Ejemplo n.º 1
func installImpl(jirix *jiri.X, cl *installFlagValues, args []string) error {
	mgrs, db, err := availableProfileManagers(jirix, cl.dbPath, args)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	newMgrs := []profileManager{}
	for _, mgr := range mgrs {
		name := mgr.mgrName()
		if !cl.force {
			installer, profile := profiles.SplitProfileName(name)
			if p := db.LookupProfileTarget(installer, profile, cl.target); p != nil {
				fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "%v %v is already installed as %v\n", name, cl.target, p)
		newMgrs = append(newMgrs, mgr)
	root := jiri.NewRelPath(cl.root).Join(profileInstaller)
	for _, mgr := range newMgrs {
		if err := mgr.install(jirix, cl, root); err != nil {
			return err
	return writeDB(jirix, db, profileInstaller, cl.dbPath)
Ejemplo n.º 2
func packagesImpl(jirix *jiri.X, cl *packagesFlagValues, args []string) error {
	mgrs, _, err := availableProfileManagers(jirix, cl.dbPath, args)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	root := jiri.NewRelPath(cl.root).Join(profileInstaller)
	s := jirix.NewSeq()
	installPackages := cl.installPackages
	// Never ask a subcommand to install packages.
	cl.installPackages = false
	for _, mgr := range mgrs {
		cmds, err := mgr.packageCmds(jirix, cl, root)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		for _, cmd := range cmds {
			if installPackages {
				if err := s.Verbose(true).Last(cmd[0], cmd[1:]...); err != nil {
					return err
			} else {
				fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "%s\n", strings.TrimSpace(strings.Join(cmd, " ")))
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
func cleanupImpl(jirix *jiri.X, cl *cleanupFlagValues, args []string) error {
	count := 0
	if cl.gc {
	if cl.rewriteDB {
	if cl.rmAll {
	if count != 1 {
		fmt.Errorf("exactly one option must be specified")
	mgrs, db, err := installedProfileManagers(jirix, cl.dbPath, args)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	root := jiri.NewRelPath(cl.root).Join(profileInstaller)
	for _, mgr := range mgrs {
		if err := mgr.cleanup(jirix, cl, root); err != nil {
			return err
	if !cl.rmAll {
		return writeDB(jirix, db, profileInstaller, cl.dbPath)
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
func fmtInfo(jirix *jiri.X, infoFmt string, rd *profilesreader.Reader, profile *profiles.Profile, target *profiles.Target) (string, error) {
	// Populate an instance listInfo
	info := &listInfo{}
	name := profile.Name()
	installer, _ := profiles.SplitProfileName(name)
	info.SchemaVersion = rd.SchemaVersion()
	info.DBPath = rd.Path()
	if target != nil {
		info.Target.InstallationDir = jiri.NewRelPath(target.InstallationDir).Abs(jirix)
		info.Target.CommandLineEnv = target.CommandLineEnv().Vars
		info.Target.Env = target.Env.Vars
		clenv := ""
		if len(info.Target.CommandLineEnv) > 0 {
			clenv = fmt.Sprintf(" --env=\"%s\" ", strings.Join(info.Target.CommandLineEnv, ","))
		if installer != "" {
			info.Target.Command = fmt.Sprintf("jiri profile install --target=%s %s%s", target, clenv, name)
		} else {
			// TODO(cnicolaou): remove this when the transition is complete.
			info.Target.Command = fmt.Sprintf("jiri v23-profile install --target=%s %s%s", target, clenv, name)
	if profile != nil {
		rp := jiri.NewRelPath(profile.Root())
		info.Profile.Root = rp.Abs(jirix)
		info.Profile.Name = name
		info.Profile.Installer = installer
		info.Profile.DBPath = info.DBPath
		if installer != "" {
			info.Profile.DBPath = filepath.Join(info.DBPath, installer)

	// Use a template to print out any field in our instance of listInfo.
	tmpl, err := template.New("list").Parse("{{ ." + infoFmt + "}}")
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	out := &bytes.Buffer{}
	if err = tmpl.Execute(out, info); err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("please specify a supported field:\n%s", infoUsage())
	return out.String(), nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
func updateImpl(jirix *jiri.X, cl *updateFlagValues, args []string) error {
	mgrs, db, err := availableProfileManagers(jirix, cl.dbPath, args)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	root := jiri.NewRelPath(cl.root).Join(profileInstaller)
	for _, mgr := range mgrs {
		if err := mgr.update(jirix, cl, root); err != nil {
			return err
	return writeDB(jirix, db, profileInstaller, cl.dbPath)
Ejemplo n.º 6
func uninstallImpl(jirix *jiri.X, cl *uninstallFlagValues, args []string) error {
	mgrs, db, err := availableProfileManagers(jirix, cl.dbPath, args)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if cl.allTargets && cl.target.IsSet() {
		fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "ignore target (%v) when used in conjunction with --all-targets\n", cl.target)
	root := jiri.NewRelPath(cl.root).Join(profileInstaller)
	for _, mgr := range mgrs {
		if err := mgr.uninstall(jirix, cl, root); err != nil {
			return err
	return writeDB(jirix, db, profileInstaller, cl.dbPath)
Ejemplo n.º 7
func ExampleManager() {
	pdb := profiles.NewDB()
	myInstaller := "myProject"
	myProfile := "myNewProfile"
	profileName := profiles.QualifiedProfileName(myInstaller, myProfile)
	var target profiles.Target

	init := func() {
		mgr := newProfileMgr(myInstaller, myProfile)
		flags := flag.NewFlagSet("example", flag.ContinueOnError)
		profiles.RegisterTargetAndEnvFlags(flags, &target)
		flags.Parse([]string{"--target=arm-linux@1", "--env=A=B,C=D", "--env=E=F"})

	profileRoot := jiri.NewRelPath("profiles")
	mgr := profilesmanager.LookupManager(profileName)
	if mgr == nil {
		panic("manager not found for: " + profileName)

	jirix := &jiri.X{Context: tool.NewDefaultContext()}
	// Install myNewProfile for target.
	if err := mgr.Install(jirix, pdb, profileRoot, target); err != nil {
		panic("failed to find manager for: " + profileName)


	filename := tmpFile()
	defer os.RemoveAll(filepath.Dir(filename))

	if err := pdb.Write(jirix, "test", filename); err != nil {

	// Start with a new profile data base.
	pdb = profiles.NewDB()
	// Read the profile database.
	pdb.Read(jirix, filename)

	mgr = profilesmanager.LookupManager(profileName)
	if mgr == nil {
		panic("manager not found for: " + profileName)
	mgr.Uninstall(jirix, pdb, profileRoot, target)

	// Output:
	// Profile: myNewProfile: installed
	// [arm-linux@1]
	// Profile: myNewProfile: installed
	// [arm-linux@1]
	// Profile: myNewProfile: not installed
	// [4 3 2]
	// 3