
	assert.Equal(len(setting.Services[0].Hostnames), 2)

	for _, h := range []string{"my0.github.com", "my1.github.com"} {
		if sort.SearchStrings(setting.Services[0].Hostnames, h) == 2 {
			t.Error("failed to parse hostnames")

	ymlOverride := loadFile("config_hostnames_override_default.yml")
	setting, err = kasi.ParseConfig(ymlOverride)

	assert.Equal(len(setting.Services), 1)
	assert.Equal(len(setting.Services[0].Hostnames), 1)

	for _, h := range []string{"my2.github.com"} {
		if sort.SearchStrings(setting.Services[0].Hostnames, h) == 2 {
			t.Error("failed to parse hostnames")
Ejemplo n.º 5
// KeyFromStrings parses a triple of strings to a numerical key.
func KeyFromStrings(s [3]string) Key {
	a := sort.SearchStrings(words1, s[0])
	b := sort.SearchStrings(words2, s[1])
	c := sort.SearchStrings(words3, s[2])
	return Key{uint16(a), uint16(b), uint16(c)}
Ejemplo n.º 6
// checkRequestDupKeys gives rpctypes.ErrDuplicateKey if the same key is modified twice
func checkRequestDupKeys(reqs []*pb.RequestUnion) error {
	// check put overlap
	keys := make(map[string]struct{})
	for _, requ := range reqs {
		tv, ok := requ.Request.(*pb.RequestUnion_RequestPut)
		if !ok {
		preq := tv.RequestPut
		if preq == nil {
		key := string(preq.Key)
		if _, ok := keys[key]; ok {
			return rpctypes.ErrDuplicateKey
		keys[key] = struct{}{}

	// no need to check deletes if no puts; delete overlaps are permitted
	if len(keys) == 0 {
		return nil

	// sort keys for range checking
	sortedKeys := []string{}
	for k := range keys {
		sortedKeys = append(sortedKeys, k)

	// check put overlap with deletes
	for _, requ := range reqs {
		tv, ok := requ.Request.(*pb.RequestUnion_RequestDeleteRange)
		if !ok {
		dreq := tv.RequestDeleteRange
		if dreq == nil {
		key := string(dreq.Key)
		if dreq.RangeEnd == nil {
			if _, found := keys[key]; found {
				return rpctypes.ErrDuplicateKey
		} else {
			lo := sort.SearchStrings(sortedKeys, key)
			hi := sort.SearchStrings(sortedKeys, string(dreq.RangeEnd))
			if lo != hi {
				// element between lo and hi => overlap
				return rpctypes.ErrDuplicateKey

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 7
func (r *UpsideDownCouchDocIDReader) Advance(docID index.IndexInternalID) (index.IndexInternalID, error) {

	if r.onlyMode {
		r.onlyPos = sort.SearchStrings(r.only, string(docID))
		if r.onlyPos >= len(r.only) {
			// advanced to key after our last only key
			return nil, nil
		r.iterator.Seek(NewBackIndexRow([]byte(r.only[r.onlyPos]), nil, nil).Key())
		key, val, valid := r.iterator.Current()

		var rv index.IndexInternalID
		for valid && r.onlyPos < len(r.only) {
			br, err := NewBackIndexRowKV(key, val)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if !bytes.Equal(br.doc, []byte(r.only[r.onlyPos])) {
				// the only key we seek'd to didn't exist
				// now look for the closest key that did exist in only
				r.onlyPos = sort.SearchStrings(r.only, string(br.doc))
				if r.onlyPos >= len(r.only) {
					// advanced to key after our last only key
					return nil, nil
				// now seek to this new only key
				r.iterator.Seek(NewBackIndexRow([]byte(r.only[r.onlyPos]), nil, nil).Key())
				key, val, valid = r.iterator.Current()
			} else {
				rv = append([]byte(nil), br.doc...)
		if valid && r.onlyPos < len(r.only) {
			ok := r.nextOnly()
			if ok {
				r.iterator.Seek(NewBackIndexRow([]byte(r.only[r.onlyPos]), nil, nil).Key())
			return rv, nil
	} else {
		bir := NewBackIndexRow(docID, nil, nil)
		key, val, valid := r.iterator.Current()
		if valid {
			br, err := NewBackIndexRowKV(key, val)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			rv := append([]byte(nil), br.doc...)
			return rv, nil
	return nil, nil
Ejemplo n.º 8
func TestRandString(t *testing.T) {
	tt := testing2.Wrap(t)
	slice := []string{"1", "2", "3", "4"}
	tt.True(sort.SearchStrings(slice, RandIn(slice)) >= 0)
	tt.True(sort.SearchStrings(slice, RandIn(slice)) >= 0)
	tt.True(sort.SearchStrings(slice, RandIn(slice)) >= 0)
	tt.True(sort.SearchStrings(slice, RandIn(slice)) >= 0)
	tt.True(RandIn(nil) == "")
	tt.True(RandIn([]string{}) == "")
Ejemplo n.º 9
func constructFilters(operator string, field string, value interface{}, logic string) {
	condition := ""

	switch operator {
	case "eq":
		condition = "="
	case "neq":
		condition = "<>"
	case "startswith":
		condition = "like"
	case "contains":
		condition = "like"
	case "endswith":
		condition = "like"
	case "doesnotcontain":
		condition = "not like"
	case "gt":
		condition = ">"
	case "gte":
		condition = ">="
	case "lte":
		condition = "<="
	case "lt":
		condition = "<"


	val := tk.ToString(value)

	str := sort.SearchStrings(FieldStr, field)

	if str < len(FieldStr) && FieldStr[str] == field {
		val = "'" + val + "'"

	db := sort.SearchStrings(FiltersDB, field)
	wo := sort.SearchStrings(FiltersWO, field)
	main := sort.SearchStrings(FiltersMain, field)
	plant := sort.SearchStrings(FiltersPlant, field)

	if db < len(FiltersDB) && FiltersDB[db] == field {
		FilDB = append(FilDB, " "+logic+" "+field+" "+condition+" "+val)
	} else if wo < len(FiltersWO) && FiltersWO[wo] == field {
		FilWO = append(FilWO, " "+logic+" "+"RESULT."+field+" "+condition+" "+val+" ")
	} else if main < len(FiltersMain) && FiltersMain[main] == field {
		FilMain = append(FilMain, " "+logic+" "+field+" "+condition+" "+val+" ")
	} else if plant < len(FiltersPlant) && FiltersPlant[plant] == field {
		FilPlant = append(FilPlant, " "+logic+" "+field+" "+condition+" "+val+" ")
func validateIDmappings(spec *specs.LinuxSpec, rspec *specs.LinuxRuntimeSpec) error {
	ums := rspec.Linux.UIDMappings
	gms := rspec.Linux.GIDMappings
	if ums != nil {
		out, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("/proc/1/uid_map")
		uidbytes := bytes.Split(out, []byte{'\n'})
		mappings := []string{}
		//convert the content of /proc/1/uid_map to stringslice
		// and each line in the file convert to string ,Formmat:HostID+ContainerID+Size
		for _, uidbyte := range uidbytes {
			uidstr := strings.Fields(string(uidbyte))
			if len(uidstr) == 3 {
				mapping := uidstr[1] + "+" + uidstr[0] + "+" + uidstr[2]
				mappings = append(mappings, mapping)
		// covert struct IDmappings of rumtime.json to string and check whether is set in container
		for _, um := range ums {
			hostid := strconv.Itoa(int(um.HostID))
			containerid := strconv.Itoa(int(um.ContainerID))
			size := strconv.Itoa(int(um.Size))
			mappingset := hostid + "+" + containerid + "+" + size
			if sort.SearchStrings(mappings, mappingset) == len(mappings) {
				return fmt.Errorf("uidmapping failed: %v ", mappingset)
	if gms != nil {
		out, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("/proc/1/gid_map")
		gidbytes := bytes.Split(out, []byte{'\n'})
		mappings := []string{}
		//convert the content of /proc/1/gid_map to stringslice
		// and each line in the file convert to string ,Formmat:HostID+ContainerID+Size
		for _, gidbyte := range gidbytes {
			gidstr := strings.Fields(string(gidbyte))
			if len(gidstr) == 3 {
				mapping := gidstr[1] + "+" + gidstr[0] + "+" + gidstr[2]
				mappings = append(mappings, mapping)
		// covert struct IDmappings of rumtime.json to string and check whether is set in container
		for _, gm := range gms {
			hostid := strconv.Itoa(int(gm.HostID))
			containerid := strconv.Itoa(int(gm.ContainerID))
			size := strconv.Itoa(int(gm.Size))
			mappingset := hostid + "+" + containerid + "+" + size
			if sort.SearchStrings(mappings, mappingset) == len(mappings) {
				return fmt.Errorf("gidmapping failed: %v ", mappingset)

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 11
func TestExplainTrace(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	s, sqlDB, _ := setup(t)
	defer cleanup(s, sqlDB)

	if _, err := sqlDB.Exec(`CREATE DATABASE test; CREATE TABLE test.foo (id INT PRIMARY KEY)`); err != nil {
	rows, err := sqlDB.Query(`EXPLAIN (TRACE) INSERT INTO test.foo VALUES (1)`)
	if err != nil {
	expParts := []string{"coordinator", "node 1"}
	var parts []string

	pretty := rowsToStrings(rows)
	for _, row := range pretty[1:] {
		part := row[3] // Operation
		if ind := sort.SearchStrings(parts, part); ind == len(parts) || parts[ind] != part {
			parts = append(parts, part)
	if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(expParts, parts) {
		t.Fatalf("expected %v, got %v\n\nResults:\n%v", expParts, parts, prettyPrint(pretty))
Ejemplo n.º 12
func (me *Website) Configure(serverBind, wwwRoot, charsetDynamic,
	charsetStatic, indices string, debug, listDirs bool) {

	debugf("website.Configure(%q, %q, %q, %q, %q, %v, %v)", serverBind, wwwRoot,
		charsetDynamic, charsetStatic, indices, debug, listDirs)

	me.WwwRoot = wwwRoot
	me.CharsetDynamic = charsetDynamic
	me.CharsetStatic = charsetStatic
	me.ListDirs = listDirs
	me.Debug = debug

	sortedIndices := make([]string, len(me.Indices))
	copy(sortedIndices, me.Indices)

	for _, part := range strings.Split(indices, ",") {
		trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(part)
		if sort.SearchStrings(sortedIndices, trimmed) > -1 {
			debugf("*NOT* appending duplicate index name %q into %v",
				trimmed, me.Indices)
		} else {
			debugf("Adding index name %q to %v", trimmed, me.Indices)
			me.Indices = append(me.Indices, trimmed)

	if me.s == nil {
		me.s = newServerContext(me,
			me.PackageName, serverBind, me.WwwRoot, debug)

	me.configured = true
Ejemplo n.º 13
func (as *authStore) UserGrantRole(r *pb.AuthUserGrantRoleRequest) (*pb.AuthUserGrantRoleResponse, error) {
	tx := as.be.BatchTx()
	defer tx.Unlock()

	user := getUser(tx, r.User)
	if user == nil {
		return nil, ErrUserNotFound

	if r.Role != rootRole {
		role := getRole(tx, r.Role)
		if role == nil {
			return nil, ErrRoleNotFound

	idx := sort.SearchStrings(user.Roles, r.Role)
	if idx < len(user.Roles) && strings.Compare(user.Roles[idx], r.Role) == 0 {
		plog.Warningf("user %s is already granted role %s", r.User, r.Role)
		return &pb.AuthUserGrantRoleResponse{}, nil

	user.Roles = append(user.Roles, r.Role)

	putUser(tx, user)



	plog.Noticef("granted role %s to user %s", r.Role, r.User)
	return &pb.AuthUserGrantRoleResponse{}, nil
Ejemplo n.º 14
// disabledSurvey returns true if sid is found in config.Survey.Disabled.
func disabledSurvey(sid string) bool {
	if sid == "" {
		return true
	i := sort.SearchStrings(config.Survey.Disabled, sid)
	return i < len(config.Survey.Disabled) && config.Survey.Disabled[i] == sid
Ejemplo n.º 15
// addSessionSurvey adds session sid to the feedback survey list of user uid.
// It returns a list of all sessions the user has submitted a feedback for, including sid.
// If the user has already submitted a feedback for sid, errBadData is returned.
func addSessionSurvey(c context.Context, uid, sid string) ([]string, error) {
	perr := prefixedErr("addSessionSurvey")
	cred, err := getCredentials(c, uid)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, perr(err)

	var data *appFolderData
	for _, fresh := range []bool{false, true} {
		if data, err = getAppFolderData(c, cred, fresh); err != nil {
		// prevent double submission
		i := sort.SearchStrings(data.Survey, sid)
		if i < len(data.Survey) && data.Survey[i] == sid {
			return nil, errBadData
		data.Survey = append(data.Survey, sid)
		err = storeAppFolderData(c, cred, data)
		if err != errConflict {

	if err != nil {
		return nil, perr(err)
	return data.Survey, nil
Ejemplo n.º 16
// index returns the index of the tag for the given base, script and region or
// its parent if the tag is not available. If the match is for a parent entry,
// the excess script and region are returned.
func (ts *tagSet) index(base language.Base, scr language.Script, reg language.Region) (int, language.Script, language.Region) {
	lang := base.String()
	index := -1
	if (scr != language.Script{} || reg != language.Region{}) {
		if scr == zzzz {
			scr = language.Script{}
		if reg == zz {
			reg = language.Region{}

		i := sort.SearchStrings(ts.long, lang)
		// All entries have either a script or a region and not both.
		scrStr, regStr := scr.String(), reg.String()
		for ; i < len(ts.long) && strings.HasPrefix(ts.long[i], lang); i++ {
			if s := ts.long[i][len(lang)+1:]; s == scrStr {
				scr = language.Script{}
				index = i + ts.single.len()
			} else if s == regStr {
				reg = language.Region{}
				index = i + ts.single.len()
	if index == -1 {
		index = ts.single.index(lang)
	return index, scr, reg
Ejemplo n.º 17
// DistributeInstances is a common function for implement the
// state.InstanceDistributor policy based on availability zone
// spread.
func DistributeInstances(env ZonedEnviron, candidates, group []instance.Id) ([]instance.Id, error) {
	// Determine the best availability zones for the group.
	zoneInstances, err := internalAvailabilityZoneAllocations(env, group)
	if err != nil || len(zoneInstances) == 0 {
		return nil, err

	// Determine which of the candidates are eligible based on whether
	// they are allocated in one of the best availability zones.
	var allEligible []string
	for i := range zoneInstances {
		if i > 0 && len(zoneInstances[i].Instances) > len(zoneInstances[i-1].Instances) {
		for _, id := range zoneInstances[i].Instances {
			allEligible = append(allEligible, string(id))
	eligible := make([]instance.Id, 0, len(candidates))
	for _, candidate := range candidates {
		n := sort.SearchStrings(allEligible, string(candidate))
		if n >= 0 && n < len(allEligible) {
			eligible = append(eligible, candidate)
	return eligible, nil
Ejemplo n.º 18
func (n *navigation) maintainSelected(name string) {
	i := sort.SearchStrings(n.current.names, name)
	if i == len(n.current.names) {
	n.current.selected = i
Ejemplo n.º 19
func runEnvVars(cmd *Command, envVarKeys []string) {
	w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 1, 2, 2, ' ', 0)
	defer w.Flush()
	var envVars []cloud66.StackEnvVar
	var err error
	stack := mustStack()
	envVars, err = client.StackEnvVars(stack.Uid)

	if len(envVarKeys) == 0 {
		printEnvVarsList(w, envVars)
	} else {
		// filter out the unwanted env_vars
		var filteredEnvVars []cloud66.StackEnvVar
		for _, i := range envVars {
			sorted := sort.SearchStrings(envVarKeys, i.Key)
			if sorted < len(envVarKeys) && envVarKeys[sorted] == i.Key {
				filteredEnvVars = append(filteredEnvVars, i)

		printEnvVarsList(w, filteredEnvVars)
Ejemplo n.º 20
// contains determines whether the given string is contained in the
// given list of strings, which must have been previously sorted using
// sort.Strings.
func contains(ns []string, n string) bool {
	i := sort.SearchStrings(ns, n)
	if i >= len(ns) {
		return false
	return ns[i] == n
Ejemplo n.º 21
// extractTestCases parses the test selection string and assembles the list
// of requested test cases as fully qualified paths.
// NOTE: The form of the selection string is of the form
//              1,2,5:10,55 or testName
// Here, each number or range of numbers refers to indexed test cases as
// provided by the -s commandline flag.
func extractTestCases(testDir, selection string, testNames []string) []string {

	var selectedNames []string
	for _, s := range strings.Split(selection, ",") {
		item := strings.TrimSpace(s)
		var items []int
		var err error
		if strings.Contains(item, ":") {
			if items, err = misc.ConvertRangeToList(item); err != nil {
			selectedNames = appendTestCases(items, selectedNames, testNames)
		} else if i, err := strconv.Atoi(item); err == nil {
			selectedNames = appendTestCases([]int{i}, selectedNames, testNames)
		} else { // item provided corresponds to a test name, make sure it exists
			if testNames[sort.SearchStrings(testNames, item)] != item {
				continue // if we can't find the requested testcase we just skip it
			selectedNames = append(selectedNames, item)

	testPaths := make([]string, len(selectedNames))
	for i, name := range selectedNames {
		testPaths[i] = filepath.Join(testDir, name)
	return testPaths
Ejemplo n.º 22
func (self *BindExchanger) onBindChanged(topic, groupId string, newbinds []*Binding) {

	if len(groupId) <= 0 {
		delete(self.exchanger, topic)

	if sort.SearchStrings(self.topics, topic) == len(self.topics) {
		log.Warn("BindExchanger|onBindChanged|UnAccept Bindings|%s|%s|%s\n", topic, self.topics, newbinds)

	v, ok := self.exchanger[topic]
	if !ok {
		v = make(map[string][]*Binding, 10)
		self.exchanger[topic] = v

	if len(newbinds) > 0 {
		v[groupId] = newbinds
	} else {
		delete(v, groupId)
Ejemplo n.º 23
// Remove a string from a slice
func (s Strings) Remove(a string) []string {
	i := sort.SearchStrings(s, a)
	if s[i] != a {
		return s
	return append(s[:i], s[i+1:]...)
Ejemplo n.º 24
func (self *Storage) DeleteAppID(uaid, appid string, clearOnly bool) (err error) {

	if appid == "" {
		return sperrors.NoChannelError

	appIDArray, err := self.fetchAppIDArray(uaid)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	pos := sort.SearchStrings(appIDArray, appid)
	if pos > -1 {
		self.storeAppIDArray(uaid, remove(appIDArray, pos))
		pk, err := GenPK(uaid, appid)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		rec, err := self.fetchRec(pk)
		if err == nil {
			rec["s"] = DELETED
			err = self.storeRec(pk, rec)
		} else {
			self.log.Error("storage", fmt.Sprintf("Could not delete %s, %s", pk, err), nil)
	} else {
		err = sperrors.InvalidChannelError
	return err
Ejemplo n.º 25
func (d Dictionary) Index(word string) (int, error) {
	i := sort.SearchStrings(d.dict, word)
	if i >= len(d.dict) || d.dict[i] != word {
		return -1, fmt.Errorf("Word %q not found.", word)
	return i, nil
Ejemplo n.º 26
func (ds *MemDataStore) GetImages(tags []string, page, pageSize int) []*model.Image {
	images := make([]*model.Image, 0)
	skip := (page - 1) * pageSize

	for _, img := range ds.fileList {
		for _, tag := range tags {
			cleanTag := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimPrefix(tag, "-"))
			pos := sort.SearchStrings(img.Tags, cleanTag)
			if strings.HasPrefix(tag, "-") {
				if pos < len(img.Tags) && img.Tags[pos] == cleanTag {
					continue imageLoop
			} else {
				if pos == len(img.Tags) || img.Tags[pos] != cleanTag {
					continue imageLoop
		if skip > 0 {
			continue imageLoop
		images = append(images, img)
		if int(len(images)) == pageSize {
	return images
Ejemplo n.º 27
func runEnvVars(c *cli.Context) {
	w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 1, 2, 2, ' ', 0)
	defer w.Flush()
	var envVars []cloud66.StackEnvVar
	var err error
	stack := mustStack(c)
	envVars, err = client.StackEnvVars(stack.Uid)

	envVarKeys := c.Args()
	flagShowHistory := c.Bool("history")

	if len(envVarKeys) == 0 {
		printEnvVarsList(w, envVars, flagShowHistory)
	} else {
		// filter out the unwanted env_vars
		var filteredEnvVars []cloud66.StackEnvVar
		for _, i := range envVars {
			sorted := sort.SearchStrings(envVarKeys, i.Key)
			if sorted < len(envVarKeys) && envVarKeys[sorted] == i.Key {
				filteredEnvVars = append(filteredEnvVars, i)
		printEnvVarsList(w, filteredEnvVars, flagShowHistory)
Ejemplo n.º 28
// 18.6.1. Get relationship types
func TestGetRelationshipTypes(t *testing.T) {
	db := connectTest(t)
	defer cleanup(t, db)
	relTypes := []string{}
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		relTypes = append(relTypes, rndStr(t))
	// Create relationships
	n0, _ := db.CreateNode(Props{})
	n1, _ := db.CreateNode(Props{})
	rels := []*Relationship{}
	for _, rt := range relTypes {
		aRel, _ := n0.Relate(rt, n1.Id(), Props{})
		rels = append(rels, aRel)
	// Get all relationship types, and confirm the list of types contains at least
	// all those randomly-generated values in relTypes.  It cannot be guaranteed
	// that the database will not contain other relationship types beyond these.
	foundRelTypes, err := db.RelTypes()
	if err != nil {
	for _, rt := range relTypes {
		assert.True(t, sort.SearchStrings(foundRelTypes, rt) < len(foundRelTypes),
			"Could not find expected relationship type: "+rt)
Ejemplo n.º 29
// Validate validates the Settings data and returns an error describing
// all problems or nil if there are none.
func (s Settings) Validate() error {
	// TODO: winlogbeat should not try to validate top-level beats config

	validKeys := []string{
		"fields", "fields_under_root", "tags",
		"name", "refresh_topology_freq", "ignore_outgoing", "topology_expire", "geoip",
		"queue_size", "bulk_queue_size", "max_procs",
		"processors", "logging", "output", "path", "winlogbeat",

	// Check for invalid top-level keys.
	var errs multierror.Errors
	for k := range s.Raw {
		k = strings.ToLower(k)
		i := sort.SearchStrings(validKeys, k)
		if i >= len(validKeys) || validKeys[i] != k {
			errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Invalid top-level key '%s' "+
				"found. Valid keys are %s", k, strings.Join(validKeys, ", ")))

	err := s.Winlogbeat.Validate()
	if err != nil {
		errs = append(errs, err)

	return errs.Err()
Ejemplo n.º 30
func TestTLSSNI02ChallengeCert(t *testing.T) {
	const (
		token = "evaGxfADs6pSRb2LAv9IZf17Dt3juxGJ-PCt92wr-oA"
		// echo -n evaGxfADs6pSRb2LAv9IZf17Dt3juxGJ-PCt92wr-oA | shasum -a 256
		sanA = "7ea0aaa69214e71e02cebb18bb867736.09b730209baabf60e43d4999979ff139.token.acme.invalid"
		// echo -n <token.testKeyECThumbprint> | shasum -a 256
		sanB = "dbbd5eefe7b4d06eb9d1d9f5acb4c7cd.a27d320e4b30332f0b6cb441734ad7b0.ka.acme.invalid"

	client := &Client{Key: testKeyEC}
	tlscert, name, err := client.TLSSNI02ChallengeCert(token)
	if err != nil {

	if n := len(tlscert.Certificate); n != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("len(tlscert.Certificate) = %d; want 1", n)
	cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(tlscert.Certificate[0])
	if err != nil {
	names := []string{sanA, sanB}
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(cert.DNSNames, names) {
		t.Fatalf("cert.DNSNames = %v;\nwant %v", cert.DNSNames, names)
	i := sort.SearchStrings(cert.DNSNames, name)
	if i >= len(cert.DNSNames) || cert.DNSNames[i] != name {
		t.Errorf("%v doesn't have %q", cert.DNSNames, name)