Example #1
func TestMerger(t *testing.T) {
	// Use 3 reports to check the pair-wise merging in SmartMerger
	report1 := report.MakeReport()
	report2 := report.MakeReport()
	report3 := report.MakeReport()
	reports := []report.Report{
		report1, report2, report3,
	want := report.MakeReport()

	for _, merger := range []app.Merger{app.MakeDumbMerger(), app.NewSmartMerger()} {
		// Test the empty list case
		if have := merger.Merge([]report.Report{}); !reflect.DeepEqual(have, report.MakeReport()) {
			t.Errorf("Bad merge: %s", test.Diff(have, want))

		if have := merger.Merge(reports); !reflect.DeepEqual(have, want) {
			t.Errorf("Bad merge: %s", test.Diff(have, want))

		// Repeat the above test to ensure caching works
		if have := merger.Merge(reports); !reflect.DeepEqual(have, want) {
			t.Errorf("Bad merge: %s", test.Diff(have, want))
Example #2
func TestSets(t *testing.T) {
	sets := EmptySets.Add("foo", MakeStringSet("bar"))
	if v, _ := sets.Lookup("foo"); !reflect.DeepEqual(v, MakeStringSet("bar")) {

	sets = sets.Merge(EmptySets.Add("foo", MakeStringSet("baz")))
	if v, _ := sets.Lookup("foo"); !reflect.DeepEqual(v, MakeStringSet("bar", "baz")) {
Example #3
func TestMetricCopy(t *testing.T) {
	want := report.MakeMetric()
	have := want.Copy()
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Errorf("diff: %s", test.Diff(want, have))

	want = report.MakeMetric().Add(time.Now(), 1)
	have = want.Copy()
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Errorf("diff: %s", test.Diff(want, have))
Example #4
func TestCountersDeepEquals(t *testing.T) {
	want := EmptyCounters.
		Add("foo", 3)
	have := EmptyCounters.
		Add("foo", 3)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Errorf(test.Diff(want, have))
	notequal := EmptyCounters.
		Add("foo", 4)
	if reflect.DeepEqual(want, notequal) {
		t.Errorf(test.Diff(want, have))
func TestLatestMapDeepEquals(t *testing.T) {
	now := time.Now()
	want := EmptyLatestMap.
		Set("foo", now, "Bar")
	have := EmptyLatestMap.
		Set("foo", now, "Bar")
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Errorf(test.Diff(want, have))
	notequal := EmptyLatestMap.
		Set("foo", now, "Baz")
	if reflect.DeepEqual(want, notequal) {
		t.Errorf(test.Diff(want, have))
func TestLatestMapDeleteNil(t *testing.T) {
	want := LatestMap{}
	have := LatestMap{}.Delete("foo")
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Errorf(test.Diff(want, have))
func TestLatestMapEncodingNil(t *testing.T) {
	want := LatestMap{}

		gobs, err := want.GobEncode()
		if err != nil {
		have := EmptyLatestMap
		if have.Map == nil {
			t.Error("Decoded LatestMap.psMap should not be nil")


		for _, h := range []codec.Handle{
		} {
			buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
			encoder := codec.NewEncoder(buf, h)
			decoder := codec.NewDecoder(buf, h)
			have := EmptyLatestMap
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
				t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
func TestMakePluginSpecs(t *testing.T) {
	for _, testcase := range []struct {
		inputs []string
		wants  []string
		{inputs: nil, wants: nil},
			inputs: []string{"a"},
			wants:  []string{"a"},
			inputs: []string{"a", "a"},
			wants:  []string{"a"},
			inputs: []string{"b", "c", "a"},
			wants:  []string{"a", "b", "c"},
	} {
		var inputs []PluginSpec
		for _, id := range testcase.inputs {
			inputs = append(inputs, PluginSpec{ID: id})
		have := MakePluginSpecs(inputs...)
		var haveIDs []string
		have.ForEach(func(p PluginSpec) {
			haveIDs = append(haveIDs, p.ID)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(testcase.wants, haveIDs) {
			t.Errorf("%#v: want %#v, have %#v", inputs, testcase.wants, haveIDs)
Example #9
func TestSetsMerge(t *testing.T) {
	for _, testcase := range []struct {
		a, b report.Sets
		want map[string][]string
		{report.EmptySets, report.EmptySets, map[string][]string{}},
			report.EmptySets.Add("a", report.MakeStringSet("b")),
			map[string][]string{"a": {"b"}},
			report.EmptySets.Add("a", report.MakeStringSet("b", "c")),
			map[string][]string{"a": {"b", "c"}},
			report.EmptySets.Add("a", report.MakeStringSet("1")).Add("b", report.MakeStringSet("2")),
			report.EmptySets.Add("c", report.MakeStringSet("3")).Add("b", report.MakeStringSet("3")),
			map[string][]string{"a": {"1"}, "b": {"2", "3"}, "c": {"3"}},
	} {
		haveSets := testcase.a.Merge(testcase.b)
		have := map[string][]string{}
		keys := haveSets.Keys()
		for _, k := range keys {
			have[k], _ = haveSets.Lookup(k)

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(testcase.want, have) {
			t.Errorf("%+v.Merge(%+v): want %+v, have %+v", testcase.a, testcase.b, testcase.want, have)
Example #10
func TestApply(t *testing.T) {
	var (
		endpointNodeID = "c"
		endpointNode   = report.MakeNodeWith(endpointNodeID, map[string]string{"5": "6"})

	p := New(0, 0, nil)

	r := report.MakeReport()
	r = p.tag(r)

	for _, tuple := range []struct {
		want report.Node
		from report.Topology
		via  string
		{endpointNode.Merge(report.MakeNode("c").WithTopology(report.Endpoint)), r.Endpoint, endpointNodeID},
	} {
		if want, have := tuple.want, tuple.from.Nodes[tuple.via]; !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Errorf("want %+v, have %+v", want, have)
func TestEdgeMetadataDeepEquals(t *testing.T) {
	for _, c := range []struct {
		name string
		a, b interface{}
		want bool
			name: "zero values",
			a:    EdgeMetadata{},
			b:    EdgeMetadata{},
			want: true,
			name: "matching, but different pointers",
			a:    EdgeMetadata{EgressPacketCount: newu64(3)},
			b:    EdgeMetadata{EgressPacketCount: newu64(3)},
			want: true,
			name: "mismatching",
			a:    EdgeMetadata{EgressPacketCount: newu64(3)},
			b:    EdgeMetadata{EgressPacketCount: newu64(4)},
			want: false,
	} {
		if have := reflect.DeepEqual(c.a, c.b); have != c.want {
			t.Errorf("reflect.DeepEqual(%v, %v) != %v", c.a, c.b, c.want)
Example #12
func TestHostRenderer(t *testing.T) {
	have := Prune(render.HostRenderer.Render(fixture.Report, render.FilterNoop))
	want := Prune(expected.RenderedHosts)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
func TestEdgeMetadatasEncodingNil(t *testing.T) {
	want := EdgeMetadatas{}

		gobs, err := want.GobEncode()
		if err != nil {
		have := EmptyEdgeMetadatas
		if have.psMap == nil {
			t.Error("needed to get back a non-nil psMap for EdgeMetadata")


		for _, h := range []codec.Handle{
		} {
			buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
			encoder := codec.NewEncoder(buf, h)
			decoder := codec.NewDecoder(buf, h)
			have := EmptyEdgeMetadatas
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
				t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
Example #14
func TestContainerHostnameFilterRenderer(t *testing.T) {
	// add a system container into the topology and ensure
	// it is filtered out correctly.
	input := fixture.Report.Copy()

	clientContainer2ID := "f6g7h8i9j1"
	clientContainer2NodeID := report.MakeContainerNodeID(clientContainer2ID)
	input.Container.AddNode(report.MakeNodeWith(clientContainer2NodeID, map[string]string{
		docker.LabelPrefix + "works.weave.role": "system",
		docker.ContainerHostname:                fixture.ClientContainerHostname,
		report.HostNodeID:                       fixture.ClientHostNodeID,
			Add("host", report.MakeStringSet(fixture.ClientHostNodeID)),

	have := Prune(render.ContainerHostnameRenderer.Render(input, render.FilterApplication))
	want := Prune(expected.RenderedContainerHostnames)
	// Test works by virtue of the RenderedContainerHostname only having a container
	// counter == 1

	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
Example #15
func TestContainerRenderer(t *testing.T) {
	have := Prune(render.ContainerWithImageNameRenderer.Render(fixture.Report, render.FilterNoop))
	want := Prune(expected.RenderedContainers)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
Example #16
func TestPodServiceRenderer(t *testing.T) {
	have := Prune(render.PodServiceRenderer.Render(fixture.Report, nil))
	want := Prune(expected.RenderedPodServices)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
Example #17
func TestMakeNodeSet(t *testing.T) {
	for _, testcase := range []struct {
		inputs []string
		wants  []string
		{inputs: nil, wants: nil},
			inputs: []string{"a"},
			wants:  []string{"a"},
			inputs: []string{"b", "c", "a"},
			wants:  []string{"a", "b", "c"},
			inputs: []string{"a", "a", "a"},
			wants:  []string{"a"},
	} {
		var inputs []report.Node
		for _, id := range testcase.inputs {
			inputs = append(inputs, report.MakeNode(id))
		set := report.MakeNodeSet(inputs...)
		var have []string
		set.ForEach(func(node report.Node) { have = append(have, node.ID) })
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(testcase.wants, have) {
			t.Errorf("%#v: want %#v, have %#v", testcase.inputs, testcase.wants, have)
Example #18
// Poll repeatedly evaluates condition until we either timeout, or it succeeds.
func Poll(t *testing.T, d time.Duration, want interface{}, have func() interface{}) {
	deadline := time.Now().Add(d)
	for {
		if time.Now().After(deadline) {
		if reflect.DeepEqual(want, have()) {
		time.Sleep(d / 10)
	h := have()
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, h) {
		_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
		t.Fatalf("%s:%d: %s", file, line, Diff(want, h))
func TestEdgeMetadataFlatten(t *testing.T) {
	// Test two EdgeMetadatas flatten to the correct values
		have := (EdgeMetadata{
			EgressPacketCount: newu64(1),
			EgressPacketCount: newu64(4),
			EgressByteCount:   newu64(8),
		want := EdgeMetadata{
			EgressPacketCount: newu64(1 + 4),
			EgressByteCount:   newu64(8),
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))

	// Test an EdgeMetadatas flatten to the correct value (should
	// just sum)
		have := EmptyEdgeMetadatas.
			Add("foo", EdgeMetadata{
				EgressPacketCount: newu64(1),
			Add("bar", EdgeMetadata{
				EgressPacketCount: newu64(3),
		want := EdgeMetadata{
			EgressPacketCount: newu64(1 + 3),
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))

		// Should not panic on nil
		have := EdgeMetadatas{}.Flatten()
		want := EdgeMetadata{}
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
Example #20
func TestMemoise(t *testing.T) {
	calls := 0
	r := renderFunc(func(rpt report.Report) report.Nodes {
		return report.Nodes{rpt.ID: report.MakeNode(rpt.ID)}
	m := render.Memoise(r)
	rpt1 := report.MakeReport()

	result1 := m.Render(rpt1, nil)
	// it should have rendered it.
	if _, ok := result1[rpt1.ID]; !ok {
		t.Errorf("Expected rendered report to contain a node, but got: %v", result1)
	if calls != 1 {
		t.Errorf("Expected renderer to have been called the first time")

	result2 := m.Render(rpt1, nil)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(result1, result2) {
		t.Errorf("Expected memoised result to be returned: %s", test.Diff(result1, result2))
	if calls != 1 {
		t.Errorf("Expected renderer to not have been called the second time")

	rpt2 := report.MakeReport()
	result3 := m.Render(rpt2, nil)
	if reflect.DeepEqual(result1, result3) {
		t.Errorf("Expected different result for different report, but were the same")
	if calls != 2 {
		t.Errorf("Expected renderer to have been called again for a different report")

	result4 := m.Render(rpt1, nil)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(result1, result4) {
		t.Errorf("Expected original result to be returned: %s", test.Diff(result1, result4))
	if calls != 3 {
		t.Errorf("Expected renderer to have been called again after cache reset")
Example #21
func TestNodeSetDelete(t *testing.T) {
	for _, testcase := range []struct {
		input report.NodeSet
		nodes []string
		want  report.NodeSet
			input: report.NodeSet{},
			nodes: []string{},
			want:  report.NodeSet{},
			input: report.EmptyNodeSet,
			nodes: []string{},
			want:  report.EmptyNodeSet,
			input: report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a")),
			nodes: []string{},
			want:  report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a")),
			input: report.EmptyNodeSet,
			nodes: []string{"a"},
			want:  report.EmptyNodeSet,
			input: report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a")),
			nodes: []string{"a"},
			want:  report.EmptyNodeSet,
			input: report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("b")),
			nodes: []string{"a", "b"},
			want:  report.EmptyNodeSet,
			input: report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a")),
			nodes: []string{"c", "b"},
			want:  report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a")),
			input: report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a"), report.MakeNode("c")),
			nodes: []string{"a", "a", "a"},
			want:  report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("c")),
	} {
		originalLen := testcase.input.Size()
		if want, have := testcase.want, testcase.input.Delete(testcase.nodes...); !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Errorf("%v + %v: want %v, have %v", testcase.input, testcase.nodes, want, have)
		if testcase.input.Size() != originalLen {
			t.Errorf("%v + %v: modified the original input!", testcase.input, testcase.nodes)
func TestLatestMapDelete(t *testing.T) {
	now := time.Now()
	want := EmptyLatestMap
	have := EmptyLatestMap.
		Set("foo", now, "Baz").
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Errorf(test.Diff(want, have))
Example #23
func checkLoadedPlugins(t *testing.T, forEach iterator, expected []xfer.PluginSpec) {
	var plugins []xfer.PluginSpec
	forEach(func(p *Plugin) {
		plugins = append(plugins, p.PluginSpec)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(plugins, expected) {
		t.Fatalf(test.Diff(expected, plugins))
Example #24
func TestMetricsCopy(t *testing.T) {
	t1 := time.Now()
	want := report.Metrics{
		"metric1": report.MakeMetric().Add(t1, 0.1),
	delete(want.Copy(), "metric1") // Modify a copy
	have := want.Copy()            // Check the original wasn't affected
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Errorf("diff: %s", test.Diff(want, have))
func TestEdgeMetadataReversed(t *testing.T) {
	have := EdgeMetadata{
		EgressPacketCount: newu64(1),
	want := EdgeMetadata{
		IngressPacketCount: newu64(1),
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
func TestPluginSpecsMerge(t *testing.T) {
	for _, testcase := range []struct {
		input PluginSpecs
		other PluginSpecs
		want  PluginSpecs
		{input: PluginSpecs{}, other: PluginSpecs{}, want: PluginSpecs{}},
		{input: EmptyPluginSpecs, other: EmptyPluginSpecs, want: EmptyPluginSpecs},
			input: MakePluginSpecs(PluginSpec{ID: "a"}),
			other: EmptyPluginSpecs,
			want:  MakePluginSpecs(PluginSpec{ID: "a"}),
			input: EmptyPluginSpecs,
			other: MakePluginSpecs(PluginSpec{ID: "a"}),
			want:  MakePluginSpecs(PluginSpec{ID: "a"}),
			input: MakePluginSpecs(PluginSpec{ID: "a"}),
			other: MakePluginSpecs(PluginSpec{ID: "b"}),
			want:  MakePluginSpecs(PluginSpec{ID: "a"}, PluginSpec{ID: "b"}),
			input: MakePluginSpecs(PluginSpec{ID: "b"}),
			other: MakePluginSpecs(PluginSpec{ID: "a"}),
			want:  MakePluginSpecs(PluginSpec{ID: "a"}, PluginSpec{ID: "b"}),
			input: MakePluginSpecs(PluginSpec{ID: "a"}),
			other: MakePluginSpecs(PluginSpec{ID: "a"}),
			want:  MakePluginSpecs(PluginSpec{ID: "a"}),
			input: MakePluginSpecs(PluginSpec{ID: "a"}, PluginSpec{ID: "c"}),
			other: MakePluginSpecs(PluginSpec{ID: "a"}, PluginSpec{ID: "b"}),
			want:  MakePluginSpecs(PluginSpec{ID: "a"}, PluginSpec{ID: "b"}, PluginSpec{ID: "c"}),
			input: MakePluginSpecs(PluginSpec{ID: "b"}),
			other: MakePluginSpecs(PluginSpec{ID: "a"}),
			want:  MakePluginSpecs(PluginSpec{ID: "a"}, PluginSpec{ID: "b"}),
	} {
		originalLen := testcase.input.Size()
		if want, have := testcase.want, testcase.input.Merge(testcase.other); !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Errorf("%v + %v: want %v, have %v", testcase.input, testcase.other, want, have)
		if testcase.input.Size() != originalLen {
			t.Errorf("%v + %v: modified the original input!", testcase.input, testcase.other)
Example #27
func TestNodeSetMerge(t *testing.T) {
	for _, testcase := range []struct {
		input report.NodeSet
		other report.NodeSet
		want  report.NodeSet
		{input: report.NodeSet{}, other: report.NodeSet{}, want: report.NodeSet{}},
		{input: report.EmptyNodeSet, other: report.EmptyNodeSet, want: report.EmptyNodeSet},
			input: report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a")),
			other: report.EmptyNodeSet,
			want:  report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a")),
			input: report.EmptyNodeSet,
			other: report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a")),
			want:  report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a")),
			input: report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a")),
			other: report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("b")),
			want:  report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a"), report.MakeNode("b")),
			input: report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("b")),
			other: report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a")),
			want:  report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a"), report.MakeNode("b")),
			input: report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a")),
			other: report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a")),
			want:  report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a")),
			input: report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a"), report.MakeNode("c")),
			other: report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a"), report.MakeNode("b")),
			want:  report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a"), report.MakeNode("b"), report.MakeNode("c")),
			input: report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("b")),
			other: report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a")),
			want:  report.MakeNodeSet(report.MakeNode("a"), report.MakeNode("b")),
	} {
		originalLen := testcase.input.Size()
		if want, have := testcase.want, testcase.input.Merge(testcase.other); !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Errorf("%v + %v: want %v, have %v", testcase.input, testcase.other, want, have)
		if testcase.input.Size() != originalLen {
			t.Errorf("%v + %v: modified the original input!", testcase.input, testcase.other)
Example #28
func TestCollectorExpire(t *testing.T) {
	now := time.Now()
	defer mtime.NowReset()

	ctx := context.Background()
	window := 10 * time.Second
	c := app.NewCollector(window)

	// 1st check the collector is empty
	have, err := c.Report(ctx)
	if err != nil {
	if want := report.MakeReport(); !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))

	// Now check an added report is returned
	r1 := report.MakeReport()
	c.Add(ctx, r1)
	have, err = c.Report(ctx)
	if err != nil {
	if want := r1; !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))

	// Finally move time forward to expire the report
	have, err = c.Report(ctx)
	if err != nil {
	if want := report.MakeReport(); !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
Example #29
func TestCollector(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := context.Background()
	window := 10 * time.Second
	c := app.NewCollector(window)

	r1 := report.MakeReport()

	r2 := report.MakeReport()

	have, err := c.Report(ctx)
	if err != nil {
	if want := report.MakeReport(); !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))

	c.Add(ctx, r1)
	have, err = c.Report(ctx)
	if err != nil {
	if want := r1; !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))

	c.Add(ctx, r2)
	merged := report.MakeReport()
	merged = merged.Merge(r1)
	merged = merged.Merge(r2)
	have, err = c.Report(ctx)
	if err != nil {
	if want := merged; !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
func TestEdgeMetadatasEncoding(t *testing.T) {
	want := EmptyEdgeMetadatas.
		Add("foo", EdgeMetadata{
			EgressPacketCount: newu64(1),
		Add("bar", EdgeMetadata{
			EgressPacketCount: newu64(3),

		gobs, err := want.GobEncode()
		if err != nil {
		have := EmptyEdgeMetadatas
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))

		for _, h := range []codec.Handle{
		} {
			buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
			encoder := codec.NewEncoder(buf, h)
			decoder := codec.NewDecoder(buf, h)
			have := EmptyEdgeMetadatas
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
				t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))