Example #1
	parent *dir

	// mu protects the fields below.
	mu sync.Mutex

	name    string
	blob    *blobs.Blob
	dirty   dirtiness
	handles uint32

	// when was this entry last changed
	// TODO: written time.Time

var _ = node(&file{})
var _ = fs.Node(&file{})
var _ = fs.NodeForgetter(&file{})
var _ = fs.NodeOpener(&file{})
var _ = fs.NodeSetattrer(&file{})
var _ = fs.NodeFsyncer(&file{})
var _ = fs.HandleFlusher(&file{})
var _ = fs.HandleReader(&file{})
var _ = fs.HandleWriter(&file{})
var _ = fs.HandleReleaser(&file{})

func (f *file) setName(name string) {
	defer f.mu.Unlock()
	f.name = name
Example #2
	wiresnap "bazil.org/bazil/fs/snap/wire"

type listSnaps struct {
	fs      *Volume
	rootDir *dir

var _ = fs.Node(&listSnaps{})
var _ = fs.NodeMkdirer(&listSnaps{})
var _ = fs.NodeStringLookuper(&listSnaps{})
var _ = fs.Handle(&listSnaps{})
var _ = fs.HandleReadDirer(&listSnaps{})

func (d *listSnaps) Attr() fuse.Attr {
	return fuse.Attr{
		Inode: tokens.InodeSnap,
		Mode:  os.ModeDir | 0755,
		Nlink: 1,
		Uid:   env.MyUID,
		Gid:   env.MyGID,
Example #3

	fusefs "bazil.org/fuse/fs"

type fuseFile struct {
	de  *wire.Dirent
	rat io.ReaderAt

var _ = fusefs.Node(fuseFile{})
var _ = fusefs.NodeOpener(fuseFile{})
var _ = fusefs.Handle(fuseFile{})
var _ = fusefs.HandleReader(fuseFile{})

func (e fuseFile) Attr(ctx context.Context, a *fuse.Attr) error {
	a.Mode = 0444
	a.Uid = env.MyUID
	a.Gid = env.MyGID
	a.Size = e.de.File.Manifest.Size
	// a.Mtime = e.Meta.Written.UTC()
	// a.Ctime = e.Meta.Written.UTC()
	// a.Crtime = e.Meta.Written.UTC()
	a.Blocks = statBlocks(e.de.File.Manifest.Size) // TODO .Space?
	return nil
Example #4
	a.Mode = 0666
	return nil

// Dir can be embedded in a struct to make it look like a directory.
type Dir struct{}

func (f Dir) Attr(ctx context.Context, a *fuse.Attr) error {
	a.Mode = os.ModeDir | 0777
	return nil

// ChildMap is a directory with child nodes looked up from a map.
type ChildMap map[string]fs.Node

var _ = fs.Node(ChildMap{})
var _ = fs.NodeStringLookuper(ChildMap{})

func (f ChildMap) Attr(ctx context.Context, a *fuse.Attr) error {
	a.Mode = os.ModeDir | 0777
	return nil

func (f ChildMap) Lookup(ctx context.Context, name string) (fs.Node, error) {
	child, ok := f[name]
	if !ok {
		return nil, fuse.ENOENT
	return child, nil
Example #5
func NewFilesystem(localdb *alpm.DB, syncdbs *[]*alpm.DB) *FS {
	wrapper := &DBWrapper{local: localdb, sync: syncdbs}
	return &FS{wrapper}

func (filesys FS) Root() (fs.Node, error) {
	root := &RootDir{filesys.dbs}
	return root, nil

type RootDir struct {

var _ = fs.Node(RootDir{})

func (RootDir) Attr(ctx context.Context, attr *fuse.Attr) error {
	return GenericDirAttr(ctx, attr)

func (RootDir) ReadDirAll(ctx context.Context) ([]fuse.Dirent, error) {
	return []fuse.Dirent{
		{Name: "installed", Type: fuse.DT_Dir},
		{Name: "index", Type: fuse.DT_Dir},

		{Name: "sync", Type: fuse.DT_File},
		{Name: "upgrade", Type: fuse.DT_File},
	}, nil
Example #6
import (



type DepsDir struct {
	pkg *alpm.Pkg
	dbs *[]*alpm.DB

var _ = fs.Node(DepsDir{})

func (dir DepsDir) Attr(ctx context.Context, attr *fuse.Attr) error {
	return GenericDirAttr(ctx, attr)

func (dir DepsDir) ReadDirAll(ctx context.Context) ([]fuse.Dirent, error) {
	log.Println("DepsDir ReadDirAll")

	dirs := []fuse.Dirent{}

	for _, dep := range dir.pkg.GetDeps() {
		entry := fuse.Dirent{
			Name: dep.Name,
			Type: fuse.DT_Dir,
Example #7
			chunkStore: chunkStore,
			reader:     r,
		return child, nil

		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown entry in tree, %v", de)

type fuseDir struct {
	chunkStore chunks.Store
	reader     *Reader

var _ = fusefs.Node(fuseDir{})
var _ = fusefs.NodeStringLookuper(fuseDir{})
var _ = fusefs.NodeCreater(fuseDir{})
var _ = fusefs.Handle(fuseDir{})
var _ = fusefs.HandleReadDirAller(fuseDir{})

func (d fuseDir) Attr(ctx context.Context, a *fuse.Attr) error {
	a.Mode = os.ModeDir | 0555
	a.Uid = env.MyUID
	a.Gid = env.MyGID
	return nil

const _MAX_INT64 = 9223372036854775807

func (d fuseDir) Lookup(ctx context.Context, name string) (fusefs.Node, error) {
Example #8
func (benchFS) Init(req *fuse.InitRequest, resp *fuse.InitResponse, intr fs.Intr) fuse.Error {
	resp.MaxReadahead = 64 * 1024 * 1024
	resp.Flags |= fuse.InitAsyncRead
	return nil

func (f benchFS) Root() (fs.Node, fuse.Error) {
	return benchDir{conf: f.conf}, nil

type benchDir struct {
	conf *benchConfig

var _ = fs.Node(benchDir{})
var _ = fs.NodeStringLookuper(benchDir{})
var _ = fs.Handle(benchDir{})
var _ = fs.HandleReadDirer(benchDir{})

func (benchDir) Attr() fuse.Attr {
	return fuse.Attr{Inode: 1, Mode: os.ModeDir | 0555}

func (d benchDir) Lookup(name string, intr fs.Intr) (fs.Node, fuse.Error) {
	if name == "bench" {
		return benchFile{conf: d.conf}, nil
	return nil, fuse.ENOENT
Example #9
import (
	log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus"

type Dir struct {
	fs *FS
	// path from root to this dir; empty for root dir
	path []string

var _ = fs.Node(&Dir{})

func (d *Dir) Attr(c context.Context, a *fuse.Attr) error {
	defer log.Debugln("dir_attr:", d.path, a)
	return d.fs.backend.View(c, func(ctx Context) error {
		b, err := ctx.Dir(d.path)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		meta, err := b.DirMeta()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		a.Uid = meta.Uid
		a.Gid = meta.Gid
		a.Mode = os.ModeDir | meta.Perm
Example #10
File: dir.go Project: jgluck/bazil
	// mu protects the fields below.
	mu sync.Mutex

	name string

	// each in-memory child, so we can return the same node on
	// multiple Lookups and know what to do on .save()
	// each child also stores its own name; if the value in the child,
	// looked up in this map, does not equal the child, that means the
	// child has been unlinked
	active map[string]node

var _ = node(&dir{})
var _ = fs.Node(&dir{})
var _ = fs.NodeCreater(&dir{})
var _ = fs.NodeForgetter(&dir{})
var _ = fs.NodeMkdirer(&dir{})
var _ = fs.NodeRemover(&dir{})
var _ = fs.NodeRenamer(&dir{})
var _ = fs.NodeStringLookuper(&dir{})
var _ = fs.HandleReadDirer(&dir{})

func (d *dir) setName(name string) {
	defer d.mu.Unlock()
	d.name = name

func (d *dir) Attr() fuse.Attr {
Example #11
	executable, err := filepath.Abs(os.Args[0])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	testName = regexp.QuoteMeta(testName)
	cmd := exec.Command(executable, "-test.run=^"+testName+"$", "-fuse.internal.childmode")
	cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
	return cmd, nil

// childMapFS is an FS with one fixed child named "child".
type childMapFS map[string]fs.Node

var _ = fs.FS(childMapFS{})
var _ = fs.Node(childMapFS{})
var _ = fs.NodeStringLookuper(childMapFS{})

func (f childMapFS) Attr() fuse.Attr {
	return fuse.Attr{Inode: 1, Mode: os.ModeDir | 0777}

func (f childMapFS) Root() (fs.Node, fuse.Error) {
	return f, nil

func (f childMapFS) Lookup(name string, intr fs.Intr) (fs.Node, fuse.Error) {
	child, ok := f[name]
	if !ok {
		return nil, fuse.ENOENT
Example #12
type File struct {
	dir  *Dir
	name string

	mu sync.Mutex
	// number of write-capable handles currently open
	writers uint
	// only valid if writers > 0
	data []byte

	link   bool
	target string
	links  uint32

var _ = fs.Node(&File{})
var _ = fs.Handle(&File{})

func (f *File) same_path(o *File) bool {
	p1 := strings.Join(append(f.dir.path, f.name), "/")
	p2 := strings.Join(append(o.dir.path, o.name), "/")
	return p1 == p2

// load calls fn inside a View with the contents of the file. Caller
// must make a copy of the data if needed.
func (f *File) load(c context.Context, fn func([]byte)) error {
	defer log.Debugln("load:", f.dir.path, f.name)
	err := f.dir.fs.backend.View(c, func(ctx Context) error {
		b, err := ctx.Dir(f.dir.path)
		if err != nil {
Example #13


type IndexDir struct {
	// We have to use a slice pointer since slices aren't hashable, and bazil
	//hashes nodes. To go around that, we need to use a slice pointer. F**k me.
	dbs *[]*alpm.DB

var _ = fs.Node(IndexDir{})

func (IndexDir) Attr(ctx context.Context, attr *fuse.Attr) error {
	return GenericDirAttr(ctx, attr)

func (dir IndexDir) ReadDirAll(ctx context.Context) ([]fuse.Dirent, error) {
	log.Println("InstallDir ReadDirAll")

	dirs := []fuse.Dirent{}

	for _, db := range *dir.dbs {
		for _, pkg := range db.GetPkgcache() {
			entry := fuse.Dirent{
				Name: pkg.Name,
				Type: fuse.DT_Dir,
Example #14
		return fuse.EIO

	newPath := path.Join(newParent.path, req.NewName)
	if err := e.fsys.Store.Move(e.path, newPath, true); err != nil {
		log.Warningf("fuse: entry: mv: %v", err)
		return err

	return nil

// Compile time checks to see which interfaces we implement:
// Please update this list when modifying code here.
var _ = fs.Node(&Entry{})
var _ = fs.NodeFsyncer(&Entry{})
var _ = fs.NodeGetxattrer(&Entry{})
var _ = fs.NodeListxattrer(&Entry{})
var _ = fs.NodeOpener(&Entry{})
var _ = fs.NodeSetattrer(&Entry{})

// var _ = fs.NodeRenamer(&Entry{})

//var _ = fs.NodeReadlinker(&Entry{})
//var _ = fs.NodeRemover(&Entry{})
//var _ = fs.NodeRemovexattrer(&Entry{})
// var _ = fs.NodeRequestLookuper(&Entry{})
// var _ = fs.NodeAccesser(&Entry{})
// var _ = fs.NodeForgetter(&Entry{})
Example #15



type InstalledDir struct {
	db *alpm.DB

var _ = fs.Node(InstalledDir{})

func (InstalledDir) Attr(ctx context.Context, attr *fuse.Attr) error {
	log.Println("InstalledDir Attr")
	return GenericDirAttr(ctx, attr)

func (dir InstalledDir) ReadDirAll(ctx context.Context) ([]fuse.Dirent, error) {
	log.Println("InstallDir ReadDirAll")

	dirs := []fuse.Dirent{}

	for _, pkg := range dir.db.GetPkgcache() {
		entry := fuse.Dirent{
			Name: pkg.Name,
			Type: fuse.DT_Dir,
Example #16

type StupidDir struct {
	// I hate this, but I can't figure out a better alternative.
	// I wanted to only have one map, Children, which themselves either have a
	//Children property signifying a StupidDir, or a Content property
	//signifying a StupidFile.
	Files *map[string]fs.Node
	Dirs  *map[string]*StupidDir

var _ = fs.Node(&StupidDir{})
var _ = fs.HandleReadDirAller(&StupidDir{})

func NewStupidDir() *StupidDir {
	files := make(map[string]fs.Node)
	dirs := make(map[string]*StupidDir)

	return &StupidDir{
		Files: &files,
		Dirs:  &dirs,

func filesToStupidDir(files []*alpm.File) *StupidDir {
	// We need to parse this slice of path strings: