Example #1
func setupTLS(ws *webserver.Server, conf *config) error {
	if conf.HTTPSCert != "" && conf.HTTPSKey != "" {
			CertFile: conf.HTTPSCert,
			KeyFile:  conf.HTTPSKey,
		return nil
	if !conf.CertManager {
		return nil

	// As all requests to the publisher are proxied through Camlistore's app
	// handler, it makes sense to assume that both Camlistore and the publisher
	// are behind the same domain name. Therefore, it follows that
	// camlistored's autocert is the one actually getting a cert (and answering
	// the challenge) for the both of them. Plus, if they run on the same host
	// (default setup), they can't both listen on 443 to answer the TLS-SNI
	// challenge.
	// TODO(mpl): however, camlistored and publisher could be running on
	// different hosts, in which case we need to find a way for camlistored to
	// share its autocert cache with publisher. But I think that can wait a
	// later CL.
	hostname := os.Getenv("CAMLI_API_HOST")
	hostname = strings.TrimPrefix(hostname, "https://")
	hostname = strings.SplitN(hostname, "/", 2)[0]
	hostname = strings.SplitN(hostname, ":", 2)[0]
	if !netutil.IsFQDN(hostname) {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot ask Let's Encrypt for a cert because %v is not a fully qualified domain name", hostname)
	logger.Print("TLS enabled, with Let's Encrypt")

	// TODO(mpl): we only want publisher to use the same cache as
	// camlistored, and we don't actually need an autocert.Manager.
	// So we could just instantiate an autocert.DirCache, and generate
	// from there a *tls.Certificate, but it looks like it would mean
	// extracting quite a bit of code from the autocert pkg to do it properly.
	// Instead, I've opted for using an autocert.Manager (even though it's
	// never going to reply to any challenge), but with NOOP for Put and
	// Delete, just to be on the safe side. It's simple enough, but there's
	// still a catch: there's no ServerName in the clientHello we get, so we
	// reinject one so we can simply use the autocert.Manager.GetCertificate
	// method as the way to get the certificate from the cache. Is that OK?
	m := autocert.Manager{
		Prompt:     autocert.AcceptTOS,
		HostPolicy: autocert.HostWhitelist(hostname),
		Cache:      roCertCacheDir(osutil.DefaultLetsEncryptCache()),
		CertManager: func(clientHello *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) {
			if clientHello.ServerName == "" {
				clientHello.ServerName = hostname
			return m.GetCertificate(clientHello)
	return nil
Example #2
// If cert/key files are specified, and found, use them.
// If cert/key files are specified, not found, and the default values, generate
// them (self-signed CA used as a cert), and use them.
// If cert/key files are not specified, use Let's Encrypt.
func setupTLS(ws *webserver.Server, config *serverinit.Config, hostname string) {
	cert, key := config.OptionalString("httpsCert", ""), config.OptionalString("httpsKey", "")
	if !config.OptionalBool("https", true) {
	if (cert != "") != (key != "") {
		exitf("httpsCert and httpsKey must both be either present or absent")

	defCert := osutil.DefaultTLSCert()
	defKey := osutil.DefaultTLSKey()
	const hint = "You must add this certificate's fingerprint to your client's trusted certs list to use it. Like so:\n\"trustedCerts\": [\"%s\"],"
	if cert == defCert && key == defKey {
		_, err1 := wkfs.Stat(cert)
		_, err2 := wkfs.Stat(key)
		if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {
			if os.IsNotExist(err1) || os.IsNotExist(err2) {
				sig, err := httputil.GenSelfTLSFiles(hostname, defCert, defKey)
				if err != nil {
					exitf("Could not generate self-signed TLS cert: %q", err)
				log.Printf(hint, sig)
			} else {
				exitf("Could not stat cert or key: %q, %q", err1, err2)
	if cert == "" && key == "" {
		// Use Let's Encrypt if no files are specified, and we have a usable hostname.
		if netutil.IsFQDN(hostname) {
			m := autocert.Manager{
				Prompt:     autocert.AcceptTOS,
				HostPolicy: autocert.HostWhitelist(hostname),
				Cache:      autocert.DirCache(osutil.DefaultLetsEncryptCache()),
			log.Print("TLS enabled, with Let's Encrypt")
				CertManager: m.GetCertificate,
		// Otherwise generate new certificates
		sig, err := httputil.GenSelfTLSFiles(hostname, defCert, defKey)
		if err != nil {
			exitf("Could not generate self signed creds: %q", err)
		log.Printf(hint, sig)
		cert = defCert
		key = defKey
	data, err := wkfs.ReadFile(cert)
	if err != nil {
		exitf("Failed to read pem certificate: %s", err)
	sig, err := httputil.CertFingerprint(data)
	if err != nil {
		exitf("certificate error: %v", err)
	log.Printf("TLS enabled, with SHA-256 certificate fingerprint: %v", sig)
		CertFile: cert,
		KeyFile:  key,