// SetLED sets the color or pattern of the LED on the Kinect. func (device *Device) SetLED(color LEDColor) error { errCode := C.freenect_set_led(device.device, C.freenect_led_options(color)) if errCode != 0 { return errors.New("could not set LED color") } return nil }
//FREENECTAPI int freenect_set_led(freenect_device *dev, freenect_led_options option); func (dev *Device) SetLed(option LedOptions) int { return int(C.freenect_set_led(dev.ptr(), C.freenect_led_options(option))) }
// Sets the LED option - a combination of color and blink. func (device *Device) LED(option LEDOption) int { return int(C.freenect_set_led(device.dev, C.freenect_led_options(option))) }