Example #1
// xmlSetProp
func (node *Node) SetAttribute(name string, value string) *Attribute {
	ptrn := C.CString(name)
	defer C.free_string(ptrn)
	ptrv := C.CString(value)
	defer C.free_string(ptrv)
	cattr := C.xmlSetProp(node.Ptr, C.to_xmlcharptr(ptrn), C.to_xmlcharptr(ptrv))
	return makeAttribute(cattr)
Example #2
// SetAttr sets the value of the non-namespaced attribute attr
func (node *C.xmlNode) SetAttr(attr, value string) {
	Cattr := (*C.xmlChar)(unsafe.Pointer(C.CString(attr)))
	Cvalue := (*C.xmlChar)(unsafe.Pointer(C.CString(value)))
	C.xmlSetProp(node, Cattr, Cvalue)
Example #3
// Attributes such as "xml:lang" or "xml:space" are not is a formal namespace
// and should be set by calling SetAttr with the prefix as part of the name.
func (xmlNode *XmlNode) SetAttr(name, value string) (val string) {
	val = value
	if xmlNode.NodeType() != XML_ELEMENT_NODE {
	nameBytes := GetCString([]byte(name))
	namePtr := unsafe.Pointer(&nameBytes[0])

	valueBytes := GetCString([]byte(value))
	valuePtr := unsafe.Pointer(&valueBytes[0])

	C.xmlSetProp(xmlNode.Ptr, (*C.xmlChar)(namePtr), (*C.xmlChar)(valuePtr))
Example #4
// Encrypt encrypts the XML document to publicKey and returns the encrypted
// document.
func Encrypt(publicKey, doc []byte, opts EncryptOptions) ([]byte, error) {
	defer stopProcessingXML()

	keysMngr := C.xmlSecKeysMngrCreate()
	if keysMngr == nil {
		return nil, mustPopError()
	defer C.xmlSecKeysMngrDestroy(keysMngr)

	if rv := C.xmlSecCryptoAppDefaultKeysMngrInit(keysMngr); rv < 0 {
		return nil, mustPopError()

	key := C.xmlSecCryptoAppKeyLoadMemory(
		nil, nil, nil)
	if key == nil {
		return nil, mustPopError()

	if rv := C.xmlSecCryptoAppKeyCertLoadMemory(key,
		C.xmlSecKeyDataFormatCertPem); rv < 0 {
		return nil, mustPopError()

	if rv := C.xmlSecCryptoAppDefaultKeysMngrAdoptKey(keysMngr, key); rv < 0 {
		return nil, mustPopError()

	parsedDoc, err := newDoc(doc, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer closeDoc(parsedDoc)

	var sessionCipherTransform C.xmlSecTransformId
	switch opts.SessionCipher {
	case DefaultSessionCipher:
		sessionCipherTransform = C.MY_xmlSecTransformAes256CbcId()
	case Aes256Cbc:
		sessionCipherTransform = C.MY_xmlSecTransformAes256CbcId()
	case Aes192Cbc:
		sessionCipherTransform = C.MY_xmlSecTransformAes192CbcId()
	case Aes128Cbc:
		sessionCipherTransform = C.MY_xmlSecTransformAes128CbcId()
	case Des3Cbc:
		sessionCipherTransform = C.MY_xmlSecTransformDes3CbcId()
		return nil, errInvalidAlgorithm

	// create encryption template to encrypt XML file and replace
	// its content with encryption result
	encDataNode := C.xmlSecTmplEncDataCreate(parsedDoc, sessionCipherTransform,
		nil, (*C.xmlChar)(unsafe.Pointer(&C.xmlSecTypeEncElement)), nil, nil)
	if encDataNode == nil {
		return nil, mustPopError()
	defer func() {
		if encDataNode != nil {
			encDataNode = nil

	// we want to put encrypted data in the <enc:CipherValue/> node
	if C.xmlSecTmplEncDataEnsureCipherValue(encDataNode) == nil {
		return nil, mustPopError()

	// add <dsig:KeyInfo/>
	keyInfoNode := C.xmlSecTmplEncDataEnsureKeyInfo(encDataNode, nil)
	if keyInfoNode == nil {
		return nil, mustPopError()

	// add <enc:EncryptedKey/> to store the encrypted session key
	var cipherTransform C.xmlSecTransformId
	switch opts.Cipher {
	case DefaultCipher:
		cipherTransform = C.MY_xmlSecTransformRsaOaepId()
	case RsaOaep:
		cipherTransform = C.MY_xmlSecTransformRsaOaepId()
	case RsaPkcs1:
		cipherTransform = C.MY_xmlSecTransformRsaPkcs1Id()
	encKeyNode := C.xmlSecTmplKeyInfoAddEncryptedKey(keyInfoNode, cipherTransform, nil, nil, nil)
	if encKeyNode == nil {
		return nil, mustPopError()

	// we want to put encrypted key in the <enc:CipherValue/> node
	if C.xmlSecTmplEncDataEnsureCipherValue(encKeyNode) == nil {
		return nil, mustPopError()

	// add <dsig:KeyInfo/> and <dsig:KeyName/> nodes to <enc:EncryptedKey/>
	keyInfoNode2 := C.xmlSecTmplEncDataEnsureKeyInfo(encKeyNode, nil)
	if keyInfoNode2 == nil {
		return nil, mustPopError()

	// Add a DigestMethod element to the encryption method node
		encKeyMethod := C.xmlSecTmplEncDataGetEncMethodNode(encKeyNode)
		var algorithm *C.xmlChar
		switch opts.DigestAlgorithm {
		case Sha512:
			algorithm = constSha512
		case Sha384:
			algorithm = constSha384
		case Sha256:
			algorithm = constSha256
		case Sha1:
			algorithm = constSha1
		case DefaultDigestAlgorithm:
			algorithm = constSha1
			return nil, errInvalidAlgorithm
		node := C.xmlSecAddChild(encKeyMethod, constDigestMethod, constDsigNamespace)
		C.xmlSetProp(node, constAlgorithm, algorithm)

	// add our certificate to KeyInfoNode
	x509dataNode := C.xmlSecTmplKeyInfoAddX509Data(keyInfoNode2)
	if x509dataNode == nil {
		return nil, mustPopError()
	if dataNode := C.xmlSecTmplX509DataAddCertificate(x509dataNode); dataNode == nil {
		return nil, mustPopError()

	// create encryption context
	var encCtx = C.xmlSecEncCtxCreate(keysMngr)
	if encCtx == nil {
		return nil, mustPopError()
	defer C.xmlSecEncCtxDestroy(encCtx)

	// generate a key of the appropriate type
	switch opts.SessionCipher {
	case DefaultSessionCipher:
		encCtx.encKey = C.xmlSecKeyGenerate(C.MY_xmlSecKeyDataAesId(), 256,
	case Aes128Cbc:
		encCtx.encKey = C.xmlSecKeyGenerate(C.MY_xmlSecKeyDataAesId(), 128,
	case Aes192Cbc:
		encCtx.encKey = C.xmlSecKeyGenerate(C.MY_xmlSecKeyDataAesId(), 192,
	case Aes256Cbc:
		encCtx.encKey = C.xmlSecKeyGenerate(C.MY_xmlSecKeyDataAesId(), 256,
	case Des3Cbc:
		encCtx.encKey = C.xmlSecKeyGenerate(C.MY_xmlSecKeyDataDesId(), 192,
		return nil, errInvalidAlgorithm
	if encCtx.encKey == nil {
		return nil, mustPopError()

	// encrypt the data
	if rv := C.xmlSecEncCtxXmlEncrypt(encCtx, encDataNode, C.xmlDocGetRootElement(parsedDoc)); rv < 0 {
		return nil, mustPopError()
	encDataNode = nil // the template is inserted in the doc, so we don't own it

	return dumpDoc(parsedDoc), nil
Example #5
//  QueryDashP generative xpath query - ie. mkdir -p for xpath ...
//  Understands simple xpath expressions including indexes and attribute values
func (xp *Xp) QueryDashP(context *C.xmlNode, query string, data string, before *C.xmlNode) *C.xmlNode {
	// $query always starts with / ie. is alwayf 'absolute' in relation to the $context
	// split in path elements, an element might include an attribute expression incl. value eg.
	// /md:EntitiesDescriptor/md:EntityDescriptor[@entityID="https://wayf.wayf.dk"]/md:SPSSODescriptor

	re := regexp.MustCompile(`\/?([^\/"]*("[^"]*")?[^\/"]*)`) // slashes inside " is the problem
	re2 := regexp.MustCompile(`^(?:(\w+):?)?([^\[@]*)(?:\[(\d+)\])?(?:\[?@([^=]+)(?:="([^"]*)"])?)?()$`)
	path := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(query, -1)
	if query[0] == '/' {
		var buffer bytes.Buffer
		path[0][1] = buffer.String()

	for _, elements := range path {
		element := elements[1]
		nodes := xp.Query(context, element)
		if len(nodes) > 0 {
			context = nodes[0]
		} else {
			d := re2.FindAllStringSubmatch(element, -1)
			if len(d) == 0 {
				panic("QueryDashP problem")

			dn := d[0]
			ns, element, position_s, attribute, value := dn[1], dn[2], dn[3], dn[4], dn[5]
			if element != "" {
				if position_s != "" {
					position, _ := strconv.ParseInt(position_s, 10, 0)
					originalcontext := context
					for i := 1; i <= int(position); i++ {
						existingelement := xp.Query(originalcontext, ns+":"+element+"["+strconv.Itoa(i)+"]")
						if len(existingelement) > 0 {
							context = existingelement[0]
						} else {
							context = xp.createElementNS(ns, element, originalcontext, before)
				} else {
					context = xp.createElementNS(ns, element, context, before)
				before = nil
			if attribute != "" {
				Cattribute := unsafe.Pointer(C.CString(attribute))
				Cvalue := unsafe.Pointer(C.CString(value))
				context = (*C.xmlNode)(unsafe.Pointer(C.xmlSetProp(context, (*C.xmlChar)(Cattribute), (*C.xmlChar)(Cvalue))))
	// adding the provided value always at end ..
	if data != "" {
		xp.NodeSetContent(context, html.EscapeString(data))
	return context