Example #1
func (w *World) Block(bc coords.Block) mapgen.Block {
	chunk := w.chunks[bc.Chunk()]
	if chunk == nil {
		return mapgen.BLOCK_NIL
	return chunk.Block(bc.Offset())
Example #2
func (b *Box) inSolid(world mapgen.BlockSource) bool {
	blockCollide := func(x, y, z int) bool {
		blockCoord := coords.Block{x, y, z}
		if world.Block(blockCoord).Solid() {
			center := blockCoord.Center()
			blockBox := NewBox(center.Vec3(), vmath.Vec3{0.5, 0.5, 0.5})
			return b.Collides(blockBox)
		return false
	f := func(n float64) int {
		return int(math.Floor(n))
	xs := f(b.xs)
	xe := f(b.xe)
	ys := f(b.ys)
	ye := f(b.ye)
	zs := f(b.zs)
	ze := f(b.ze)

	for x := xs; x <= xe; x++ {
		for y := ys; y <= ye; y++ {
			for z := zs; z <= ze; z++ {
				if blockCollide(x, y, z) {
					return true
	return false
Example #3
func (w *World) ChangeBlock(bc coords.Block, newBlock mapgen.Block) {
	chunk := w.Chunk(bc.Chunk())

	oc := bc.Offset()
	block := chunk.Block(oc)
	chunk.SetBlock(oc, newBlock)

	w.blockListeners.FireEvent("BlockChanged", bc, block, newBlock)
Example #4
func (p *persister) BlockChanged(bc coords.Block, old mapgen.Block, new mapgen.Block) {
	cc := bc.Chunk()
	chunk, err := p.loadChunk(cc)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Applying block change: ", err)
	chunk.SetBlock(bc.Offset(), new)
	err = p.saveChunk(cc, chunk)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Applying block change: ", err)
Example #5
func (ct *CaveTest) block(bc coords.Block, height int) mapgen.Block {
	if bc.X == 0 && bc.Y == 16 && bc.Z == 0 {
		return mapgen.BLOCK_SPAWN

	if bc.Y > height {
		return mapgen.BLOCK_AIR

	// Calculate a cave
	xf, yf, zf := bc.Float64()
	ridge1 := ct.ridgedFilter.Filter(xf, yf, zf, ct.simplexNoise)
	ridge2 := ct.ridgedFilter.Filter(xf, yf, zf, ct.simplexNoise2)
	if ridge1 >= 0.95 {
		ridge1 = 1
	} else {
		ridge1 = 0
	if ridge2 >= 0.95 {
		ridge2 = 1
	} else {
		ridge2 = 0
	if ridge1*ridge2 == 1 {
		if DEBUG {
			return mapgen.BLOCK_STONE
		return mapgen.BLOCK_AIR

	if bc.Y == height {
		if DEBUG {
			return mapgen.BLOCK_GLASS
		return mapgen.BLOCK_GRASS

	if DEBUG {
		return mapgen.BLOCK_AIR
	if bc.Y < height-3 {
		return mapgen.BLOCK_STONE
	if height > bc.Y {
		return mapgen.BLOCK_DIRT

	return mapgen.BLOCK_AIR
Example #6
// Applies the given block change to the currently queued chunks
// Returns true if the change was applied (the block has not yet been
// sent), false if it should be sent to the client instead (they already
// have the chunk).
// This is needed to avoid sending stale chunks to the client.
func (cm *ChunkManager) ApplyBlockChange(bc coords.Block, b mapgen.Block) bool {
	defer cm.mutex.Unlock()

	cc := bc.Chunk()
	status, exists := cm.chunks[cc]
	if !exists {
		// We don't techincally apply the block change to ourselves if the
		// chunk does not exist in our list, but we don't want it to be sent
		// to the client, so we return false regardless.
		return false
	if status.sent {
		return false
	if status.data == nil {
		log.Println("WARN: Recieved block change for chunk that is not loaded (this probably shouldn't happen?)")
		return false
	oc := bc.Offset()
	status.data.SetBlock(oc, b)
	return true