Example #1
func (s *VirDomainSnapshot) RevertToSnapshot(flags uint32) error {
	result := C.virDomainRevertToSnapshot(s.ptr, C.uint(flags))
	if result != 0 {
		return GetLastError()
	return nil
Example #2
// Revert reverts the domain to a given snapshot.
// Normally, the domain will revert to the same state the domain was in while
// the snapshot was taken (whether inactive, running, or paused), except that
// disk snapshots default to reverting to inactive state. Including
// SnapRevertRunning in "flags" overrides the snapshot state to guarantee a
// running domain after the revert; or including SnapRevertPaused in "flags"
// guarantees a paused domain after the revert. These two flags are mutually
// exclusive. While a persistent domain does not need either flag, it is not
// possible to revert a transient domain into an inactive state, so transient
// domains require the use of one of these two flags.
// Reverting to any snapshot discards all configuration changes made since the
// last snapshot. Additionally, reverting to a snapshot from a running domain is
// a form of data loss, since it discards whatever is in the guest's RAM at the
// time. Since the very nature of keeping snapshots implies the intent to roll
// back state, no additional confirmation is normally required for these
// lossy effects.
// However, there are two particular situations where reverting will be refused
// by default, and where "flags" must include SnapRevertForce to acknowledge the
// risks. 1) Any attempt to revert to a snapshot that lacks the metadata to
// perform ABI compatibility checks (generally the case for snapshots that lack
// a full <domain> when listed by "<Snapshot>.XML()", such as those created
// prior to libvirt 0.9.5). 2) Any attempt to revert a running domain to an
// active state that requires starting a new hypervisor instance rather than
// reusing the existing hypervisor (since this would terminate all connections
// to the domain, such as such as VNC or Spice graphics) - this condition arises
// from active snapshots that are provably ABI incomaptible, as well as from
// inactive snapshots with a "flags" request to start the domain after
// the revert.
func (snap Snapshot) Revert(flags SnapshotRevertFlag) error {
	snap.log.Printf("reverting to snapshot (flags = %v)...\n", flags)
	cRet := C.virDomainRevertToSnapshot(snap.virSnapshot, C.uint(flags))
	ret := int32(cRet)

	if ret == -1 {
		err := LastError()
		snap.log.Printf("an error occurred: %v\n", err)
		return err

	snap.log.Println("domain reverted")

	return nil