Ejemplo n.º 1
func (p *Parser) definition() *tp.Function {
	isSignature := false
	node := new(tp.Function)
	// functions should be injected only into the first specified namespace
	node.Namespace = proto.String(p.Defspace)

	funcLineNo := p.pop().LineNumber // pop the `@func` keyword
	contextType := ""
	if p.peek().Lexeme == TYPE {
		contextType = p.pop().Value
		if p.peek().Lexeme != DOT {
			p.error("function context and function name must be separated by '.'")
		p.pop() // pop the dot

	if p.peek().Lexeme != ID {
		p.error("invalid function name in definition")

	funcName := p.pop().Value
	funcFile := ""

	if len(p.ScriptPath) > 0 && p.ScriptPath != "." {
		funcFile = filepath.Join(p.ScriptPath, p.FileName)

	if p.peek().Lexeme != LPAREN {
		p.error("parenthesized parameter list expected in function declaration")
	p.pop() // pop the lparen
	params := p.parameters(funcName)
	if len(params) == 0 {
		params = nil
	p.pop() // pop the rparen

	returnType := ""
	opensType := ""
	if p.peek().Lexeme == TYPE {
		isSignature = true
		returnType = p.pop().Value
		if p.peek().Lexeme == TYPE {
			opensType = p.pop().Value

	node.Name = proto.String(funcName)
	if len(funcFile) > 0 {
		node.Filename = proto.String(funcFile)
	node.LineNumber = proto.Int32(funcLineNo)
	node.Args = params
	node.ScopeType = proto.String(contextType)
	node.ReturnType = proto.String(returnType)
	node.OpensType = proto.String(opensType)

	if isSignature {
		if p.peek().Lexeme == LBRACE {
			p.error("body not permitted in signature for built-in " + funcName)
		node.BuiltIn = proto.Bool(true)
		return node
	node.BuiltIn = proto.Bool(false)
	if p.peek().Lexeme != LBRACE {
		p.error("definition for " + funcName + " is missing a body")
	funcBody := &tp.Instruction{
		Type: proto.Int32(constants.Instruction_BLOCK),
		// Children: p.block(),
		// use the wrapper to get a better error message
		Children: p.function_body(*node.Name),
	node.Instruction = funcBody
	return node