Example #1
func (t *Sound) Play(loops int) {
	t.channel = int(C.Mix_PlayChannelTimed(C.int(-1), t.chunk, C.int(loops), C.int(-1)))
	if t.channel == -1 {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to play Sound file (%v): %v", t.name, util.GetMixError()))
Example #2
func (chunk *Chunk) PlayTimed(channel, loops, ticks int) bool {
	_channel := (C.int)(channel)
	_chunk := (*C.Mix_Chunk)(unsafe.Pointer(chunk))
	_loops := (C.int)(loops)
	_ticks := (C.int)(ticks)
	return int(C.Mix_PlayChannelTimed(_channel, _chunk, _loops, _ticks)) == 0
Example #3
func (chunk *Chunk) PlayChannel(channel, loops int) (channel_ int, err error) {
	_channel := (C.int)(channel)
	_chunk := (*C.Mix_Chunk)(unsafe.Pointer(chunk))
	_loops := (C.int)(loops)
	channel_ = int(C.Mix_PlayChannelTimed(_channel, _chunk, _loops, -1))
	if channel_ == -1 {
		err = sdl.GetError()
Example #4
//If the sample is long enough and has enough loops then the sample will stop after ticks milliseconds.
//Otherwise this function is the same as chunk.PlayChannel()
//Returns: the channel the sample is played on. On any errors, -1 is returned
func (c *Chunk) PlayChannelTimed(channel, loops, ticks int) int {
	return int(C.Mix_PlayChannelTimed(C.int(channel), c.cchunk, C.int(loops), C.int(ticks)))
Example #5
func (c *Chunk) PlayChannel(channel, loops int) int {
	return int(C.Mix_PlayChannelTimed(C.int(channel), c.cchunk, C.int(loops), -1))
Example #6
// Play an audio chunk on a specific channel.
// If the specified channel is -1, play on the first free channel.
// If 'loops' is greater than zero, loop the sound that many times.
// If 'loops' is -1, loop inifinitely (~65000 times).
// Returns which channel was used to play the sound.
// The the sound is played at most 'ticks' milliseconds.
func PlayChannelTimed(channel int , chunk * C.Mix_Chunk, 
     loops, ticks int) (int) {
  return int(C.Mix_PlayChannelTimed(C.int(channel), chunk, 
    C.int(loops), C.int(ticks))) 