Example #1
//ranges through config file and checks all expressions.
// prints result messages to stdout
func (c *checker) CheckAll() ([]CheckResult, error) {
	result := []CheckResult{}
	cnf, err := conf.ReadConfigFile(c.configFile)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	for _, section := range cnf.GetSections() {
		if section == "default" {
		expr, _ := cnf.GetString(section, "expr")
		_, r, err := types.Eval(expr, c.pkg, c.sc)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
		cr := &CheckResult{
			Name: section,
		var m string
		if exact.BoolVal(r) {
			m, err = cnf.GetString(section, "true")
			if err != nil {
		} else {
			m, err = cnf.GetString(section, "false")
			if err != nil {
		val, err := cnf.GetString(section, "val")
		if err == nil {
			t, v, err := types.Eval(val, c.pkg, c.sc)
			if err == nil {
				if types.Identical(t, types.Typ[types.UntypedFloat]) || types.Identical(t, types.Typ[types.Float64]) {
					x, _ := exact.Float64Val(v)
					cr.Value = x
		owner, err := cnf.GetString(section, "owner")
		if err == nil {
			cr.Owner = owner
		} else {
			cr.Owner = "unknown"

		_, msg, err := types.Eval(m, c.pkg, c.sc)
		if err != nil {
			cr.Message = m
		} else {
			cr.Message = exact.StringVal(msg)
		result = append(result, *cr)
	return result, nil
Example #2
File: ops.go Project: 4honor/obdi
// typeAssert checks whether dynamic type of itf is instr.AssertedType.
// It returns the extracted value on success, and panics on failure,
// unless instr.CommaOk, in which case it always returns a "value,ok" tuple.
func typeAssert(i *interpreter, instr *ssa.TypeAssert, itf iface) value {
	var v value
	err := ""
	if itf.t == nil {
		err = fmt.Sprintf("interface conversion: interface is nil, not %s", instr.AssertedType)

	} else if idst, ok := instr.AssertedType.Underlying().(*types.Interface); ok {
		v = itf
		err = checkInterface(i, idst, itf)

	} else if types.Identical(itf.t, instr.AssertedType) {
		v = copyVal(itf.v) // extract value

	} else {
		err = fmt.Sprintf("interface conversion: interface is %s, not %s", itf.t, instr.AssertedType)

	if err != "" {
		if !instr.CommaOk {
		return tuple{zero(instr.AssertedType), false}
	if instr.CommaOk {
		return tuple{v, true}
	return v
Example #3
// Set sets the map entry for key to val,
// and returns the previous entry, if any.
func (m *Map) Set(key types.Type, value interface{}) (prev interface{}) {
	if m.table != nil {
		hash := m.hasher.Hash(key)
		bucket := m.table[hash]
		var hole *entry
		for i, e := range bucket {
			if e.key == nil {
				hole = &bucket[i]
			} else if types.Identical(key, e.key) {
				prev = e.value
				bucket[i].value = value

		if hole != nil {
			*hole = entry{key, value} // overwrite deleted entry
		} else {
			m.table[hash] = append(bucket, entry{key, value})
	} else {
		if m.hasher.memo == nil {
			m.hasher = MakeHasher()
		hash := m.hasher.Hash(key)
		m.table = map[uint32][]entry{hash: {entry{key, value}}}

Example #4
// computeTrackBits sets a.track to the necessary 'track' bits for the pointer queries.
func (a *analysis) computeTrackBits() {
	var queryTypes []types.Type
	for v := range a.config.Queries {
		queryTypes = append(queryTypes, v.Type())
	for v := range a.config.IndirectQueries {
		queryTypes = append(queryTypes, mustDeref(v.Type()))
	for _, t := range queryTypes {
		switch t.Underlying().(type) {
		case *types.Chan:
			a.track |= trackChan
		case *types.Map:
			a.track |= trackMap
		case *types.Pointer:
			a.track |= trackPtr
		case *types.Slice:
			a.track |= trackSlice
		case *types.Interface:
			a.track = trackAll
		if rVObj := a.reflectValueObj; rVObj != nil && types.Identical(t, rVObj.Type()) {
			a.track = trackAll
Example #5
// containsAllIdsOf reports whether the method identifiers of T are a
// superset of those in U.  If U belongs to an interface type, the
// result is equal to types.Assignable(T, U), but is cheaper to compute.
// TODO(gri): make this a method of *types.MethodSet.
func containsAllIdsOf(T, U *types.MethodSet) bool {
	t, tlen := 0, T.Len()
	u, ulen := 0, U.Len()
	for t < tlen && u < ulen {
		tMeth := T.At(t).Obj()
		uMeth := U.At(u).Obj()
		tId := tMeth.Id()
		uId := uMeth.Id()
		if tId > uId {
			// U has a method T lacks: fail.
			return false
		if tId < uId {
			// T has a method U lacks: ignore it.
		// U and T both have a method of this Id.  Check types.
		if !types.Identical(tMeth.Type(), uMeth.Type()) {
			return false // type mismatch
	return u == ulen
Example #6
// assign records pairs of distinct types that are related by
// assignability, where the left-hand side is an interface and both
// sides have methods.
// It should be called for all assignability checks, type assertions,
// explicit conversions and comparisons between two types, unless the
// types are uninteresting (e.g. lhs is a concrete type, or the empty
// interface; rhs has no methods).
func (f *Finder) assign(lhs, rhs types.Type) {
	if types.Identical(lhs, rhs) {
	if !isInterface(lhs) {
	if f.msetcache.MethodSet(lhs).Len() == 0 {
	if f.msetcache.MethodSet(rhs).Len() == 0 {
	// canonicalize types
	lhsc, ok := f.canon.At(lhs).(types.Type)
	if !ok {
		lhsc = lhs
		f.canon.Set(lhs, lhsc)
	rhsc, ok := f.canon.At(rhs).(types.Type)
	if !ok {
		rhsc = rhs
		f.canon.Set(rhs, rhsc)
	// record the pair
	f.Result[Constraint{lhsc, rhsc}] = true
Example #7
func (c *funcContext) translateImplicitConversion(expr ast.Expr, desiredType types.Type) *expression {
	if desiredType == nil {
		return c.translateExpr(expr)
	if expr == nil {
		return c.formatExpr("%s", c.zeroValue(desiredType))

	exprType := c.p.info.Types[expr].Type
	if types.Identical(exprType, desiredType) {
		return c.translateExpr(expr)

	basicExprType, isBasicExpr := exprType.Underlying().(*types.Basic)
	if isBasicExpr && basicExprType.Kind() == types.UntypedNil {
		return c.formatExpr("%s", c.zeroValue(desiredType))

	switch desiredType.Underlying().(type) {
	case *types.Slice:
		return c.formatExpr("$subslice(new %1s(%2e.$array), %2e.$offset, %2e.$offset + %2e.$length)", c.typeName(desiredType), expr)

	case *types.Interface:
		if isWrapped(exprType) {
			return c.formatExpr("new %s(%e)", c.typeName(exprType), expr)
		if _, isStruct := exprType.Underlying().(*types.Struct); isStruct {
			return c.formatExpr("new %1e.constructor.Struct(%1e)", expr)

	return c.translateExpr(expr)
Example #8
func checkEqualButNotIdentical(t *testing.T, x, y types.Type, comment string) {
	if !types.Identical(x, y) {
		t.Errorf("%s: not equal: %s, %s", comment, x, y)
	if x == y {
		t.Errorf("%s: identical: %v, %v", comment, x, y)
Example #9
// At returns the map entry for the given key.
// The result is nil if the entry is not present.
func (m *Map) At(key types.Type) interface{} {
	if m != nil && m.table != nil {
		for _, e := range m.table[m.hasher.Hash(key)] {
			if e.key != nil && types.Identical(key, e.key) {
				return e.value
	return nil
Example #10
// testMainSlice emits to fn code to construct a slice of type slice
// (one of []testing.Internal{Test,Benchmark,Example}) for all
// functions in expfuncs whose name starts with prefix (one of
// "Test", "Benchmark" or "Example") and whose type is appropriate.
// It returns the slice value.
func testMainSlice(fn *Function, expfuncs []*Function, prefix string, slice types.Type) Value {
	tElem := slice.(*types.Slice).Elem()
	tFunc := tElem.Underlying().(*types.Struct).Field(1).Type()

	var testfuncs []*Function
	for _, f := range expfuncs {
		if isTest(f.Name(), prefix) && types.Identical(f.Signature, tFunc) {
			testfuncs = append(testfuncs, f)
	if testfuncs == nil {
		return nilConst(slice)

	tString := types.Typ[types.String]
	tPtrString := types.NewPointer(tString)
	tPtrElem := types.NewPointer(tElem)
	tPtrFunc := types.NewPointer(tFunc)

	// Emit: array = new [n]testing.InternalTest
	tArray := types.NewArray(tElem, int64(len(testfuncs)))
	array := emitNew(fn, tArray, token.NoPos)
	array.Comment = "test main"
	for i, testfunc := range testfuncs {
		// Emit: pitem = &array[i]
		ia := &IndexAddr{X: array, Index: intConst(int64(i))}
		pitem := fn.emit(ia)

		// Emit: pname = &pitem.Name
		fa := &FieldAddr{X: pitem, Field: 0} // .Name
		pname := fn.emit(fa)

		// Emit: *pname = "testfunc"
		emitStore(fn, pname, NewConst(exact.MakeString(testfunc.Name()), tString))

		// Emit: pfunc = &pitem.F
		fa = &FieldAddr{X: pitem, Field: 1} // .F
		pfunc := fn.emit(fa)

		// Emit: *pfunc = testfunc
		emitStore(fn, pfunc, testfunc)

	// Emit: slice array[:]
	sl := &Slice{X: array}
	return fn.emit(sl)
Example #11
// findAssignments returns the set of types to or from which type T is
// assigned in the program syntax.
func (r *renamer) findAssignments(T types.Type) map[types.Type]bool {
	if r.satisfyConstraints == nil {
		// Compute on demand: it's expensive.
		var f satisfy.Finder
		for _, info := range r.packages {
			f.Find(&info.Info, info.Files)
		r.satisfyConstraints = f.Result

	result := make(map[types.Type]bool)
	for key := range r.satisfyConstraints {
		// key = (lhs, rhs) where lhs is always an interface.
		if types.Identical(key.RHS, T) {
			result[key.LHS] = true
		if isInterface(T) && types.Identical(key.LHS, T) {
			// must check both sides
			result[key.RHS] = true
	return result
Example #12
// Delete removes the entry with the given key, if any.
// It returns true if the entry was found.
func (m *Map) Delete(key types.Type) bool {
	if m != nil && m.table != nil {
		hash := m.hasher.Hash(key)
		bucket := m.table[hash]
		for i, e := range bucket {
			if e.key != nil && types.Identical(key, e.key) {
				// We can't compact the bucket as it
				// would disturb iterators.
				bucket[i] = entry{}
				return true
	return false
Example #13
func checkFuncValue(t *testing.T, prog *ssa.Program, obj *types.Func) {
	fn := prog.FuncValue(obj)
	// fmt.Printf("FuncValue(%s) = %s\n", obj, fn) // debugging
	if fn == nil {
		t.Errorf("FuncValue(%s) == nil", obj)
	if fnobj := fn.Object(); fnobj != obj {
		t.Errorf("FuncValue(%s).Object() == %s; value was %s",
			obj, fnobj, fn.Name())
	if !types.Identical(fn.Type(), obj.Type()) {
		t.Errorf("FuncValue(%s).Type() == %s", obj, fn.Type())
Example #14
// isValuePreserving returns true if a conversion from ut_src to
// ut_dst is value-preserving, i.e. just a change of type.
// Precondition: neither argument is a named type.
func isValuePreserving(ut_src, ut_dst types.Type) bool {
	// Identical underlying types?
	if types.Identical(ut_dst, ut_src) {
		return true

	switch ut_dst.(type) {
	case *types.Chan:
		// Conversion between channel types?
		_, ok := ut_src.(*types.Chan)
		return ok

	case *types.Pointer:
		// Conversion between pointers with identical base types?
		_, ok := ut_src.(*types.Pointer)
		return ok
	return false
Example #15
// isErrorMethodCall reports whether the call is of a method with signature
//	func Error() string
// where "string" is the universe's string type. We know the method is called "Error".
func (f *File) isErrorMethodCall(call *ast.CallExpr) bool {
	typ := f.pkg.types[call].Type
	if typ != nil {
		// We know it's called "Error", so just check the function signature.
		return types.Identical(f.pkg.types[call.Fun].Type, stringerMethodType)
	// Without types, we can still check by hand.
	// Is it a selector expression? Otherwise it's a function call, not a method call.
	sel, ok := call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
	if !ok {
		return false
	// The package is type-checked, so if there are no arguments, we're done.
	if len(call.Args) > 0 {
		return false
	// Check the type of the method declaration
	typ = f.pkg.types[sel].Type
	if typ == nil {
		return false
	// The type must be a signature, but be sure for safety.
	sig, ok := typ.(*types.Signature)
	if !ok {
		return false
	// There must be a receiver for it to be a method call. Otherwise it is
	// a function, not something that satisfies the error interface.
	if sig.Recv() == nil {
		return false
	// There must be no arguments. Already verified by type checking, but be thorough.
	if sig.Params().Len() > 0 {
		return false
	// Finally the real questions.
	// There must be one result.
	if sig.Results().Len() != 1 {
		return false
	// It must have return type "string" from the universe.
	return sig.Results().At(0).Type() == types.Typ[types.String]
Example #16
func checkConstValue(t *testing.T, prog *ssa.Program, obj *types.Const) {
	c := prog.ConstValue(obj)
	// fmt.Printf("ConstValue(%s) = %s\n", obj, c) // debugging
	if c == nil {
		t.Errorf("ConstValue(%s) == nil", obj)
	if !types.Identical(c.Type(), obj.Type()) {
		t.Errorf("ConstValue(%s).Type() == %s", obj, c.Type())
	if obj.Name() != "nil" {
		if !exact.Compare(c.Value, token.EQL, obj.Val()) {
			t.Errorf("ConstValue(%s).Value (%s) != %s",
				obj, c.Value, obj.Val())
Example #17
// checkShadowing checks whether the identifier shadows an identifier in an outer scope.
func (f *File) checkShadowing(ident *ast.Ident) {
	if ident.Name == "_" {
		// Can't shadow the blank identifier.
	obj := f.pkg.defs[ident]
	if obj == nil {
	// obj.Parent.Parent is the surrounding scope. If we can find another declaration
	// starting from there, we have a shadowed variable.
	shadowed := obj.Parent().Parent().LookupParent(obj.Name())
	if shadowed == nil {
	// Don't complain if it's shadowing a universe-declared variable; that's fine.
	if shadowed.Parent() == types.Universe {
	if *strictShadowing {
		// The shadowed variable must appear before this one to be an instance of shadowing.
		if shadowed.Pos() > ident.Pos() {
	} else {
		// Don't complain if the span of validity of the shadowed variable doesn't include
		// the shadowing variable.
		span, ok := f.pkg.spans[shadowed]
		if !ok {
			f.Badf(ident.Pos(), "internal error: no range for %s", ident.Name)
		if !span.contains(ident.Pos()) {
	// Don't complain if the types differ: that implies the programmer really wants two variables.
	if types.Identical(obj.Type(), shadowed.Type()) {
		f.Badf(ident.Pos(), "declaration of %s shadows declaration at %s", obj.Name(), f.loc(shadowed.Pos()))
Example #18
// emitCompare emits to f code compute the boolean result of
// comparison comparison 'x op y'.
func emitCompare(f *Function, op token.Token, x, y Value, pos token.Pos) Value {
	xt := x.Type().Underlying()
	yt := y.Type().Underlying()

	// Special case to optimise a tagless SwitchStmt so that
	// these are equivalent
	//   switch { case e: ...}
	//   switch true { case e: ... }
	//   if e==true { ... }
	// even in the case when e's type is an interface.
	// TODO(adonovan): opt: generalise to x==true, false!=y, etc.
	if x == vTrue && op == token.EQL {
		if yt, ok := yt.(*types.Basic); ok && yt.Info()&types.IsBoolean != 0 {
			return y

	if types.Identical(xt, yt) {
		// no conversion necessary
	} else if _, ok := xt.(*types.Interface); ok {
		y = emitConv(f, y, x.Type())
	} else if _, ok := yt.(*types.Interface); ok {
		x = emitConv(f, x, y.Type())
	} else if _, ok := x.(*Const); ok {
		x = emitConv(f, x, y.Type())
	} else if _, ok := y.(*Const); ok {
		y = emitConv(f, y, x.Type())
	} else {
		// other cases, e.g. channels.  No-op.

	v := &BinOp{
		Op: op,
		X:  x,
		Y:  y,
	return f.emit(v)
Example #19
func checkVarValue(t *testing.T, prog *ssa.Program, pkg *ssa.Package, ref []ast.Node, obj *types.Var, expKind string, wantAddr bool) {
	// The prefix of all assertions messages.
	prefix := fmt.Sprintf("VarValue(%s @ L%d)",
		obj, prog.Fset.Position(ref[0].Pos()).Line)

	v, gotAddr := prog.VarValue(obj, pkg, ref)

	// Kind is the concrete type of the ssa Value.
	gotKind := "nil"
	if v != nil {
		gotKind = fmt.Sprintf("%T", v)[len("*ssa."):]

	// fmt.Printf("%s = %v (kind %q; expect %q) wantAddr=%t gotAddr=%t\n", prefix, v, gotKind, expKind, wantAddr, gotAddr) // debugging

	// Check the kinds match.
	// "nil" indicates expected failure (e.g. optimized away).
	if expKind != gotKind {
		t.Errorf("%s concrete type == %s, want %s", prefix, gotKind, expKind)

	// Check the types match.
	// If wantAddr, the expected type is the object's address.
	if v != nil {
		expType := obj.Type()
		if wantAddr {
			expType = types.NewPointer(expType)
			if !gotAddr {
				t.Errorf("%s: got value, want address", prefix)
		} else if gotAddr {
			t.Errorf("%s: got address, want value", prefix)
		if !types.Identical(v.Type(), expType) {
			t.Errorf("%s.Type() == %s, want %s", prefix, v.Type(), expType)
Example #20
// emitConv emits to f code to convert Value val to exactly type typ,
// and returns the converted value.  Implicit conversions are required
// by language assignability rules in assignments, parameter passing,
// etc.  Conversions cannot fail dynamically.
func emitConv(f *Function, val Value, typ types.Type) Value {
	t_src := val.Type()

	// Identical types?  Conversion is a no-op.
	if types.Identical(t_src, typ) {
		return val

	ut_dst := typ.Underlying()
	ut_src := t_src.Underlying()

	// Just a change of type, but not value or representation?
	if isValuePreserving(ut_src, ut_dst) {
		c := &ChangeType{X: val}
		return f.emit(c)

	// Conversion to, or construction of a value of, an interface type?
	if _, ok := ut_dst.(*types.Interface); ok {
		// Assignment from one interface type to another?
		if _, ok := ut_src.(*types.Interface); ok {
			c := &ChangeInterface{X: val}
			return f.emit(c)

		// Untyped nil constant?  Return interface-typed nil constant.
		if ut_src == tUntypedNil {
			return nilConst(typ)

		// Convert (non-nil) "untyped" literals to their default type.
		if t, ok := ut_src.(*types.Basic); ok && t.Info()&types.IsUntyped != 0 {
			val = emitConv(f, val, DefaultType(ut_src))

		mi := &MakeInterface{X: val}
		return f.emit(mi)

	// Conversion of a compile-time constant value?
	if c, ok := val.(*Const); ok {
		if _, ok := ut_dst.(*types.Basic); ok || c.IsNil() {
			// Conversion of a compile-time constant to
			// another constant type results in a new
			// constant of the destination type and
			// (initially) the same abstract value.
			// We don't truncate the value yet.
			return NewConst(c.Value, typ)

		// We're converting from constant to non-constant type,
		// e.g. string -> []byte/[]rune.

	// A representation-changing conversion.
	c := &Convert{X: val}
	return f.emit(c)
Example #21
// Ensure that, in debug mode, we can determine the ssa.Value
// corresponding to every ast.Expr.
func TestValueForExpr(t *testing.T) {
	conf := loader.Config{ParserMode: parser.ParseComments}
	f, err := conf.ParseFile("testdata/valueforexpr.go", nil)
	if err != nil {
	conf.CreateFromFiles("main", f)

	iprog, err := conf.Load()
	if err != nil {

	mainInfo := iprog.Created[0]

	prog := ssa.Create(iprog, 0)
	mainPkg := prog.Package(mainInfo.Pkg)

	if false {
		// debugging
		for _, mem := range mainPkg.Members {
			if fn, ok := mem.(*ssa.Function); ok {

	// Find the actual AST node for each canonical position.
	parenExprByPos := make(map[token.Pos]*ast.ParenExpr)
	ast.Inspect(f, func(n ast.Node) bool {
		if n != nil {
			if e, ok := n.(*ast.ParenExpr); ok {
				parenExprByPos[e.Pos()] = e
		return true

	// Find all annotations of form /*@kind*/.
	for _, c := range f.Comments {
		text := strings.TrimSpace(c.Text())
		if text == "" || text[0] != '@' {
		text = text[1:]
		pos := c.End() + 1
		position := prog.Fset.Position(pos)
		var e ast.Expr
		if target := parenExprByPos[pos]; target == nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: annotation doesn't precede ParenExpr: %q", position, text)
		} else {
			e = target.X

		path, _ := astutil.PathEnclosingInterval(f, pos, pos)
		if path == nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: can't find AST path from root to comment: %s", position, text)

		fn := ssa.EnclosingFunction(mainPkg, path)
		if fn == nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: can't find enclosing function", position)

		v, gotAddr := fn.ValueForExpr(e) // (may be nil)
		got := strings.TrimPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("%T", v), "*ssa.")
		if want := text; got != want {
			t.Errorf("%s: got value %q, want %q", position, got, want)
		if v != nil {
			T := v.Type()
			if gotAddr {
				T = T.Underlying().(*types.Pointer).Elem() // deref
			if !types.Identical(T, mainInfo.TypeOf(e)) {
				t.Errorf("%s: got type %s, want %s", position, mainInfo.TypeOf(e), T)
Example #22
// Like isTest, but checks the signature too.
func isTestSig(f *Function, prefix string, sig *types.Signature) bool {
	return isTest(f.Name(), prefix) && types.Identical(f.Signature, sig)
Example #23
func (c *funcContext) translateExpr(expr ast.Expr) *expression {
	exprType := c.p.info.Types[expr].Type
	if value := c.p.info.Types[expr].Value; value != nil {
		basic := types.Typ[types.String]
		if value.Kind() != exact.String { // workaround for bug in go/types
			basic = exprType.Underlying().(*types.Basic)
		switch {
		case basic.Info()&types.IsBoolean != 0:
			return c.formatExpr("%s", strconv.FormatBool(exact.BoolVal(value)))
		case basic.Info()&types.IsInteger != 0:
			if is64Bit(basic) {
				d, _ := exact.Uint64Val(value)
				if basic.Kind() == types.Int64 {
					return c.formatExpr("new %s(%s, %s)", c.typeName(exprType), strconv.FormatInt(int64(d)>>32, 10), strconv.FormatUint(d&(1<<32-1), 10))
				return c.formatExpr("new %s(%s, %s)", c.typeName(exprType), strconv.FormatUint(d>>32, 10), strconv.FormatUint(d&(1<<32-1), 10))
			d, _ := exact.Int64Val(value)
			return c.formatExpr("%s", strconv.FormatInt(d, 10))
		case basic.Info()&types.IsFloat != 0:
			f, _ := exact.Float64Val(value)
			return c.formatExpr("%s", strconv.FormatFloat(f, 'g', -1, 64))
		case basic.Info()&types.IsComplex != 0:
			r, _ := exact.Float64Val(exact.Real(value))
			i, _ := exact.Float64Val(exact.Imag(value))
			if basic.Kind() == types.UntypedComplex {
				exprType = types.Typ[types.Complex128]
			return c.formatExpr("new %s(%s, %s)", c.typeName(exprType), strconv.FormatFloat(r, 'g', -1, 64), strconv.FormatFloat(i, 'g', -1, 64))
		case basic.Info()&types.IsString != 0:
			return c.formatExpr("%s", encodeString(exact.StringVal(value)))
			panic("Unhandled constant type: " + basic.String())

	switch e := expr.(type) {
	case *ast.CompositeLit:
		if ptrType, isPointer := exprType.(*types.Pointer); isPointer {
			exprType = ptrType.Elem()

		collectIndexedElements := func(elementType types.Type) []string {
			elements := make([]string, 0)
			i := 0
			zero := c.zeroValue(elementType)
			for _, element := range e.Elts {
				if kve, isKve := element.(*ast.KeyValueExpr); isKve {
					key, _ := exact.Int64Val(c.p.info.Types[kve.Key].Value)
					i = int(key)
					element = kve.Value
				for len(elements) <= i {
					elements = append(elements, zero)
				elements[i] = c.translateImplicitConversionWithCloning(element, elementType).String()
			return elements

		switch t := exprType.Underlying().(type) {
		case *types.Array:
			elements := collectIndexedElements(t.Elem())
			if len(elements) == 0 {
				return c.formatExpr("%s", c.zeroValue(t))
			zero := c.zeroValue(t.Elem())
			for len(elements) < int(t.Len()) {
				elements = append(elements, zero)
			return c.formatExpr(`$toNativeArray("%s", [%s])`, typeKind(t.Elem()), strings.Join(elements, ", "))
		case *types.Slice:
			return c.formatExpr("new %s([%s])", c.typeName(exprType), strings.Join(collectIndexedElements(t.Elem()), ", "))
		case *types.Map:
			mapVar := c.newVariable("_map")
			keyVar := c.newVariable("_key")
			assignments := ""
			for _, element := range e.Elts {
				kve := element.(*ast.KeyValueExpr)
				assignments += c.formatExpr(`%s = %s, %s[%s] = { k: %s, v: %s }, `, keyVar, c.translateImplicitConversion(kve.Key, t.Key()), mapVar, c.makeKey(c.newIdent(keyVar, t.Key()), t.Key()), keyVar, c.translateImplicitConversion(kve.Value, t.Elem())).String()
			return c.formatExpr("(%s = new $Map(), %s%s)", mapVar, assignments, mapVar)
		case *types.Struct:
			elements := make([]string, t.NumFields())
			isKeyValue := true
			if len(e.Elts) != 0 {
				_, isKeyValue = e.Elts[0].(*ast.KeyValueExpr)
			if !isKeyValue {
				for i, element := range e.Elts {
					elements[i] = c.translateImplicitConversion(element, t.Field(i).Type()).String()
			if isKeyValue {
				for i := range elements {
					elements[i] = c.zeroValue(t.Field(i).Type())
				for _, element := range e.Elts {
					kve := element.(*ast.KeyValueExpr)
					for j := range elements {
						if kve.Key.(*ast.Ident).Name == t.Field(j).Name() {
							elements[j] = c.translateImplicitConversion(kve.Value, t.Field(j).Type()).String()
			return c.formatExpr("new %s.Ptr(%s)", c.typeName(exprType), strings.Join(elements, ", "))
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled CompositeLit type: %T\n", t))

	case *ast.FuncLit:
		innerContext := c.p.analyzeFunction(exprType.(*types.Signature), e.Body)
		params, body := innerContext.translateFunction(e.Type, e.Body.List, c.allVars)
		if len(c.p.escapingVars) != 0 {
			names := make([]string, 0, len(c.p.escapingVars))
			for obj := range c.p.escapingVars {
				names = append(names, c.p.objectVars[obj])
			list := strings.Join(names, ", ")
			return c.formatExpr("(function(%s) { return function(%s) {\n%s%s}; })(%s)", list, strings.Join(params, ", "), string(body), strings.Repeat("\t", c.p.indentation), list)
		return c.formatExpr("(function(%s) {\n%s%s})", strings.Join(params, ", "), string(body), strings.Repeat("\t", c.p.indentation))

	case *ast.UnaryExpr:
		t := c.p.info.Types[e.X].Type
		switch e.Op {
		case token.AND:
			switch t.Underlying().(type) {
			case *types.Struct, *types.Array:
				return c.translateExpr(e.X)

			switch x := removeParens(e.X).(type) {
			case *ast.CompositeLit:
				return c.formatExpr("$newDataPointer(%e, %s)", x, c.typeName(c.p.info.Types[e].Type))
			case *ast.Ident:
				if obj := c.p.info.Uses[x]; c.p.escapingVars[obj] {
					return c.formatExpr("new %s(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, %s)", c.typeName(exprType), c.p.objectVars[obj])
				return c.formatExpr("new %s(function() { return %e; }, function($v) { %s })", c.typeName(exprType), x, c.translateAssign(x, "$v", exprType, false))
			case *ast.SelectorExpr:
				newSel := &ast.SelectorExpr{X: c.newIdent("this.$target", c.p.info.Types[x.X].Type), Sel: x.Sel}
				c.p.info.Selections[newSel] = c.p.info.Selections[x]
				return c.formatExpr("new %s(function() { return %e; }, function($v) { %s }, %e)", c.typeName(exprType), newSel, c.translateAssign(newSel, "$v", exprType, false), x.X)
			case *ast.IndexExpr:
				newIndex := &ast.IndexExpr{X: c.newIdent("this.$target", c.p.info.Types[x.X].Type), Index: x.Index}
				return c.formatExpr("new %s(function() { return %e; }, function($v) { %s }, %e)", c.typeName(exprType), newIndex, c.translateAssign(newIndex, "$v", exprType, false), x.X)
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled: %T\n", x))

		case token.ARROW:
			call := &ast.CallExpr{
				Fun:  c.newIdent("$recv", types.NewSignature(nil, nil, types.NewTuple(types.NewVar(0, nil, "", t)), types.NewTuple(types.NewVar(0, nil, "", exprType), types.NewVar(0, nil, "", types.Typ[types.Bool])), false)),
				Args: []ast.Expr{e.X},
			c.blocking[call] = true
			if _, isTuple := exprType.(*types.Tuple); isTuple {
				return c.formatExpr("%e", call)
			return c.formatExpr("%e[0]", call)

		basic := t.Underlying().(*types.Basic)
		switch e.Op {
		case token.ADD:
			return c.translateExpr(e.X)
		case token.SUB:
			switch {
			case is64Bit(basic):
				return c.formatExpr("new %1s(-%2h, -%2l)", c.typeName(t), e.X)
			case basic.Info()&types.IsComplex != 0:
				return c.formatExpr("new %1s(-%2r, -%2i)", c.typeName(t), e.X)
			case basic.Info()&types.IsUnsigned != 0:
				return c.fixNumber(c.formatExpr("-%e", e.X), basic)
				return c.formatExpr("-%e", e.X)
		case token.XOR:
			if is64Bit(basic) {
				return c.formatExpr("new %1s(~%2h, ~%2l >>> 0)", c.typeName(t), e.X)
			return c.fixNumber(c.formatExpr("~%e", e.X), basic)
		case token.NOT:
			x := c.translateExpr(e.X)
			if x.String() == "true" {
				return c.formatExpr("false")
			if x.String() == "false" {
				return c.formatExpr("true")
			return c.formatExpr("!%s", x)

	case *ast.BinaryExpr:
		if e.Op == token.NEQ {
			return c.formatExpr("!(%s)", c.translateExpr(&ast.BinaryExpr{
				X:  e.X,
				Op: token.EQL,
				Y:  e.Y,

		t := c.p.info.Types[e.X].Type
		t2 := c.p.info.Types[e.Y].Type
		_, isInterface := t2.Underlying().(*types.Interface)
		if isInterface {
			t = t2

		if basic, isBasic := t.Underlying().(*types.Basic); isBasic && basic.Info()&types.IsNumeric != 0 {
			if is64Bit(basic) {
				switch e.Op {
				case token.MUL:
					return c.formatExpr("$mul64(%e, %e)", e.X, e.Y)
				case token.QUO:
					return c.formatExpr("$div64(%e, %e, false)", e.X, e.Y)
				case token.REM:
					return c.formatExpr("$div64(%e, %e, true)", e.X, e.Y)
				case token.SHL:
					return c.formatExpr("$shiftLeft64(%e, %f)", e.X, e.Y)
				case token.SHR:
					return c.formatExpr("$shiftRight%s(%e, %f)", toJavaScriptType(basic), e.X, e.Y)
				case token.EQL:
					return c.formatExpr("(%1h === %2h && %1l === %2l)", e.X, e.Y)
				case token.LSS:
					return c.formatExpr("(%1h < %2h || (%1h === %2h && %1l < %2l))", e.X, e.Y)
				case token.LEQ:
					return c.formatExpr("(%1h < %2h || (%1h === %2h && %1l <= %2l))", e.X, e.Y)
				case token.GTR:
					return c.formatExpr("(%1h > %2h || (%1h === %2h && %1l > %2l))", e.X, e.Y)
				case token.GEQ:
					return c.formatExpr("(%1h > %2h || (%1h === %2h && %1l >= %2l))", e.X, e.Y)
				case token.ADD, token.SUB:
					return c.formatExpr("new %3s(%1h %4t %2h, %1l %4t %2l)", e.X, e.Y, c.typeName(t), e.Op)
				case token.AND, token.OR, token.XOR:
					return c.formatExpr("new %3s(%1h %4t %2h, (%1l %4t %2l) >>> 0)", e.X, e.Y, c.typeName(t), e.Op)
				case token.AND_NOT:
					return c.formatExpr("new %3s(%1h &~ %2h, (%1l &~ %2l) >>> 0)", e.X, e.Y, c.typeName(t))

			if basic.Info()&types.IsComplex != 0 {
				switch e.Op {
				case token.EQL:
					if basic.Kind() == types.Complex64 {
						return c.formatExpr("($float32IsEqual(%1r, %2r) && $float32IsEqual(%1i, %2i))", e.X, e.Y)
					return c.formatExpr("(%1r === %2r && %1i === %2i)", e.X, e.Y)
				case token.ADD, token.SUB:
					return c.formatExpr("new %3s(%1r %4t %2r, %1i %4t %2i)", e.X, e.Y, c.typeName(t), e.Op)
				case token.MUL:
					return c.formatExpr("new %3s(%1r * %2r - %1i * %2i, %1r * %2i + %1i * %2r)", e.X, e.Y, c.typeName(t))
				case token.QUO:
					return c.formatExpr("$divComplex(%e, %e)", e.X, e.Y)

			switch e.Op {
			case token.EQL:
				if basic.Kind() == types.Float32 {
					return c.formatParenExpr("$float32IsEqual(%e, %e)", e.X, e.Y)
				return c.formatParenExpr("%e === %e", e.X, e.Y)
			case token.LSS, token.LEQ, token.GTR, token.GEQ:
				return c.formatExpr("%e %t %e", e.X, e.Op, e.Y)
			case token.ADD, token.SUB:
				if basic.Info()&types.IsInteger != 0 {
					return c.fixNumber(c.formatExpr("%e %t %e", e.X, e.Op, e.Y), basic)
				return c.formatExpr("%e %t %e", e.X, e.Op, e.Y)
			case token.MUL:
				switch basic.Kind() {
				case types.Int32, types.Int:
					return c.formatParenExpr("(((%1e >>> 16 << 16) * %2e >> 0) + (%1e << 16 >>> 16) * %2e) >> 0", e.X, e.Y)
				case types.Uint32, types.Uint, types.Uintptr:
					return c.formatParenExpr("(((%1e >>> 16 << 16) * %2e >>> 0) + (%1e << 16 >>> 16) * %2e) >>> 0", e.X, e.Y)
				case types.Float32, types.Float64:
					return c.formatExpr("%e * %e", e.X, e.Y)
					return c.fixNumber(c.formatExpr("%e * %e", e.X, e.Y), basic)
			case token.QUO:
				if basic.Info()&types.IsInteger != 0 {
					// cut off decimals
					shift := ">>"
					if basic.Info()&types.IsUnsigned != 0 {
						shift = ">>>"
					return c.formatExpr(`(%1s = %2e / %3e, (%1s === %1s && %1s !== 1/0 && %1s !== -1/0) ? %1s %4s 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))`, c.newVariable("_q"), e.X, e.Y, shift)
				return c.formatExpr("%e / %e", e.X, e.Y)
			case token.REM:
				return c.formatExpr(`(%1s = %2e %% %3e, %1s === %1s ? %1s : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))`, c.newVariable("_r"), e.X, e.Y)
			case token.SHL, token.SHR:
				op := e.Op.String()
				if e.Op == token.SHR && basic.Info()&types.IsUnsigned != 0 {
					op = ">>>"
				if c.p.info.Types[e.Y].Value != nil {
					return c.fixNumber(c.formatExpr("%e %s %e", e.X, op, e.Y), basic)
				if e.Op == token.SHR && basic.Info()&types.IsUnsigned == 0 {
					return c.fixNumber(c.formatParenExpr("%e >> $min(%e, 31)", e.X, e.Y), basic)
				y := c.newVariable("y")
				return c.fixNumber(c.formatExpr("(%s = %s, %s < 32 ? (%e %s %s) : 0)", y, c.translateImplicitConversion(e.Y, types.Typ[types.Uint]), y, e.X, op, y), basic)
			case token.AND, token.OR:
				if basic.Info()&types.IsUnsigned != 0 {
					return c.formatParenExpr("(%e %t %e) >>> 0", e.X, e.Op, e.Y)
				return c.formatParenExpr("%e %t %e", e.X, e.Op, e.Y)
			case token.AND_NOT:
				return c.formatParenExpr("%e & ~%e", e.X, e.Y)
			case token.XOR:
				return c.fixNumber(c.formatParenExpr("%e ^ %e", e.X, e.Y), basic)

		switch e.Op {
		case token.ADD, token.LSS, token.LEQ, token.GTR, token.GEQ:
			return c.formatExpr("%e %t %e", e.X, e.Op, e.Y)
		case token.LAND:
			x := c.translateExpr(e.X)
			y := c.translateExpr(e.Y)
			if x.String() == "false" {
				return c.formatExpr("false")
			return c.formatExpr("%s && %s", x, y)
		case token.LOR:
			x := c.translateExpr(e.X)
			y := c.translateExpr(e.Y)
			if x.String() == "true" {
				return c.formatExpr("true")
			return c.formatExpr("%s || %s", x, y)
		case token.EQL:
			switch u := t.Underlying().(type) {
			case *types.Array, *types.Struct:
				return c.formatExpr("$equal(%e, %e, %s)", e.X, e.Y, c.typeName(t))
			case *types.Interface:
				if isJsObject(t) {
					return c.formatExpr("%s === %s", c.translateImplicitConversion(e.X, t), c.translateImplicitConversion(e.Y, t))
				return c.formatExpr("$interfaceIsEqual(%s, %s)", c.translateImplicitConversion(e.X, t), c.translateImplicitConversion(e.Y, t))
			case *types.Pointer:
				xUnary, xIsUnary := e.X.(*ast.UnaryExpr)
				yUnary, yIsUnary := e.Y.(*ast.UnaryExpr)
				if xIsUnary && xUnary.Op == token.AND && yIsUnary && yUnary.Op == token.AND {
					xIndex, xIsIndex := xUnary.X.(*ast.IndexExpr)
					yIndex, yIsIndex := yUnary.X.(*ast.IndexExpr)
					if xIsIndex && yIsIndex {
						return c.formatExpr("$sliceIsEqual(%e, %f, %e, %f)", xIndex.X, xIndex.Index, yIndex.X, yIndex.Index)
				switch u.Elem().Underlying().(type) {
				case *types.Struct, *types.Interface:
					return c.formatExpr("%s === %s", c.translateImplicitConversion(e.X, t), c.translateImplicitConversion(e.Y, t))
				case *types.Array:
					return c.formatExpr("$equal(%s, %s, %s)", c.translateImplicitConversion(e.X, t), c.translateImplicitConversion(e.Y, t), c.typeName(u.Elem()))
					return c.formatExpr("$pointerIsEqual(%s, %s)", c.translateImplicitConversion(e.X, t), c.translateImplicitConversion(e.Y, t))
				return c.formatExpr("%s === %s", c.translateImplicitConversion(e.X, t), c.translateImplicitConversion(e.Y, t))

	case *ast.ParenExpr:
		x := c.translateExpr(e.X)
		if x.String() == "true" || x.String() == "false" {
			return x
		return c.formatParenExpr("%s", x)

	case *ast.IndexExpr:
		switch t := c.p.info.Types[e.X].Type.Underlying().(type) {
		case *types.Array, *types.Pointer:
			if c.p.info.Types[e.Index].Value != nil {
				return c.formatExpr("%e[%f]", e.X, e.Index)
			return c.formatExpr(`((%2f < 0 || %2f >= %1e.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : %1e[%2f])`, e.X, e.Index)
		case *types.Slice:
			return c.formatExpr(`((%2f < 0 || %2f >= %1e.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : %1e.$array[%1e.$offset + %2f])`, e.X, e.Index)
		case *types.Map:
			key := c.makeKey(e.Index, t.Key())
			if _, isTuple := exprType.(*types.Tuple); isTuple {
				return c.formatExpr(`(%1s = %2e[%3s], %1s !== undefined ? [%1s.v, true] : [%4s, false])`, c.newVariable("_entry"), e.X, key, c.zeroValue(t.Elem()))
			return c.formatExpr(`(%1s = %2e[%3s], %1s !== undefined ? %1s.v : %4s)`, c.newVariable("_entry"), e.X, key, c.zeroValue(t.Elem()))
		case *types.Basic:
			return c.formatExpr("%e.charCodeAt(%f)", e.X, e.Index)
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled IndexExpr: %T\n", t))

	case *ast.SliceExpr:
		if b, isBasic := c.p.info.Types[e.X].Type.Underlying().(*types.Basic); isBasic && b.Info()&types.IsString != 0 {
			switch {
			case e.Low == nil && e.High == nil:
				return c.translateExpr(e.X)
			case e.Low == nil:
				return c.formatExpr("%e.substring(0, %f)", e.X, e.High)
			case e.High == nil:
				return c.formatExpr("%e.substring(%f)", e.X, e.Low)
				return c.formatExpr("%e.substring(%f, %f)", e.X, e.Low, e.High)
		slice := c.translateConversionToSlice(e.X, exprType)
		switch {
		case e.Low == nil && e.High == nil:
			return c.formatExpr("%s", slice)
		case e.Low == nil:
			if e.Max != nil {
				return c.formatExpr("$subslice(%s, 0, %f, %f)", slice, e.High, e.Max)
			return c.formatExpr("$subslice(%s, 0, %f)", slice, e.High)
		case e.High == nil:
			return c.formatExpr("$subslice(%s, %f)", slice, e.Low)
			if e.Max != nil {
				return c.formatExpr("$subslice(%s, %f, %f, %f)", slice, e.Low, e.High, e.Max)
			return c.formatExpr("$subslice(%s, %f, %f)", slice, e.Low, e.High)

	case *ast.SelectorExpr:
		sel, ok := c.p.info.Selections[e]
		if !ok {
			// qualified identifier
			obj := c.p.info.Uses[e.Sel]
			if isJsPackage(obj.Pkg()) {
				switch obj.Name() {
				case "Global":
					return c.formatExpr("$global")
				case "This":
					if len(c.flattened) != 0 {
						return c.formatExpr("$this")
					return c.formatExpr("this")
				case "Arguments":
					args := "arguments"
					if len(c.flattened) != 0 {
						args = "$args"
					return c.formatExpr(`new ($sliceType(%s.Object))($global.Array.prototype.slice.call(%s, []))`, c.p.pkgVars["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"], args)
				case "Module":
					return c.formatExpr("$module")
					panic("Invalid js package object: " + obj.Name())
			return c.formatExpr("%s", c.objectName(obj))

		parameterName := func(v *types.Var) string {
			if v.Anonymous() || v.Name() == "" {
				return c.newVariable("param")
			return c.newVariable(v.Name())
		makeParametersList := func() []string {
			params := sel.Obj().Type().(*types.Signature).Params()
			names := make([]string, params.Len())
			for i := 0; i < params.Len(); i++ {
				names[i] = parameterName(params.At(i))
			return names

		switch sel.Kind() {
		case types.FieldVal:
			fields, jsTag := c.translateSelection(sel)
			if jsTag != "" {
				if _, ok := sel.Type().(*types.Signature); ok {
					return c.formatExpr("$internalize(%1e.%2s.%3s, %4s, %1e.%2s)", e.X, strings.Join(fields, "."), jsTag, c.typeName(sel.Type()))
				return c.internalize(c.formatExpr("%e.%s.%s", e.X, strings.Join(fields, "."), jsTag), sel.Type())
			return c.formatExpr("%e.%s", e.X, strings.Join(fields, "."))
		case types.MethodVal:
			if !sel.Obj().Exported() {
				c.p.dependencies[sel.Obj()] = true
			parameters := makeParametersList()
			target := c.translateExpr(e.X)
			if isWrapped(sel.Recv()) {
				target = c.formatParenExpr("new %s(%s)", c.typeName(sel.Recv()), target)
			recv := c.newVariable("_recv")
			return c.formatExpr("(%s = %s, function(%s) { $stackDepthOffset--; try { return %s.%s(%s); } finally { $stackDepthOffset++; } })", recv, target, strings.Join(parameters, ", "), recv, e.Sel.Name, strings.Join(parameters, ", "))
		case types.MethodExpr:
			if !sel.Obj().Exported() {
				c.p.dependencies[sel.Obj()] = true
			recv := "recv"
			if isWrapped(sel.Recv()) {
				recv = fmt.Sprintf("(new %s(recv))", c.typeName(sel.Recv()))
			parameters := makeParametersList()
			return c.formatExpr("(function(%s) { $stackDepthOffset--; try { return %s.%s(%s); } finally { $stackDepthOffset++; } })", strings.Join(append([]string{"recv"}, parameters...), ", "), recv, sel.Obj().(*types.Func).Name(), strings.Join(parameters, ", "))

	case *ast.CallExpr:
		plainFun := e.Fun
		for {
			if p, isParen := plainFun.(*ast.ParenExpr); isParen {
				plainFun = p.X

		var isType func(ast.Expr) bool
		isType = func(expr ast.Expr) bool {
			switch e := expr.(type) {
			case *ast.ArrayType, *ast.ChanType, *ast.FuncType, *ast.InterfaceType, *ast.MapType, *ast.StructType:
				return true
			case *ast.StarExpr:
				return isType(e.X)
			case *ast.Ident:
				_, ok := c.p.info.Uses[e].(*types.TypeName)
				return ok
			case *ast.SelectorExpr:
				_, ok := c.p.info.Uses[e.Sel].(*types.TypeName)
				return ok
			case *ast.ParenExpr:
				return isType(e.X)
				return false

		if isType(plainFun) {
			return c.formatExpr("%s", c.translateConversion(e.Args[0], c.p.info.Types[plainFun].Type))

		var fun *expression
		switch f := plainFun.(type) {
		case *ast.Ident:
			if o, ok := c.p.info.Uses[f].(*types.Builtin); ok {
				return c.translateBuiltin(o.Name(), e.Args, e.Ellipsis.IsValid(), exprType)
			fun = c.translateExpr(plainFun)

		case *ast.SelectorExpr:
			sel, ok := c.p.info.Selections[f]
			if !ok {
				// qualified identifier
				obj := c.p.info.Uses[f.Sel]
				if isJsPackage(obj.Pkg()) {
					switch obj.Name() {
					case "InternalObject":
						return c.translateExpr(e.Args[0])
				fun = c.translateExpr(f)

			externalizeExpr := func(e ast.Expr) string {
				t := c.p.info.Types[e].Type
				if types.Identical(t, types.Typ[types.UntypedNil]) {
					return "null"
				return c.externalize(c.translateExpr(e).String(), t)
			externalizeArgs := func(args []ast.Expr) string {
				s := make([]string, len(args))
				for i, arg := range args {
					s[i] = externalizeExpr(arg)
				return strings.Join(s, ", ")

			switch sel.Kind() {
			case types.MethodVal:
				if !sel.Obj().Exported() {
					c.p.dependencies[sel.Obj()] = true

				methodName := sel.Obj().Name()
				if reservedKeywords[methodName] {
					methodName += "$"

				recvType := sel.Recv()
				_, isPointer := recvType.Underlying().(*types.Pointer)
				methodsRecvType := sel.Obj().Type().(*types.Signature).Recv().Type()
				_, pointerExpected := methodsRecvType.(*types.Pointer)
				var recv *expression
				switch {
				case !isPointer && pointerExpected:
					recv = c.translateExpr(c.setType(&ast.UnaryExpr{Op: token.AND, X: f.X}, methodsRecvType))
					recv = c.translateExpr(f.X)

				for _, index := range sel.Index()[:len(sel.Index())-1] {
					if ptr, isPtr := recvType.(*types.Pointer); isPtr {
						recvType = ptr.Elem()
					s := recvType.Underlying().(*types.Struct)
					recv = c.formatExpr("%s.%s", recv, fieldName(s, index))
					recvType = s.Field(index).Type()

				if isJsPackage(sel.Obj().Pkg()) {
					globalRef := func(id string) string {
						if recv.String() == "$global" && id[0] == '$' {
							return id
						return recv.String() + "." + id
					switch sel.Obj().Name() {
					case "Get":
						if id, ok := c.identifierConstant(e.Args[0]); ok {
							return c.formatExpr("%s", globalRef(id))
						return c.formatExpr("%s[$externalize(%e, $String)]", recv, e.Args[0])
					case "Set":
						if id, ok := c.identifierConstant(e.Args[0]); ok {
							return c.formatExpr("%s = %s", globalRef(id), externalizeExpr(e.Args[1]))
						return c.formatExpr("%s[$externalize(%e, $String)] = %s", recv, e.Args[0], externalizeExpr(e.Args[1]))
					case "Delete":
						return c.formatExpr("delete %s[$externalize(%e, $String)]", recv, e.Args[0])
					case "Length":
						return c.formatExpr("$parseInt(%s.length)", recv)
					case "Index":
						return c.formatExpr("%s[%e]", recv, e.Args[0])
					case "SetIndex":
						return c.formatExpr("%s[%e] = %s", recv, e.Args[0], externalizeExpr(e.Args[1]))
					case "Call":
						if id, ok := c.identifierConstant(e.Args[0]); ok {
							if e.Ellipsis.IsValid() {
								objVar := c.newVariable("obj")
								return c.formatExpr("(%s = %s, %s.%s.apply(%s, %s))", objVar, recv, objVar, id, objVar, externalizeExpr(e.Args[1]))
							return c.formatExpr("%s(%s)", globalRef(id), externalizeArgs(e.Args[1:]))
						if e.Ellipsis.IsValid() {
							objVar := c.newVariable("obj")
							return c.formatExpr("(%s = %s, %s[$externalize(%e, $String)].apply(%s, %s))", objVar, recv, objVar, e.Args[0], objVar, externalizeExpr(e.Args[1]))
						return c.formatExpr("%s[$externalize(%e, $String)](%s)", recv, e.Args[0], externalizeArgs(e.Args[1:]))
					case "Invoke":
						if e.Ellipsis.IsValid() {
							return c.formatExpr("%s.apply(undefined, %s)", recv, externalizeExpr(e.Args[0]))
						return c.formatExpr("%s(%s)", recv, externalizeArgs(e.Args))
					case "New":
						if e.Ellipsis.IsValid() {
							return c.formatExpr("new ($global.Function.prototype.bind.apply(%s, [undefined].concat(%s)))", recv, externalizeExpr(e.Args[0]))
						return c.formatExpr("new (%s)(%s)", recv, externalizeArgs(e.Args))
					case "Bool":
						return c.internalize(recv, types.Typ[types.Bool])
					case "Str":
						return c.internalize(recv, types.Typ[types.String])
					case "Int":
						return c.internalize(recv, types.Typ[types.Int])
					case "Int64":
						return c.internalize(recv, types.Typ[types.Int64])
					case "Uint64":
						return c.internalize(recv, types.Typ[types.Uint64])
					case "Float":
						return c.internalize(recv, types.Typ[types.Float64])
					case "Interface":
						return c.internalize(recv, types.NewInterface(nil, nil))
					case "Unsafe":
						return recv
					case "IsUndefined":
						return c.formatParenExpr("%s === undefined", recv)
					case "IsNull":
						return c.formatParenExpr("%s === null", recv)
						panic("Invalid js package object: " + sel.Obj().Name())

				if isWrapped(methodsRecvType) {
					fun = c.formatExpr("(new %s(%s)).%s", c.typeName(methodsRecvType), recv, methodName)
				fun = c.formatExpr("%s.%s", recv, methodName)

			case types.FieldVal:
				fields, jsTag := c.translateSelection(sel)
				if jsTag != "" {
					sig := sel.Type().(*types.Signature)
					return c.internalize(c.formatExpr("%e.%s.%s(%s)", f.X, strings.Join(fields, "."), jsTag, externalizeArgs(e.Args)), sig.Results().At(0).Type())
				fun = c.formatExpr("%e.%s", f.X, strings.Join(fields, "."))

			case types.MethodExpr:
				fun = c.translateExpr(f)

			fun = c.translateExpr(plainFun)

		sig := c.p.info.Types[plainFun].Type.Underlying().(*types.Signature)
		if len(e.Args) == 1 {
			if tuple, isTuple := c.p.info.Types[e.Args[0]].Type.(*types.Tuple); isTuple {
				tupleVar := c.newVariable("_tuple")
				args := make([]ast.Expr, tuple.Len())
				for i := range args {
					args[i] = c.newIdent(c.formatExpr("%s[%d]", tupleVar, i).String(), tuple.At(i).Type())
				return c.formatExpr("(%s = %e, %s(%s))", tupleVar, e.Args[0], fun, strings.Join(c.translateArgs(sig, args, false), ", "))
		args := c.translateArgs(sig, e.Args, e.Ellipsis.IsValid())
		if c.blocking[e] {
			resumeCase := c.caseCounter
			returnVar := "$r"
			if sig.Results().Len() != 0 {
				returnVar = c.newVariable("_r")
			c.Printf("%[1]s = %[2]s(%[3]s); /* */ $s = %[4]d; case %[4]d: if (%[1]s && %[1]s.constructor === Function) { %[1]s = %[1]s(); }", returnVar, fun, strings.Join(append(args, "true"), ", "), resumeCase)
			if sig.Results().Len() != 0 {
				return c.formatExpr("%s", returnVar)
			return nil
		return c.formatExpr("%s(%s)", fun, strings.Join(args, ", "))

	case *ast.StarExpr:
		if c1, isCall := e.X.(*ast.CallExpr); isCall && len(c1.Args) == 1 {
			if c2, isCall := c1.Args[0].(*ast.CallExpr); isCall && len(c2.Args) == 1 && types.Identical(c.p.info.Types[c2.Fun].Type, types.Typ[types.UnsafePointer]) {
				if unary, isUnary := c2.Args[0].(*ast.UnaryExpr); isUnary && unary.Op == token.AND {
					return c.translateExpr(unary.X) // unsafe conversion
		switch exprType.Underlying().(type) {
		case *types.Struct, *types.Array:
			return c.translateExpr(e.X)
		return c.formatExpr("%e.$get()", e.X)

	case *ast.TypeAssertExpr:
		if e.Type == nil {
			return c.translateExpr(e.X)
		t := c.p.info.Types[e.Type].Type
		check := "%1e !== null && " + c.typeCheck("%1e.constructor", t)
		valueSuffix := ""
		if _, isInterface := t.Underlying().(*types.Interface); !isInterface {
			valueSuffix = ".$val"
		if _, isTuple := exprType.(*types.Tuple); isTuple {
			return c.formatExpr("("+check+" ? [%1e%2s, true] : [%3s, false])", e.X, valueSuffix, c.zeroValue(c.p.info.Types[e.Type].Type))
		return c.formatExpr("("+check+" ? %1e%2s : $typeAssertionFailed(%1e, %3s))", e.X, valueSuffix, c.typeName(t))

	case *ast.Ident:
		if e.Name == "_" {
			panic("Tried to translate underscore identifier.")
		obj := c.p.info.Defs[e]
		if obj == nil {
			obj = c.p.info.Uses[e]
		switch o := obj.(type) {
		case *types.PkgName:
			return c.formatExpr("%s", c.p.pkgVars[o.Pkg().Path()])
		case *types.Var, *types.Const:
			return c.formatExpr("%s", c.objectName(o))
		case *types.Func:
			return c.formatExpr("%s", c.objectName(o))
		case *types.TypeName:
			return c.formatExpr("%s", c.typeName(o.Type()))
		case *types.Nil:
			return c.formatExpr("%s", c.zeroValue(c.p.info.Types[e].Type))
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled object: %T\n", o))

	case *This:
		this := "this"
		if len(c.flattened) != 0 {
			this = "$this"
		if isWrapped(c.p.info.Types[e].Type) {
			this += ".$val"
		return c.formatExpr(this)

	case nil:
		return c.formatExpr("")

		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled expression: %T\n", e))

Example #24
// NewTransformer returns a transformer based on the specified template,
// a package containing "before" and "after" functions as described
// in the package documentation.
func NewTransformer(fset *token.FileSet, template *loader.PackageInfo, verbose bool) (*Transformer, error) {
	// Check the template.
	beforeSig := funcSig(template.Pkg, "before")
	if beforeSig == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("no 'before' func found in template")
	afterSig := funcSig(template.Pkg, "after")
	if afterSig == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("no 'after' func found in template")

	// TODO(adonovan): should we also check the names of the params match?
	if !types.Identical(afterSig, beforeSig) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("before %s and after %s functions have different signatures",
			beforeSig, afterSig)

	templateFile := template.Files[0]
	for _, imp := range templateFile.Imports {
		if imp.Name != nil && imp.Name.Name == "." {
			// Dot imports are currently forbidden.  We
			// make the simplifying assumption that all
			// imports are regular, without local renames.
			//TODO document
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("dot-import (of %s) in template", imp.Path.Value)
	var beforeDecl, afterDecl *ast.FuncDecl
	for _, decl := range templateFile.Decls {
		if decl, ok := decl.(*ast.FuncDecl); ok {
			switch decl.Name.Name {
			case "before":
				beforeDecl = decl
			case "after":
				afterDecl = decl

	before, err := soleExpr(beforeDecl)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("before: %s", err)
	after, err := soleExpr(afterDecl)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("after: %s", err)

	wildcards := make(map[*types.Var]bool)
	for i := 0; i < beforeSig.Params().Len(); i++ {
		wildcards[beforeSig.Params().At(i)] = true

	// checkExprTypes returns an error if Tb (type of before()) is not
	// safe to replace with Ta (type of after()).
	// Only superficial checks are performed, and they may result in both
	// false positives and negatives.
	// Ideally, we would only require that the replacement be assignable
	// to the context of a specific pattern occurrence, but the type
	// checker doesn't record that information and it's complex to deduce.
	// A Go type cannot capture all the constraints of a given expression
	// context, which may include the size, constness, signedness,
	// namedness or constructor of its type, and even the specific value
	// of the replacement.  (Consider the rule that array literal keys
	// must be unique.)  So we cannot hope to prove the safety of a
	// transformation in general.
	Tb := template.TypeOf(before)
	Ta := template.TypeOf(after)
	if types.AssignableTo(Tb, Ta) {
		// safe: replacement is assignable to pattern.
	} else if tuple, ok := Tb.(*types.Tuple); ok && tuple.Len() == 0 {
		// safe: pattern has void type (must appear in an ExprStmt).
	} else {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a safe replacement for %s", Ta, Tb)

	tr := &Transformer{
		fset:           fset,
		verbose:        verbose,
		wildcards:      wildcards,
		allowWildcards: true,
		seenInfos:      make(map[*types.Info]bool),
		importedObjs:   make(map[types.Object]*ast.SelectorExpr),
		before:         before,
		after:          after,

	// Combine type info from the template and input packages, and
	// type info for the synthesized ASTs too.  This saves us
	// having to book-keep where each ast.Node originated as we
	// construct the resulting hybrid AST.
	// TODO(adonovan): move type utility methods of PackageInfo to
	// types.Info, or at least into go/types.typeutil.
	tr.info.Info = types.Info{
		Types:      make(map[ast.Expr]types.TypeAndValue),
		Defs:       make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
		Uses:       make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
		Selections: make(map[*ast.SelectorExpr]*types.Selection),
	mergeTypeInfo(&tr.info.Info, &template.Info)

	// Compute set of imported objects required by after().
	// TODO reject dot-imports in pattern
	ast.Inspect(after, func(n ast.Node) bool {
		if n, ok := n.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
			if _, ok := tr.info.Selections[n]; !ok {
				// qualified ident
				obj := tr.info.Uses[n.Sel]
				tr.importedObjs[obj] = n
				return false // prune
		return true // recur

	return tr, nil
Example #25
// peers enumerates, for a given channel send (or receive) operation,
// the set of possible receives (or sends) that correspond to it.
// TODO(adonovan): support reflect.{Select,Recv,Send,Close}.
// TODO(adonovan): permit the user to query based on a MakeChan (not send/recv),
// or the implicit receive in "for v := range ch".
// TODO(adonovan): support "close" as a channel op.
func peers(o *Oracle, qpos *QueryPos) (queryResult, error) {
	arrowPos := findArrow(qpos)
	if arrowPos == token.NoPos {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("there is no send/receive here")


	var queryOp chanOp // the originating send or receive operation
	var ops []chanOp   // all sends/receives of opposite direction

	// Look at all send/receive instructions in the whole ssa.Program.
	// Build a list of those of same type to query.
	allFuncs := ssautil.AllFunctions(o.prog)
	for fn := range allFuncs {
		for _, b := range fn.Blocks {
			for _, instr := range b.Instrs {
				for _, op := range chanOps(instr) {
					ops = append(ops, op)
					if op.pos == arrowPos {
						queryOp = op // we found the query op
	if queryOp.ch == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("ssa.Instruction for send/receive not found")

	// Discard operations of wrong channel element type.
	// Build set of channel ssa.Values as query to pointer analysis.
	// We compare channels by element types, not channel types, to
	// ignore both directionality and type names.
	queryType := queryOp.ch.Type()
	queryElemType := queryType.Underlying().(*types.Chan).Elem()
	i := 0
	for _, op := range ops {
		if types.Identical(op.ch.Type().Underlying().(*types.Chan).Elem(), queryElemType) {
			ops[i] = op
	ops = ops[:i]

	// Run the pointer analysis.
	ptares := ptrAnalysis(o)

	// Find the points-to set.
	queryChanPtr := ptares.Queries[queryOp.ch]

	// Ascertain which make(chan) labels the query's channel can alias.
	var makes []token.Pos
	for _, label := range queryChanPtr.PointsTo().Labels() {
		makes = append(makes, label.Pos())

	// Ascertain which send/receive operations can alias the same make(chan) labels.
	var sends, receives []token.Pos
	for _, op := range ops {
		if ptr, ok := ptares.Queries[op.ch]; ok && ptr.MayAlias(queryChanPtr) {
			if op.dir == types.SendOnly {
				sends = append(sends, op.pos)
			} else {
				receives = append(receives, op.pos)

	return &peersResult{
		queryPos:  arrowPos,
		queryType: queryType,
		makes:     makes,
		sends:     sends,
		receives:  receives,
	}, nil
Example #26
func (c *funcContext) translateStmt(stmt ast.Stmt, label string) {
	binary.Write(c, binary.BigEndian, uint32(stmt.Pos()))

	switch s := stmt.(type) {
	case *ast.BlockStmt:

	case *ast.IfStmt:
		if s.Init != nil {
			c.translateStmt(s.Init, "")
		var caseClauses []ast.Stmt
		ifStmt := s
		for {
			caseClauses = append(caseClauses, &ast.CaseClause{List: []ast.Expr{ifStmt.Cond}, Body: ifStmt.Body.List})
			switch elseStmt := ifStmt.Else.(type) {
			case *ast.IfStmt:
				if elseStmt.Init != nil {
					caseClauses = append(caseClauses, &ast.CaseClause{List: nil, Body: []ast.Stmt{elseStmt}})
				ifStmt = elseStmt
			case *ast.BlockStmt:
				caseClauses = append(caseClauses, &ast.CaseClause{List: nil, Body: elseStmt.List})
			case *ast.EmptyStmt, nil:
				// no else clause
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled else: %T\n", elseStmt))
		c.translateBranchingStmt(caseClauses, false, c.translateExpr, nil, "", c.hasGoto[s])

	case *ast.SwitchStmt:
		if s.Init != nil {
			c.translateStmt(s.Init, "")
		translateCond := func(cond ast.Expr) *expression {
			return c.translateExpr(cond)
		if s.Tag != nil {
			refVar := c.newVariable("_ref")
			c.Printf("%s = %s;", refVar, c.translateExpr(s.Tag))
			translateCond = func(cond ast.Expr) *expression {
				refIdent := c.newIdent(refVar, c.p.info.Types[s.Tag].Type)
				return c.translateExpr(&ast.BinaryExpr{
					X:  refIdent,
					Op: token.EQL,
					Y:  cond,
		c.translateBranchingStmt(s.Body.List, true, translateCond, nil, label, c.hasGoto[s])

	case *ast.TypeSwitchStmt:
		if s.Init != nil {
			c.translateStmt(s.Init, "")
		var expr ast.Expr
		var typeSwitchVar string
		switch a := s.Assign.(type) {
		case *ast.AssignStmt:
			expr = a.Rhs[0].(*ast.TypeAssertExpr).X
			typeSwitchVar = c.newVariable(a.Lhs[0].(*ast.Ident).Name)
			for _, caseClause := range s.Body.List {
				c.p.objectVars[c.p.info.Implicits[caseClause]] = typeSwitchVar
		case *ast.ExprStmt:
			expr = a.X.(*ast.TypeAssertExpr).X
		refVar := c.newVariable("_ref")
		typeVar := c.newVariable("_type")
		c.Printf("%s = %s;", refVar, c.translateExpr(expr))
		c.Printf("%s = %s !== null ? %s.constructor : null;", typeVar, refVar, refVar)
		translateCond := func(cond ast.Expr) *expression {
			return c.formatExpr("%s", c.typeCheck(typeVar, c.p.info.Types[cond].Type))
		printCaseBodyPrefix := func(conds []ast.Expr) {
			if typeSwitchVar == "" {
			value := refVar
			if len(conds) == 1 {
				t := c.p.info.Types[conds[0]].Type
				if _, isInterface := t.Underlying().(*types.Interface); !isInterface && !types.Identical(t, types.Typ[types.UntypedNil]) {
					value += ".go$val"
			c.Printf("%s = %s;", typeSwitchVar, value)
		c.translateBranchingStmt(s.Body.List, true, translateCond, printCaseBodyPrefix, label, c.hasGoto[s])

	case *ast.ForStmt:
		if s.Init != nil {
			c.translateStmt(s.Init, "")
		cond := "true"
		if s.Cond != nil {
			cond = c.translateExpr(s.Cond).String()
		c.translateLoopingStmt(cond, s.Body, nil, func() {
			if s.Post != nil {
				c.translateStmt(s.Post, "")
		}, label, c.hasGoto[s])

	case *ast.RangeStmt:
		refVar := c.newVariable("_ref")
		c.Printf("%s = %s;", refVar, c.translateExpr(s.X))

		iVar := c.newVariable("_i")
		c.Printf("%s = 0;", iVar)

		switch t := c.p.info.Types[s.X].Type.Underlying().(type) {
		case *types.Basic:
			runeVar := c.newVariable("_rune")
			c.translateLoopingStmt(iVar+" < "+refVar+".length", s.Body, func() {
				c.Printf("%s = go$decodeRune(%s, %s);", runeVar, refVar, iVar)
				if !isBlank(s.Value) {
					c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssign(s.Value, runeVar+"[0]"))
				if !isBlank(s.Key) {
					c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssign(s.Key, iVar))
			}, func() {
				c.Printf("%s += %s[1];", iVar, runeVar)
			}, label, c.hasGoto[s])

		case *types.Map:
			keysVar := c.newVariable("_keys")
			c.Printf("%s = go$keys(%s);", keysVar, refVar)
			c.translateLoopingStmt(iVar+" < "+keysVar+".length", s.Body, func() {
				entryVar := c.newVariable("_entry")
				c.Printf("%s = %s[%s[%s]];", entryVar, refVar, keysVar, iVar)
				if !isBlank(s.Value) {
					c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssign(s.Value, entryVar+".v"))
				if !isBlank(s.Key) {
					c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssign(s.Key, entryVar+".k"))
			}, func() {
				c.Printf("%s++;", iVar)
			}, label, c.hasGoto[s])

		case *types.Array, *types.Pointer, *types.Slice:
			var length string
			switch t2 := t.(type) {
			case *types.Array:
				length = fmt.Sprintf("%d", t2.Len())
			case *types.Pointer:
				length = fmt.Sprintf("%d", t2.Elem().Underlying().(*types.Array).Len())
			case *types.Slice:
				length = refVar + ".length"
			c.translateLoopingStmt(iVar+" < "+length, s.Body, func() {
				if !isBlank(s.Value) {
					indexExpr := &ast.IndexExpr{
						X:     c.newIdent(refVar, t),
						Index: c.newIdent(iVar, types.Typ[types.Int]),
					et := elemType(t)
					c.p.info.Types[indexExpr] = types.TypeAndValue{Type: et}
					c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssign(s.Value, c.translateImplicitConversion(indexExpr, et).String()))
				if !isBlank(s.Key) {
					c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssign(s.Key, iVar))
			}, func() {
				c.Printf("%s++;", iVar)
			}, label, c.hasGoto[s])

		case *types.Chan:
			// skip


	case *ast.BranchStmt:
		labelSuffix := ""
		data := c.flowDatas[""]
		if s.Label != nil {
			labelSuffix = " " + s.Label.Name
			data = c.flowDatas[s.Label.Name]
		switch s.Tok {
		case token.BREAK:
			c.PrintCond(data.endCase == 0, fmt.Sprintf("break%s;", labelSuffix), fmt.Sprintf("go$s = %d; continue;", data.endCase))
		case token.CONTINUE:
			c.PrintCond(data.beginCase == 0, fmt.Sprintf("continue%s;", labelSuffix), fmt.Sprintf("go$s = %d; continue;", data.beginCase))
		case token.GOTO:
			c.PrintCond(false, "goto "+s.Label.Name, fmt.Sprintf("go$s = %d; continue;", c.labelCases[s.Label.Name]))
		case token.FALLTHROUGH:
			// handled in CaseClause
			panic("Unhandled branch statment: " + s.Tok.String())

	case *ast.ReturnStmt:
		results := s.Results
		if c.resultNames != nil {
			if len(s.Results) != 0 {
					Lhs: c.resultNames,
					Tok: token.ASSIGN,
					Rhs: s.Results,
				}, "")
			results = c.resultNames
		switch len(results) {
		case 0:
		case 1:
			if c.sig.Results().Len() > 1 {
				c.Printf("return %s;", c.translateExpr(results[0]))
			v := c.translateImplicitConversion(results[0], c.sig.Results().At(0).Type())
			c.delayedOutput = nil
			c.Printf("return %s;", v)
			values := make([]string, len(results))
			for i, result := range results {
				values[i] = c.translateImplicitConversion(result, c.sig.Results().At(i).Type()).String()
			c.delayedOutput = nil
			c.Printf("return [%s];", strings.Join(values, ", "))

	case *ast.DeferStmt:
		if ident, isIdent := s.Call.Fun.(*ast.Ident); isIdent {
			if builtin, isBuiltin := c.p.info.Uses[ident].(*types.Builtin); isBuiltin {
				if builtin.Name() == "recover" {
					c.Printf("go$deferred.push({ fun: go$recover, args: [] });")
				args := make([]ast.Expr, len(s.Call.Args))
				for i, arg := range s.Call.Args {
					args[i] = c.newIdent(c.newVariable("_arg"), c.p.info.Types[arg].Type)
				call := c.translateExpr(&ast.CallExpr{
					Fun:      s.Call.Fun,
					Args:     args,
					Ellipsis: s.Call.Ellipsis,
				c.Printf("go$deferred.push({ fun: function(%s) { %s; }, args: [%s] });", strings.Join(c.translateExprSlice(args, nil), ", "), call, strings.Join(c.translateExprSlice(s.Call.Args, nil), ", "))
		sig := c.p.info.Types[s.Call.Fun].Type.Underlying().(*types.Signature)
		args := strings.Join(c.translateArgs(sig, s.Call.Args, s.Call.Ellipsis.IsValid()), ", ")
		if sel, isSelector := s.Call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr); isSelector {
			obj := c.p.info.Selections[sel].Obj()
			if !obj.Exported() {
				c.p.dependencies[obj] = true
			c.Printf(`go$deferred.push({ recv: %s, method: "%s", args: [%s] });`, c.translateExpr(sel.X), sel.Sel.Name, args)
		c.Printf("go$deferred.push({ fun: %s, args: [%s] });", c.translateExpr(s.Call.Fun), args)

	case *ast.AssignStmt:
		if s.Tok != token.ASSIGN && s.Tok != token.DEFINE {
			var op token.Token
			switch s.Tok {
			case token.ADD_ASSIGN:
				op = token.ADD
			case token.SUB_ASSIGN:
				op = token.SUB
			case token.MUL_ASSIGN:
				op = token.MUL
			case token.QUO_ASSIGN:
				op = token.QUO
			case token.REM_ASSIGN:
				op = token.REM
			case token.AND_ASSIGN:
				op = token.AND
			case token.OR_ASSIGN:
				op = token.OR
			case token.XOR_ASSIGN:
				op = token.XOR
			case token.SHL_ASSIGN:
				op = token.SHL
			case token.SHR_ASSIGN:
				op = token.SHR
			case token.AND_NOT_ASSIGN:
				op = token.AND_NOT

			var parts []string
			lhs := s.Lhs[0]
			switch l := lhs.(type) {
			case *ast.IndexExpr:
				lhsVar := c.newVariable("_lhs")
				indexVar := c.newVariable("_index")
				parts = append(parts, lhsVar+" = "+c.translateExpr(l.X).String()+";")
				parts = append(parts, indexVar+" = "+c.translateExpr(l.Index).String()+";")
				lhs = &ast.IndexExpr{
					X:     c.newIdent(lhsVar, c.p.info.Types[l.X].Type),
					Index: c.newIdent(indexVar, c.p.info.Types[l.Index].Type),
				c.p.info.Types[lhs] = c.p.info.Types[l]
			case *ast.StarExpr:
				lhsVar := c.newVariable("_lhs")
				parts = append(parts, lhsVar+" = "+c.translateExpr(l.X).String()+";")
				lhs = &ast.StarExpr{
					X: c.newIdent(lhsVar, c.p.info.Types[l.X].Type),
				c.p.info.Types[lhs] = c.p.info.Types[l]
			case *ast.SelectorExpr:
				v := hasCallVisitor{c.p.info, false}
				ast.Walk(&v, l.X)
				if v.hasCall {
					lhsVar := c.newVariable("_lhs")
					parts = append(parts, lhsVar+" = "+c.translateExpr(l.X).String()+";")
					lhs = &ast.SelectorExpr{
						X:   c.newIdent(lhsVar, c.p.info.Types[l.X].Type),
						Sel: l.Sel,
					c.p.info.Types[lhs] = c.p.info.Types[l]
					c.p.info.Selections[lhs.(*ast.SelectorExpr)] = c.p.info.Selections[l]

			parenExpr := &ast.ParenExpr{X: s.Rhs[0]}
			c.p.info.Types[parenExpr] = c.p.info.Types[s.Rhs[0]]
			binaryExpr := &ast.BinaryExpr{
				X:  lhs,
				Op: op,
				Y:  parenExpr,
			c.p.info.Types[binaryExpr] = c.p.info.Types[s.Lhs[0]]
			parts = append(parts, c.translateAssign(lhs, c.translateExpr(binaryExpr).String()))
			c.Printf("%s", strings.Join(parts, " "))

		if s.Tok == token.DEFINE {
			for _, lhs := range s.Lhs {
				if !isBlank(lhs) {
					c.p.info.Types[lhs] = types.TypeAndValue{Type: c.p.info.Defs[lhs.(*ast.Ident)].Type()}

		removeParens := func(e ast.Expr) ast.Expr {
			for {
				if p, isParen := e.(*ast.ParenExpr); isParen {
					e = p.X
			return e

		switch {
		case len(s.Lhs) == 1 && len(s.Rhs) == 1:
			lhs := removeParens(s.Lhs[0])
			if isBlank(lhs) {
				v := hasCallVisitor{c.p.info, false}
				ast.Walk(&v, s.Rhs[0])
				if v.hasCall {
					c.Printf("%s;", c.translateExpr(s.Rhs[0]).String())
			c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssign(lhs, c.translateImplicitConversion(s.Rhs[0], c.p.info.Types[s.Lhs[0]].Type).String()))

		case len(s.Lhs) > 1 && len(s.Rhs) == 1:
			tupleVar := c.newVariable("_tuple")
			out := tupleVar + " = " + c.translateExpr(s.Rhs[0]).String() + ";"
			tuple := c.p.info.Types[s.Rhs[0]].Type.(*types.Tuple)
			for i, lhs := range s.Lhs {
				lhs = removeParens(lhs)
				if !isBlank(lhs) {
					out += " " + c.translateAssign(lhs, c.translateImplicitConversion(c.newIdent(fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", tupleVar, i), tuple.At(i).Type()), c.p.info.Types[s.Lhs[i]].Type).String())
			c.Printf("%s", out)
		case len(s.Lhs) == len(s.Rhs):
			parts := make([]string, len(s.Rhs))
			for i, rhs := range s.Rhs {
				parts[i] = c.translateImplicitConversion(rhs, c.p.info.Types[s.Lhs[i]].Type).String()
			tupleVar := c.newVariable("_tuple")
			out := tupleVar + " = [" + strings.Join(parts, ", ") + "];"
			for i, lhs := range s.Lhs {
				lhs = removeParens(lhs)
				if !isBlank(lhs) {
					out += " " + c.translateAssign(lhs, fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", tupleVar, i))
			c.Printf("%s", out)

			panic("Invalid arity of AssignStmt.")


	case *ast.IncDecStmt:
		t := c.p.info.Types[s.X].Type
		if iExpr, isIExpr := s.X.(*ast.IndexExpr); isIExpr {
			switch u := c.p.info.Types[iExpr.X].Type.Underlying().(type) {
			case *types.Array:
				t = u.Elem()
			case *types.Slice:
				t = u.Elem()
			case *types.Map:
				t = u.Elem()

		tok := token.ADD_ASSIGN
		if s.Tok == token.DEC {
			tok = token.SUB_ASSIGN
		one := &ast.BasicLit{
			Kind:  token.INT,
			Value: "1",
		c.p.info.Types[one] = types.TypeAndValue{Type: t, Value: exact.MakeInt64(1)}
			Lhs: []ast.Expr{s.X},
			Tok: tok,
			Rhs: []ast.Expr{one},
		}, label)

	case *ast.ExprStmt:
		c.Printf("%s;", c.translateExpr(s.X).String())

	case *ast.DeclStmt:
		decl := s.Decl.(*ast.GenDecl)
		switch decl.Tok {
		case token.VAR:
			for _, spec := range s.Decl.(*ast.GenDecl).Specs {
				valueSpec := spec.(*ast.ValueSpec)
				lhs := make([]ast.Expr, len(valueSpec.Names))
				for i, name := range valueSpec.Names {
					lhs[i] = name
				rhs := valueSpec.Values
				isTuple := false
				if len(rhs) == 1 {
					_, isTuple = c.p.info.Types[rhs[0]].Type.(*types.Tuple)
				for len(rhs) < len(lhs) && !isTuple {
					rhs = append(rhs, nil)
					Lhs: lhs,
					Tok: token.DEFINE,
					Rhs: rhs,
				}, "")
		case token.TYPE:
			for _, spec := range decl.Specs {
				o := c.p.info.Defs[spec.(*ast.TypeSpec).Name].(*types.TypeName)
				c.translateType(o, false)
		case token.CONST:
			// skip, constants are inlined

	case *ast.LabeledStmt:
		c.translateStmt(s.Stmt, s.Label.Name)

	case *ast.SelectStmt:

	case *ast.GoStmt:

	case *ast.SendStmt:

	case *ast.EmptyStmt:
		// skip

		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled statement: %T\n", s))

Example #27
func (c *funcContext) translateBuiltin(name string, args []ast.Expr, ellipsis bool, typ types.Type) *expression {
	switch name {
	case "new":
		t := typ.(*types.Pointer)
		if c.p.pkg.Path() == "syscall" && types.Identical(t.Elem().Underlying(), types.Typ[types.Uintptr]) {
			return c.formatExpr("new Uint8Array(8)")
		switch t.Elem().Underlying().(type) {
		case *types.Struct, *types.Array:
			return c.formatExpr("%s", c.zeroValue(t.Elem()))
			return c.formatExpr("$newDataPointer(%s, %s)", c.zeroValue(t.Elem()), c.typeName(t))
	case "make":
		switch argType := c.p.info.Types[args[0]].Type.Underlying().(type) {
		case *types.Slice:
			t := c.typeName(c.p.info.Types[args[0]].Type)
			if len(args) == 3 {
				return c.formatExpr("%s.make(%f, %f)", t, args[1], args[2])
			return c.formatExpr("%s.make(%f)", t, args[1])
		case *types.Map:
			return c.formatExpr("new $Map()")
		case *types.Chan:
			length := "0"
			if len(args) == 2 {
				length = c.translateExpr(args[1]).String()
			return c.formatExpr("new %s(%s)", c.typeName(c.p.info.Types[args[0]].Type), length)
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled make type: %T\n", argType))
	case "len":
		switch argType := c.p.info.Types[args[0]].Type.Underlying().(type) {
		case *types.Basic:
			return c.formatExpr("%e.length", args[0])
		case *types.Slice:
			return c.formatExpr("%e.$length", args[0])
		case *types.Pointer:
			return c.formatExpr("(%e, %d)", args[0], argType.Elem().(*types.Array).Len())
		case *types.Map:
			return c.formatExpr("$keys(%e).length", args[0])
		case *types.Chan:
			return c.formatExpr("%e.$buffer.length", args[0])
		// length of array is constant
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled len type: %T\n", argType))
	case "cap":
		switch argType := c.p.info.Types[args[0]].Type.Underlying().(type) {
		case *types.Slice:
			return c.formatExpr("%e.$capacity", args[0])
		case *types.Pointer:
			return c.formatExpr("(%e, %d)", args[0], argType.Elem().(*types.Array).Len())
		case *types.Chan:
			return c.formatExpr("%e.$capacity", args[0])
		// capacity of array is constant
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled cap type: %T\n", argType))
	case "panic":
		return c.formatExpr("$panic(%s)", c.translateImplicitConversion(args[0], types.NewInterface(nil, nil)))
	case "append":
		if len(args) == 1 {
			return c.translateExpr(args[0])
		if ellipsis {
			return c.formatExpr("$appendSlice(%e, %s)", args[0], c.translateConversionToSlice(args[1], typ))
		sliceType := typ.Underlying().(*types.Slice)
		return c.formatExpr("$append(%e, %s)", args[0], strings.Join(c.translateExprSlice(args[1:], sliceType.Elem()), ", "))
	case "delete":
		return c.formatExpr(`delete %e[%s]`, args[0], c.makeKey(args[1], c.p.info.Types[args[0]].Type.Underlying().(*types.Map).Key()))
	case "copy":
		if basic, isBasic := c.p.info.Types[args[1]].Type.Underlying().(*types.Basic); isBasic && basic.Info()&types.IsString != 0 {
			return c.formatExpr("$copyString(%e, %e)", args[0], args[1])
		return c.formatExpr("$copySlice(%e, %e)", args[0], args[1])
	case "print", "println":
		return c.formatExpr("console.log(%s)", strings.Join(c.translateExprSlice(args, nil), ", "))
	case "complex":
		return c.formatExpr("new %s(%e, %e)", c.typeName(typ), args[0], args[1])
	case "real":
		return c.formatExpr("%e.$real", args[0])
	case "imag":
		return c.formatExpr("%e.$imag", args[0])
	case "recover":
		return c.formatExpr("$recover()")
	case "close":
		return c.formatExpr(`$close(%e)`, args[0])
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled builtin: %s\n", name))
Example #28
// matchArgTypeInternal is the internal version of matchArgType. It carries a map
// remembering what types are in progress so we don't recur when faced with recursive
// types or mutually recursive types.
func (f *File) matchArgTypeInternal(t printfArgType, typ types.Type, arg ast.Expr, inProgress map[types.Type]bool) bool {
	// %v, %T accept any argument type.
	if t == anyType {
		return true
	if typ == nil {
		// external call
		typ = f.pkg.types[arg].Type
		if typ == nil {
			return true // probably a type check problem
	// If the type implements fmt.Formatter, we have nothing to check.
	// But (see issue 6259) that's not easy to verify, so instead we see
	// if its method set contains a Format function. We could do better,
	// even now, but we don't need to be 100% accurate. Wait for 6259 to
	// be fixed instead. TODO.
	if f.hasMethod(typ, "Format") {
		return true
	// If we can use a string, might arg (dynamically) implement the Stringer or Error interface?
	if t&argString != 0 {
		if types.AssertableTo(errorType, typ) || types.AssertableTo(stringerType, typ) {
			return true

	typ = typ.Underlying()
	if inProgress[typ] {
		// We're already looking at this type. The call that started it will take care of it.
		return true
	inProgress[typ] = true

	switch typ := typ.(type) {
	case *types.Signature:
		return t&argPointer != 0

	case *types.Map:
		// Recur: map[int]int matches %d.
		return t&argPointer != 0 ||
			(f.matchArgTypeInternal(t, typ.Key(), arg, inProgress) && f.matchArgTypeInternal(t, typ.Elem(), arg, inProgress))

	case *types.Chan:
		return t&argPointer != 0

	case *types.Array:
		// Same as slice.
		if types.Identical(typ.Elem().Underlying(), types.Typ[types.Byte]) && t&argString != 0 {
			return true // %s matches []byte
		// Recur: []int matches %d.
		return t&argPointer != 0 || f.matchArgTypeInternal(t, typ.Elem().Underlying(), arg, inProgress)

	case *types.Slice:
		// Same as array.
		if types.Identical(typ.Elem().Underlying(), types.Typ[types.Byte]) && t&argString != 0 {
			return true // %s matches []byte
		// Recur: []int matches %d. But watch out for
		//	type T []T
		// If the element is a pointer type (type T[]*T), it's handled fine by the Pointer case below.
		return t&argPointer != 0 || f.matchArgTypeInternal(t, typ.Elem(), arg, inProgress)

	case *types.Pointer:
		// Ugly, but dealing with an edge case: a known pointer to an invalid type,
		// probably something from a failed import.
		if typ.Elem().String() == "invalid type" {
			if *verbose {
				f.Warnf(arg.Pos(), "printf argument %v is pointer to invalid or unknown type", f.gofmt(arg))
			return true // special case
		// If it's actually a pointer with %p, it prints as one.
		if t == argPointer {
			return true
		// If it's pointer to struct, that's equivalent in our analysis to whether we can print the struct.
		if str, ok := typ.Elem().Underlying().(*types.Struct); ok {
			return f.matchStructArgType(t, str, arg, inProgress)
		// The rest can print with %p as pointers, or as integers with %x etc.
		return t&(argInt|argPointer) != 0

	case *types.Struct:
		return f.matchStructArgType(t, typ, arg, inProgress)

	case *types.Interface:
		// If the static type of the argument is empty interface, there's little we can do.
		// Example:
		//	func f(x interface{}) { fmt.Printf("%s", x) }
		// Whether x is valid for %s depends on the type of the argument to f. One day
		// we will be able to do better. For now, we assume that empty interface is OK
		// but non-empty interfaces, with Stringer and Error handled above, are errors.
		return typ.NumMethods() == 0

	case *types.Basic:
		switch typ.Kind() {
		case types.UntypedBool,
			return t&argBool != 0

		case types.UntypedInt,
			return t&argInt != 0

		case types.UntypedFloat,
			return t&argFloat != 0

		case types.UntypedComplex,
			return t&argComplex != 0

		case types.UntypedString,
			return t&argString != 0

		case types.UnsafePointer:
			return t&(argPointer|argInt) != 0

		case types.UntypedRune:
			return t&(argInt|argRune) != 0

		case types.UntypedNil:
			return t&argPointer != 0 // TODO?

		case types.Invalid:
			if *verbose {
				f.Warnf(arg.Pos(), "printf argument %v has invalid or unknown type", f.gofmt(arg))
			return true // Probably a type check problem.

	return false
Example #29
func (c *funcContext) translateStmt(stmt ast.Stmt, label string) {

	switch s := stmt.(type) {
	case *ast.BlockStmt:

	case *ast.IfStmt:
		if s.Init != nil {
			c.translateStmt(s.Init, "")
		var caseClauses []ast.Stmt
		ifStmt := s
		for {
			caseClauses = append(caseClauses, &ast.CaseClause{List: []ast.Expr{ifStmt.Cond}, Body: ifStmt.Body.List})
			switch elseStmt := ifStmt.Else.(type) {
			case *ast.IfStmt:
				if elseStmt.Init != nil {
					caseClauses = append(caseClauses, &ast.CaseClause{List: nil, Body: []ast.Stmt{elseStmt}})
				ifStmt = elseStmt
			case *ast.BlockStmt:
				caseClauses = append(caseClauses, &ast.CaseClause{List: nil, Body: elseStmt.List})
			case *ast.EmptyStmt, nil:
				// no else clause
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled else: %T\n", elseStmt))
		c.translateBranchingStmt(caseClauses, false, c.translateExpr, nil, "", c.flattened[s])

	case *ast.SwitchStmt:
		if s.Init != nil {
			c.translateStmt(s.Init, "")
		translateCond := func(cond ast.Expr) *expression {
			return c.translateExpr(cond)
		if s.Tag != nil {
			refVar := c.newVariable("_ref")
			c.Printf("%s = %s;", refVar, c.translateExpr(s.Tag))
			translateCond = func(cond ast.Expr) *expression {
				return c.translateExpr(&ast.BinaryExpr{
					X:  c.newIdent(refVar, c.p.info.Types[s.Tag].Type),
					Op: token.EQL,
					Y:  cond,
		c.translateBranchingStmt(s.Body.List, true, translateCond, nil, label, c.flattened[s])

	case *ast.TypeSwitchStmt:
		if s.Init != nil {
			c.translateStmt(s.Init, "")
		var expr ast.Expr
		var typeSwitchVar string
		switch a := s.Assign.(type) {
		case *ast.AssignStmt:
			expr = a.Rhs[0].(*ast.TypeAssertExpr).X
			typeSwitchVar = c.newVariable(a.Lhs[0].(*ast.Ident).Name)
			for _, caseClause := range s.Body.List {
				c.p.objectVars[c.p.info.Implicits[caseClause]] = typeSwitchVar
		case *ast.ExprStmt:
			expr = a.X.(*ast.TypeAssertExpr).X
		refVar := c.newVariable("_ref")
		c.Printf("%s = %s;", refVar, c.translateExpr(expr))
		translateCond := func(cond ast.Expr) *expression {
			if types.Identical(c.p.info.Types[cond].Type, types.Typ[types.UntypedNil]) {
				return c.formatExpr("%s === $ifaceNil", refVar)
			return c.formatExpr("$assertType(%s, %s, true)[1]", refVar, c.typeName(c.p.info.Types[cond].Type))
		printCaseBodyPrefix := func(index int) {
			if typeSwitchVar == "" {
			value := refVar
			if conds := s.Body.List[index].(*ast.CaseClause).List; len(conds) == 1 {
				t := c.p.info.Types[conds[0]].Type
				if _, isInterface := t.Underlying().(*types.Interface); !isInterface && !types.Identical(t, types.Typ[types.UntypedNil]) {
					value += ".$val"
			c.Printf("%s = %s;", typeSwitchVar, value)
		c.translateBranchingStmt(s.Body.List, true, translateCond, printCaseBodyPrefix, label, c.flattened[s])

	case *ast.ForStmt:
		if s.Init != nil {
			c.translateStmt(s.Init, "")
		cond := "true"
		if s.Cond != nil {
			cond = c.translateExpr(s.Cond).String()
		c.translateLoopingStmt(cond, s.Body, nil, func() {
			if s.Post != nil {
				c.translateStmt(s.Post, "")
		}, label, c.flattened[s])

	case *ast.RangeStmt:
		refVar := c.newVariable("_ref")
		c.Printf("%s = %s;", refVar, c.translateExpr(s.X))

		switch t := c.p.info.Types[s.X].Type.Underlying().(type) {
		case *types.Basic:
			iVar := c.newVariable("_i")
			c.Printf("%s = 0;", iVar)
			runeVar := c.newVariable("_rune")
			c.translateLoopingStmt(iVar+" < "+refVar+".length", s.Body, func() {
				c.Printf("%s = $decodeRune(%s, %s);", runeVar, refVar, iVar)
				if !isBlank(s.Key) {
					c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssign(s.Key, iVar, types.Typ[types.Int], s.Tok == token.DEFINE))
				if !isBlank(s.Value) {
					c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssign(s.Value, runeVar+"[0]", types.Typ[types.Rune], s.Tok == token.DEFINE))
			}, func() {
				c.Printf("%s += %s[1];", iVar, runeVar)
			}, label, c.flattened[s])

		case *types.Map:
			iVar := c.newVariable("_i")
			c.Printf("%s = 0;", iVar)
			keysVar := c.newVariable("_keys")
			c.Printf("%s = $keys(%s);", keysVar, refVar)
			c.translateLoopingStmt(iVar+" < "+keysVar+".length", s.Body, func() {
				entryVar := c.newVariable("_entry")
				c.Printf("%s = %s[%s[%s]];", entryVar, refVar, keysVar, iVar)
				if !isBlank(s.Key) {
					c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssign(s.Key, entryVar+".k", t.Key(), s.Tok == token.DEFINE))
				if !isBlank(s.Value) {
					c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssign(s.Value, entryVar+".v", t.Elem(), s.Tok == token.DEFINE))
			}, func() {
				c.Printf("%s++;", iVar)
			}, label, c.flattened[s])

		case *types.Array, *types.Pointer, *types.Slice:
			var length string
			var elemType types.Type
			switch t2 := t.(type) {
			case *types.Array:
				length = fmt.Sprintf("%d", t2.Len())
				elemType = t2.Elem()
			case *types.Pointer:
				length = fmt.Sprintf("%d", t2.Elem().Underlying().(*types.Array).Len())
				elemType = t2.Elem().Underlying().(*types.Array).Elem()
			case *types.Slice:
				length = refVar + ".$length"
				elemType = t2.Elem()
			iVar := c.newVariable("_i")
			c.Printf("%s = 0;", iVar)
			c.translateLoopingStmt(iVar+" < "+length, s.Body, func() {
				if !isBlank(s.Key) {
					c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssign(s.Key, iVar, types.Typ[types.Int], s.Tok == token.DEFINE))
				if !isBlank(s.Value) {
					c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssign(s.Value, c.translateImplicitConversion(c.setType(&ast.IndexExpr{
						X:     c.newIdent(refVar, t),
						Index: c.newIdent(iVar, types.Typ[types.Int]),
					}, elemType), elemType).String(), elemType, s.Tok == token.DEFINE))
			}, func() {
				c.Printf("%s++;", iVar)
			}, label, c.flattened[s])

		case *types.Chan:
			okVar := c.newIdent(c.newVariable("_ok"), types.Typ[types.Bool])
			forStmt := &ast.ForStmt{
				Body: &ast.BlockStmt{
					List: []ast.Stmt{
							Lhs: []ast.Expr{
							Rhs: []ast.Expr{
								c.setType(&ast.UnaryExpr{X: c.newIdent(refVar, t), Op: token.ARROW}, types.NewTuple(types.NewVar(0, nil, "", t.Elem()), types.NewVar(0, nil, "", types.Typ[types.Bool]))),
							Tok: s.Tok,
							Cond: &ast.UnaryExpr{X: okVar, Op: token.NOT},
							Body: &ast.BlockStmt{List: []ast.Stmt{&ast.BranchStmt{Tok: token.BREAK}}},
			c.flattened[forStmt] = true
			c.translateStmt(forStmt, label)


	case *ast.BranchStmt:
		labelSuffix := ""
		data := c.flowDatas[""]
		if s.Label != nil {
			labelSuffix = " " + s.Label.Name
			data = c.flowDatas[s.Label.Name]
		switch s.Tok {
		case token.BREAK:
			c.PrintCond(data.endCase == 0, fmt.Sprintf("break%s;", labelSuffix), fmt.Sprintf("$s = %d; continue;", data.endCase))
		case token.CONTINUE:
			c.PrintCond(data.beginCase == 0, fmt.Sprintf("continue%s;", labelSuffix), fmt.Sprintf("$s = %d; continue;", data.beginCase))
		case token.GOTO:
			c.PrintCond(false, "goto "+s.Label.Name, fmt.Sprintf("$s = %d; continue;", c.labelCases[s.Label.Name]))
		case token.FALLTHROUGH:
			// handled in CaseClause
			panic("Unhandled branch statment: " + s.Tok.String())

	case *ast.ReturnStmt:
		results := s.Results
		if c.resultNames != nil {
			if len(s.Results) != 0 {
					Lhs: c.resultNames,
					Tok: token.ASSIGN,
					Rhs: s.Results,
				}, "")
			results = c.resultNames
		switch len(results) {
		case 0:
		case 1:
			if c.sig.Results().Len() > 1 {
				c.Printf("return %s;", c.translateExpr(results[0]))
			v := c.translateImplicitConversion(results[0], c.sig.Results().At(0).Type())
			c.delayedOutput = nil
			c.Printf("return %s;", v)
			values := make([]string, len(results))
			for i, result := range results {
				values[i] = c.translateImplicitConversion(result, c.sig.Results().At(i).Type()).String()
			c.delayedOutput = nil
			c.Printf("return [%s];", strings.Join(values, ", "))

	case *ast.DeferStmt:
		isBuiltin := false
		isJs := false
		switch fun := s.Call.Fun.(type) {
		case *ast.Ident:
			var builtin *types.Builtin
			builtin, isBuiltin = c.p.info.Uses[fun].(*types.Builtin)
			if isBuiltin && builtin.Name() == "recover" {
				c.Printf("$deferred.push([$recover, []]);")
		case *ast.SelectorExpr:
			isJs = isJsPackage(c.p.info.Uses[fun.Sel].Pkg())
		if isBuiltin || isJs {
			args := make([]ast.Expr, len(s.Call.Args))
			for i, arg := range s.Call.Args {
				args[i] = c.newIdent(c.newVariable("_arg"), c.p.info.Types[arg].Type)
			call := c.translateExpr(&ast.CallExpr{
				Fun:      s.Call.Fun,
				Args:     args,
				Ellipsis: s.Call.Ellipsis,
			c.Printf("$deferred.push([function(%s) { %s; }, [%s]]);", strings.Join(c.translateExprSlice(args, nil), ", "), call, strings.Join(c.translateExprSlice(s.Call.Args, nil), ", "))
		sig := c.p.info.Types[s.Call.Fun].Type.Underlying().(*types.Signature)
		args := c.translateArgs(sig, s.Call.Args, s.Call.Ellipsis.IsValid())
		if len(c.blocking) != 0 {
			args = append(args, "true")
		c.Printf("$deferred.push([%s, [%s]]);", c.translateExpr(s.Call.Fun), strings.Join(args, ", "))

	case *ast.AssignStmt:
		if s.Tok != token.ASSIGN && s.Tok != token.DEFINE {
			var op token.Token
			switch s.Tok {
			case token.ADD_ASSIGN:
				op = token.ADD
			case token.SUB_ASSIGN:
				op = token.SUB
			case token.MUL_ASSIGN:
				op = token.MUL
			case token.QUO_ASSIGN:
				op = token.QUO
			case token.REM_ASSIGN:
				op = token.REM
			case token.AND_ASSIGN:
				op = token.AND
			case token.OR_ASSIGN:
				op = token.OR
			case token.XOR_ASSIGN:
				op = token.XOR
			case token.SHL_ASSIGN:
				op = token.SHL
			case token.SHR_ASSIGN:
				op = token.SHR
			case token.AND_NOT_ASSIGN:
				op = token.AND_NOT

			var parts []string
			lhs := s.Lhs[0]
			switch l := lhs.(type) {
			case *ast.IndexExpr:
				lhsVar := c.newVariable("_lhs")
				indexVar := c.newVariable("_index")
				parts = append(parts, lhsVar+" = "+c.translateExpr(l.X).String()+";")
				parts = append(parts, indexVar+" = "+c.translateExpr(l.Index).String()+";")
				lhs = c.setType(&ast.IndexExpr{
					X:     c.newIdent(lhsVar, c.p.info.Types[l.X].Type),
					Index: c.newIdent(indexVar, c.p.info.Types[l.Index].Type),
				}, c.p.info.Types[l].Type)
			case *ast.StarExpr:
				lhsVar := c.newVariable("_lhs")
				parts = append(parts, lhsVar+" = "+c.translateExpr(l.X).String()+";")
				lhs = c.setType(&ast.StarExpr{
					X: c.newIdent(lhsVar, c.p.info.Types[l.X].Type),
				}, c.p.info.Types[l].Type)
			case *ast.SelectorExpr:
				v := hasCallVisitor{c.p.info, false}
				ast.Walk(&v, l.X)
				if v.hasCall {
					lhsVar := c.newVariable("_lhs")
					parts = append(parts, lhsVar+" = "+c.translateExpr(l.X).String()+";")
					lhs = c.setType(&ast.SelectorExpr{
						X:   c.newIdent(lhsVar, c.p.info.Types[l.X].Type),
						Sel: l.Sel,
					}, c.p.info.Types[l].Type)
					c.p.info.Selections[lhs.(*ast.SelectorExpr)] = c.p.info.Selections[l]

			lhsType := c.p.info.Types[s.Lhs[0]].Type
			parts = append(parts, c.translateAssign(lhs, c.translateExpr(c.setType(&ast.BinaryExpr{
				X:  lhs,
				Op: op,
				Y:  c.setType(&ast.ParenExpr{X: s.Rhs[0]}, c.p.info.Types[s.Rhs[0]].Type),
			}, lhsType)).String(), lhsType, s.Tok == token.DEFINE))
			c.Printf("%s", strings.Join(parts, " "))

		if s.Tok == token.DEFINE {
			for _, lhs := range s.Lhs {
				if !isBlank(lhs) {
					obj := c.p.info.Defs[lhs.(*ast.Ident)]
					if obj == nil {
						obj = c.p.info.Uses[lhs.(*ast.Ident)]
					c.setType(lhs, obj.Type())

		switch {
		case len(s.Lhs) == 1 && len(s.Rhs) == 1:
			lhs := removeParens(s.Lhs[0])
			if isBlank(lhs) {
				v := hasCallVisitor{c.p.info, false}
				ast.Walk(&v, s.Rhs[0])
				if v.hasCall {
					c.Printf("%s;", c.translateExpr(s.Rhs[0]).String())
			lhsType := c.p.info.Types[s.Lhs[0]].Type
			c.Printf("%s", c.translateAssignOfExpr(lhs, s.Rhs[0], lhsType, s.Tok == token.DEFINE))

		case len(s.Lhs) > 1 && len(s.Rhs) == 1:
			tupleVar := c.newVariable("_tuple")
			out := tupleVar + " = " + c.translateExpr(s.Rhs[0]).String() + ";"
			tuple := c.p.info.Types[s.Rhs[0]].Type.(*types.Tuple)
			for i, lhs := range s.Lhs {
				lhs = removeParens(lhs)
				if !isBlank(lhs) {
					lhsType := c.p.info.Types[s.Lhs[i]].Type
					out += " " + c.translateAssignOfExpr(lhs, c.newIdent(fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", tupleVar, i), tuple.At(i).Type()), lhsType, s.Tok == token.DEFINE)
			c.Printf("%s", out)
		case len(s.Lhs) == len(s.Rhs):
			tmpVars := make([]string, len(s.Rhs))
			var parts []string
			for i, rhs := range s.Rhs {
				tmpVars[i] = c.newVariable("_tmp")
				if isBlank(removeParens(s.Lhs[i])) {
					v := hasCallVisitor{c.p.info, false}
					ast.Walk(&v, rhs)
					if v.hasCall {
						c.Printf("%s;", c.translateExpr(rhs).String())
				lhsType := c.p.info.Types[s.Lhs[i]].Type
				parts = append(parts, c.translateAssignOfExpr(c.newIdent(tmpVars[i], c.p.info.Types[s.Lhs[i]].Type), rhs, lhsType, true))
			for i, lhs := range s.Lhs {
				lhs = removeParens(lhs)
				if !isBlank(lhs) {
					parts = append(parts, c.translateAssign(lhs, tmpVars[i], c.p.info.Types[lhs].Type, s.Tok == token.DEFINE))
			c.Printf("%s", strings.Join(parts, " "))

			panic("Invalid arity of AssignStmt.")


	case *ast.IncDecStmt:
		t := c.p.info.Types[s.X].Type
		if iExpr, isIExpr := s.X.(*ast.IndexExpr); isIExpr {
			switch u := c.p.info.Types[iExpr.X].Type.Underlying().(type) {
			case *types.Array:
				t = u.Elem()
			case *types.Slice:
				t = u.Elem()
			case *types.Map:
				t = u.Elem()

		tok := token.ADD_ASSIGN
		if s.Tok == token.DEC {
			tok = token.SUB_ASSIGN
			Lhs: []ast.Expr{s.X},
			Tok: tok,
			Rhs: []ast.Expr{c.newInt(1, t)},
		}, label)

	case *ast.DeclStmt:
		decl := s.Decl.(*ast.GenDecl)
		switch decl.Tok {
		case token.VAR:
			for _, spec := range s.Decl.(*ast.GenDecl).Specs {
				valueSpec := spec.(*ast.ValueSpec)
				lhs := make([]ast.Expr, len(valueSpec.Names))
				for i, name := range valueSpec.Names {
					lhs[i] = name
				rhs := valueSpec.Values
				isTuple := false
				if len(rhs) == 1 {
					_, isTuple = c.p.info.Types[rhs[0]].Type.(*types.Tuple)
				for len(rhs) < len(lhs) && !isTuple {
					rhs = append(rhs, nil)
					Lhs: lhs,
					Tok: token.DEFINE,
					Rhs: rhs,
				}, "")
		case token.TYPE:
			for _, spec := range decl.Specs {
				o := c.p.info.Defs[spec.(*ast.TypeSpec).Name].(*types.TypeName)
				c.translateType(o, false)
		case token.CONST:
			// skip, constants are inlined

	case *ast.ExprStmt:
		expr := c.translateExpr(s.X)
		if expr != nil {
			c.Printf("%s;", expr)

	case *ast.LabeledStmt:
		c.translateStmt(s.Stmt, s.Label.Name)

	case *ast.GoStmt:
		c.Printf("$go(%s, [%s]);", c.translateExpr(s.Call.Fun), strings.Join(c.translateArgs(c.p.info.Types[s.Call.Fun].Type.Underlying().(*types.Signature), s.Call.Args, s.Call.Ellipsis.IsValid()), ", "))

	case *ast.SendStmt:
		chanType := c.p.info.Types[s.Chan].Type.Underlying().(*types.Chan)
		call := &ast.CallExpr{
			Fun:  c.newIdent("$send", types.NewSignature(nil, nil, types.NewTuple(types.NewVar(0, nil, "", chanType), types.NewVar(0, nil, "", chanType.Elem())), nil, false)),
			Args: []ast.Expr{s.Chan, s.Value},
		c.blocking[call] = true
		c.translateStmt(&ast.ExprStmt{call}, label)

	case *ast.SelectStmt:
		var channels []string
		var caseClauses []ast.Stmt
		flattened := false
		hasDefault := false
		for i, s := range s.Body.List {
			clause := s.(*ast.CommClause)
			switch comm := clause.Comm.(type) {
			case nil:
				channels = append(channels, "[]")
				hasDefault = true
			case *ast.ExprStmt:
				channels = append(channels, c.formatExpr("[%e]", removeParens(comm.X).(*ast.UnaryExpr).X).String())
			case *ast.AssignStmt:
				channels = append(channels, c.formatExpr("[%e]", removeParens(comm.Rhs[0]).(*ast.UnaryExpr).X).String())
			case *ast.SendStmt:
				channels = append(channels, c.formatExpr("[%e, %e]", comm.Chan, comm.Value).String())
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled: %T", comm))
			caseClauses = append(caseClauses, &ast.CaseClause{
				List: []ast.Expr{c.newInt(i, types.Typ[types.Int])},
				Body: clause.Body,
			flattened = flattened || c.flattened[clause]

		selectCall := c.setType(&ast.CallExpr{
			Fun:  c.newIdent("$select", types.NewSignature(nil, nil, types.NewTuple(types.NewVar(0, nil, "", types.NewInterface(nil, nil))), types.NewTuple(types.NewVar(0, nil, "", types.Typ[types.Int])), false)),
			Args: []ast.Expr{c.newIdent(fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", strings.Join(channels, ", ")), types.NewInterface(nil, nil))},
		}, types.Typ[types.Int])
		c.blocking[selectCall] = !hasDefault
		selectionVar := c.newVariable("_selection")
		c.Printf("%s = %s;", selectionVar, c.translateExpr(selectCall))

		translateCond := func(cond ast.Expr) *expression {
			return c.formatExpr("%s[0] === %e", selectionVar, cond)
		printCaseBodyPrefix := func(index int) {
			if assign, ok := s.Body.List[index].(*ast.CommClause).Comm.(*ast.AssignStmt); ok {
				switch rhsType := c.p.info.Types[assign.Rhs[0]].Type.(type) {
				case *types.Tuple:
					c.translateStmt(&ast.AssignStmt{Lhs: assign.Lhs, Rhs: []ast.Expr{c.newIdent(selectionVar+"[1]", rhsType)}, Tok: assign.Tok}, "")
					c.translateStmt(&ast.AssignStmt{Lhs: assign.Lhs, Rhs: []ast.Expr{c.newIdent(selectionVar+"[1][0]", rhsType)}, Tok: assign.Tok}, "")
		c.translateBranchingStmt(caseClauses, true, translateCond, printCaseBodyPrefix, label, flattened)

	case *ast.EmptyStmt:
		// skip

		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled statement: %T\n", s))

Example #30
func (c *funcContext) translateConversion(expr ast.Expr, desiredType types.Type) *expression {
	exprType := c.p.info.Types[expr].Type
	if types.Identical(exprType, desiredType) {
		return c.translateExpr(expr)

	if c.p.pkg.Path() == "reflect" {
		if call, isCall := expr.(*ast.CallExpr); isCall && types.Identical(c.p.info.Types[call.Fun].Type, types.Typ[types.UnsafePointer]) {
			if ptr, isPtr := desiredType.(*types.Pointer); isPtr {
				if named, isNamed := ptr.Elem().(*types.Named); isNamed {
					switch named.Obj().Name() {
					case "arrayType", "chanType", "funcType", "interfaceType", "mapType", "ptrType", "sliceType", "structType":
						return c.formatExpr("%e.%s", call.Args[0], named.Obj().Name()) // unsafe conversion
						return c.translateExpr(expr)

	switch t := desiredType.Underlying().(type) {
	case *types.Basic:
		switch {
		case t.Info()&types.IsInteger != 0:
			basicExprType := exprType.Underlying().(*types.Basic)
			switch {
			case is64Bit(t):
				if !is64Bit(basicExprType) {
					if basicExprType.Kind() == types.Uintptr { // this might be an Object returned from reflect.Value.Pointer()
						return c.formatExpr("new %1s(0, %2e.constructor === Number ? %2e : 1)", c.typeName(desiredType), expr)
					return c.formatExpr("new %s(0, %e)", c.typeName(desiredType), expr)
				return c.formatExpr("new %1s(%2h, %2l)", c.typeName(desiredType), expr)
			case is64Bit(basicExprType):
				if t.Info()&types.IsUnsigned == 0 && basicExprType.Info()&types.IsUnsigned == 0 {
					return c.fixNumber(c.formatParenExpr("%1l + ((%1h >> 31) * 4294967296)", expr), t)
				return c.fixNumber(c.formatExpr("%s.$low", c.translateExpr(expr)), t)
			case basicExprType.Info()&types.IsFloat != 0:
				return c.formatParenExpr("%e >> 0", expr)
			case types.Identical(exprType, types.Typ[types.UnsafePointer]):
				return c.translateExpr(expr)
				return c.fixNumber(c.translateExpr(expr), t)
		case t.Info()&types.IsFloat != 0:
			if t.Kind() == types.Float64 && exprType.Underlying().(*types.Basic).Kind() == types.Float32 {
				return c.formatExpr("$coerceFloat32(%f)", expr)
			return c.formatExpr("%f", expr)
		case t.Info()&types.IsComplex != 0:
			return c.formatExpr("new %1s(%2r, %2i)", c.typeName(desiredType), expr)
		case t.Info()&types.IsString != 0:
			value := c.translateExpr(expr)
			switch et := exprType.Underlying().(type) {
			case *types.Basic:
				if is64Bit(et) {
					value = c.formatExpr("%s.$low", value)
				if et.Info()&types.IsNumeric != 0 {
					return c.formatExpr("$encodeRune(%s)", value)
				return value
			case *types.Slice:
				if types.Identical(et.Elem().Underlying(), types.Typ[types.Rune]) {
					return c.formatExpr("$runesToString(%s)", value)
				return c.formatExpr("$bytesToString(%s)", value)
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled conversion: %v\n", et))
		case t.Kind() == types.UnsafePointer:
			if unary, isUnary := expr.(*ast.UnaryExpr); isUnary && unary.Op == token.AND {
				if indexExpr, isIndexExpr := unary.X.(*ast.IndexExpr); isIndexExpr {
					return c.formatExpr("$sliceToArray(%s)", c.translateConversionToSlice(indexExpr.X, types.NewSlice(types.Typ[types.Uint8])))
				if ident, isIdent := unary.X.(*ast.Ident); isIdent && ident.Name == "_zero" {
					return c.formatExpr("new Uint8Array(0)")
			if ptr, isPtr := c.p.info.Types[expr].Type.(*types.Pointer); c.p.pkg.Path() == "syscall" && isPtr {
				if s, isStruct := ptr.Elem().Underlying().(*types.Struct); isStruct {
					array := c.newVariable("_array")
					target := c.newVariable("_struct")
					c.Printf("%s = new Uint8Array(%d);", array, sizes32.Sizeof(s))
					c.Delayed(func() {
						c.Printf("%s = %s, %s;", target, c.translateExpr(expr), c.loadStruct(array, target, s))
					return c.formatExpr("%s", array)
			if call, ok := expr.(*ast.CallExpr); ok {
				if id, ok := call.Fun.(*ast.Ident); ok && id.Name == "new" {
					return c.formatExpr("new Uint8Array(%d)", int(sizes32.Sizeof(c.p.info.Types[call.Args[0]].Type)))

	case *types.Slice:
		switch et := exprType.Underlying().(type) {
		case *types.Basic:
			if et.Info()&types.IsString != 0 {
				if types.Identical(t.Elem().Underlying(), types.Typ[types.Rune]) {
					return c.formatExpr("new %s($stringToRunes(%e))", c.typeName(desiredType), expr)
				return c.formatExpr("new %s($stringToBytes(%e))", c.typeName(desiredType), expr)
		case *types.Array, *types.Pointer:
			return c.formatExpr("new %s(%e)", c.typeName(desiredType), expr)

	case *types.Pointer:
		if s, isStruct := t.Elem().Underlying().(*types.Struct); isStruct {
			if c.p.pkg.Path() == "syscall" && types.Identical(exprType, types.Typ[types.UnsafePointer]) {
				array := c.newVariable("_array")
				target := c.newVariable("_struct")
				return c.formatExpr("(%s = %e, %s = %s, %s, %s)", array, expr, target, c.zeroValue(t.Elem()), c.loadStruct(array, target, s), target)
			return c.formatExpr("$clone(%e, %s)", expr, c.typeName(t.Elem()))

		if !types.Identical(exprType, types.Typ[types.UnsafePointer]) {
			return c.formatExpr("new %1s(%2e.$get, %2e.$set)", c.typeName(desiredType), expr)

	case *types.Interface:
		if types.Identical(exprType, types.Typ[types.UnsafePointer]) {
			return c.translateExpr(expr)

	return c.translateImplicitConversion(expr, desiredType)