Example #1
func Init(width int, height int) {
	eventCore = new(_GLFWEventCore)
	eventCore.Listeners = new(list.List)
	C.glfwOpenWindow(_Ctype_int(width), _Ctype_int(height), 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, C.GLFW_WINDOW)

Example #2
File: glfw.go Project: andrebq/glfw
// OpenWindow opens a window that best matches the parameters given to the
// function. How well the resulting window matches the desired window depends
// mostly on the available hardware and OpenGL drivers. In general, selecting
// a fullscreen mode has better chances of generating a close match of
// buffers and channel sizes than does a normal desktop window, since GLFW can
// freely select from all the available video modes. A desktop window is
// normally restricted to the video mode of the desktop.
// Note: For additional control of window properties, see glfw.OpenWindowHint.
//     width:   The width of the window. If width is zero, it will be calculated
//              as width = 4/3 height, if height is not zero. If both width and
//              height are zero, width will be set to 640.
//     height:  The height of the window. If height is zero, it will be calculated
//              as height = 4/3 width, if width is not zero. If both width and
//              height are zero, height will be set to 480.
//     r, g, b: The number of bits to use for each color component of the color
//              buffer (0 means default color depth). For instance, setting
//              r=5, g=6 and b=5 will create a 16-bit color buffer, if possible.
//     a:       The number of bits to use for the alpha channel of the color
//              buffer (0 means no alpha channel).
//     depth:   The number of bits to use for the depth buffer (0 means no depth buffer).
//     stencil: The number of bits to use for the stencil buffer (0 means no
//              stencil buffer).
//     mode:    Selects which type of OpenGL window to use. Mode must be either
//              glfw.Windowed, which will generate a normal desktop window, or
//              glfw.Fullscreen, which will generate a window that covers the
//              entire screen. When glfw.Fullscreen is selected, the video mode
//              will be changed to the resolution that closest matches the width
//              and height parameters.
func OpenWindow(width, height, r, g, b, a, depth, stencil, mode int) (err error) {
	if C.glfwOpenWindow(
		C.int(width), C.int(height),
		C.int(r), C.int(g), C.int(b), C.int(a),
		C.int(depth), C.int(stencil), C.int(mode),
	) != 1 {
		err = errors.New("Failed to open window")
Example #3
func OpenWindow(width int, height int, redbits int, greenbits int, bluebits int, alphabits int, depthbits int, stencilbits int, mode int) int {
	return int(C.glfwOpenWindow(C.int(width), C.int(height), C.int(redbits), C.int(greenbits), C.int(bluebits), C.int(alphabits), C.int(depthbits), C.int(stencilbits), C.int(mode)))