Example #1
func archreloc(r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.LSym, val *int64) int {
	if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {
		// TODO(minux): translate R_ADDRPOWER and R_CALLPOWER into standard ELF relocations.
		// R_ADDRPOWER corresponds to R_PPC_ADDR16_HA and R_PPC_ADDR16_LO.
		// R_CALLPOWER corresponds to R_PPC_REL24.
		return -1

	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CONST:
		*val = r.Add
		return 0

	case obj.R_GOTOFF:
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - ld.Symaddr(ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".got", 0))
		return 0

		return archrelocaddr(r, s, val)

	case obj.R_CALLPOWER:
		// Bits 6 through 29 = (S + A - P) >> 2

		t := ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - (s.Value + int64(r.Off))
		if t&3 != 0 {
			ld.Ctxt.Diag("relocation for %s+%d is not aligned: %d", r.Sym.Name, r.Off, t)
		if int64(int32(t<<6)>>6) != t {
			// TODO(austin) This can happen if text > 32M.
			// Add a call trampoline to .text in that case.
			ld.Ctxt.Diag("relocation for %s+%d is too big: %d", r.Sym.Name, r.Off, t)

		*val |= int64(uint32(t) &^ 0xfc000003)
		return 0

	case obj.R_POWER_TOC: // S + A - .TOC.
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - symtoc(s)

		return 0

	case obj.R_POWER_TLS_LE:
		// The thread pointer points 0x7000 bytes after the start of the the
		// thread local storage area as documented in section "3.7.2 TLS
		// Runtime Handling" of "Power Architecture 64-Bit ELF V2 ABI
		// Specification".
		v := r.Sym.Value - 0x7000
		if int64(int16(v)) != v {
			ld.Diag("TLS offset out of range %d", v)
		*val = (*val &^ 0xffff) | (v & 0xffff)
		return 0

	return -1
Example #2
File: asm.go Project: achanda/go
// Convert the direct jump relocation r to refer to a trampoline if the target is too far
func trampoline(ctxt *ld.Link, r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.Symbol) {
	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CALLARM:
		// r.Add is the instruction
		// low 24-bit encodes the target address
		t := (ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + int64(signext24(r.Add&0xffffff)*4) - (s.Value + int64(r.Off))) / 4
		if t > 0x7fffff || t < -0x800000 || (*ld.FlagDebugTramp > 1 && s.File != r.Sym.File) {
			// direct call too far, need to insert trampoline.
			// look up existing trampolines first. if we found one within the range
			// of direct call, we can reuse it. otherwise create a new one.
			offset := (signext24(r.Add&0xffffff) + 2) * 4
			var tramp *ld.Symbol
			for i := 0; ; i++ {
				name := r.Sym.Name + fmt.Sprintf("%+d-tramp%d", offset, i)
				tramp = ctxt.Syms.Lookup(name, int(r.Sym.Version))
				if tramp.Type == obj.SDYNIMPORT {
					// don't reuse trampoline defined in other module
				if tramp.Value == 0 {
					// either the trampoline does not exist -- we need to create one,
					// or found one the address which is not assigned -- this will be
					// laid down immediately after the current function. use this one.

				t = (ld.Symaddr(tramp) - 8 - (s.Value + int64(r.Off))) / 4
				if t >= -0x800000 && t < 0x7fffff {
					// found an existing trampoline that is not too far
					// we can just use it
			if tramp.Type == 0 {
				// trampoline does not exist, create one
				if ctxt.DynlinkingGo() {
					if immrot(uint32(offset)) == 0 {
						ld.Errorf(s, "odd offset in dynlink direct call: %v+%d", r.Sym, offset)
					gentrampdyn(tramp, r.Sym, int64(offset))
				} else if ld.Buildmode == ld.BuildmodeCArchive || ld.Buildmode == ld.BuildmodeCShared || ld.Buildmode == ld.BuildmodePIE {
					gentramppic(tramp, r.Sym, int64(offset))
				} else {
					gentramp(tramp, r.Sym, int64(offset))
			// modify reloc to point to tramp, which will be resolved later
			r.Sym = tramp
			r.Add = r.Add&0xff000000 | 0xfffffe // clear the offset embedded in the instruction
			r.Done = 0
		ld.Errorf(s, "trampoline called with non-jump reloc: %v", r.Type)
Example #3
// Convert the direct jump relocation r to refer to a trampoline if the target is too far
func trampoline(ctxt *ld.Link, r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.Symbol) {
	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CALLARM:
		// r.Add is the instruction
		// low 24-bit encodes the target address
		t := (ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + int64(signext24(r.Add&0xffffff)*4) - (s.Value + int64(r.Off))) / 4
		if t > 0x7fffff || t < -0x800000 || (*ld.FlagDebugTramp > 1 && s.File != r.Sym.File) {
			// direct call too far, need to insert trampoline
			offset := (signext24(r.Add&0xffffff) + 2) * 4
			var tramp *ld.Symbol
			for i := 0; ; i++ {
				name := r.Sym.Name + fmt.Sprintf("%+d-tramp%d", offset, i)
				tramp = ctxt.Syms.Lookup(name, int(r.Sym.Version))
				if tramp.Value == 0 {
					// either the trampoline does not exist -- we need to create one,
					// or found one the address which is not assigned -- this will be
					// laid down immediately after the current function. use this one.

				t = (ld.Symaddr(tramp) - 8 - (s.Value + int64(r.Off))) / 4
				if t >= -0x800000 && t < 0x7fffff {
					// found an existing trampoline that is not too far
					// we can just use it
			if tramp.Type == 0 {
				// trampoline does not exist, create one
				tramp.Size = 12 // 3 instructions
				tramp.P = make([]byte, tramp.Size)
				t = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + int64(offset)
				o1 := uint32(0xe5900000 | 11<<12 | 15<<16) // MOVW (R15), R11 // R15 is actual pc + 8
				o2 := uint32(0xe12fff10 | 11)              // JMP  (R11)
				o3 := uint32(t)                            // WORD $target
				ld.SysArch.ByteOrder.PutUint32(tramp.P, o1)
				ld.SysArch.ByteOrder.PutUint32(tramp.P[4:], o2)
				ld.SysArch.ByteOrder.PutUint32(tramp.P[8:], o3)
			// modify reloc to point to tramp, which will be resolved later
			r.Sym = tramp
			r.Add = r.Add&0xff000000 | 0xfffffe // clear the offset embedded in the instruction
			r.Done = 0
		ld.Errorf(s, "trampoline called with non-jump reloc: %v", r.Type)
Example #4
File: asm.go Project: Mokolea/go
func archrelocaddr(r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.Symbol, val *int64) int {
	var o1, o2 uint32
	if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
		o1 = uint32(*val >> 32)
		o2 = uint32(*val)
	} else {
		o1 = uint32(*val)
		o2 = uint32(*val >> 32)

	// We are spreading a 31-bit address across two instructions, putting the
	// high (adjusted) part in the low 16 bits of the first instruction and the
	// low part in the low 16 bits of the second instruction, or, in the DS case,
	// bits 15-2 (inclusive) of the address into bits 15-2 of the second
	// instruction (it is an error in this case if the low 2 bits of the address
	// are non-zero).

	t := ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add
	if t < 0 || t >= 1<<31 {
		ld.Ctxt.Diag("relocation for %s is too big (>=2G): %d", s.Name, ld.Symaddr(r.Sym))
	if t&0x8000 != 0 {
		t += 0x10000

	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_ADDRPOWER:
		o1 |= (uint32(t) >> 16) & 0xffff
		o2 |= uint32(t) & 0xffff

	case obj.R_ADDRPOWER_DS:
		o1 |= (uint32(t) >> 16) & 0xffff
		if t&3 != 0 {
			ld.Ctxt.Diag("bad DS reloc for %s: %d", s.Name, ld.Symaddr(r.Sym))
		o2 |= uint32(t) & 0xfffc

		return -1

	if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
		*val = int64(o1)<<32 | int64(o2)
	} else {
		*val = int64(o2)<<32 | int64(o1)
	return 0
Example #5
func archreloc(r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.LSym, val *int64) int {
	if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {
		return -1
	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CONST:
		*val = r.Add
		return 0

	case obj.R_GOTOFF:
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - ld.Symaddr(ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".got", 0))
		return 0

	return -1
Example #6
File: asm.go Project: achanda/go
func archreloc(ctxt *ld.Link, r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.Symbol, val *int64) int {
	if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {
		return -1
	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CONST:
		*val = r.Add
		return 0

	case obj.R_GOTOFF:
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - ld.Symaddr(ctxt.Syms.Lookup(".got", 0))
		return 0

	return -1
Example #7
File: asm.go Project: danny8002/go
func archreloc(r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.LSym, val *int64) int {
	if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {
		return -1

	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CONST:
		*val = r.Add
		return 0

	case obj.R_GOTOFF:
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - ld.Symaddr(ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".got", 0))
		return 0

	case obj.R_ADDRMIPS:
		t := ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add
		if t >= 1<<32 || t < -1<<32 {
			ld.Diag("program too large, address relocation = %v", t)

		// the first instruction is always at the lower address, this is endian neutral;
		// but note that o1 and o2 should still use the target endian.
		o1 := ld.Thelinkarch.ByteOrder.Uint32(s.P[r.Off:])
		o2 := ld.Thelinkarch.ByteOrder.Uint32(s.P[r.Off+4:])
		o1 = o1&0xffff0000 | uint32(t>>16)&0xffff
		o2 = o2&0xffff0000 | uint32(t)&0xffff

		// when laid out, the instruction order must always be o1, o2.
		if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
			*val = int64(o1)<<32 | int64(o2)
		} else {
			*val = int64(o2)<<32 | int64(o1)
		return 0

	case obj.R_CALLMIPS,
		// Low 26 bits = (S + A) >> 2
		t := ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add
		o1 := ld.Thelinkarch.ByteOrder.Uint32(s.P[r.Off:])
		*val = int64(o1&0xfc000000 | uint32(t>>2)&^0xfc000000)
		return 0

	return -1
Example #8
File: asm.go Project: Ryezhang/go
func archrelocaddr(r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.LSym, val *int64) int {
	var o1, o2 uint32
	if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
		o1 = uint32(*val >> 32)
		o2 = uint32(*val)
	} else {
		o1 = uint32(*val)
		o2 = uint32(*val >> 32)

	// We are inserting an address into two instructions: adrp and
	// then either addi or a load.
	address := ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add
	pgaddress := (address &^ 0xfff) - ((s.Value + int64(r.Off)) &^ 0xfff)
	if pgaddress < -1<<31 || pgaddress >= 1<<31 {
		ld.Ctxt.Diag("relocation for %s is too big (>=2G): %d", s.Name, pgaddress)
	pgoff := uint32(address & 0xfff)
	o1 |= uint32((((pgaddress >> 12) & 3) << 29) | (((pgaddress >> 12 >> 2) & 0x7ffff) << 5))

	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_ADDRARM64, obj.R_ARM64_LOAD8:
		o2 |= pgoff << 10

	case obj.R_ARM64_LOAD16:
		if pgoff&0x1 != 0 {
			ld.Diag("offset for 16-byte load/store has unaligned value %d", pgoff)
		o2 |= pgoff << 9

	case obj.R_ARM64_LOAD32:
		if pgoff&0x3 != 0 {
			ld.Diag("offset for 32-byte load/store has unaligned value %d", pgoff)
		o2 |= pgoff << 8

	case obj.R_ARM64_LOAD64:
		if pgoff&0x7 != 0 {
			ld.Diag("offset for 64-byte load/store has unaligned value %d", pgoff)
		o2 |= pgoff << 7

		return -1

	if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
		*val = int64(o1)<<32 | int64(o2)
	} else {
		*val = int64(o2)<<32 | int64(o1)
	return 0
Example #9
File: asm.go Project: Harvey-OS/go
func archreloc(ctxt *ld.Link, r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.Symbol, val *int64) int {
	if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {
		return -1

	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CONST:
		*val = r.Add
		return 0

	case obj.R_GOTOFF:
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - ld.Symaddr(ctxt.Syms.Lookup(".got", 0))
		return 0

	case obj.R_ADDRMIPS,
		t := ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add
		o1 := ld.SysArch.ByteOrder.Uint32(s.P[r.Off:])
		if r.Type == obj.R_ADDRMIPS {
			*val = int64(o1&0xffff0000 | uint32(t)&0xffff)
		} else {
			*val = int64(o1&0xffff0000 | uint32((t+1<<15)>>16)&0xffff)
		return 0

	case obj.R_CALLMIPS,
		// Low 26 bits = (S + A) >> 2
		t := ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add
		o1 := ld.SysArch.ByteOrder.Uint32(s.P[r.Off:])
		*val = int64(o1&0xfc000000 | uint32(t>>2)&^0xfc000000)
		return 0

	return -1
Example #10
File: asm.go Project: achanda/go
// generate a trampoline to target+offset
func gentramp(tramp, target *ld.Symbol, offset int64) {
	tramp.Size = 12 // 3 instructions
	tramp.P = make([]byte, tramp.Size)
	t := ld.Symaddr(target) + int64(offset)
	o1 := uint32(0xe5900000 | 11<<12 | 15<<16) // MOVW (R15), R11 // R15 is actual pc + 8
	o2 := uint32(0xe12fff10 | 11)              // JMP  (R11)
	o3 := uint32(t)                            // WORD $target
	ld.SysArch.ByteOrder.PutUint32(tramp.P, o1)
	ld.SysArch.ByteOrder.PutUint32(tramp.P[4:], o2)
	ld.SysArch.ByteOrder.PutUint32(tramp.P[8:], o3)

	if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {
		r := ld.Addrel(tramp)
		r.Off = 8
		r.Type = obj.R_ADDR
		r.Siz = 4
		r.Sym = target
		r.Add = offset
Example #11
File: asm.go Project: Mokolea/go
func archreloc(r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.Symbol, val *int64) int {
	if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {
		switch r.Type {
			return -1

		case obj.R_POWER_TLS, obj.R_POWER_TLS_LE, obj.R_POWER_TLS_IE:
			r.Done = 0
			// check Outer is nil, Type is TLSBSS?
			r.Xadd = r.Add
			r.Xsym = r.Sym
			return 0

		case obj.R_ADDRPOWER,
			r.Done = 0

			// set up addend for eventual relocation via outer symbol.
			rs := r.Sym
			r.Xadd = r.Add
			for rs.Outer != nil {
				r.Xadd += ld.Symaddr(rs) - ld.Symaddr(rs.Outer)
				rs = rs.Outer

			if rs.Type != obj.SHOSTOBJ && rs.Type != obj.SDYNIMPORT && rs.Sect == nil {
				ld.Diag("missing section for %s", rs.Name)
			r.Xsym = rs

			return 0

		case obj.R_CALLPOWER:
			r.Done = 0
			r.Xsym = r.Sym
			r.Xadd = r.Add
			return 0

	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CONST:
		*val = r.Add
		return 0

	case obj.R_GOTOFF:
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - ld.Symaddr(ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".got", 0))
		return 0

		return archrelocaddr(r, s, val)

	case obj.R_CALLPOWER:
		// Bits 6 through 29 = (S + A - P) >> 2

		t := ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - (s.Value + int64(r.Off))
		if t&3 != 0 {
			ld.Ctxt.Diag("relocation for %s+%d is not aligned: %d", r.Sym.Name, r.Off, t)
		if int64(int32(t<<6)>>6) != t {
			// TODO(austin) This can happen if text > 32M.
			// Add a call trampoline to .text in that case.
			ld.Ctxt.Diag("relocation for %s+%d is too big: %d", r.Sym.Name, r.Off, t)

		*val |= int64(uint32(t) &^ 0xfc000003)
		return 0

	case obj.R_POWER_TOC: // S + A - .TOC.
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - symtoc(s)

		return 0

	case obj.R_POWER_TLS_LE:
		// The thread pointer points 0x7000 bytes after the start of the the
		// thread local storage area as documented in section "3.7.2 TLS
		// Runtime Handling" of "Power Architecture 64-Bit ELF V2 ABI
		// Specification".
		v := r.Sym.Value - 0x7000
		if int64(int16(v)) != v {
			ld.Diag("TLS offset out of range %d", v)
		*val = (*val &^ 0xffff) | (v & 0xffff)
		return 0

	return -1
Example #12
File: asm.go Project: hurkgu/go
func archreloc(ctxt *ld.Link, r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.Symbol, val *int64) int {
	if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {
		switch r.Type {
			return -1

		case obj.R_ADDRMIPS,
			r.Done = 0

			// set up addend for eventual relocation via outer symbol.
			rs := r.Sym
			r.Xadd = r.Add
			for rs.Outer != nil {
				r.Xadd += ld.Symaddr(ctxt, rs) - ld.Symaddr(ctxt, rs.Outer)
				rs = rs.Outer

			if rs.Type != obj.SHOSTOBJ && rs.Type != obj.SDYNIMPORT && rs.Sect == nil {
				ctxt.Diag("missing section for %s", rs.Name)
			r.Xsym = rs

			return 0

		case obj.R_ADDRMIPSTLS,
			r.Done = 0
			r.Xsym = r.Sym
			r.Xadd = r.Add
			return 0

	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CONST:
		*val = r.Add
		return 0

	case obj.R_GOTOFF:
		*val = ld.Symaddr(ctxt, r.Sym) + r.Add - ld.Symaddr(ctxt, ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".got", 0))
		return 0

	case obj.R_ADDRMIPS,
		t := ld.Symaddr(ctxt, r.Sym) + r.Add
		o1 := ld.SysArch.ByteOrder.Uint32(s.P[r.Off:])
		if r.Type == obj.R_ADDRMIPS {
			*val = int64(o1&0xffff0000 | uint32(t)&0xffff)
		} else {
			*val = int64(o1&0xffff0000 | uint32((t+1<<15)>>16)&0xffff)
		return 0

	case obj.R_ADDRMIPSTLS:
		// thread pointer is at 0x7000 offset from the start of TLS data area
		t := ld.Symaddr(ctxt, r.Sym) + r.Add - 0x7000
		if t < -32768 || t >= 32678 {
			ctxt.Diag("TLS offset out of range %d", t)
		o1 := ld.SysArch.ByteOrder.Uint32(s.P[r.Off:])
		*val = int64(o1&0xffff0000 | uint32(t)&0xffff)
		return 0

	case obj.R_CALLMIPS,
		// Low 26 bits = (S + A) >> 2
		t := ld.Symaddr(ctxt, r.Sym) + r.Add
		o1 := ld.SysArch.ByteOrder.Uint32(s.P[r.Off:])
		*val = int64(o1&0xfc000000 | uint32(t>>2)&^0xfc000000)
		return 0

	return -1
Example #13
File: asm.go Project: SpiderOak/go
func archreloc(ctxt *ld.Link, r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.Symbol, val *int64) int {
	if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {
		switch r.Type {
		case obj.R_CALLARM:
			r.Done = 0

			// set up addend for eventual relocation via outer symbol.
			rs := r.Sym

			r.Xadd = r.Add
			if r.Xadd&0x800000 != 0 {
				r.Xadd |= ^0xffffff
			r.Xadd *= 4
			for rs.Outer != nil {
				r.Xadd += ld.Symaddr(ctxt, rs) - ld.Symaddr(ctxt, rs.Outer)
				rs = rs.Outer

			if rs.Type != obj.SHOSTOBJ && rs.Type != obj.SDYNIMPORT && rs.Sect == nil {
				ctxt.Diag("missing section for %s", rs.Name)
			r.Xsym = rs

			// ld64 for arm seems to want the symbol table to contain offset
			// into the section rather than pseudo virtual address that contains
			// the section load address.
			// we need to compensate that by removing the instruction's address
			// from addend.
			if ld.HEADTYPE == obj.Hdarwin {
				r.Xadd -= ld.Symaddr(ctxt, s) + int64(r.Off)

			*val = int64(braddoff(int32(0xff000000&uint32(r.Add)), int32(0xffffff&uint32(r.Xadd/4))))
			return 0

		return -1

	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CONST:
		*val = r.Add
		return 0

	case obj.R_GOTOFF:
		*val = ld.Symaddr(ctxt, r.Sym) + r.Add - ld.Symaddr(ctxt, ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".got", 0))
		return 0

		// The following three arch specific relocations are only for generation of
	// Linux/ARM ELF's PLT entry (3 assembler instruction)
	case obj.R_PLT0: // add ip, pc, #0xXX00000
		if ld.Symaddr(ctxt, ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".got.plt", 0)) < ld.Symaddr(ctxt, ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".plt", 0)) {
			ctxt.Diag(".got.plt should be placed after .plt section.")
		*val = 0xe28fc600 + (0xff & (int64(uint32(ld.Symaddr(ctxt, r.Sym)-(ld.Symaddr(ctxt, ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".plt", 0))+int64(r.Off))+r.Add)) >> 20))
		return 0

	case obj.R_PLT1: // add ip, ip, #0xYY000
		*val = 0xe28cca00 + (0xff & (int64(uint32(ld.Symaddr(ctxt, r.Sym)-(ld.Symaddr(ctxt, ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".plt", 0))+int64(r.Off))+r.Add+4)) >> 12))

		return 0

	case obj.R_PLT2: // ldr pc, [ip, #0xZZZ]!
		*val = 0xe5bcf000 + (0xfff & int64(uint32(ld.Symaddr(ctxt, r.Sym)-(ld.Symaddr(ctxt, ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".plt", 0))+int64(r.Off))+r.Add+8)))

		return 0

	case obj.R_CALLARM: // bl XXXXXX or b YYYYYY
		*val = int64(braddoff(int32(0xff000000&uint32(r.Add)), int32(0xffffff&uint32((ld.Symaddr(ctxt, r.Sym)+int64((uint32(r.Add))*4)-(s.Value+int64(r.Off)))/4))))

		return 0

	return -1
Example #14
File: asm.go Project: SpiderOak/go
func machoreloc1(ctxt *ld.Link, r *ld.Reloc, sectoff int64) int {
	var v uint32

	rs := r.Xsym

	if r.Type == obj.R_PCREL {
		if rs.Type == obj.SHOSTOBJ {
			ctxt.Diag("pc-relative relocation of external symbol is not supported")
			return -1
		if r.Siz != 4 {
			return -1

		// emit a pair of "scattered" relocations that
		// resolve to the difference of section addresses of
		// the symbol and the instruction
		// this value is added to the field being relocated
		o1 := uint32(sectoff)
		o1 |= 1 << 31 // scattered bit
		o1 |= 2 << 28 // size = 4

		o2 := uint32(0)
		o2 |= 1 << 31 // scattered bit
		o2 |= ld.MACHO_ARM_RELOC_PAIR << 24
		o2 |= 2 << 28 // size = 4

		ld.Thearch.Lput(uint32(ld.Symaddr(ctxt, rs)))
		ld.Thearch.Lput(uint32(ctxt.Cursym.Value + int64(r.Off)))
		return 0

	if rs.Type == obj.SHOSTOBJ || r.Type == obj.R_CALLARM {
		if rs.Dynid < 0 {
			ctxt.Diag("reloc %d to non-macho symbol %s type=%d", r.Type, rs.Name, rs.Type)
			return -1

		v = uint32(rs.Dynid)
		v |= 1 << 27 // external relocation
	} else {
		v = uint32(rs.Sect.Extnum)
		if v == 0 {
			ctxt.Diag("reloc %d to symbol %s in non-macho section %s type=%d", r.Type, rs.Name, rs.Sect.Name, rs.Type)
			return -1

	switch r.Type {
		return -1

	case obj.R_ADDR:

	case obj.R_CALLARM:
		v |= 1 << 24 // pc-relative bit
		v |= ld.MACHO_ARM_RELOC_BR24 << 28

	switch r.Siz {
		return -1

	case 1:
		v |= 0 << 25

	case 2:
		v |= 1 << 25

	case 4:
		v |= 2 << 25

	case 8:
		v |= 3 << 25

	return 0
Example #15
File: asm.go Project: 4ad/go
func archreloc(r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.LSym, val *int64) int {
	if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {
		switch r.Type {
			return -1

		case obj.R_ARM64_GOTPCREL:
			var o1, o2 uint32
			if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
				o1 = uint32(*val >> 32)
				o2 = uint32(*val)
			} else {
				o1 = uint32(*val)
				o2 = uint32(*val >> 32)
			// Any relocation against a function symbol is redirected to
			// be against a local symbol instead (see putelfsym in
			// symtab.go) but unfortunately the system linker was buggy
			// when confronted with a R_AARCH64_ADR_GOT_PAGE relocation
			// against a local symbol until May 2015
			// (https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=18270). So
			// we convert the adrp; ld64 + R_ARM64_GOTPCREL into adrp;
			// add + R_ADDRARM64.
			if !(r.Sym.Version != 0 || (r.Sym.Type&obj.SHIDDEN != 0) || r.Sym.Attr.Local()) && r.Sym.Type == obj.STEXT && ld.DynlinkingGo() {
				if o2&0xffc00000 != 0xf9400000 {
					ld.Ctxt.Diag("R_ARM64_GOTPCREL against unexpected instruction %x", o2)
				o2 = 0x91000000 | (o2 & 0x000003ff)
				r.Type = obj.R_ADDRARM64
			if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
				*val = int64(o1)<<32 | int64(o2)
			} else {
				*val = int64(o2)<<32 | int64(o1)

		case obj.R_ADDRARM64:
			r.Done = 0

			// set up addend for eventual relocation via outer symbol.
			rs := r.Sym
			r.Xadd = r.Add
			for rs.Outer != nil {
				r.Xadd += ld.Symaddr(rs) - ld.Symaddr(rs.Outer)
				rs = rs.Outer

			if rs.Type != obj.SHOSTOBJ && rs.Type != obj.SDYNIMPORT && rs.Sect == nil {
				ld.Diag("missing section for %s", rs.Name)
			r.Xsym = rs

			// Note: ld64 currently has a bug that any non-zero addend for BR26 relocation
			// will make the linking fail because it thinks the code is not PIC even though
			// the BR26 relocation should be fully resolved at link time.
			// That is the reason why the next if block is disabled. When the bug in ld64
			// is fixed, we can enable this block and also enable duff's device in cmd/7g.
			if false && ld.HEADTYPE == obj.Hdarwin {
				var o0, o1 uint32

				if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
					o0 = uint32(*val >> 32)
					o1 = uint32(*val)
				} else {
					o0 = uint32(*val)
					o1 = uint32(*val >> 32)
				// Mach-O wants the addend to be encoded in the instruction
				// Note that although Mach-O supports ARM64_RELOC_ADDEND, it
				// can only encode 24-bit of signed addend, but the instructions
				// supports 33-bit of signed addend, so we always encode the
				// addend in place.
				o0 |= (uint32((r.Xadd>>12)&3) << 29) | (uint32((r.Xadd>>12>>2)&0x7ffff) << 5)
				o1 |= uint32(r.Xadd&0xfff) << 10
				r.Xadd = 0

				// when laid out, the instruction order must always be o1, o2.
				if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
					*val = int64(o0)<<32 | int64(o1)
				} else {
					*val = int64(o1)<<32 | int64(o0)

			return 0

		case obj.R_CALLARM64,
			r.Done = 0
			r.Xsym = r.Sym
			r.Xadd = r.Add
			return 0

	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CONST:
		*val = r.Add
		return 0

	case obj.R_GOTOFF:
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - ld.Symaddr(ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".got", 0))
		return 0

	case obj.R_ADDRARM64:
		t := ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - ((s.Value + int64(r.Off)) &^ 0xfff)
		if t >= 1<<32 || t < -1<<32 {
			ld.Diag("program too large, address relocation distance = %d", t)

		var o0, o1 uint32

		if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
			o0 = uint32(*val >> 32)
			o1 = uint32(*val)
		} else {
			o0 = uint32(*val)
			o1 = uint32(*val >> 32)

		o0 |= (uint32((t>>12)&3) << 29) | (uint32((t>>12>>2)&0x7ffff) << 5)
		o1 |= uint32(t&0xfff) << 10

		// when laid out, the instruction order must always be o1, o2.
		if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
			*val = int64(o0)<<32 | int64(o1)
		} else {
			*val = int64(o1)<<32 | int64(o0)
		return 0

	case obj.R_ARM64_TLS_LE:
		r.Done = 0
		if ld.HEADTYPE != obj.Hlinux {
			ld.Diag("TLS reloc on unsupported OS %s", ld.Headstr(int(ld.HEADTYPE)))
		// The TCB is two pointers. This is not documented anywhere, but is
		// de facto part of the ABI.
		v := r.Sym.Value + int64(2*ld.Thearch.Ptrsize)
		if v < 0 || v >= 32678 {
			ld.Diag("TLS offset out of range %d", v)
		*val |= v << 5
		return 0

	case obj.R_CALLARM64:
		t := (ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add) - (s.Value + int64(r.Off))
		if t >= 1<<27 || t < -1<<27 {
			ld.Diag("program too large, call relocation distance = %d", t)
		*val |= (t >> 2) & 0x03ffffff
		return 0

	return -1
Example #16
func archreloc(r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.LSym, val *int64) int {
	if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {
		switch r.Type {
			return -1

		case obj.R_ADDRARM64:
			r.Done = 0

			// set up addend for eventual relocation via outer symbol.
			rs := r.Sym
			r.Xadd = r.Add
			for rs.Outer != nil {
				r.Xadd += ld.Symaddr(rs) - ld.Symaddr(rs.Outer)
				rs = rs.Outer

			if rs.Type != obj.SHOSTOBJ && rs.Sect == nil {
				ld.Diag("missing section for %s", rs.Name)
			r.Xsym = rs

			// Note: ld64 currently has a bug that any non-zero addend for BR26 relocation
			// will make the linking fail because it thinks the code is not PIC even though
			// the BR26 relocation should be fully resolved at link time.
			// That is the reason why the next if block is disabled. When the bug in ld64
			// is fixed, we can enable this block and also enable duff's device in cmd/7g.
			if false && ld.HEADTYPE == obj.Hdarwin {
				var o0, o1 uint32

				if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
					o0 = uint32(*val >> 32)
					o1 = uint32(*val)
				} else {
					o0 = uint32(*val)
					o1 = uint32(*val >> 32)
				// Mach-O wants the addend to be encoded in the instruction
				// Note that although Mach-O supports ARM64_RELOC_ADDEND, it
				// can only encode 24-bit of signed addend, but the instructions
				// supports 33-bit of signed addend, so we always encode the
				// addend in place.
				o0 |= (uint32((r.Xadd>>12)&3) << 29) | (uint32((r.Xadd>>12>>2)&0x7ffff) << 5)
				o1 |= uint32(r.Xadd&0xfff) << 10
				r.Xadd = 0

				// when laid out, the instruction order must always be o1, o2.
				if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
					*val = int64(o0)<<32 | int64(o1)
				} else {
					*val = int64(o1)<<32 | int64(o0)

			return 0

		case obj.R_CALLARM64,
			r.Done = 0
			r.Xsym = r.Sym
			r.Xadd = r.Add
			return 0

	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CONST:
		*val = r.Add
		return 0

	case obj.R_GOTOFF:
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - ld.Symaddr(ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".got", 0))
		return 0

	case obj.R_ADDRARM64:
		t := ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - ((s.Value + int64(r.Off)) &^ 0xfff)
		if t >= 1<<32 || t < -1<<32 {
			ld.Diag("program too large, address relocation distance = %d", t)

		var o0, o1 uint32

		if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
			o0 = uint32(*val >> 32)
			o1 = uint32(*val)
		} else {
			o0 = uint32(*val)
			o1 = uint32(*val >> 32)

		o0 |= (uint32((t>>12)&3) << 29) | (uint32((t>>12>>2)&0x7ffff) << 5)
		o1 |= uint32(t&0xfff) << 10

		// when laid out, the instruction order must always be o1, o2.
		if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
			*val = int64(o0)<<32 | int64(o1)
		} else {
			*val = int64(o1)<<32 | int64(o0)
		return 0

	case obj.R_ARM64_TLS_LE:
		r.Done = 0
		if ld.HEADTYPE != obj.Hlinux {
			ld.Diag("TLS reloc on unsupported OS %s", ld.Headstr(int(ld.HEADTYPE)))
		// The TCB is two pointers. This is not documented anywhere, but is
		// de facto part of the ABI.
		v := r.Sym.Value + int64(2*ld.Thearch.Ptrsize)
		if v < 0 || v >= 32678 {
			ld.Diag("TLS offset out of range %d", v)
		*val |= v << 5
		return 0

	case obj.R_CALLARM64:
		t := (ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add) - (s.Value + int64(r.Off))
		if t >= 1<<27 || t < -1<<27 {
			ld.Diag("program too large, call relocation distance = %d", t)
		*val |= (t >> 2) & 0x03ffffff
		return 0

	return -1
Example #17
func archreloc(r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.LSym, val *int64) int {
	if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {
		switch r.Type {
			return -1

		case obj.R_ADDRARM64:
			r.Done = 0

			// set up addend for eventual relocation via outer symbol.
			rs := r.Sym
			r.Xadd = r.Add
			for rs.Outer != nil {
				r.Xadd += ld.Symaddr(rs) - ld.Symaddr(rs.Outer)
				rs = rs.Outer

			if rs.Type != obj.SHOSTOBJ && rs.Sect == nil {
				ld.Diag("missing section for %s", rs.Name)
			r.Xsym = rs

			// the first instruction is always at the lower address, this is endian neutral;
			// but note that o0 and o1 should still use the target endian.
			o0 := ld.Thelinkarch.ByteOrder.Uint32(s.P[r.Off : r.Off+4])
			o1 := ld.Thelinkarch.ByteOrder.Uint32(s.P[r.Off+4 : r.Off+8])

			// Note: ld64 currently has a bug that any non-zero addend for BR26 relocation
			// will make the linking fail because it thinks the code is not PIC even though
			// the BR26 relocation should be fully resolved at link time.
			// That is the reason why the next if block is disabled. When the bug in ld64
			// is fixed, we can enable this block and also enable duff's device in cmd/7g.
			if false && ld.HEADTYPE == obj.Hdarwin {
				// Mach-O wants the addend to be encoded in the instruction
				// Note that although Mach-O supports ARM64_RELOC_ADDEND, it
				// can only encode 24-bit of signed addend, but the instructions
				// supports 33-bit of signed addend, so we always encode the
				// addend in place.
				o0 |= (uint32((r.Xadd>>12)&3) << 29) | (uint32((r.Xadd>>12>>2)&0x7ffff) << 5)
				o1 |= uint32(r.Xadd&0xfff) << 10
				r.Xadd = 0

			// when laid out, the instruction order must always be o1, o2.
			if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
				*val = int64(o0)<<32 | int64(o1)
			} else {
				*val = int64(o1)<<32 | int64(o0)

			return 0

		case obj.R_CALLARM64:
			r.Done = 0
			r.Xsym = r.Sym
			*val = int64(0xfc000000 & uint32(r.Add))
			r.Xadd = int64((uint32(r.Add) &^ 0xfc000000) * 4)
			r.Add = 0
			return 0

	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CONST:
		*val = r.Add
		return 0

	case obj.R_GOTOFF:
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - ld.Symaddr(ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".got", 0))
		return 0

	case obj.R_ADDRARM64:
		t := ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - ((s.Value + int64(r.Off)) &^ 0xfff)
		if t >= 1<<32 || t < -1<<32 {
			ld.Diag("program too large, address relocation distance = %d", t)

		// the first instruction is always at the lower address, this is endian neutral;
		// but note that o0 and o1 should still use the target endian.
		o0 := ld.Thelinkarch.ByteOrder.Uint32(s.P[r.Off : r.Off+4])
		o1 := ld.Thelinkarch.ByteOrder.Uint32(s.P[r.Off+4 : r.Off+8])

		o0 |= (uint32((t>>12)&3) << 29) | (uint32((t>>12>>2)&0x7ffff) << 5)
		o1 |= uint32(t&0xfff) << 10

		// when laid out, the instruction order must always be o1, o2.
		if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
			*val = int64(o0)<<32 | int64(o1)
		} else {
			*val = int64(o1)<<32 | int64(o0)
		return 0

	case obj.R_CALLARM64:
		*val = int64((0xfc000000 & uint32(r.Add)) | uint32((ld.Symaddr(r.Sym)+r.Add*4-(s.Value+int64(r.Off)))/4))
		return 0

	return -1
Example #18
func archreloc(r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.LSym, val *int64) int {
	if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {
		// TODO(minux): translate R_ADDRPOWER and R_CALLPOWER into standard ELF relocations.
		// R_ADDRPOWER corresponds to R_PPC_ADDR16_HA and R_PPC_ADDR16_LO.
		// R_CALLPOWER corresponds to R_PPC_REL24.
		return -1

	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CONST:
		*val = r.Add
		return 0

	case obj.R_GOTOFF:
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - ld.Symaddr(ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".got", 0))
		return 0

	case obj.R_ADDRPOWER:
		// We are spreading a 31-bit address across two instructions,
		// putting the high (adjusted) part in the low 16 bits of the
		// first instruction and the low part in the low 16 bits of the
		// second instruction.
		t := ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add
		if t < 0 || t >= 1<<31 {
			ld.Ctxt.Diag("relocation for %s is too big (>=2G): %d", s.Name, ld.Symaddr(r.Sym))
		var o1, o2 uint32
		if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
			o1 = uint32(*val >> 32)
			o2 = uint32(*val)
		} else {
			o1 = uint32(*val)
			o2 = uint32(*val >> 32)
		if t&0x8000 != 0 {
			t += 0x10000
		// There is an almost-bug here. When R_ADDRPOWER is relocating a
		// load, the two instructions are addi and then a load. addi and
		// almost all loads are "D-form" instructions, which have a
		// 16-bit immediate in the lower 16-bits of the instruction
		// word. But the load doubleword instruction is a "DS-form"
		// instruction: the immediate only occupies bits 16-29 of the
		// instruction and is implicity padded with zeros on the
		// right. The reason the belows isn't a bug is because we only
		// ever use immediates that have zeros on in their lower bits
		// with ld, and we combine the immediate with | so bits 30 and
		// 31 are preserved.
		o1 |= (uint32(t) >> 16) & 0xffff
		o2 |= uint32(t) & 0xffff

		if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
			*val = int64(o1)<<32 | int64(o2)
		} else {
			*val = int64(o2)<<32 | int64(o1)
		return 0

	case obj.R_CALLPOWER:
		// Bits 6 through 29 = (S + A - P) >> 2

		t := ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - (s.Value + int64(r.Off))
		if t&3 != 0 {
			ld.Ctxt.Diag("relocation for %s+%d is not aligned: %d", r.Sym.Name, r.Off, t)
		if int64(int32(t<<6)>>6) != t {
			// TODO(austin) This can happen if text > 32M.
			// Add a call trampoline to .text in that case.
			ld.Ctxt.Diag("relocation for %s+%d is too big: %d", r.Sym.Name, r.Off, t)

		*val |= int64(uint32(t) &^ 0xfc000003)
		return 0

	case obj.R_POWER_TOC: // S + A - .TOC.
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - symtoc(s)

		return 0

	case obj.R_POWER_TLS_LE:
		// The thread pointer points 0x7000 bytes after the start of the the
		// thread local storage area as documented in section "3.7.2 TLS
		// Runtime Handling" of "Power Architecture 64-Bit ELF V2 ABI
		// Specification".
		v := r.Sym.Value - 0x7000
		if int64(int16(v)) != v {
			ld.Diag("TLS offset out of range %d", v)
		*val = (*val &^ 0xffff) | (v & 0xffff)
		return 0

	return -1
Example #19
func archreloc(r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.LSym, val *int64) int {
	if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {
		// TODO(minux): translate R_ADDRPOWER and R_CALLPOWER into standard ELF relocations.
		// R_ADDRPOWER corresponds to R_PPC_ADDR16_HA and R_PPC_ADDR16_LO.
		// R_CALLPOWER corresponds to R_PPC_REL24.
		return -1

	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CONST:
		*val = r.Add
		return 0

	case obj.R_GOTOFF:
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - ld.Symaddr(ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".got", 0))
		return 0

	case obj.R_ADDRPOWER:
		// r->add is two ppc64 instructions holding an immediate 32-bit constant.
		// We want to add r->sym's address to that constant.
		// The encoding of the immediate x<<16 + y,
		// where x is the low 16 bits of the first instruction and y is the low 16
		// bits of the second. Both x and y are signed (int16, not uint16).
		o1 := uint32(r.Add >> 32)
		o2 := uint32(r.Add)
		t := ld.Symaddr(r.Sym)
		if t < 0 {
			ld.Ctxt.Diag("relocation for %s is too big (>=2G): %d", s.Name, ld.Symaddr(r.Sym))

		t += int64((o1&0xffff)<<16 + uint32(int32(o2)<<16>>16))
		if t&0x8000 != 0 {
			t += 0x10000
		o1 = o1&0xffff0000 | (uint32(t)>>16)&0xffff
		o2 = o2&0xffff0000 | uint32(t)&0xffff

		// when laid out, the instruction order must always be o1, o2.
		if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
			*val = int64(o1)<<32 | int64(o2)
		} else {
			*val = int64(o2)<<32 | int64(o1)
		return 0

	case obj.R_CALLPOWER:
		// Bits 6 through 29 = (S + A - P) >> 2
		var o1 uint32
		if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
			o1 = ld.Be32(s.P[r.Off:])
		} else {
			o1 = ld.Le32(s.P[r.Off:])

		t := ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - (s.Value + int64(r.Off))
		if t&3 != 0 {
			ld.Ctxt.Diag("relocation for %s+%d is not aligned: %d", r.Sym.Name, r.Off, t)
		if int64(int32(t<<6)>>6) != t {
			// TODO(austin) This can happen if text > 32M.
			// Add a call trampoline to .text in that case.
			ld.Ctxt.Diag("relocation for %s+%d is too big: %d", r.Sym.Name, r.Off, t)

		*val = int64(o1&0xfc000003 | uint32(t)&^0xfc000003)
		return 0

	case obj.R_POWER_TOC: // S + A - .TOC.
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - symtoc(s)

		return 0

	return -1
Example #20
File: asm.go Project: achanda/go
// resolve direct jump relocation r in s, and add trampoline if necessary
func trampoline(ctxt *ld.Link, r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.Symbol) {

	t := ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - (s.Value + int64(r.Off))
	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CALLPOWER:

		// If branch offset is too far then create a trampoline.

		if int64(int32(t<<6)>>6) != t || (*ld.FlagDebugTramp > 1 && s.File != r.Sym.File) {
			var tramp *ld.Symbol
			for i := 0; ; i++ {

				// Using r.Add as part of the name is significant in functions like duffzero where the call
				// target is at some offset within the function.  Calls to duff+8 and duff+256 must appear as
				// distinct trampolines.

				name := r.Sym.Name
				if r.Add == 0 {
					name = name + fmt.Sprintf("-tramp%d", i)
				} else {
					name = name + fmt.Sprintf("%+x-tramp%d", r.Add, i)

				// Look up the trampoline in case it already exists

				tramp = ctxt.Syms.Lookup(name, int(r.Sym.Version))
				if tramp.Value == 0 {

				t = ld.Symaddr(tramp) + r.Add - (s.Value + int64(r.Off))

				// If the offset of the trampoline that has been found is within range, use it.
				if int64(int32(t<<6)>>6) == t {
			if tramp.Type == 0 {
				tramp.Size = 16 // 4 instructions
				tramp.P = make([]byte, tramp.Size)
				t = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add
				f := t & 0xffff0000
				o1 := uint32(0x3fe00000 | (f >> 16)) // lis r31,trampaddr hi (r31 is temp reg)
				f = t & 0xffff
				o2 := uint32(0x63ff0000 | f) // ori r31,trampaddr lo
				o3 := uint32(0x7fe903a6)     // mtctr
				o4 := uint32(0x4e800420)     // bctr
				ld.SysArch.ByteOrder.PutUint32(tramp.P, o1)
				ld.SysArch.ByteOrder.PutUint32(tramp.P[4:], o2)
				ld.SysArch.ByteOrder.PutUint32(tramp.P[8:], o3)
				ld.SysArch.ByteOrder.PutUint32(tramp.P[12:], o4)
			r.Sym = tramp
			r.Add = 0 // This was folded into the trampoline target address
			r.Done = 0
		ld.Errorf(s, "trampoline called with non-jump reloc: %v", r.Type)